Chapter 13: Partner Turned Lover

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Third Person POV 

It's been a couple of days since Blake and team RWBY were kidnapped. Them seeing Y/N brutally murder the traffickers. The day when Blake and Y/N got together. Ever since them, Blake has been spending a lot of her time with Y/N. Studying. Reading. Cuddling with her lover. As time went on, the two gotten closer. Closer than he did with Cinder and Emerald. Right now the lovely couple are in the cafeteria with Team RWBY, JNPR, and Leah. 

Y/N's POV 

I ate his food quietly as Blake laid her head on my shoulder. I looked at her and smiled, knowing she is happy with me. Ever since we came back that night, I couldn't help but want to be with her all the time. Everything about her was lovely. As I was thinking about her I was snapped out of my thoughts, hearing Leah being bothered. I turned and I saw Cardin grabbing her arm but she pulled back, getting out of his hold. 

Cardin: Come on babe. Let's go. 

Leah: I'm not going anywhere with you. 
She said. 

"Yo. Brain dead monkey. She said leave her alone." 

Cardin: Oh what are you going to do huh! Oh. You're going to me! 

Y/N sat there, looking at him blankly. 

Cardin: That' s what I thought! You're such a pussy! Let me guess. You're just going to sit there as I bang her in front of you! 

Y/N got up and grabbed Cardin. He grabbed Cardin by the throat, smashing his back onto the table as he held his gun at his head. 

"You want to do that. Then I'll gladly put this bullet in your head in front of your parents." 
Y/N said as he put the safety off of his gun. 

Cardin: Do it pussy! 

Y/N shot near his near, deafening Cardin. Y/N aimed at his head, ready to pull the trigger. 

???: Y/N! STOP! 

 Y/N turned around and saw Ozpin standing there with Goodwitch. 

Goodwitch: Mr L/N. Mr Winchester. Fight in combat class. 

Y/N groans out of annoyance and throws Cardin onto the ground near Ozpin. Y/N sits down next to Leah as Blake laid her head on his shoulder again. Cardin gets up and walks away, angered. 

Leah: Thank you for that Y/N. 

"You're welcome Leah." 


Team JNPR, RWBY, Leah, and Y/N get up to go to class. Blake and Y/N walked slower than the others, giving themselves sometime alone together. Blake wrapped her arms around his arm, bringing them closer. Y/N looked at her and she smiled, making him smile. The couple walked into Oobleck's class, making the others stare at them in awe. They walked to their seats while Oobleck went on about the lesson. During that time, Y/N and Leah were reading their own books. Blake laid her head on his shoulder, reading what Y/N was reading. While the couple were reading, Emerald was throwing glances at them. 

Emerald's POV 

It's my fault. It's my fault that Y/N is this. That Y/N is so..........brutal. Y/N was someone I truly loved but I threw that away. Now he's with Blake. If I touch her, I could end up like Mercury and Cinder. Nearly killed. Mercury has nightmares now since the event. Cinder is scared to do anything since the only two that were able to stop him were the two people in armor. I looked at Y/N and he kissed Blake on the lips. I felt my heart hurt as I saw him do that. 

"That was suppose to be me." 

I need to talk to him. 

Time-Skip to Goodwitch's Class 

Goodwitch: Who would like to spar against each other? 

Cardin raised his hand. 

Cardin: Me. And the faunas loving bitch! 

Blake and Velvet look down. Y/N groans out of annoyance. 

Goodwitch: I-I think its best for you to fight s-someone else Mr Winchester. 

Cardin: Why? Is it because he's a pussy! Since he didn't kill them! 
He yelled as he pointed to Cinder, Neo, Salem, and Mercury. 

Y/N: If you want to fight me. Then so be it. 
He said as he gets up. 

Goodwitch looks at Y/N worried that he might go rogue. Y/N and Cardin both stood in front of the each other as Cardin held onto his mace while Y/N held his HF blade. 

Goodwitch: FIGHT! 

Cardin runs at Y/N and slam his mace on top of him. Y/N moved to the side making Cardin miss. Cardin picks his mace back up and tries to hit Y/n. Y/N backs up as he kept a bored expression, angering Cardin. 

Cardin: STAY STILL! 

Y/N continues to dodge all of his attacks while Cardin lashes at him with anger. 


Y/N looks at him as he slowly unleashes his HF blade. Blake and Leah looked at him worriedly, knowing what is going to happened next.

 Y/N: What the hell did you just say. 
He said as his voice was devoid of life, scaring everyone in the room including Goodwitch 


Y/N runs at him and kicks Cardin the stomach. Cardin hits the ground and slowly gets up as Y/N spun his sword in the air. 

Y/N: You wanted to fight. Give me a real fight! 

Cardin gets angrier and lashed out at Y/N. He raised his mace as he was on top of Y/n. Y/N moves to the side and kicks Cardin at the side of the head. Cardin crashes into the ground and slowly gets up as Y/N sheathes his sword. Cardin sees this as a chance to charge at Y/N. He raises his mace, ready to strike down on Y/N. Y/N does nothing but smirk. 


The room went silent as Y/N did the unbelievable. Cardin screamed in agony as Y/N slashed his leg off completely. Y/N stood there with an empty expression, scaring Goodwitch. 

Goodwitch(thoughts): H-H-How d-d-does h-his sword d-do that? 
She asked herself as Y/N sheathed his sword away, walking out of the room. Blake and Leah looked at him with a worriedly look. 

Goodwitch: CRDL. Take Cardin to the hospital. 

The three take their leader to the hospital, leaving everyone stood there in shock as silence overtook the room. Emerald ran out of the room, trying to find Y/N as Blake and Leah ran out of the room as well. The three looked for their friend throughout the school until one eventually found him. 

Y/N's POV 

I walked down the hall as my sword rattled back and forth. I had my hands in my pocket as I thought of what Cardin said. 


I felt nothing but anger. The amount of hate for that insignificant human called Cardin. I walked down the hall, ignoring my scroll going on and off. I continued walking I heard someone call my name. 

???: Y/N! 

I turned around and I saw the last person I wanted to see. I turned back around and continued walking until she got in my way. 

???: Y/N. Please. *sobs* I just w-want t-to talk to you. 

"There is nothing to talk about........Emerald." 

Emerald: Please Y/N! I just want to talk. 

"So what. So you can hurt Blake next?" 

Emerald: No! P-Please l-let me just explain. 

"There is nothing to talk about." 

Emerald: Please! Y/N I know you hate me but please! 

"That's right. So why are you talking to me." 

Emerald: Please Y-Y/N. I'm sorry for breaking your heart! 
She said as tears started to stream down her eyes. 

"That's where you're wrong." 

Emerald looks at me with surprise. 

"It's when you made me realize I truly loved Blake more than I ever did with you and Cinder." 

Emerald looked down as she starts to cry. 

"Out of anything. I was blind then. And your friends attacked my friend, Leah. So why should I listen to you." 

Emerald: Y-Y-Y/N. I-I-I. 

"Like I said. Why should I listen to you. You. I know your semblance as well. Any attempt to make me hallucinate. And I'll kill you just as you activate it." 

She cried out. 


"If you did. Then you would have came after me. And you didn't. So what are you going to do that changes my mind." 

Emerald: Y-Y/n. P-P-Please. I-I-I just want t-t-to talk. 
She cried. 

"Then tell me this. Why did it ever happened." 

Emerald: C-C-Cinder t-t-threatened m-m-me i-i-if I-I-I told you. 

"Well. I'm glad you didn't." 

Emerald looks at me confused. 

"Because if you did. I would have never got with Blake. And I should thank you for that." 
I said as I started walking away from her. I walked until I felt her hug me from behind. 

"Let go of me." 

Emerald: No! Not until you forgive me! 
She cried onto my shoulder as she held me tightly. 

"Get off of me."
I said as I reached for Blue Rose. 

Emerald: Please Forgive me. *sobs* I'm sorry for breaking your trust.......your heart........Everything. 
She said as she kept crying. 

"If I forgive you will you let me go." 

I felt her head nod. She lets go of me and I look at her as she cried. 

"Fine. But one fuck up. Touch Blake or anyone I'm friends with,I won't hesitate to come after you." 
I threatened. 

Emerald slowly nods. 


I walk away, leaving Emerald. 

Third Person POV 

Blake and Leah continued searching for Y/N as they ran around campus looking for him. 

Leah: Where do you think he is?

Blake: I just hope he didn't run away again. 

Leah: I hope so too. 

Leah and Blake continued to search for Y/N. While they were searching, Leah thought about him. 

Leah: Y/N. Please don't hurt yourself. 
She said to herself. 

Leah: Please don't. It hurts me seeing you like this. 
She said to herself. 

They eventually stopped and headed for the entrance. As they walked towards the entrance, they saw him sitting by himself up against a tree. Blake and Leah smiled, knowing their friend is still here. 

Leah: B-Blake? Can I ask you something? 

Blake: What is it Leah? 

Leah: Uh. R-Remember when h-he stayed w-with me? 
She twiddled around with her fingers. 

Blake: Yeah why? 

Leah: U-Uh. D-D-Do y-you m-mind i-i-if w-w-we share h-him? 
She nervously said. 

Blake: Do you have thing for Y/N? 

Leah looks down, fearing that she will ruin Y/N's relationship with Y/N. As she looked down, she felt Blake bring her into a hug. 

Blake: Yes. I won't mind sharing him with you. You were the one that were able to bring him back. 
She said as she hugged Leah. 

The two let go of each other and started walking to Y/N. Y/N didn't notice them and Blake sat by him, leaning her head on his head, surprising him. 

Blake: Why did you run? 

She asked him as she held him close. 

Y/N: Just needed to be alone for a bit. But now you're both here. I'm glad. 

Leah: R-Really? 

Y/N: Yeah. You're both my friends. 
He said as he held Blake by the waist. 

Leah: Uh. Y-Y/N. C-Can I ask y-you something? 

Y/N: You can ask me anything. 
He said as he held Blake closer. 

Leah: I-I like you. 
She said as her face turns red. 

Y/N: Like Blake "like"? 

Leah: Y-Yeah. 
She said as she twiddled with her fingers. 

Y/N: Blake. Are you okay with this? 

Blake: Yes. She is the one that brought you back after all. 
She said as she nuzzles her head into the crook of his neck. 

Y/N: As long Blake is fine with it. Come here you. 

Leah smiles and walks over to Y/N. She sits on the ground, laying her head on her now boyfriend. 

Blake/Leah: Love you Y/N. 

"I love you both." 

BOOM! Here is Chapter 13 of Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake Belladonna! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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