Twenty Four

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His eyes never moved from my body. Every breath I took, his eyes would catch it. Even the slightest flinch of the finger he would catch. We stayed in our positions for what seemed like hours. I didn't know what to say, and from the expression on his face, neither did he. Both of us were lost; lost in the thought that one wrong word and everything would vanish.

The silence was killing me. Silence was never a good thing, and fearing the worst, I finally spoke, "Killian..."

"Y...y... you walked away..." There was so much pain in his words. I couldn't help but flinch at his tone.

"I know...I'm sorry..."

"Are you?" He asked it like it was the most normal question in the word, but it felt like I had just been shot.

"Of course I am... why wouldn't I be?"

"You never were one to feel sympathy or well, feelings in general..."

"Killian I don't want to fight. I came here to talk to you."

"Now you want to talk?" He snapped making me flinch. I dropped my gaze and remained silent. It wasn't until I heard him sit down at his desk that I responded.

"I'm sorry I ran away Killian. Out of everything you could have said, telling me that you were in love with me, was the last thing I would have ever thought of."


"Because it's you, and after you quit talking to me a few years back I didn't think you really cared for me at all..."

"Do you not think that I have feelings?"

"Of course not," I sighed, "That's not what I meant."

"So what did you mean?"

"I meant that I thought that since you had this new life that there was no need for me in your life. This is not my world; anyone can see that."

"So you think that I would put my work before those who are closest to me?"

"Then you tell me why you never answered my messages!?" I hissed.

"It seemed like you were pretty happy with your life."

"So at that point you just decided that you weren't needed?"

"You had others."

"That didn't mean they replaced you!"

"Clearly they did."

"What are you talking about?"

"I use to look at your Facebook, see how everything was going, make sure you were all seemed really happy..."

"First of Killian, that's stalkerish. Secondly, pictures can be deceiving."

"So can people."

"You're trying to start a fight. Stop. I came here to talk to you Killian, not fight."

"You walked out."

"I was shocked and scared!"

"Why scared?"

"Because of reasons..."

"So there is no reason..."

"No there is, it's just-"

"Just stop Mia. There is no reason and I have a meeting soon." Tears sprung to life. At that moment, I was extremely grateful I was wearing sunglasses.

"Killian please-"

"Please leave."

"No we need to-"

"I have no need for you to be here-"

"I've lost two people who I have loved Killian," I snapped, tears streaming down my face as their faces both appeared in the back of my mind, "When you told me you loved me I was scared that I was going to lose you to! I am at my limit Killian; I can't lose you to! I will not be able to survive if you're gone too. I almost lost myself when Carden left, but I will be lost if you disappear. So yes, I ran, because my heart can't handle any more pain. I was terrified of giving my heart out to someone again. I keep losing people Killian and it's killing me! I'm tired of the tears, I'm tired of funerals, I'm tired of being left alone in the darkness, I'm tired of crying my eyes out at night because I feel so alone.

"So yes, I fucking walked out, and after that I cried my eyes out again because I realized that I love you too and that if I give you my heart that there is a good chance that I am going to get hurt again. I can't stand the pain anymore! I want it to stop-" his warmth suddenly surrounded me. I felt his arms tighten around my upper back, pulling me against his chest. My words were gone. All I could do was stand there, clutching onto him as my wall came tumbling down.

"Go!" We both ran back towards the RHIB, our barrels pointed down range as we moved throughout the ship. I kept thinking of the path in my head; left, right, third door on the right, first set of stairs, through three doors, down the hall to the right, fourth door to left, across the flight deck and into the water.

Behind me Carden kept sweeping the area; in front of us, behind us, left, right, above and below. By now we were in a dead sprint, each turn a guessing chance.

Her breaths were coming in heavy, the wound in her shoulder bleeding through the front of her uniform. I turned to check on her but she just shoved me forward.

The third door to the right came up, I swung my barrel around the corner, saw the black clothing and the small hand gun and fired three times. The man fell before he could get out a single shot. My heart skipped a beat as we moved over the body, my eyes landing on the ladder well.

I took the steps two at a time, my foot slipping at the top. Carden caught me and shoved me to my feet before I could even start to fall. I could practically see her yelling 'klutz.' At this point I was worried about our lives, but I couldn't help but smile.

"You're getting slow Renee."

"Shut it Carden!" I snapped as another man rounded the corner. I didn't waste a second, my finger found the trigger and he was down before he could realize what was even going on.

The three doors came up quickly. I was at the first one when I felt something tear through my left calf. I fell with a scream on my lips. Carden hulled me off the ground, her arms wrapped around my shoulder. In front of us two tan suits came into view. They shouted our names and ran for us. We were half way to them when I felt Carden's body jerk. Her arm went slack and I felt myself falling again.

"Martin, get Renee out of here! That's an order!" My eyes went wide. I turned towards her, a protest on my lips, but froze when I finally realized how pale she'd become. She'd lost a lot more blood then I had realized. "Tell Mike I love him, with all my heart," silent tears starting falling down her hallowed cheeks, "Thank you for everything Mia, I wish you knew just how much you mean to me..."

"Ashley...what are you-" the sound of fired bullets filled the p-way. Her body jerked six more times, my eyes widening. I started screaming, lunging for her, when a set of arms wrapped around my waist and started pulling me away. "Let go!" I screamed, my heart dropping into my stomach as Carden's body jerked two more times. She smiled at me, blood dripping from her lips. "No!! Let go!! Carden! CARDEN!!" Sobs broke from my chest, my breathing becoming heavy and unstable, "We have to go back!! We have to save her!! Let go Martin! LET GO GOD DAMN IT! YOU FUCKING BASTARD! LET GO!" I slammed my fist into his jaw and broke free, my leg giving out the moment I put pressure on it. Suddenly I was off the ground, my body being dragged across the p-way, away from Ashley. "What are you doing!? SAVE HER!! YOU CAN'T LEAVE HER!!" Carden collapsed. A man grabbed her, pulling at her pony tail to expose her neck. His brown eyes met mine and everything froze. Slowly and collectively, he slid a small silver blade across her threat, all the light in her eyes draining as crimson red fell to the floor.

Everything hit me at once, a sharp pain slicing through my chest, "I'LL KILL YOU, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!! DO YOU HEAR ME!? I'LL FUCKING RIP YOUR THROAT OUT!!" Sunlight swamped me. I tried to break free again, my anger numbing the pain, when suddenly I was off the ground, my body flying through the air. Grey, steel, walls slid by and my body crashed into a hard surface that immediately consumed my body. My lungs burned for air, my suit suddenly plastered to my skin. Something tugged at my collar, my body speeding through the water.

Air rushed back into my lungs, my chest on the verge of collapsing. "Renee are you-"

"YOU BASTARD!!" I lunched for him, my fist connected with his face as his head hit the deck. Suddenly I was flung backwards.

"Tie her down!" Someone ordered. Two other guys tackled me, pinning my arms behind my back. The boat-O came from the left; she quickly tied a knot connecting my wrists to the forward steading line cleat. I tugged at them and screamed.

"YOU'RE JUST GOING TO LEAVE HER!? COWARDS!!" Heat swarmed us, next to us the small vessel lit up. Fire spreading throughout the ship.

'Oh God...'


"I'm sorry Mia..." He whispered.

"Don't be...there's nothing that can be done..."

"You should know, I wouldn't leave you..."

"That's what both my father and Carden said..."

"Look at me," he slid a finger under my chin and tilted my head back, "I would not leave you. I would go against Death himself to be with you."

"Don't say that. Killian...I don't...I don't want to be in fear every moment I'm awake. Even you getting hurt-"

"Mia I'm not going to leave you, plain and simple. You came back, so obviously, that means some part of you is willing to look past that fear."

"Killian..." I froze, my heart constricting at the reason to why I came here.

"I can handle whatever you throw at me. You forget that I've had to deal with you practically all my life."

"I did come here to tell you that I felt the same way that you did..."


"We can't have a relationship," his body went still. It took everything I had to not start crying again, "At least not have work here to do, and my plane leaves tomorrow for Washington."

"I can do long distance for you-"

"But I can't," I stepped away from his arms, "I'm sorry Killian but I can't do long distance relationship, and I know you have a jet that you can use and what not but I'm not going to have you distracted from work by always flying out to see me. I'm not saying just give up on the idea, just...wait for me."

"We can work something out Mia." He reached out but I stepped back, wrapping my arms around my shoulders to keep myself from shivering.

"I can't Killian. I wish...there is so much you don't understand, but now is not the right time for it..."

"So you really came here just to tell me that you don't want to be with me?" His words went hollow. He was hurt. I wanted so bad to comfort him. It took everything to stay still.

"I do want to be with you Killian, so much it scares me, but our lives are too different to work anything out..."

"Then stay here!"

"I can't Killian. I have to go back to the navy. I am bound by contract."

"I'll fight against it!"

"You can't."

"There has to be a way!"

"Just give it time Killian. My contract will be over eventually and everything will work out."

"I can move to Washington! Work from a laptop-"

"You are the boss need to be here. Don't let your feelings for me cloud your decisions. I'm just a girl-"

"No you're not," he caught me by my arm, "You are so much more then that Mia. I would put you above my company every single day if given the opportunity."

"Killian please-"

"I love you Mia."

"And I love you, but-" He yanked me forward, his mouth crashing onto my own as my body crashed against his. My eyes went wide, but my body went completely slack. His lips were perfect. Soft and plump, and they moved so smoothly. I didn't realize what was happening until I felt my back against the glass wall that if hadn't been clouded would probably show Max as shocked as I was.

My fingers found his hair and I instantly grabbed a hold. There was a moan, but I couldn't tell if it was from him or myself. I didn't care. My core was on fire. I could feel my body heating and twisting, all of it yearning for more.

His lips broke free and started down an invisible trail towards my neck. I struggle against him, my body arching forward in hopes for more. His mouth stopped right at my chest, both of us suddenly going still.

"I... I'm sorry..." He whispered hoarsely.

"Don't be." I didn't want you to stop...

"Please stay..."

"I can't Killian."

"So this is goodbye then?"

"I guess it is." I shrugged. He leaned down and kissed me again, only this time it was short and sorrowful. It took everything I had not to pull him back to me.

"I will always love you Mia."

"I know," he stepped back, the distance between us seeming so much more than it really was, "Goodbye Killian..." Neither of us said anything more. I turned without a word and walked away, opening the office door and froze as I found myself staring down the barrel of a nine millimeter pistol.


Cliff hanger!!! 😁😁😁

Any guesses to what is going to happen next?

Next update will be in two weeks only because the next chapter I going to be completely rewritten.

I love you all.

- Stiel

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