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"when yoongi told me you were dead, i honestly didn't believe it" jungkook mumbled into the older's neck as his eyes fluttered shut, hands tracing patterns onto jimin's chest.

the two were in jimin's room, the said male being brought back after a few hours of checking and scanning. their limbs were tangled with each other, trying to close the non existable space between them.

"my mind went blank and i started shaking because i couldn't believe it, i didn't want to believe it" jungkook sighed as he placed a soft peck on the other's neck before looking up, fear in his eyes that jimin noticed.

jimin brought their laced hands up to his mouth, kissing the other's hand softly before he brought his lips up to jungkook's forehead, resting them there for a while. he cupped the vulnerable boy's cheeks softly, caressing his face as the rested his forehead against jungkook's.

"you know i can't do anything, baby i love you but i can't do anything" and a tear fell from his eyes that made jungkook's heart clench painfully because jimin rarely cries. he never cries. it felt like air was pushed out of his lungs and the pain he is feeling right now can't be explained.

the black haired remembered a time when his cancer had punched a great impact on him that he went unconscious for two days, and the pain kicked in when he woke up, not as painful as before but he feels numb. when the doctor injects more medication in him and checks him, he stays silent and pliant to everything the doctor and nurses did. the nurse asked him to rate his pain from one to ten and since the male can't speak, he held up nine fingers and the nurse told him how strong he was, because he gave a nine instead of a ten despite the pain. the truth was, he was saving his ten.

and he guess this was it, this was the great ten. only time will tell how it will all fall apart and how jungkook will fall apart.

"i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry jungkook, i'm so sorry" jimin kept on repeating that in raspy whispers, the tears cascading down slowly.

jungkook shakes his head as his eyes squeezes shut, bring up his own hand to hold jimin's face and bring his lips to the other's, kissing his boyfriend slowly, intimately and expressing everying that can't be voiced in words.

jungkook pulled away slowly, breathing against jimin's lips as he wipes away the tears.

"don't say sorry, you did nothing wrong, i love you jimin" he wrapped his arms around the other's neck, burying his face into jimin's shoulder as their breathing slowed down.

"i wish i could have been a better person for you" jimin said softly as he kissed the other's head, lips lingering there as he sighed.

"you are the only one i need and i would never trade someone else other than you because you are mine and i love you park jimin"

thank you for 80k reads on this shitty book lolol ily.

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