Chapter 10: Confession

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"It's okay. Everything is going to be okay." 

"I'll always be here for you......................................Y/N." 

Next Chapter! 

Third Person POV 

It's been a few days since the incident with Leah. Ever since then. Death-Gun and Death's Messenger has been keeping an eye on Y/N. The two mercenaries kept a lookout on his activities to make sure he doesn't go on a killing spree. Ever since Cinder, Mercury, Salem, and Neo have been avoiding Y/N. Afraid of seeing what he nearly did to them. Mercury barely survived the stab wound when Y/N stabbed him through the upper chest with his HF blade. Salem was put into the ER from the wounds she earned. Cinder on the other hand was traumatized. Seeing how the boy she cheated on has truly changed. From someone being quiet to someone who is skillful. More skillful than some of the upper class man. Only to be stopped by two mercenaries, Goodwitch, and Ozpin. 

Y/N's POV 

I slowly woke up as I felt someone running their hand through my hair. I looked up and it was Leah. 

Leah: Hey Y/N. 
She said with a soft smile. 

"Hey Leah. How are you feeling?" 
I asked as I sat up. 

Leah: Feeling a little better........*Stomach growls* And hungry. 
She said as she blushed. 

"Want me to grab food for you?" 

Leah: I'll like that. 

I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the room, heading to the cafeteria to grab food for Leah. 

Leah's POV 

I saw Y/N walk out with his weapons leaving me alone in the room. I still felt my wounds. I slowly lifted my arm and I saw the scars across them. A slash across my arm and I felt my shoulder still in pain. As I thought of this, I felt my heart warm. I placed my hand over it as I thought of him. 

"Thank you Y/N." 

Suddenly I heard the door open again and I looked. I saw it was Blake as she walked in and stood by me. 

"Hey Blake." 

Blake: Hey Leah. How are you feeling? 

"Feeling a little better." 

Blake: Where's Y/N? 
She asked. 

"Getting me food from the cafeteria." 

Blake: Oh. 
She said as she looked at the floor awkwardly. 

"Blake? What's wrong?" 

Blake: It's just.....

"It's just what?" 

Blake: It's just that ever since the incident. Y/N has never left this room. 
She said as she looked at me. 

I asked, shocked seeing that Y/N cares. 

Blake nods. 

Blake: Well. I better get going. I hope you feel better. 
She said. 


She stops and looks at me.

"Thank you." 

Blake smiles and walks out of the room, leaving me to think to myself. 

"I'm glad I've met him." 

To Y/N Third Person POV 

Y/N walked into the cafeteria. As he stepped foot into the cafeteria everyone looked at him. They all looked at him with fear as he continued to mind his business. 

???: Did you see what happened to Cardin? 
One student said to another. 

???: He nearly killed 4 students. 
Another said. 

???: He bashed Cardin's skull into a desk for mocking his friend. 

???: No. He did it because his friend was put into the hospital. 

???: And he nearly killed Cardin by doing that. 

???: And two people in armor were the only ones that calmed him down. 

???: Did Goodwitch do anything? 

???: She couldn't. 

Y/N heard all of this but ignored it as he continued walking. He got in line and grabbed food for Leah. After getting food and water for Leah he started heading back to the hospital room. As he is on his way out of the cafeteria he sees Mercury, Salem, Neo, and Cinder in the corner. They all look at him but turn away quickly, afraid of what he is now capable of. He continues to walk away, leaving them to go attend to his injured friend. Y/N walks out of the cafeteria and is in the courtyard and continues to walk until he is met with Ozpin. 

Ozpin: Mr L/N. 

Y/N: Ozpin. 

Ozpin: How are you feeling? 

Y/N: I'm fine. 
He said as he continued walking. 

Ozpin: How is Leah? 

Y/N glares at him as Ozpin looked at him, hints of fear evident in his eyes. 

Y/N: She's doing fine. 
He said looking away as he continued walking, leaving Ozpin. 

Ozpin: You know you should really control yourself before....

Y/N: Before what? 

Ozpin: Before Ironwood gets involved and sees you the way you are. 

Y/N: What will he do then. 

Ozpin: Arrest you. Lock you away. Different things I don't accept. 

Y/N: Then he'll have to find me in order to do so. 
He said as he walked towards the door. 

Ozpin: Mr L/N. 

Y/N stops as he is about to walk inside and looks at Ozpin. 

Ozpin: Goodwitch has been wanting to talk to you. Ever since the incident. 

Y/N: Then I'll go talk to her myself. 

Ozpin: Thank you Mr L/N. 
He said as he starts to walk away. Y/N walks inside the hospital and starts to walk back to Leah's room. Unknown to him Emerald was following him. Y/N opens the door to Leah's room and places the food carefully on her lap as he places the bottle of water on the table. He opens the bag of food and Leah slowly reaches for it. 

Leah: Ah! 
She grunts as she holds her left shoulder in pain. 

Y/N: Don't push yourself. 
He said. He grabs the food and holds it in front of Leah. 

Leah: W-W-What are you doing? 
She asked. 

Y/N: Helping you eat. Since you're injured. 
He answered her. 

Leah looks at him as she felt her cheeks heat up. She opens her mouth as Y/N fed her the food he grabbed for her. For the next 5 minutes he fed her soup he grabbed for her. After Leah ate her food she looked at Y/N as she blushed at how he treated her. 

Leah: He's cold yet he helped me when I'm injured. 
She said to herself. 

Leah: Y-Y/N. C-Can you hand me the water? 

Y/N grabs the water and opens it for her. Y/N gives it to her and Leah takes it into her hands. Leah slowly raises her shaky hands and slowly drinks out of it. After drinking it, Y/N placed it back on the table. Y/N sat down in the chair as Leah looked at him. 

Leah: Thank you Y/n. 

Y/N: For what? 

Leah: For helping me. 
She said with red tint slowly forming. 

Suddenly the door opens as the two looked at who was coming in. Y/N glared at the person that coming in as she slowly walked in and stood in front of Leah. 

Y/N: What do you want Emerald. 
He said harshly. 

Emerald: L-L-Leah. I-I came t-to s-say I'm s-s-sorry for w-what happened to you. 
She said as Y/N slowly reached for his HF Blade's hilt. 

Y/N: I don't believe you. 
He said as he stood by Leah, grabbing onto the hilt of his sword. 

Emerald: P-Please just listen. I-I-I never p-p-planned f-f-for this. 
She said as she begins to cry looking at Y/N and Leah. 

Y/N: I don't care for what you have to say. You helped them. Be happy I haven't killed you yet. 
He said with emotionless voice. 

Emerald: Please! I didn't help them! I never wanted to hurt Leah! I voiced against it! Please forgive me Y/N! I'm sorry for what happened! 
She cried out. 

Y/N was about to unleash his HF blade until he felt Leah's hand on his shoulder. 

Leah: Please listen to her. 
She pleaded to Y/N. Y/N sighs and lowers his hand away from his sword. 

Emerald: Please *sobs* f-f-forgive m-m-me. 
She pleaded as she cried in front of them. 

Leah: I accept. 
She answered. 

Emerald: T-T-T-Thank y-y-you. 
She said still sobbing. She turns around and slowly walks out of the room, leaving Y/n and Leah. 

Leah: Thank you Y/N. 
She said as she looked at him. 

Y/N: For what? 

Leah: For listening to me. 
She said with a soft smile. They both stared at each other but were interrupted as team RWBY and JNPR all walked into the room. 

RWBY/JNPR: Hey Y/N. Hey Leah. How are you feeling? 
They asked Leah. 

Leah: I'm feeling fine. Than you guys. 

RWBY/JNPR: No problem. We're all friends. 

Leah: Thank you guys. Y/N. Can you go grab me a spare set of clothes? 

Y/N: Yeah. I won't be long. 
He said as he walked out of the room. 

Yang: Why don't you go with him? 
She whispered to Blake. 

Blake: What? Why? 
She whispered back to Yang. 

Yang: Because you've been clinging to him lately. Why not just tell him. 
She whispers to her. 

Blake: Why now? 
She whispered back. 

Yang: Because if you don't. I'll ask him out.
She whispered to her. 

Blake: Fine. 
She said as she looks down. She starts to walk out after YN, not noticing Yang had a small smile. 

With Blake and Y/N 

Blake and Y/N walked back to Y/n's dorm. While they were walking to his dorm, Blake was twiddling wit her fingers as she had one thought running through her mind. 

Blake: Should I? 
She asked herself. 

Blake laid her head on his shoulder. Y/N looks at her as she wrapped her arm around his. 

Blake: Thank you. 

Y/N: For what? 

Blake: For staying. 

Y/N looked at her and smiled a little bit. 

Y/N: Gladly. 

They reached his dorm and he opened the door, walking into the dorm. 

Y/N: Mind grabbing Leah's clothes while I take a shower? 

Blake: Sure. 
She said as she started going through Leah's drawers, looking for clothes. Y/N grabbed a set of clothes and set his weapons on his bed, walking into shower. He turned on the shower and started taking off his clothes. He went into the shower and started himself. On the other hand, Blake continued to look through Leah's drawers to find clothes. One by one she was able to Leah's clothes. After gathering Leah's clothes, she decided to grab a bag. She turns around and she sees a duffel bag near Y/n's bed. She grabs the duffel bag and opens it to put Leah's clothes in but notices a picture. She grabs the picture and sees a picture of two people. She smiled as she looked at the picture. She sees herself and Y/N in it. 

Blake: Carnival with Blake...Best friend. 
She said, reading the note on the bottom. She smiled as she held the photo in her hand. Suddenly she hears the door open and she puts the picture back into the duffel bag as she starts to put Leah's clothes into the duffel bag. After putting Leah's clothes into the bag she looks up and she sees Y/N with a navy blue shirt and black jeans. 

Y/N: I see you got her clothes. 
He said as he walked up to her. Blake nods as she holds the duffel bag by the strap. Y/N walks to the door until he hears his name. 

Blake: Y-Y/N. 

Y/N: Yes Blake? 
He asked as he turns around, facing her. 

Blake: There's something I want to tell you. 

Y/N: Okay. 

Blake: Do you remember the carnival we all went to? 

Y/N: Yeah. When we all went to the carnival and we all hanged out. 
He answered her. 

Blake: And we became best friends after. 

Y/N: Yeah. 

Blake: And you didn't hate me for being a faunas. 

Y/N: Yeah. 

Blake: Now every time I look at you. *walks closer to Y/N* I realize that .....

Y/N: Realize what? 

Blake: *brings him into a hug* I realize that I love you. I loved you ever since we became best friends. But - 
She was cut off as she realized Y/N kissed her. She stood there, paralyzed her eyes widen as she quickly melt into the kiss. She felt her arms bring him in, deepening the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her waist. They slowly back out as they looked at each other in the eyes. 

Y/N: I love you. 

Blake: I love you too. 
She said as she kissed him again. She hugs him tight as he held her by her waist. 

Y/N: I was a fool for not realizing you. Forgive me. 

Blake: They don't matter anymore. I'm right here. With you. And only you. 
She said as she held his hand in her own. 

Blake: Let's go. Don't want to keep Leah waiting. 
She said as she dragged her lover out of the room. They walked their way to the hospital with Blake leaning her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her waist. They reached Leah's room and they walked in, seeing Team RWBY and JNPR still there. 

Leah: Hey guys. Oh. I see you holding hands together. 
She said as she looked at their hands intertwined with each others. 

Blake: You could say that. 
She said as she leaned on Y/N's shoulder.

Leah: Well Y/N. I'm glad for you. 
She said as she felt her heart ache seeing Y/N with Blake. 

JNPR/RWY: Well we're glad you two are together. 
They all said. 

Leah: Well you two can go out together. I'll be fine. 

Y/N: You sure? 

Team JNPR/RWY: No you two go ahead. We'll watch her. 

Y/N: Thanks you guys. I appreciate it. 

He walks to Leah and puts his hand on her shoulder. 

Y/N: I'll come back with food later. 
He said to her. 

Leah: Thank you Y/N. 

Y/N leaves the room with Blake as they held hands together. Leah was happy that Y/N was able to find something he hasn't had for a while. 

Leah: Why am I feeling this pain in my chest? 
She asked her self. 

"Am I falling for him too?" 

BOOM! Here is Chapter 10 of Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake Belladonna! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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