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jungkook: jimin?

jungkook: baby why are you not replying my messages??

jungkook: im getting worried.

jungkook: did something happen??

jungkook: minie i miss you )):

jungkook: please dont be like this.

"jungkook, i told you to sleep" the black haired looks up from his phone, seeing yoongi standing at the doorway.

"how am i supposed to sleep? you told me to not find jimin? what the hell" the younger mutters, looking back at his phone anxiously. he has been having a bad feeling since the last hour, he's not even sure why.

yoongi sighs, closing the door and walking nearer to the sick boy and exhales sharply.

"jungkook-ah" he starts off shakily, cursing himself for not being strong.

"why are you looking at me like that hyung? don't look at me like that, you're making me feel more worried than i already am" jungkook switched off his phone, biting his bottom lip.

"jungkook, jimin-"

"what? what about him?"

"fuck, stop making it difficult for me" the mint haired males pulls at his hair lightly, eyeing the younger for a moment.

"you're boyfriend, he's not with us anymore" jungkook remains stoic, his face looking more pale but he just blinks at the nurse before it dawned into him.

"y-you're joking right? he told me he'll stay for a month more, don't fucking joke like that yoongi!"

"i'm not-"

"no! stop, just stop. i don't believe it" jungkook cries, hugging his knees as the tears fall, his figure shaking in distress.

yoongi clenches his eyes as he feels the tears pricking the corners.

the older was about to say something when his phone rang.

"what is it tae?"

"jimin, he, oh god yoongi he's alive. he's alive! i-" there was sniffing before he heard faint laughters from the younger boy on the line. "i'm so happy, i need you to come here and see him because i still can't believe it"

"how can it-" the mint haired trails off, disbelief in his his features.

"it's a miracle, really. doctor kim said not many have survived but he did. i'm so proud of him" then there was faint sobs on the line before he hung up, looking at the younger who is grieving silently.

"i take back everything, follow me now"


"jimin!" the black haired bursted through the lab, freezing in his spot once he saw the other male, his thin figure laying motionlessly on the hospital. jimin turns, smiling weakly through his oxygen mask and jungkook lost it.

he throws himself onto the brown haired male, loud and broken sobs slipping from his lips.

"i- i thought i lost you. i was so scared. i- jimin you made me scared on a whole new level you know that. i hate you, i hate you" jungkook whimpers as he hits the other's chest weakly, hands balling up to a fist when jimin brings his own to thread their fingers together slowly.

"i promised you didn't i? that i'll stay" the older whispers softly, his voice cracking slightly that made jungkook cry out more as he removes one hand to run through the younger male's hair soothingly.

"don't cry baby, i told you i hate seeing you crying. i wanna see your smile, not tears" jungkook looks up, and through glistening eyes, he smiles brokenly, planting a chaste kiss onto the other's forehead before pulls back.

"thank you, for staying with me" jungkook whispered lovingly as he strokes jimin's hand.

"i'm so proud of you jimin" taehyung says weakly, being eye-level to the latter as he smiles through his tears. jimin brings his hand to taehyung's neck, pulling him down so that their forehead are placed together as the younger cries silently, closing his eyes.

it's a miracle really, not many patients survived yet jimin did. when they thought jimin was gone, yoongi had went and told jungkook while doctor kim asks taehyung to set up the defibrillator as he injects more drugs into the other's body.

"what are you doing doctor?" taehyung wipes away his tears as he looks at the other male briefly before setting up the machine and placing it next to the bed.

"trying my luck, honestly"

the surgeon picks up the two apparatus and rubs them together for a short moment before pressing the start button, the machine wiring up and attaching it to jimin's chest, the smaller's back arching before it jumps back down.

"come on jimin, you can do this" he said softly as his brows knitted together in concentration, placing the object to his chest again for multiple times.

and the monitor beeped back to life.

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