Where Are We?

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Lost In Darkness


Dark, It was so dark and every image around her was blurry. Oil and smoke filled her nose and the blood on her temple had become sticky and almost unbearable. Then her eyes opened; Slowly; Painfully. She tried to look around but all she saw was an Erie light. It was blue; shining and beautiful. It was almost like a fantasy. Almost like a dream that a child would have. But it wasn't. What had happened flashed through her mind. They had fallen.....Into a deep hole. Like a Chasm. The ground had shaken and her Limo driver did not answer her. She wasn't going to the library now. Now she just wanted to open her eyes. She wanted to see.

"Annie? Annie?"

The teenage girl winced as a sharp pain eluded her head and made her sick to the stomach. When her eyes were finally open all she saw was darkness and shining objects. They were jagged but beautiful; but the sight that awaited her when her eyes opened was far from beautiful. People had fallen on the rocks. The jagged stone pierced them and their blood was pouring everywhere on the ground. Then she realized that she had been in a car. A limo in fact. Where was she? Ah, Her head was pounding in pain.

She lifted her eyes and looked around. The limo was nothing more than crumpled up metal. She must have gotten thrown out or someone helped her out. She looked for the voice that was calling her name.


Her vision cleared and her saw the tall Limo driver standing over her. Blood stained his white uniform and his suit sleeve was torn to shreds. His eyes were blood shot from lack of sleep and worry.

"Annie, " He knelled down, " Don't move."

She looked at him confused and sat up quickly; But she regretted it. Pain shot through her leg and she screamed in agony. Marcus held her down and looked her in the eye.

"I said don't move. I think it may be broken."

She huffed out a breath as pain raked her body, " What happened?"

The mans brow furrowed, " You tell me and then maybe I'll have an idea."

Annie snorted out in irritation. This place was cold and her body shook uncontrollably. Her leg was pounding as her heart beat was beating faster to produce more blood for the injury. She looked up. The Limo fell; And then everything went black. It was terrifying. It was a good thing she passed out before the car had hit the ground. When her eyes lifted to see the sky she was shocked.

All that was ahead was darkness. Like a caves roof but with no end. It was high up and no light could even make it down there. She grimaced and looked at Marcus who seemed to be pondering something.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"This place makes me uneasy Annie. We have to get moving."

The girl scoffed at him and then motioned to her leg, " Try your best. I'm not moving Marcus."

He sighed and looked around. He eyes searching the area like a hawk; but of course he was trained for situations like this. Well not exactly like this but dangerous situations. She watched him go over the a broken car and start ripping at the door. Then he raided a suit case and found a white shirt.

"What are you doing?"

He looked at her grimly and grabbed her leg, " Hold still. I need to splint it so you can at least stand up. If you can do that than we can move."

The girl sighed, " Why are you so eager on getting out?"

Fear rose up in her. Why did they have to move? They could stay right here and wait for help. That's all they needed.

"You know as much as I do that the earth is still shifting from the quak. This is one of those times where the hole closes back up."

Annie froze, " Are you trying to tell me that."

He nodded, " The Chasm is closing in on us..."


"Dane? Dane open your eyes!"

The man grunted as his eyes fluttered open. It was dark. So dark. Where were they? His head turned to the side; His gaze setting on his window. Suddenly fear flooded in him. All he saw was darkness; miles of it, And it was a quick drop down too. He tried to look around but he himself couldn't find any light.


He heard her mutter something," Dane? Are you alive?"

The older man winced and slowly made his way towards her. It was so dark but a loud creak sounded through out the car.


He heard Ian scream, " We're hanging on a ledge; If we fall we're dead for sure!"

Dane stopped and looked around, He couldn't see anything. Then he remembered he had a lighter in his pocket. He pulled it out and watched the flame dance. What he saw was horrible. Kate had blood pouring out of her mouth and it amazed him that she didn't break her neck. Ian looked fine but the kid was pretty pale. Another sound creak sounded and Dane winced. Everyone seemed frozen and their breathing was even still.

"We have to move...This ledge has to be at least one hundred; two hundred feet deep. This car is going to fall."

"I'M NOT GOING TO MOVE DANE!" Ian screamed, panic filling his voice.

"THAN JUST DIE! Kate....I need you to move."

She looked at him fear in her eyes, " Dane I'm not.."

"LISTEN TO ME! Grab the safety belt and cut it off with my pocket knife.." He tossed it to her and she grasped it, " Then tie it to the ledge...."


"DO IT!"

The woman looked at him in fear but slowly nodded. The limo door creaked open as she sliced the belt off. She then started to climb out of the car; Kate got to the edge and prepared to tie the belt to a rock.

The limo creaked again and Dane's door flew open, He grasped the seat as his body started to slide down the floor to the perilous fall. Kate dangled the belt down to him and he grasped on.

"Ian, Grab my hand!"

"I'm not moving man....I'm not moving..."


The teen whimpered and grasped the older mans hand; Kate winced at the weight. Dane started to crawl himself up; Ian climbed over him to where Kate was and grasped the older mans hand to help pull him up; Then the Limo creaked again and a loud snap sounded. The whole thing started to slide and the three watched as it plummeted to the bottom. They didn't even hear it hit the ground as it disappeared into the darkness.

Kate and Ian pulled Dane up.

"Okay, Man...Now we're on a ledge. What next? Fairies are going to come and carry us to safety?!?" Ian yelled.

"No," Dane looked at him calmly, " We'll wait for help."

"HELP!? Kate screamed, " WHAT HELP!?"

Dane sighed, " Fine, This ledge is like a path, I'm sure it could lead somewhere; Maybe a cave or a town.."

"A town inside the ground!? ARE YOU CRAZY??"

Dane gritted his teeth, " Kate; Shut up. If not a town then maybe a place where its not so cold."

Ian grew quiet and he nodded slowly, " He's right; If we stay here we'll freeze to death."

Kate furrowed her brow, " Freeze?" She sighed and looked across the long, Narrow ledge, " Dane goes first. So if he falls I know its not safe."

The older man rolled his eyes, " Thank you Kate, I'll be sure to remember that."

Dane pulled out his cell phone and looked at the contacts; His fingers dialed 911 but it wrong unresponsive in his ear. Ian sighed, " Radio waves can't reach this far down in the earth."

The older man cursed," Right...What else could go wrong?"


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