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Things here don't add up. These memories, if I can even call them memories, were fragments of an supposedly life.. Atleast that is what I assume. I was laughing with friends, simply smiling at a dumb scene acted out by teenagers fighting over the remote. But.. Was that something out of my past life? Or was it something else entirely? Who knows? Definetly not me. However, I did know one thing about this mansion and all this psychopaths, I am not very welcomed. Maybe this world is too difficult for me to understand.. The people that crossed the line of death but still came back, fiction becoming reality and scientific research that turned into monsters. I just knew it, I wasn't supposed to be here. But what i-

Sally snapped me back out of my thoughts. What could she possibly want now? The girl handed me a sheet of paper, clearly she wanted me to look at the picture. She was there, in a house, looking out the window. Her significant pink dress and bow, as well as her teddy bear, were drawn together with a brown mob of hair. The house looked pretty roughly shaped. Maybe a old shake? The walls were white, the roof black and covered with green dots, probably moose. The house had some stairs leading to the front door. On top of them sat a person with two hatchets. Probably Ticci Toby, I guess. Next to the house was a purely drawn forest with slenderman standing obviously in the center. He carried someone.. Well it was rather holding them upside down by the feet. The person looked like Jeff and BEN was next to them, snickering ofcourse. Sally noticed my confusion, as to why she gave me this and pointed at the roof of the house. There I sat, a shadow of myself next to me and starring at the moon, away from where the others where looking. Sally thought she needed to comment this one "You are special and diffrent, so I made you look into a diffrent direction.". I smile at her thanks and ruffle her head, she laughed and continued to watch TV with BEN.

I look out the window. I do that often lately. What was behind these endless trees again? A fence.. High and standing under electricity. Lately I got sick of this mansion. Of this constant chaos and annoying things that don't make sense. How old was I again? I hate to be stuck here.. Wow, I sound like a rebellious teenager. I'll just ask tall man if I can leave for a few hours.

1 hour later..

Long story short, I can leave for the whole night but I need to go shopping and kill a few people. I dressed in a simple hoodie and put on a hygienic mask. My jeans had a washed out blue and I only carried a knife and a gun with me. Should be enough, no? First to the killing part. Rumors had it that this forest was cursed and strange things happen here. Ofcourse, as dumb as teenagers sometimes are, they camp here, hoping to meet someone or something scary. Even if it's 'just' a bear. We'll, I'm guessing this is such a case. I walk through the woods, looking out for any fires glowing in the dark. But I spotted none. Instead there was a bright red tent and.. Children's laughter? Fuck. My victims was a young family.. Ugh, annoying remorse.

But my hesitation didn't last long. I quickly moved, turning off the lights and slitting the throat of the child. That desperation in the parents eyes! It's fantastic. The loss of their child and the knowledge that they are next. I shushed them and motioned them to smile. They tried, but broke down in tears. My chuckle fills the silence and I reach forward, putting some loose strands of hair behind the mother's ear. A grin plastered my face as I stab her right through the stomach. Watching as she tries to stop the bleeding. Her husband watches horrofied and I grin at him aswell, motioning him that he could try to save her. He ofcours hesitates but then moves towards her. Once he reached her and took her hand, I cut his head off. An almost clinical cut.
I bring the corpses to the fence, making them visible for everyone. I placed them so they would look like they cuddle, though one is missing a head and the rest is bleeding like crazy. Around the womans neck hangs a sign saying :"A mother should always watch her children. Loosing them hurts more than being stabbed in the heart"
Why the sign? Easy! The parents were reckless and should have never even visit these woods in the first place! Who on earth brings their children to a random dangerous place just because??

___________________________________---------------------------¡¿!? ------------------------

Enjoy your day! ~

I really forgot his age and I have no clue how to continue but I will do my best in about.. Half a year? Just kidding! But seriously, don't expect anything new anytime soon. Maybe in two weeks. Maybe in two month

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