Chapter 4: Back at Beacon

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Third Person POV

Team RWBY slowly woke up one by one. First Ruby, Yang, Weiss, and then Blake. Blake looks up and notices Y/N is gone. She looks around worried, thinking he might have left again. Her team mates notice this and looked at her, confused.

Ruby: Blake. What's wrong?

Blake: Where's Y/N?

RWY: Blake. He's been gone for two months now.

Blake then catches a smell in the air. She sniffs it and it smells like food.

Blake: Is it just me or does it smell like food?

The others looked at her weird but soon got the idea. They all got up and all went to the kitchen. They all entered the kitchen and saw food on the table.

Ruby: Who did think cooked this?

???: That would be me.

They all turned around and there they saw him.

They said with shock as their eyes widen.

Y/N: Hey guys.
He said as he looked at them.

They all ran at him and tackled him onto the ground. They all hugged him tight as tears slowly rolled down their eyes.

Ruby: I-I-I *sobs* missed you.
She said, crying.

Y/N: I've missed you too.
He said, hugging her.

Weiss: Where were you! You dolt!
She yelled at him as tears came down. She hugged him tight as he hugged her back.

Yang: Don't scare us like that again!
She yelled at him as she hugged him. They all get off of him and sat at the table. They all started eating while Y/N gathered his stuff. His duel-wield pistols on each side of his hips. Blue Rose behind him on his rear. Red Queen strapped across his back. His HF blade hanging off his side. He sat down as team RWBY ate their food. He took his HF blade out of its sheath and started sharpening it. Blake kept staring at him while he was sharpening his sword. Y/N set Blue Rose and Red Queen on the side as he sharpened his HF blade.


I sat on the couch as I sharpened the HF blade my master gave me. He was the one that trained me. Made me who I am today. Without him, Death-Gun, and the others I wouldn't have made it.


I held my sword in my hand as my teacher stood in front of me.

Master: Well Y/N. Here is the last test. Take me out. Use any means necessary. Cut me down.

I nodded. I charged at him and slashed at him. He catches the blade with his hands and knocks me down. He jumps at me and tries to stomp onto me. I rolled out of the way and got up. He charged at me and punched my jaw. I staggered back as I felt immense pain. I held my jaw as I stood there.

Master: Come on. You can't hunt down your family's murderers if you can't get past me.

I charged at him again and slashed at him. He ducked and dodged all of my swings until I kicked him. He was knocked back and he chuckles.

Master: Good. Much better. But not good enough.
He said as he pulled out his HF sword.

He charged at me and slashed vertically at me. I side-stepped and slashed at him again. I swung at him but he blocked my attack.

Master: Predictable. You need to be faster. Smarter.

I started to get annoyed and I dropped my sword. As soon it hit the ground I pulled out my duel-wields shooting him with non-lethals. As he dodged, I threw a electrical dust vial at him and shot it. Then he was stunned and I charged at him. My fist connected to his face and was knocked onto the ground. I stood there panting as I watched him. He slowly got up and chuckles.

Master: *chuckles* Just as expected.

"Expected of what?"

Master: You've improved greatly since you first arrived. Even to the point of surpassing me.

"What about it?"

Master: Because. You just passed your master.
He said as he stood in front of me. He took of his sword and handed it to me.

"Why are you handing me this?"

Master: You've surpassed me. This is my gift to you.

I slowly reached out and grabbed the blade from his hands.

"T-Thank you master."
I said as I bowed.

Flashback ends

I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I looked who it was. Turned out it was Ruby.

"Hey Ruby. What is it?"

Ruby: I-I-I was just wondering how many weapons you have?
She said with a red blush over her face.

"I have 4 different weapons."
I answered.

She yelled as she had a big smile.


I chuckled at her eagerness. I pulled out Blue Rose, Red Queen, my HF blade, and my duel-wield pistols.

Ruby: What can these two do?
She said as she pointed to the two pistols.

I said, transforming it into a sniper rifle.

She drooled as I transformed it into the pistol form.

She yelled out of curiosity.

I pulled out my HF blade and took it out of its sheath. Her eyes had stars in it as she stared at my sword.

She tried to grab my sword.

"Now. Now Little red. We don't need you accidentally cutting half of the school down."

She looks down and groans.

"But I'll show you later."

She looks up and smiles big.

Ruby: AYYY!
She yells out of excitement.

Then Weiss sits next to me and notices Blue Rose and Red Queen.

Weiss: What about these 2?
She asked as she touches them.

"Oh....These are from someone."
I said.

Yang: From them?
She growled.


Blake: Then who are they from?
She asked as she held my hand in hers.

I close my eyes as I thought of...........them.

"Just promise you won't tell anyone."
I said.

RWBY: We promise.
They said.

"These were from my family."
I said, trying to ignore what happened to them.

Blake sensed what was going through his head and held his hand tight.

Blake: Y/N. You know you can trust us right?
She said as she held his hand tighter.

"It's just .......hard."
I said.

Weiss: Well you won't have to tell us if you're not ready.
She said.

"Thank you."

Ruby then checked the clock and saw that it was time for class.

Ruby: Guys. We have to get to class.
She informed us.

"You guys go. I need time for myself."

Team RWBY: Okay. See you later.
They said, leaving the room.

Now that I am alone, I can think about them. I got up and went to the bathroom. I leaned on the sink as I thought of them. The mercenaries that saved me. My master. Ozpin. Goodwitch. They all helped me. Now there are those two whores. I reached for a towel and washed my face. I looked up at the mirror and saw my H/C hair, E/C eyes, my scarred body.

"Maybe I'll be able to visit you all sometime."
I said as I thought of them. My big sister. Father. Mother. I open the door and I grabbed my weapons. After gathering them all, I went to my dorm. I closed the door to team RWBY's room and went down the hallway. After passing 5 rooms, I was able to reach my room. I opened it and closed the door. I put all weapons on my bed and went to change my clothes. Instead of wearing my red trench coat I went with my red hoodie, dark blue shirt, and black jeans. I equipped my 4 of my weapons. HF blade. Twin pistols. Red Queen. Blue Rose. After gathering all of my stuff I exit my room and started to walking to class. I checked the time and saw what time it was.

"Great. Port's class. The very fucking class I've met those two in." I cursed to myself.

I continued walking to their class and saw that everyone was asleep. Everyone in the room looked at me with curiosity.

Port: Who are you? Are you new here?

"Name's Nero L/N. Ozpin told me to come here."
I lied.

Port: Strange. Okay. Sit near team RWBY.

I sat down near them while they all looked at me.

Yang: Why did you change your name?
She whispered into my ear. looked to the left of my corner and I see them. Cinder. Emerald. What is surprising that is that I see Emerald looking down while Cinder is laughing with Mercury.

"Look at the right."
I told her.

She looked and she looked back at me.

Yang: Makes sense.

Throughout the class time, I kept glancing at them while taking note of Emerald. I just slept while I held Blue Rose close. After listening to the stories of Port, the class was finally done. I waited until everyone left, leaving me alone with a few others in the room. I got up and walked to the exit but Port called me out.

Port: Mr L/N. It seems you're not on my list.

"Port. It's L/N isn't it. Then it should be me."

Port: But that's for Y/N L/N. He's been gone for 2 months.

"Well you're looking at him."

Port: Mr. L/N? You're here?

"Well isn't it obvious?"

Port: It's good to have you back. It's just been so long since I last saw you.

"Well just don't tell anyone here."

Port: Of course.


"At least you're not going to be a pain in the ass."
I said to myself.

I walked out of the room and headed for the cafeteria. I got my food and went to team RWBY. I slowly ate my food until I heard another friend scream. I looked towards the direction where it was coming from and I saw velvet being picked on by Cardin.

Velvet: OW! Stop it!

Cardin: I told you they were real!

Russel: What a freak!

Ruby: Poor girl.

I got up and started walking until I felt a hand on mine. I looked and it was Blake.

Blake: Just don't hurt yourself.
She said with pleading eyes. I smiled at her and I went to them. I pulled out my twin pistols and kicked Cardin to the ground.

Cardin: The fuck your problem! Don't you know who is the boss around here!

"So the little dick is boss around here."

Cardin: Get him!
He yells.

The three of his team mates charged at me and I shot them all at their foot. They all fell to the ground as they clutched onto their foot. I stood there as the three of them laid on the floor while Cardin pulled out his mace.

(Come.)(In Japanese)

He charged me angrily and slammed his mace down me. I smirked and side-stepped. I kicked his knee in and he fell to the ground, screaming in pain. I stood over him as he looked at me in fear. I raised my twin pistols at him as he begged.

Cardin: Please. I'm sorry!

"Don't apologize to me."
I told him, coldly.

I grabbed him and dragged him to Velvet.

"Apologize to her."
I said, holding him by his hair as I held a gun to his head.

Cardin: Fuck you! She's a freak!


I shoot him in his other knee. He screams in pain as I held him.

I said, staring into his eyes. I gripped my gun as I lost my patience.


"Don't do it. I'll kill you."

Cardin: You won't! You pussy!


I grazed his ear as I held the hot barrel against his face.

"I won't now would I."
I said coldly.

Cardin: I'm Sorry for picking on you! Please. I'm sorry!
He screamed in fear.


I dropped him on the ground and I kicked his head, knocking him out. I looked back at his team mates as they all got up.

"Take your pathetic leader."

They all got up and slowly dragged him away. I walked back to Velvet and knelt down in front of her.

"You okay Velvet?"

Velvet: Y-Yeah. T-Thank you b-but w-w-who are you?

I raised my hood up a little and she saw my face.

Velvet: Y-Y-Y/N!
She yelled out as she hugged me tightly. I hugged her back as she cried out onto my shoulder.

"Shh. It's okay. I'm here."
I said, comforting her as she cried on my shoulder. I suddenly felt a force pulling me away from her. She fell onto the gorund as I felt myself getting pulled through the air. Then I was turned around and saw Goodwitch with an sad and angry look.

Goodwitch: You know you didn't have to do it.
She said as she looked at me.

"Do what."
I said coldly.

Goodwitch: Hurt them badly.
She said sadly.

"Pain is the only teacher."
I said, coldly.

Goodwitch: You know. You don't have to do everything alone.

"I rather do it alone."
I said coldly.

Goodwitch: Why do you think it is your fault?
She asked me.

"Don't you think about it."
I said coldly.

Goodwitch: Why do you think it's your fault for their deaths?

"If you only knew."
I told her.

Goodwitch: Mr L/N. I am sorry for what happened to them but please move on.

"There is no such thing in my world."

???: Goodwitch. I think you should let him go.

I turned to my left and I saw Ozpin.

Goodwitch: Why Ozpin?
She asked.

Ozpin: I need to talk to him in my office.

Goodwitch: Fine.
She said as she lets me down.

"Let me guess. You're going to expel me."
I said as I felt someone pull on my shoulder. I look and it is team RWBY.

Ozpin: No. I just need to talk to you. Now come.
He said. I stood there as team rwby, jnpr, and cfvy surrounded me. I looked at Velvet and she had a small smile. I hugged her again and she hugged me back. I could hear her sob again as she held my close.

"Don't worry. I'm right here."
I told her.

Ozpin: Mr L/N. I suggest we get going.

I let go of Velvet and I headed off to his office. While I was on my way to his office, memories of them flashed through my head. My family. Team rwby, jnpr, and cfvy.

"So far. Port, team rwby, and Velvet only know of my return. I should probably tell team JNPR and Coco."
I said to myself. It wasn't long until I got to his office and I walked in.

"You said you wanted to talk to me."
I said as I saw a girl with red hair as she stood with Ozpin.

Ozpin: Yes. Y/N. I wanted to introduce you your new team mate. Leah.

A/N: I don't own this!

"Hello. My name is Y/N L/N."
I said as I held my hand out. She took my hand and shook it.

Leah: Hello I am Leah. Nice to meet you.


Ozpin: So Y/N. I want you to show her around and help her take her stuff to your dorm.

"Yes. Let's go Leah."

Leah: Let's go then.

I put up my hoodie and we walked to the dorm. While we walked to the hoodie I took a few glances at her and she looked away every time.

I said to myself. I ignored it and we kept walking. That was until we came across them. Cinder. Emerald. Mercury. I pulled Leah to the side and we walked through a different route.

Leah: What was that for?
She asked, confused.

"It's just those three." I said.

Leah: What about them?
She asked.

"Just some history with them."
I answered.

Leah: Oh okay.

We continued to walk through the hallway and we eventually reached the room. I unlocked it and I helped her with her stuff. I set her stuff down on her bed and I went back to my bed and I held Blue Rose in my hand. I stared at it as memories of them flooded my mind. I continued to stare at it. I suddenly felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I aimed Blue Rose at who was touching me. It turned out to be Leah.

Leah: A-A-Are y-you okay?
She asked as her eyes were consumed in fear.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Just bad memories."

Leah: I'm sorry to say. I've ......kind ......of look into your memories.
She said as she looked down.

"No wonder you were looking the other way when we were walking."
I said.

Leah: You knew?

"That what happens if you run around a lot."

Leah: Well can I look into it again?
She asked as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"Go ahead. I must warn you. It's going to unpleasant."

Leah: I just hope to help you.
She said with a warm smile.

"Go ahead."

Leah's POV

I used my semblance and I slipped into his memories again. What I saw next was painful to watch.


Well here is Chapter 4 of Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake Belladonna. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. What do you all think so far?

Also props to Brave_Vesperia

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