Disaster Hits

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Annie burns. A normal yet not so normal high school student. She is always known to have a phone in her hand or a Sci-Fi novel in the other. When it rains it usually means global warning and that there was something going on in the universe. Yes, Typical Annie Burns. She was five for four with red brown hair. It reached her middle back ad she was always seem wearing black or striped clothes. She was, as the other students called her, Strange. She girl stepped out of her school building into the welcoming heat of of the summer.

A small smile played across her lips, It was the first day of summer vacation and she was already thinking about hitting the library. Other teens her age would think partying and or drinking would be nice, Or even simply hanging out with friends; but not her. She stepped off the steps in her three inch heels and made her way to a shining black limo. Her father must have sent her a ride. She got in and looked at her driver.


"Yes My'Lady?"

"Take me to the Library."

A small smirk rose to his mouth and he nodded, " Alrighty then."

The limo jerked forward. Annie sat back and relaxed against the leather seats. Marcus was the only one that would listen to her strange and sometimes crazy ideas. She would come up with problems and try to come up with the answers. To her it was the best game to be played. She sighed and looked up the window. Her phone vibrated and revealed a picture of and older man. Her father. She snarled and thrust the phone back into her school bag. Her father, Dane Burns, was a high worker in the company's business; A very high one. He owned the building and everything they made. So what she was rich? Her father found it easier to sent her gifts instead of visit and when he did he couldn't stand it. It was probably because of her mother.

Dane and Kate, the wonder couple of the year were finally getting a divorce. From the beginning of the marriage there was nothing but cheating and drunken nights in the Burns household. Annie herself didn't want to put up with it so she buried her life in her books. When they hired butlers and maids they made sure they were Anna's age so that she could talk to them; instead she was mostly hated because she was eating at the table and they were serving her. Annie sighed.

That's when the limo crashed forward and her head flew against the window pane. Blood came off her brow and her vision went black.


There wasn't any sound. She heard another blast but it was two late. Everything faded into darkness.


Dane cursed silently and dialed again. That stubborn daughter of his was always on her phone so why wasn't she answering now? He swore and looked over his shoulder at his business partner. Or should he say his business partners son. For some reason Kate had decided to show up right in the middle of his meeting. She was screaming and throwing her divorce papers at his head and cussing him out in front of the whole company. He gritted his teeth as Annie's voice mail picked up. He had to get Kate out of here and Annie was the only one who could do that. He looked at her and she furrowed her brow.

"She won't pick up..."

She glared at him, " Then I guess I'm going with you on your meeting."

Dane bit his lip to stop from screaming at this idiotic women. In all his years it had been this way. Oh yes, maybe he had fallen for Kate's charm and her blond hair; but that was it. How he ever loved her enough to marry her, that was what he could not remember.

He shoved his phone into his pocket and glared at the women." If you want to go then act correctly."

She sighed, and then smiled sarcastically, " Of course dear, I will follow your ever command." Then she frowned, " Like your own personal ROBOT!"


She was sending him daggers with her eyes. He looked at his clients son. The kid wasn't saying a word and he even looked uncomfortable.

"Um Ian?"

The teen looked up, " Huh?"

"lets get going to the meeting. Your father is waiting for us."

The kid dipped his head and smirked. They all got into the limo, even Kate. The women sat across from them and was smiling like a  stupid idiot the whole time..

"My father will be happy to make the deal with you Dane. It is a bid deal for your company and ours."

The older man nodded. He wasn't really listening to the kid because the limo had slowed and they were now stopped.

"Driver, Whats going on?"

"Just a run in sir..."

He nodded and sat back a bit annoyed. How was he supposed to explain himself if he was late? The deal would dwindle to nothing in seconds. All was quiet and all that could be heard was the typing  of phones and rings as they were sent. The man sighed and went to reach for his water. Before his hand made it to tits spot the glass fell over. He furrowed his brow and looked up at Kate. She was as white as snow. It looked like a ghost had appeared or something. Then the limo shook hard. Dane looked up and grasped the seat and tried to find a hold. It was like an earth quake. A sharp violent earth quake. The man looked out the window and saw people running, screaming and dying. He didn't even know why. They were just dropping over. Blood surfaced on their skin and they looked unrecognizable. He chocked at the scene and looked away.

Dane moved his attention to Kate. She was screaming as wailing over the sound of the earth. The man reached out to her and then it all just stopped. He paused and looked out the window again. The problem? The limo started to tilt right in a deep crack in the earth. Dane froze and then tightened his seat belt.

Ian was shocked as his breath was coming out in rasped.


No answer. The older man looked through to window and noticed blood everywhere. It was like the guy had just exploded or something. He gagged

"Kate...Move to the other side of the limo, Slowly."

She nodded; still in shock. The women inched her way towards the opposite door; But it was too  late. The limo creaked and fell over in a great force. Kate's body was flung up and she hit the roof hard. They were falling and there was no way to stop it...


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