Chapter 2: Swollen Hearts

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2 Months later Blake's POV
I couldn't help but think of him. My friend. The few people that accepted me for who I was. Now he's gone. All because of those whores that hurt him. Cinder. Emerald. Mercury. And her group of friends. Salem. Neo. Ozpin has sent many teams to find him. Team JNPR, CFVY, SSSN, and RWBY.

Flashback (1 week after Y/N disappears)

I was sitting at the lunch table with my team as I thought of him. I thought of him until I saw the two. Cinder and Emerald. I saw them all walk up to Mercury. Cinder planted a kiss on Mercury while Emerald looked down. I felt anger as I watched her kiss him like nothing happened. I got up and walked to them. I heard my team mates scream my name but I ignored them. I got up to Cinder as I clenched my fist.

Cinder: Hello. What can I do for you.


"How could you cheat on Y/N!"

Cinder: He was nothing. Nothing but a little bitch.

"How could you! He loved you!"

Mercury: So? He obviously didn't care enough to kill me. He's such a pussy.

I suddenly felt force pull me back. I looked behind me and I saw Goodwitch pulling me back. I thrashed around, trying to beat on Cinder and Emerald.

Goodwitch: Mrs. Belladonna. Calm down.

"Let me go! I want to hurt them for sending my friend away!" I yelled.

Flashback ends

I held on tightly onto the book he gave me for my birthday. I couldn't help but want to hug him and tell him that everything was going to be okay.

"Y/N. I-I h-hope I-I can f-find you."

Ozpin's POV

I sat in front of my desk as I held a file. Y/N's file.

"Poor man." I said loudly

Family were killed by a group of criminals. From how Ironwood put it, the mother was raped. The father had his throat slit opened. And the poor little girl was raped and killed. Then he was taken in by the mercenaries.

"Now he is a cold hearted killer along with those that took him in."

I put the file down and I thought of what happened after Glynda found out.


"Glynda. It'll be okay." I said, trying to calm her down.

Glynda: It's not okay! He's been through so much and you want to keep the 2 people that pushed him over the edge!

"You know I can't expel them for doing something they didn't know."

Glynda: Then why did he leave! Then why did he go back to mercenary group he was with before! You and I are the only ones that know about him.

"I-I don't know."

Glynda: Send a team for him then! Send me to find him!

"Fine. Team RWBY, JNPR come to my office." I said into the intercom.

10 minutes passed until team RWBY and JNPR came into my office. I saw Blake and Ruby looking as I saw their eyes red. I saw that Pyrrha and Yang were looking down as Nora, Ren, and Jaune were staring blankly at the ground.

Jaune: What is it headmaster.
I heard a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Since Mr. L/N has been gone for a week. I'm sending you two teams to find him. With the assitance of Ms. Goodwitch and Oobleck."

Ruby: O-Okay.

Flashback Ends

"Where ever you are Y/N. Just hope you're safe."

Third Person POV Vale

In the city of Vale there was a family of 4 surrounded by a group of thugs. A father, mother and 2 children. The 2 children clunged onto the mother as the father stepped in front of them.

Father: What do you want!

Thug #1: Everything.

The thug stabs the man, killing him. The other thugs pull out their knives as they all looked at the mother and 2 children, boy and a girl. The mother had tears as she put her children behind her. One of the thugs walked up to her with a knife in his hand as he cut her clothes. One of the thugs pulled the daughter and son from her. The mother tried to reach for her children but she was pulled away. She was knocked onto the ground as one of the thugs unbuckled his belt.

Little boy: Mommy!
The son yells as he and his sister were pulled away. He and his sister were put up to wall. The thugs pointed a gun at him and one of them were cutting his sister's clothes. Unknown to them. A man with a gun and a sword were walking to them.

The little boy tried to protect his little sister but he was hit at the back of the head, knocking him out. The little sister had tears as she watched her brother get knocked out. The thug continued to cut her clothes until blood squirted everywhere.


The 2 thugs that were surrounding the kids were suddenly cut in half. The little girl backed up against the wall as she was crying out of fear. There she saw a man in a red trench coat as he held his sword. He knelt down in front of her. She tried to crawl back but was stopped.

???: I won't hurt you. Stay here and I'll come back.

She slowly nodded and the stranger got up. The stranger walked down the alleyways and he saw 5 thugs surrounding a woman. He pulled out his pistol and shot 3 of them in the head. The 2 thugs looked at him with their weapons as one of them held the lady. He saw the lady had little to no clothes. Her top torn. Her bottom torn off.

Thug #1: Who the fuck are you.

???: Nothing but a messenger.

Thug #2: A messenger for what!

???: Your deaths.

Thug #2: Do anything and I'll kill he-SLASH

The stranger slashed through the thug holding the woman. The woman fell and crawled to a wall. The man turns to the last thug as he charged at him. The thug tried to stab him but he dodged. He grabbed the thug's arm and slams him into the ground. The thug crashes into the ground, gasping. The man pulls him up and breaks his arm. The thug screams out in pain but is quickly sent into a wall. The man stabbed the thug's legs and arms, immobilizing him. He went to the children and grabbed them. He took them to the mother and sat them down, next to her. The mother looked at their savior with hope.

Mother: T-Thank you.
She said as she held onto her children.

The man nods as another man comes up behind him.

???: Death-Gun. Take them back to their home. I got unfinished business.

Death-Gun: Yes my son.

The man turns around to go back to the thug as Death-Gun took the family home. He approached the thug as he panicked.

Thug: W-WHo are you!

???: No one of importance. Mind telling me why.

Thug: I'll never to tell you!

???: So be it.

He grabs the thug and drags him across the ground. He walks up a set of stairs, heading to the roof.

Thug: Where are you taking me!

The man doesn't answer and continues walking until he got onto the roof. He walks to the edge of the roof and holds the thug over the edge.

Thug: Please. I will give anything.

???: Die.

He drops the thug. The thug screams but stops as he plummets into the ground below. The man hears sirens come and quickly moves. He continues to run across the roofs as the sirens went away. He continued to run until he gets back to his hideout. He enters the hideout and walks past the other members. Al of them looking at him with fear. He continued walking until he gets a door. He opens the door and he enters the room. There was a small bed at the corner. A table right next to it. A counter near the back wall. He pulls out his weapons and placed them on the counter. As he put his weapons down, he came across a photo. A family photo of 4. A mother, father, and a little girl. He slams his fists onto the counter, remembering the day he lost everything.

Y/N: I will find those son of bitches and when I do. I will take what they took from me.

Well here is chapter 2 of Cheater Cinder/Emerald X Male Reader X Blake Belladonna. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. What do you all think so far?

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