Chapter 9: Another Mercenary

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Third Person POV 

It's been a 2 weeks since Blake and Y/N had their moment together. Blake has been spending her time with Y/N as she developed feelings for him. Y/N had kept their moment a secret, thinking its for the best to keep it that way. Right now they're sitting at lunch with team RWBY and JNPR. 

Y/N is sitting with them as Blake sat in front of him while Leah sat next to him. While Y/N was eating his lunch, Blake stared at him as her heart went warm as she kept staring at him. Leah looked at her and smiles, knowing how Blake feels. 

Nora: So there we were in the middle of the night it was day. We were surrounded by Ursai. 

Ren: They were Beowolves. 


Ren: Two of them. 

Nora: But they were no match. And in the end, Ren and I took them down and made boatlod of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs. 

Ren: Ah. She's been having this reoccuring dream for nearly a month now. 

While Nora kept talking Blake laid her head onto Y/N's shoulder as he ate his food. Leah looked at Y/N with a small smile, knowing he is at least comfortable. 


The bell rings signaling that lunch is over. 

Y/N: Oh great. Oobleck's. 
He complains. 

Blake: Well let's go so we won't get in trouble. 
She said as she gets up. Y/N started walking with Blake, leaving the others at the table as they stared at the two walking off. 

Pyrrha: They're cute together. 
She said as she saw Blake walking with Y/N. 

Yang: That's for sure. 
She said as they all started walking to Oobleck's. 

Leah's POV 

It's been 2 weeks since Y/N came back. I'm glad he is being.....himself.  After revealing his past to everyone seems that they all got closer to him. I'm just glad he is back. We all reached Oobleck's class and sat down. I saw Blake leaning her head on Y/N's shoulder as he read a book. I looked at the book. I smiled at him as he continue to read. I reached into my bag and tried to find a book I've been reading about. I looked through my bag but couldn't find it. 

"Damn it. It's back at the dorm." 
I said to myself. 

Ruby: Leah. What's wrong? 

"Oh it's nothing. Just forgot a book I always carry with me." 

Ruby: Want me to go get it for you? 

"No. No. It's okay." 
I told her. 

Ruby: Okay. 
She said as she went back to drawing. I looked at Y/N and I felt my heart beat faster as I looked at him. 

"He is so much like me." 
I said to myself. 

"A bookworm." 


Third Person POV 

Oobleck: Yes! yes, prior to the Faunas Revolution. More popularly known as the Faunas War human kind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing faunas population in Menagerie. Now while this mus feel like ancient  history to many of you. is it imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events. Why the repercussions of the uprising can be still seen to this day! Now! Have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your faunas heritage? 

Velvet looks around in fear as she slowly raises her hand. 

Oobleck: Dreadful. Simply dreadful. Remember, students. It is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence. 
He said as he sips his tea. 

Oobleck: I mean, I mean just look at what happened to the white fang! Now which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorist believe to be the turning point in the third year of the war? 

Oobleck: Yes? 
He asked as he saw Weiss with her hand up. 

Weiss: The battle at Fort Castle. 

Oobleck: Precisely. And who can tell me the advantage the faunas had over General Lagune's forces? 

Jaune: Hey! 
He said as Cardin flicked a piece of paper to the back of his head. 

Oobleck: Mr Arc! Finally contributing to class! This is excellent! Excellent! What is the answer? 

 Jaune: Uhhhh... The answer is......The advantage of the Faunas had over that guy's stuff was binoculars. 

Y/N shakes his head at Jaune's stupidity as he continues to read his book. Leah sits there quiet as she continues to throw a few glances at Y/N. Blake and Pyrrha face palm as the others laughed. Cardin slammed his fist on the table as he laughed. 

Oobleck: Very funny Mr Arc. 
He said as he walks back to his desk. 

Oobleck: Cardin! Perhaps you would care to share your thoughts on the subject! 

Cardin: Well. I know its a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier. 

Y/N slowly reached for his twin pistol as he heard Cardin's answer full of ignorance. Blake notices this and reaches out to his hand. 

Blake: It's okay. I'm right here.
She whispered into his ear. 

Pyrrha: You're not the most open-minded of individuals,  are you Cardin? 

Cardin: Or what. You got a problem? 

Pyrrha: No. I got the answer. It's night vision. Many faunas are known to have nearly-perfect sight in the dark. 

Cardin growls at Pyrrha as he turns around. Y/N glared at Cardin for his insignificance as a human. 

Y/N: *thoughts* He is no better than the 11 criminals that took them away. 
He said as he gripped onto Blue Rose. 

Blake: It'll be okay. 
She said as she held onto his hand that was holding Blue Rose. Y/N slowly lets go of Blue Rose and goes back to reading his book. 

Leah: General Lagune was inexperienced and made the mistake of trying to ambush the faunas in their sleep. His massive army was outmatched and the general was captured. Perhaps if he paid attention in class, he wouldn't have been remembered as such a failure. 
She said as she glared at Cardin. 

Cardin gets up as he clenches his fist, looking at Leah. 

Oobleck: Mr Winchester. Please take your seat. 
He ordered. 

Jaune snickers at Cardin but was also called on. 

Oobleck: Mr Arc. You two see me after class. 


Everyone leaves the room while Jaune and Cardin sat in the room. Team RWBY and JNPR waited for Y/N and Leah outside. 

Y/N's POV 

I walked outside of the class as Blake walked with me. She held onto my hand as we walked out. We kept walking down the hall until I felt Leah's hand on my shoulder. 

"Yes Leah?" 

Leah: Can you let Goodwitch know I'm going to be late? 


Leah: Just forgot a book at the dorm. 

"Yeah. I'll let her know." 

Leah: Okay. Thank you Y/N. 
She said as she started heading to the dorms. 

Blake: What kind of book is it? 
She asked me. 

"I don't know. Just something about demons  and angels." 
A/N: Who knows what this talking about? 

Third Person POV 

While Leah left Y/N and Blake as they head to Goodwitch's class unknown to them, Cinder, Salem, Mercury, and Neo were listening to their conversation. 

Mercury: I want to hurt him for doing what he did to me. 
He said as he clenched his fist. 

Cinder: Calm down babe. I got an idea. 

Salem: What is this idea of yours. 

Cinder: That girl. Leah. We go after her. 
She said as a small grin slowly formed. 

Salem and Mercury look at each other and nod while Neo was conflicted about the plan they were planning. They followed Leah back to the dorms and waited at the end of the hallway, awaiting for their victim. Mercury and Salem waited at the end of the hall while Cinder and Neo stood in front of the hallway. 

Leah's POV 

I managed to get to the dorm and I grabbed the book. 


I yelled as I fell to the ground as I felt excuriating pain in my leg. I looked down and I saw an arrow piercing through my leg. I grabbed onto it and tried to pull it out but I stopped due to the amount of pain. 

???: Heheh. Y/N's room mate and friend. I wonder how he'll react when he sees his team mate beaten to a pulp. 
I heard someone say. I looked up and I saw a girl in a red dress as she had a bow in her hand. 

"P-Please help me." 
I begged. 

Red Dress: Why would I do that. Mercury, Salem, Neo. Do as you please. 

I looked behind her and I saw 3 people walking towards me as they held their weapons in their hands. Suddenly I felt another pain in my shoulder. I looked and I saw another arrow in my shoulder. I fell onto the ground as I tried to pull it out. 

I screamed as I felt a slash go across my leg. 

"Y-Y/N. P-Please help me." 

Y/N's POV 

Leah should be back by now. It doesn't take that long to get back here. As I thought of all of this i felt a tap on my shoulder. 

Blake: Y/N? Are you okay? 
She asked me. 

"Y-Yeah. Just worried about Leah. She should be here by now. I also haven't seen Cinder and them around lately." 
I told her. 

Suddenly I hear the door open and I saw them. I saw Cinder, Neo, Salem, and Mercury walking into the room. They all sat at the corner of the room. Something didn't feel right. 

"Something doesn't feel right." 

Blake: What doesn't feel right? 

"Them. They come into class after Leah heads off." 

Blake: What do you think? 

"I don't know. But I'm going to check up on the dorm." 

Blake: O-Okay. 

'Ms. Goodwitch. Can I go use the bathroom?" 

Goodwitch: Yes you can Y/N.

I walked out of the room and started walking towards the dorm. 

"Why are you taking so long Leah?" 

That was the one thought I had as I walked back to the dorm. I continued to walk and head to my dorm until I heard someone groaning. I followed where the groaning was coming from. As I got closer, the groaning got louder and what I saw was shocking. 


I yelled as I ran to her. There she was laying in a puddle of blood. I got to her and there I saw slashes across her legs and arms. I saw an arrow in her leg and shoulder. I ripped the arrows out and rushed her to the hospital. I ran and ran until I got to the hospital. As I came in through the doors I saw a nurse at the desk. 

Nurse: What can I do-What happened! 
She yelled as she saw Leah in my arms. 

I yelled. 

Nurse: Follow me! 
She told me. I followed her into a room and I set Leah on a bed. The nurse called out to the other nurses and they came into the room. They pushed me out of the room and I waited. I paced back and forth as I waited. Waiting to hear Leah's condition. I texted team RWBY and JNPR. 

"Guys. I need you at the hospital now!" 

Ruby: Why? 

"Leah's in the hospital." 

Blake: On our way. 

Pyrrha: We'll be there. 

After texting them I went to call Death-Gun. 

Death-Gun: Hello Y/n. 

"I need you at Beacon." 

Death-Gun: Why? 

"My friend was attacked. I need you to defend her." 

Death-Gun: On it. Be there in 5. 

I paced back and forth as I waited. Then I see Team RWBY and JNPR. Blake ran to me and stood in front of me. 

Blake: Where is she? 
She asked as she held my shoulders. 

I pointed to the room and I saw the nurses coming out of the room. 

"How is she?" 

Nurse: She'll make it. She'll be in there for a while. 

"How long?" 

Nurse: A week at the most. 

"Thank you." 
I said in sorrowful tone. 

Nurse: She'll make it. Don't worry. 
She said as she pat my back. 

I walked into the room and I saw Leah covered in bandages as she laid there in bed. I felt anger and sorrow course through my body as I looked at her. Flashes of S/N went through my head as I looked at Leah. I stood in front of her until I heard Death-Gun in the room. 

Death-Gun: I'm here. Whoa. What happened? 
He asked as he saw Leah. 

"I need you to watch her." 
I ordered him. 

I heard someone say. I turned back to Leah and I saw her awake. I sat by her side as she looked at me. 

"W-What happened Leah?" 
I asked as I sat by her. 

Leah: G-G-Girl w-w-with r-r-red d-d-dress. G-G-Grey h-h-h-h-air. 
She weakly said as she closed her eyes. As I heard those descriptions I felt only one thing. Anger. I got up and walked to the door until I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked and it was Death-Gun. 

I growled at him. 

Death-Gun: Don't do it. 

"Don't do what."
I growled at him. 

Death-Gun: I'm going to stop you from doing this. 
He said as he held my shoulder. I turned around and grabbed him by the throat. 

"You listen to me. As long my teammate and friends are safe. I'll do anything necessary to prevent anything from happening. That includes disposing of the waste." 
I said as I dropped him onto the floor. I grabbed my twin pistols and my HF blade as I had one goal in mind. 

"I'm going to kill you all." 

Death-Gun's POV

Ren: Oh no. 

Ruby: What is it? 

"He's going after them." 

Blake: Going after who? 

"The ones that did this to her." 
I said as I looked at the girl in the hospital bed. 

"I need to call her."
I told myself. I walked out of the room and went on the phone to call her. 

???: Hello Death-Gun. 

"I need your help." 

???: With what? 


???: On my way. 

Third Person POV 

Y/N is walking into Goodwitch's class and sees Cinder, Neo, Mercury, and Salem looking at him. 

Goodwitch: There you are. Where were you Y/N? 

Y/N: Seeing Leah in the hospital. 

Cardin: Oh. You got her pregnant. Oh how pretty. Might as well tap that too. 
He mocked Y/N. Y/N walked to him and his team. Cardin looked at him and stood up. 

Cardin: What are you going to do. 
He said in mocking tone. Y/N grabs his head and smashes his head into the desk. The class gasped as they saw Y/N repeatedly smash Cardin's head into the desk. Y/N lifts Cardin's head as he held him close. 

Y/N: Talk about like that again. I'll make sure to cut your head in front of your parents. 
He said with venom in his voice. 

Goodwitch: What are you doing Y/N! 
She yells at Y/N. 

Y/N: Call them up. 
He said as he pointed to them. Cinder, Mercury, and Salem all got up with grin on their faces as Neo slowly got up. 

Goodwitch: What do they have to do with this! 
She yells at him. 

He yells at her. 

Goodwitch gasps at this. 

Mercury: Maybe that'll teach you to note mess with us! 
He yells at Y/N. Y/N turns to him and he pulls out his pistols. 

Mercury: What are you going to do. Kill us? 

Y/N puts armor piercing rounds into the pistols and loads them. 

Cinder: You can't beat us all at once. 
She said with a small grin. 

Y/N ignores it and starts to walk to them. Cinder and Neo activate their semblances as they charged at him. Cinder forms a fireball as Neo prepared for a counter attack. Salem prepared to throw a fireball at Y/N. Mercury got into his stance. Neo charged at him and threw a punch. Y/N caught Neo's punch and reeled his fist back. Neo activated her semblance however unknown to her. Y/N's semblance was activated as he caught her fist.  Y/N threw his fist and it connects to her face, making her fly into Salem. 

Cinder: How! You shouldn't be able to touch her! 
She yelled. 

Y/N ignores it and pulls out his pistols. He aims and pulls the trigger. 


He pulls the trigger and it hits Cinder in the leg. Cinder falls onto the ground as her left leg starts to bleed from the shot. 

Mercury: Cinder! You bastard! 
He yells at Y/N. There Y/N stood there as he pulled out his HF sword. He raised his hand and taunted him. 

A/N: Just like this. 

Mercury growls and charges at Y/N. He throws a kick at Y/n as Y/N just backed up. Y/N continues to back up as Mercury kept throwing kicks. 

Mercury: STAY STILL! 
He yells at him. Y/N takes this chance and punches him in the gut. Mercury coughs up spit as Y/N kicked him in the stomach. He then turns to Salem as she looked at him with fear. She backs up in fear as she throws a fireball. He activates his semblance again and the fireball dissipates. Salem stared at him with fear as she continued to back up. Y/N grabs his HF blade and charges at her. Salem tried to form another fireball but couldn't. As she tries she suddenly felt something impale her. She looks down and she sees Y/n's HF blade stabbing her through her stomach. She tries to pull it out but Y/N rips it out and kicks her in the stomach, making her fly to the wall. Salem coughs out blood as she crashes against the wall. 

Goodwitch: Y/N! ENOUGH! 
She yells as she formed a bubble around Y/N while tears streamed down her face. From seeing the "son" she took in and seeing the anger in him. The anger of losing someone dear to him. Y/N activates his semblance again and the bubble dissipates. He looks at Mercury as he slowly got up. Y/N stabs his HF blade into ground. Mercury runs at him again as Y/N stood there. Mercury throws a kick at Y/N. Y/N dodges his kick and kicks his stomach. Mercury falls onto his back as he holds his stomach in pain. As Y/N walked to him Neo ran at him as Cinder shot an arrow at him. Y/N sees Neo and the arrow coming at him. He grabs the arrow as Neo got closer and stabs Neo in the foot with the arrow. Neo drops to the floor as she holds her foot in pain. Y/N ignores her and walks to Mercury as he got up. Mercury threw another kick and Y/N releases his blade. Y/N slashes Mercury's leg and Mercury screams in pain as he falls onto the ground. He slowly gets back up and throws a punch at Y/N. Y/N catches it and breaks his arm. Mercury screams louder as the class looked at Y/N with fear at how brutal he was. As he broke Mercury's arm Death-Gun, team RWBY and JNPR arrived with someone else in armor. 

Y/N: You attacked her. You nearly killed her. In return I shall do the same. 
He said as he holds Mercury by the throat. Mercury tries to throw a punch at him. The punch connects but it doesn't phase him. Y/N drops him and kicks him hard at the face. Mercury crashes into the ground and slowly gets up but he is stopped. He is stopped as Y/N plunges his HF blade into Mercury. Mercury coughs out blood as he screams. Y/N rips out his HF blade and slowly walks to Cinder as she looked at him with fear in her eyes. 

Y/N: You. You of all people. First you cheated on me. Now you attack and nearly kill my friend and team mate. I'm going to kill you just like the rest of them. 
He said with venom. 

Cinder: T-T-Them? 
She said with fear. 

Y/N reels back his blade and prepares to slash through Cinder. Cinder slowly formed tears as she realizes how serious Y/N has become. How different from she saw him from the beginning of the year. 

Y/N's POV 

I slashed at Cinder but all I heard was metal clanging against each other. I looked and I saw her. 

???: Calm down. Y/N. 

"Death's Messenger." 

A/N: I don't own this! 

Death's Messenger: Calm down. My student. 

I growled and I pulled my blade. 

"What do you want." 
I growled. 

Death's Messenger: Killing them won't make it any better. 

"Then what will!"
I yelled. 

Death's Messenger: I know you want to but don't. You have people that need you. 

"I will kill them just like the criminals!" 
I yelled. 

Death's Messenger: Then what happens. You get expelled. They get to hurt her and your friend more. Y/N. I know you want to. You have every right to but for their sake. Don't do it. 

"You have no idea. The pain of losing another." 

Death's Messenger: I know that pain very well. I lost my brother to the White Fang. I sought out revenge just like you. For your friend. Just stop. 

I clenched my fists as I thought about it.


I heard her voice again. I turned around and I saw Emerald looking at me with tears coming down. 

"You were apart of it too huh." 

Emerald: W-What? 

I yelled. 

I yelled as I held my sword in my hand. 

Emerald: Y-Y/N. P-Please. I-I didn't. 
She said as she fell to her knees with tears streaming down her face. 

"Come near any of my friends again. And I'll personally kill you all myself." 

Death's Messenger: Go to your friend. Be with her. Death-Gun and I have a lot to talk about to your care takers. 

I nodded and I walked out of the room, leaving the group. I walked and walked as one thought went through my mind. 

"They'll die for attacking her." 

Death's Messenger's POV 

Blondie: W-Who a-are you? 
She asked as she held a riding crop. 

"I am Y/N's master. Who are you?" 

Blondie: G-Goodwitch. 

"Well Goodwitch. I'm sure you know what happens when someone attacks someone close to Y/N." 

???: I can see that but I never knew it would be this bad. 

Death-Gun: Ozpin. You're just as much of a fool as Ironwood. 

"Ozpin. You should know this. Since you took him in." 

I looked and I saw a girl with black hair crying as another blondie hugged her. I walked to her and stood in front of her. 

Black hair: Y/N. 
I heard her sob. 

"You know Y/N?" 

The black hair nodded her head slowly as the blondie hugged her. 

"Go to Y/N." 

Black hair: Huh?
She said as she looked at me with puffy red eyes. 

"Go to him. He needs comfort right now." 
I told her. She slowly walked out of the room as the group of girl went with her. I turned around to see Death-Gun with his arms cross as he stood in front of Goodwitch and Ozpin. 

Death-Gun: You knew they did this to him yet you kept them. Disappointing Ozpin. I expected you to look after him, not watch the students that made him run away. 

Ozpin: But I couldn't expel them for not knowing. 

"Now they know. Might as well kill them." 

Ozpin: Please don't. Neither of us don't need to do that. 

"Then watch him. Unless you want me to take care of it." 

"Death-Gun. You're in charge of watching them and Y/n. If any trouble comes, I'll deal with it myself." 
I said as I threw a smoke bomb. 

Y/N's POV 

I sat there in front of her. In front of Leah as she slowly recovered. I held onto her hand as one thing went through my mind. 

"Leah. I'll protect you. No matter what." 

Suddenly I heard the door open and I turned around. I saw Blake walking in as she had red puffy eyes. 

"Hey Blake." 

Blake: H-Hey Y/N. 
She said as she sat on my lap and laid against me. 

"I'm sorry." 

Blake: For what? 

"For becoming a monster." 
I said as I looked the other way. I felt her hand touch my chin, making me look at her. 

Blake: It's okay. Everything is going to be okay. 
She said as she looked at me. We got closer and she kissed me on the lips. I wrapped my arms around her waist as we kissed. She backs out as she looks at me. 

"I'll always be here for you......................................Y/N." 

BOOM! Here is Chapter 9 of Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake Belladonna! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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