Chapter 12: A Devil's Wrath (Lemon)

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Blake's POV

I slowly woke up as I felt the cold air breeze against me. I slowly woke up and I saw Yang, Ruby, and Weiss stripped all out of their clothes. I looked down and I cover myself as I saw that I was stripped.

???: Well. Well. Well. Looks like the fresh meat is awake.

I looked up and I saw 12 men staring at us with eyes full of lust.

"W-W-What d-d-do you want?"
I asked out of fear.

???: What does it look like.
The men walked towards us as they slowly unbuckled their belt.

???: Why don't we deal with the red hair.
He said as he pointed towards Ruby.

Yang: Don't you dare touch my sister!
She said as she tried to get up.

???: Oh. She's your sweet sister. This will be more fun.
He said as he slowly approached Ruby. I watched Ruby struggle to move as she was tied down.

Ruby: Y-Yang.
She called out to her sister.

Yang: Don't worry Ruby! Everything will be alright!
She said, trying to reassure her sister.

???: Oh. It's going to be fun.
He said as he reached to touch Ruby's body.

She screamed as she tried to kick the man away.

???: Ah! You bitch.
He yelled. He grabbed her and pinned her to the ground and started to unbuckle his pants.

Yang/Weiss: RUBY!
They screamed.


Suddenly there was a gunshot and the man fell over as blood splattered the walls.

???: What the fuck happened!
One yelled as the others scrambled. As they were looking around in confusion a blue portal opened and a man with a sword came through.

???: Well. Well. Well. What do we have here? A group of rapists and sex traffickers. Just like the ones that killed S/N.

I sat there in shock as I saw the man with a katana as he held a guy that was no longer than 20.

???: Let go of my son!
One of the traffickers yelled.

???: Sure.
He said as he let go of the man. Suddenly a sword came through his body. The boy fell to the floor as the man took his sword out of his body.

???: NO!
The trafficker yelled. He ran at the man in black but was suddenly kicked down. My eyes widen as I saw the person that kicked him down.


Y/N shifted his sniper into his twin pistols.

Y/N: I must say. You have a lot of nerve to kidnap my friends and lover.
He said with venom.

???: I-I-Its him.
One of them said with fear.

Y/N: Oh remember me. Surely you must. Since you both were the ones that raped my sister in front of me.
He said with venom in his voice as he pulled out Blue Rose and Red Queen.

Y/N: Death-Gun. Surround the building. If they escape. Kill their families.

The man in black walked towards us and cut the ropes holding us. He gave us a blankets to cover ourselves. I slowly got up and watched him as he held his weapons. I placed my hand over my heart as I watched him.


Third Person POV

Team RWBY stood afar with Vergil as Y/N held his weapons.


Y/N: I'm going to enjoy this. Every single minute of it.
He said as he gripped Red Queen.

One yelled as two men charged at Y/N. Y/N stood there as the two men ran at him. One threw a punch. Y/N grabbed his hand and slammed him onto the ground. Y/N grabbed the other and slammed him on top of the man on the ground already. He pulled out of Red Queen and stabbed it into the hands of the two men, planting them on the ground.

Y/N: I'm going to enjoy killing you. Just like you killed her.
He spit onto their faces. One tried to pull Red Queen out but Y/N shot his hand off.

Y/N: I don't think so.
He said coldly.

Y/N turned around and saw the men scared out of their minds.

Y/N: Look at this. All I see is a group of pussies. Come! COME AT ME!
He yelled as he ran at them with his HF blade out now.

He ran at the group as they stood there in fear. One of them ran at Y/N and pulled out a pocket knife. The man went to stab Y/N but Y/N stopped him by stabbing him in the stomach. The man coughs out blood as he kneels down in front Y/N. Another man runs at Y/N, thinking he is distracted. Y/N sees this and elbows the man. The man staggers back as Y/N grabs him and flips onto his back. Y/N grabs his arm and breaks it, earning a scream from him. Y/N lets go of the man and grabs his head and snaps his neck. Y/N runs back at the man that kneeling in front of him and ripped his HF blade out of his side as blood splattered all over the floor.

Y/N turns to look around and he sees one of the traffickers getting closer to Blake as she looked at him. He takes out Blue Rose and aims.


He kills the man and he falls to the ground, protecting Blake. He turned around and looked at the remaining eight left.

Y/N: I'm going to enjoy this.
He said with a grin.

Blake stood there as she watched Y/N kill the traffickers. While she watched, she had tears rolling down her face.

Blake: Y/N.
She said as she watched her lover kill the traffickers.

Blake: H-H-How long have y-y-you been l-like this?
She said loudly as she held the blanket.

???: He's been like this ever since the event that took his sister's life.

Ruby: Who are you?

???: I am Vergil.

Weiss: Who are you to Y/N?

Vergil: I am S/N's close friend. My brother was suppose to be with S/N.

Blake: T-T-That would make y-y-you

Vergil: Brother in law.

Blake gasped as she realizes how much the traffickers have taken away from Y/N. She turned and looked at Y/N as he slaughtered the men.

Blake: Y/N.

As 4 men charged at Y/N, he stabbed the ground with his HF blade and charged at them as his blade stabbed the ground. As he got closer, he swung his sword at them cutting through them clean. 2 of the men screamed as they held onto their sides in pain. Y/N stood in front of them and planted his foot on top of the one. Y/N stabbed his HF blade into the man's stomach, earning a scream of agony. One man charged at him from behind, knocking him down. The man got on top of him and choked him.

Man: After I'm done with you. I'm going to tear that little girl's ass apart .
He said as he strangled Y/N. Y/N pulled out his twin pistols and aimed at the man's head. Y/N pulled the trigger and blew his brains out. The man fell over as 4 of them ran at Y/n. Y/N pulled out a smoke grenade and detonated it. Smoke covered the area as the four remaining traffickers. Suddenly one dropped to floor. Then another fell. Two of them remained. They looked around in fear and confusion as they saw two of their men on the ground. Suddenly one of them was yanked out of the smoke as the last one looked around in fear.

Last Trafficker: WHERE ARE YOU!


The trafficker fell onto the ground as blood spilled onto the floor.

Y/N: Right here.
He said as held Blue Rose in his hand. The trafficker looked at him and only saw hate and anger in his eyes.

Last trafficker: WHAT DO YOU WANT!
He yelled as Y/N grabbed him by the throat. Y/N didn't answer as he dragged him to a door.

Y/N: Nothing more in this world than to see people like you burn for their insignificance.

Y/N opened the door and placed him under the door.

Last Trafficker: WAIT WAIT! BANG

Y/N slammed the door on top of the man, crushing his head. Y/N turned around and saw the two men still stuck on the floor with Red Queen in their hands. They looked at him and screamed, begging him to stop. Each step he made, was filled with anger and memories of his dead older sister. Y/N now stood upon the two people that raped and killed S/N, planted his foot on their throats as they struggled to breathe. He grabs Red Queen and activates its motor, cutting into their hands as their screams were muffled.

Y/N: Do it. Scream. Scream like how you made her scream.
He said with venom in every word. He stops and grabs the man's head as he put his thumbs upon his eyes.

Y/N: An eye for an eye.

Y/N then presses his thumbs into S/N's murderer as the man screams out of agony. Y/N blinds him and the man screams.

S/N's murderer: I CAN'T SEE!


Y/N shot him in the head with Blue Rose as he looked at the other man with rage. Y/N put Blue Rose away and grabbed a chain, coming towards the man. He straps Red Queen onto his back and wraps the chain around the man's neck as he struggled to get out of Y/N's grip.

He screamed.

Y/N wraps the chain around the man's throat and lifts him up. The man slowly dies as he is being strangled by the chain. Y/N slowly walked towards Team RWBY as the man slowly dies. Y/N walked towards team RWBY and fell onto his knees in front of Blake.



No matter what I do. I can't do anything to bring S/N back. No matter how much I want to, I simply can't. I suddenly felt someone hugging me. I looked and it was Blake hugging me as she cried.

Blake: Y-Y-You c-came.
She said as she cried on my chest.

I wrapped my arms around her as she continued to cry onto my chest.

"I'm right here. I'm right here."
I said as I held her close to me.

Vergil: Let's go.
He said as he opened a portal.

"Blake. Let's go."
I said as I slowly helped her up. I held her close as Team RWBY and I slowly walked through the portal. We appeared in front of Team RWBY's dorm.

"You guys go ahead. I need to talk to Vergil."

Team RWBY walked into their room, leaving me with Vergil. I turned around and I looked at him as he looked at me.

"Thank you Vergil."

Vergil: You've done well. S/N would be proud.

"I just wish I....

Vergil: What happened to her wasn't your fault. What matters now is that your friends are safe. Promise us something Y/N.

"What is that?"

Vergil: Promise Lady, Dante, and I that you will always protect your new family.

"I-I-I will."
I managed to say as I though of S/N.

Vergil: Better keep that promise.
He said as he slashed, making a portal.

Vergil: See you later. "brother".
He said as he walked through as the portal closes.

I stood there, alone as I thought of what he said.

Vergil: Promise Lady, Dante, and I that you will always protect your new family.

"I will always protect you. Blake."

I opened the door and walked in. I walked in and I saw Yang comforting Ruby in her bed, Weiss cuddled up next to them, and Blake sitting on her bed in her sleep wear.

"Are you okay Blake?"
I asked as I sat by her.

Blake: Just scared.
She said as she held onto my hand.

"Of me?"
I said as I held her hand.

Blake: N-No. Being taken away and sold like an animal.
She said as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"I'll never let that happened."

Blake: T-T-Thank you. Y-Y/N.
She said as she looked at me with tears. I brushed her tears away as she looked at me. She inched forward and kissed me on the lips. I felt her arms wrap around my neck, deepening the kiss. After kissing she backed out of it, looking at me with her amber eyes.

Blake: Please.

"Please what?"

Blake: I want you to stay with us tonight.
She said as she held onto my hand.

"I'll go get my clothes then."

Blake: Can I come with you?


Blake got up and walked with me to my dorm. She held tightly onto my hand as she leaned on my shoulder. We reached my room and walked in to see a sleeping Leah. Blake sat on my bed as I put Blue Rose and Red Queen in the duffel bag underneath the bed and putting my twin pistols on the table along with my HF blade. After doing that I reached for my clothes.

Blake: Where are you going?

"Just going to take a shower."
I said as I walked towards the bathroom. I closed the door and turned on the shower. I took off my shirt and jeans then went into the shower to clean myself. As I washed myself one thought kept going through my head.

"What would have happened if I didn't arrive in time?"

"What would have happened to Blake?"

"What would they have done to her?"

"Would it have been like S/N? Yang watching her little sister raped and killed in front of her."

No. If it did, I would have gathered all of their families and killed them. Just how they did to me. These were the many thoughts that went through my head as I washed myself. As I washed my hair, I suddenly felt a pair of hands wrap around me. I turned to look and to only find Blake hugging me from behind.

"Hey kitty."

Blake: H-Hey.
She blushes as she holds me from behind.


I held her hand as she held onto me. I felt my heart warm at the touch of her hands. I felt........happy. I turned around and held her hand as she intertwined hers with mine. I looked her in the eyes as held onto me. As we stared into each other's eyes, we slowly inched closer and closer until I felt her lips pressed against mine. I felt her arms wrap around my neck, deepening the kiss. I gripped her waist as we kissed. Shortly enough, air became necessity and we backed out, looking at each other.

Blake: I love you.

"I love you too."

She and I kissed each other again as the water ran over our bodies. I felt her hands trail down my chest as we kissed. Suddenly I felt her grasp my member. I looked at her as she got on her knees.

Blake: Let me thank you. For saving me.
She said as she looked at me.

I felt her tongue swirl around my member as she sucked on it. I groaned as she continued her actions. I put my hand behind her head as she continued to suck on it. As she continued, I touched her ears causing her purr as she looked at me. She continued to suck on my member as she purred. With her bobbing her head and her purring, I quickly felt my end coming.

"B-B-Blake. I'm going to cum."

Blake bobbed her head faster as she swirled her tongue around my length, making me moan. Not too long I came into her mouth as she swallowed all of it.

Blake: So much.
She said as she looked at me with her eyes full of lust. She slowly got up and stepped out of the shower.

Blake: I want you. Y/N. I want you tonight.
She said as she held my hand. I nodded and turned off the water and walked with her towards the counter. As soon we got to counter, she turned around smashed her lips against mine. Our kiss got heated as our tongue clashed against each other. I grabbed her ass making her yelp, letting me into my newly found territory. I lifted her onto the counter still kissing her as her arms and legs wrapped around my body. While I kissed her, I slowly left kisses on her neck, breast, and slowly made my way down to her clit. I kissed around her clit as she ran her hand down my hair.

Blake: Ah. Quit. Ah. Teasing.
She demanded.

I obliged and started licking her. She moaned loudly as I felt her hand bring me closer, bringing me in deeper. I continued to lick her, earning gasps and moans as she held my head. I looked up and saw Blake grabbing her right breast as she moaned. I reached out to grab her left breast as I continued to lick her lower lips, making her moans go louder. I continued to lick her until she moaned loudly.

Blake: Y-Y/N. Ah. Ah. I'm gonna. Ah. Ah. Cum.
She moaned out.

I continued to lick her until she released her juice on my face. I got up and kissed her as she wrapped her arms around me. I backed out and looked at her amber eyes, as she had her hand against my chest.

Blake: Please do it.

"Do what?"

Blake: Be my first.
She pleaded.

"You sure?"

Blake: More than anything.

I obliged and lined my member up with her entrance. I looked at her again and she nodded. I slowly entered her but stopped once I hit her hymen.

Blake: Do it.
She pleaded as she braced herself. I nodded and broke through her barrier making Blake yelp in pain as she laid her head in the crook of my neck. I stood still as I waited for her. After a minute of waiting I felt Blake's grip start loosen as she looked at me.

Blake: I'm ready.
She said and kissed me. I started to slowly thrust into her making her moan into the kiss. When I pulled away Blake looked at me.

Blake: Thank you Y/N.

"For what?"

Blake: Saving me. Being here with me. All of the times we've spent together.

"Well. I'm glad you're happy."
I said and I kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I kept thrusting into her. I felt her arms tighten around my neck as she smashed her lips against mine. I kept thrusting into her as she moaned. I continued to until she moaned out loudly.

Blake: Y/N. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. I'm g-g-gonna c-c-cum.
She moaned into my ear.

"I'm going to."
I said to her.

Blake: Please. Inside me.
She moaned into my ear.

I continued to thrust into her and not too long she and I came. Blake moaned loudly as she released. She leaned her head onto the crook onto my neck as she held me close.

Blake: I love you Y/N.

"I love you too Kitty."
I said as I kissed her forehead while she laid her head against my chest. After cleaning ourselves up, we walked out of the bathroom about to head back to her room.

Blake: Let's just stay here tonight.
She said as she laid on my bed.

"I guess so."

I laid on top of my bed and pulled the cover over us. Blake laid her head on my chest as she snuggled up against me.

Blake: Good night Y/N.

'Good night Kitty."

5 minutes later

I stared at the ceiling as I held Blake close to me. As I stared at the ceiling, I thought of the many things that made the things are today. I guess two things came out of it. Meet the lovely kitty and a friend that truly understands me. I looked at Blake and smiled as I felt her snuggling against me.

"I'll always love you Blake Belladonna."

BOOM! Here is chapter 12 of Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake Belladonna! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far?

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