Chapter 3: The Past

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I looked around and there I saw them again. The house. The 3 people I loved.

Father: Y/N! Dinner ready!

Big sister: Come on little brother! Hurry up before I eat all of it!

Mother: Come on Y/N.

I rushed into the kitchen and started to eat all of the food there. I couldn't help but smile as I ate dinner with them. The big sister that would be going to Beacon Academy within a few weeks.

Mother: Oh Y/N. I forgot to give you your gift. I'll give it to you after we eat.

I nodded excitedly.

After I was done eating mother and my sister took me to my room. There I saw two things.

A/N: I don't own this!

A/N: I don't own this!

My big sister and mother held them in their arms as they gave it me.

Big sister: Happy Birthday little brother.
She said as she gave me the revolver.

"What is it called?"

Big Sister: I call it Blue Rose.

"Blue Rose. I like it. What about the sword?"

Mother: This a sword that your father crafted for you.

I took the sword into my hands and I inspected it.

Mother/Sister: Do you like it?


I went to hug them but they started to fade away. I looked at them in confusion until I heard screams coming from behind me. I turns around and there I saw them. My father dead on the ground with his throat slit opened. My sister and mother being raped as they tried to crawl away. And my younger self on his knees as they made him watch.


"AAHHHHHHH!" I screamed as I held my guns in my hands. I looked around as I was covered in cold sweat. I gasped heavily as I sat there, remembering the day they were taken from me. I looked at the clock and it was 12:30 "Just great. Another nightmare."

I got up and got into my black cargo pants, black shirt, and red trench coat. I went into my armory and I took out my weapons. As I gathered my weapons I came across a safe. I unlocked it and there they were. Blue Rose. Red Queen.  I couldn't control myself seeing them again. The last thing I got from them. Blue Rose from my big sister. Red Queen from my mother. Tears streamed down my face as I reached out for them. 

"I miss you two so much." 

I held onto the two gifts as I knelt. I eventually got ready. I equipped Blue Rose and Red Queen along with my two pistols and HF blade. My two pistols at my sides while Blue Rose was behind my waist. Red Queen strapped across my back as my HF blade hanged off my side a little bit.

Third Person POV

Y/N walked out of his room and went to his "father's" room. He walked in and saw his father awake as he had his armor on.

Father: What can I do for you?

Y/N: Location of my family's murderers.

Father: I got one for you. North. By the white fang base we hit.

Y/N: Thank you. Now time to pay a visit.
He said as he walks out. He walks out of the hideout and gets on his motorcycle. He starts it up and drives. Unknown to him, there was someone watching him

???: Oz. Found him.

As he drives, he gets flashes of his family being murdered and raped. As he thought of them, tears slowly came down. Not too far in the distance, there was someone watching him. It doesn't take long for Y/N reaches the house where he believes to be the home of his one of his family's murderer. He walks up to the house and knocks on it. The door slowly opens, revealing a 30 year old man with a cigar in his hand.

Man: What?

Y/N: Is the owner home?
He said as he pulls out a picture.

Man: For what?

Y/N: He has been promised 2 million lien.
He lied.

Man: Oh that's me.
He said as he puts his cigar down.

Y/N: Good. Do you remember me?

The man looks at him in confusion.

Y/N: The screaming. The killings.

The man's eyes widen and tried to close the door. Y/N brings out his HF blade and cuts the door in half. The man continues to run but is shot down as Y/N shot him with Blue Rose. Y/N walks to the now injured man as he tries to get up. Y/N wraps his hands around his neck as he tried to breathe.

???: AHHHH!

Y/N looks over and he sees a woman with 2 kids.

Y/N: Let me guess. You raped her to. Like how you raped my sister.
He said with venom.

Man: I-I don't know what you're talking about.

Y/N drops the man and stabs him in the stomach as he looks at the woman. He walks to her as she hides her children. He looks over her and sees bruised and scars across her body.

Y/N: What did he do to you.

Woman: H-He raped me an hurt my children
She said as tears formed.

Y/N: Get out of here then. Death-Gun. Got another victim. Come and pick her up.
He said into his radio.

Death-Gun: Got it. On my way.
He replied.

Y/N turns around and walks back to the man. The man got up and tried to stab him with a knife. Y/N grabs the man's head and slams it into the wall, knocking him out. The man falls onto the ground and Y/N drags him to the center of the living room in the house. He ties him to a chair  and goes through the garage and kitchen. Y/N goes through the kitcehn and finds a couple of matches. He pulls one out and strikes it, lighting it on fire. 

Y/N: Good. These will do. 

He puts in it his back pocket and goes into the garage. He enters the garage and he sees car. He smiles, knowing there must be a can of gasoline. He goes through the garage and finds many things that angered him.  There he sees the many belongings from different people. He sees photos of different women and clothes. He grits his teeth but notices the can of gasoline. He smiles as he knows what he can do. What the rapist did to his home. He grabs it and walks back into the  living room. There he sees the man up as he struggles to get out of the chair he was strapped in. The man notices him and had a face of fear. 

Y/N: Remember me.
He said as he pulled out Blue Rose and sat down in front of the murderer. 

Man: Y-Y-You're the kid from all those years ago. 

Y/N: Good.
He points Blue Rose at him and shoots  the man in the stomach. 

Man: GAHH! 
He screams as blood pours out of his stomach. 


Y/N:  Your answer is obvious.
He said as he pulls out Blue Rose and Red Queen.

Y/N: I want to kill you and your friends for taking my family away from me. 
He said, devoid of emotion. Sending chills down the man's body. The man looks at him with fear. 

Man: I-I'm sorry! 
He screams as he sees Y/N pick up the can of gasoline. 

Y/N: I'm not. After I'm done with you. I'm going after your friends and I'm going kill them in front of their families. 

 Y/N dumps the gasoline over the man's body and kicks him. The man falls onto the ground and Y/N kicks his wound, making him scream. 

Man: AHHH! 

Y/N then pours all of the gasoline around the house. He pours it all over the kitchen, living room, and the rooms. After doing all of that, he goes back into the living room and sees the man struggling to breathe as the smell of gasoline filled the room. Y/N looks at him with nothing but with a lighter in his hand. The man looks at him with fear as he screams. 

He begs. 

Y/N throws the lighter and the man is soon consumed in flames. Y/N slowly walks out of the house as the mans screams in agony. The house is slowly consumed in flames as Y/N sits on his motorcycle outside of the house.  He starts his motorcycle and drives off/ Not noticing a group of people stood a couple of feet away from the house. 

Ozpin's POV

Qrow informed us with Y/N's current location and told us to head there. I must say when we got there, I was shocked. The house. In flames. Only hearing screams coming from within. I looked over to my side and I see Glynda crying. Blake looks at the destruction as her jaw hanged wide while Qrow stared at the destruction. 

Qrow: I-I-I can't believe this kid will go this far. To burning a man alive. 

"Do you where he is? I won't risk him getting involved with Atlas." 

Qrow: You're crazy Oz. Having a kid like him. 

"If Atlas got hold of him, we all know Ironwood will want him to be a soldier but knowing how he is. He'll probably kill everyone of them." 

Goodwitch: P-Please Qrow. Help us find him. 

Qrow: Fine. I just hope his friends will be able to hold him down for a little bit. 

We all boarded the bullhead and followed Qrow as he flies off. 

"Y/N. I will help you but you need to rest." 

Y/N's POV 

I got off my bike and started walking. Walking through the place where I always come to. I walked through the gates and continued walking. I hear birds chirp as I walked through. I stopped walking as I came up to tomb. Their tomb. I slowly looked up and saw their names. 

Here lies F/N L/N 

A loving father, husband, 

Here lies M/N L/N 

A caring loving mother, wife, sister 

Here lies S/N L/N 

A caring big sister, lovely daughter. 

I clenched my fist as tears rolled down my cheeks. Memories of them flashed through my mind as I clenched onto Blue Rose. I fell onto my knees as I thought of them. 

"H-Hey big sister. I-It's b-been 5 y-years s-since w-we l-last s-s-saw each o-other. T-Thank y-you for B-B-Blue R-Rose. I-I-I wish w-w c-could h-have g-gone to B-Beacon t-together. I m-miss y-you big sister. Y-You w-were the b-b-best b-b-big s-sister." 
I struggled to say as tears 

"I-I-I miss you all. I-I-I hope y-you're all happy w-where you're a-all at." 

I knelt there as I remembered every moment we spent together. Watching father craft my sister's weapon as she watched with curiosity. Her getting ready for Beacon Academy. I got up and started to walk away as tears ran down my face. I reached my bike and I saw 4 people. Ozpin. Goodwitch. Blake. And a man with a scythe, similar to Ruby's. Goodwitch ran at me and hugged me. 

Goodwitch: W-Where were you! 
She yells as she hugs me tightly. 

I said, trying to hold tears back in. 

Goodwitch: Please come back to Beacon. I don't want to lose my "son". 
She said as she held my shoulders. 

Ozpin: Come on Y/N. Let's go back. 

I looked up and I saw Ozpin. I nodded and got on my bike. I started it and was about to drive back to Beacon until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and I saw Blake with tears coming down her eyes. She hugged me tightly as she had cries. 

Blake: I-I m-missed you.
She struggled to say through tears. 

Ozpin: Let's go back. 
He said. 

"Let's go Blake. I'll give you ride back. Just the two of us." I said as I held her hand. 

She nods and gets on my bike. She holds onto my back, getting ready. 

"I'll see you all back at Beacon." 
I said. 

I drove back to Beacon while Blake held onto me. She held me tight as she laid her head on my shoulder. I could feel her hands roaming my chest as I drove. 

"She so beautiful when her hair  is like this." 
I said, admiring her black hair. 

Blake's POV 

We drove through Vale as it was starting to get dark. I saw all of the city's light coming on as we drove past. I couldn't but admire the view as we drove back to Beacon. I looked up to Y/N and hugged him tight. 

Time-Skip Y/N's POV

Blake and I arrived at Beacon. We got off my bike and we walked to the dorms. While we were walking, I saw Cinder and Mercury holding hands together. I clenched my fists as I slowly reached for Red Queen. I was about to reach for it but I felt Blake's hand on my shoulder. 

Blake: Don't. 

I sighed as I dropped my hand. I was about to walk to my dorm until I felt her hand again. 

Blake: Y-You c-could s-sleep w-with m-me. 
She said as she had a red tint across her face. 


She and I walked back to her dorm and she opens the door. We walked in and saw that everyone else was asleep. She went into the bathroom and changed into her pjs. I went over to her bed and took off my trench coat. I took of my weapons and set them on my coat. I set Red Queen and my HF blade on the ground while I set Blue Rose and my duel wield pistols on my trench coat. I stared at them, admiring them until I was snapped out of my thoughts. I looked over and I saw Blake in her pajamas. She crawls into her bed and looks at me. 

Blake: Come here Y/N. 
She said as she pats the spot next to her. I laid on the spot next to her as she sleeps facing the other way. I looked up at the cieling and slowly drifted off to sleep. 

15 minutes later Blake's POV 

I looked at Y/N and I saw he was asleep. I put my hand on my heart and I felt my heart beat faster every second I looked at him. I smiled, knowing he is back. My best friend. I leaned towards him and kissed him on the cheeks. I went back to sleep, knowing he'll be right here. 

"Good night Y/N." 

Well here is Chapter 3 of Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake Belladonna. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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