Chapter 5: Confrontation

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Leah's POV 

I felt myself go into his memories and I landed in front of a small house. 

"It's beautiful."  I said as I looked at the house. 

???: AHHH! Y/N run! AHHH! 

I heard screams come from the house.  I ran through to the house and ran through the door. The sight in front of me now is horrifying. A little boy being held down as two women were being raped in front of him. 

Little Y/N: Mommy! S/N! 

I covered my mouth as I watched the horrible sight in front of me. I felt tears run down my face as I watched the event continue. Then the two men that were hurting the two women pulled out their guns and shot them through the head. Then they pointed their guns at the boy. I ran in front of them and they shot. I didn't feel pain but when I turned around I saw the boy laying on the ground as blood surrounded him. I fell onto my knees as I watched the little boy die. 

"I am so sorry Y/N." 
I said as I knelt in front of him. 


I turn to my left and I see another man but in different clothing this time. I watched him as he slowly walked towards the boy. He knelt in front of Y/N and held him in his arms. 

???: Don't worry little one. I'll train you and help you hunt them down. 

???: Commander Death-Gun. What do we do with the two girls and the man? 

Death-Gun: Bury them. They deserve a proper burial. 

???: Yes sir! 

I watched as two men enter the house and they carry the two dead women and the man as Death-Gun carry Y/N away. Then the background started to change. 

Scene Change 

I saw that I was in a compound. 

???: Come on Y/N! Quicker! 

I heard someone yell. I turned around and I saw that Y/N was in a tank top and black cargo pants as he had a sword in his hand. He swung his sword at the stranger and he blocked. The stranger blocked it and kicked Y/N away from him. 

???: Come at me like you want me dead! Like all the murderers that killed you family! 

Y/N then charged at him as he graze the ground with his sword, causing the sword to go aflame as he charged at him. 


He swung his sword at the stranger. The stranger blocked the attack but his sword was cut in half as Y/N's blade went through. The stranger backs up and surrenders. 

???: You're pretty good. Let's go grab a drink. What do GAH! 

He was launched through the wall as Y/N stood there as he had a black aura surrounding him. He charges at the stranger but is stopped by someone in black armor. 

Y/N: Get out of my way Death-Gun! 

Death-Gun: You need to calm down. 
He said coldly. 

Y/N: Get out of my way! I won't say it again! 

Death-Gun: And you need to calm down. 

Y/N: I'll kill anyone that speaks of them! 

Death-Gun: What about me then. 

Y/N then walks up to him as he holds the sword in his hand. Y/N brings his sword into his hand as he points it at Death-Gun. Death-Gun unsuspecting hugs him as he tried to get out. 

Death-Gun: Don't forget. I'll always train you if you need it but you've far surpassed me in terms of determination and skill. 

I watched as Y/N drops his sword onto the ground as he falls to his knees. 

Y/N: I'm sorry Death-Gun. 
He said as he cries. 

Death-Gun hugs young Y/N as he cries on his shoulder. 

I couldn't help but feel my heart hurt as I watched his pain. 

Scene Change 

I saw the background change and I saw Ozpin and Y/N standing in front of each other. 

Ozpin: So Mr L/N. So you're the one that has been murdering these criminals. 

Y/N: What about it. All they do is rape and take what they want. I'm their death warrant. 

Ozpin: What gives you that reason? 

Y/N: You wouldn't understand. 

Ozpin: Then tell me.

Y/N: Like I told you. You wouldn't understand. 

???: Then tell us young man. 

I saw a woman with glasses as she held a riding crop. I looked around and I saw that we were in the office. 

Y/N: Like I told you. You wouldn't understand anything. 

Ozpin: I wouldn't understand your pain? Your big sister. Your mother. Your family. 

Y/N pulls out his sword and points it at Ozpin. 


Ozpin: Mr L/N. I understand your pain. Please let us help you. 


Ozpin: We will help you bring those that killed your family. And I won't stop you from doing what you want to them. 

Y/N: You will? 

???: Let us take you in. I want to help you. 

I watched as the woman hold his shoulder as Y/N gripped his sword. 

Y/N: Sure. 
He said as he puts his sword on his back. 

???: I'll always take care of you. Son. 

Scene Change

After the background faded away I saw that I was at Beacon. I looked around and I saw Y/N sitting with his weapons strapped his back and sides as he was reading a book. I looked at him as he kept reading was interrupted as two girls came up to him. A girl in a red dress and a girl with green hair. 

???: Are you Y/N? 

Y/N: Yes. What is it? 
He said as he lowers his book. 

???: My name is Cinder Falls. 

???: My name is Emerald Sustrai. 

Y/N: Can I help you two with something? 

Cinder: Uh. W-we've been t-thinking about you for a-awhile. 

Y/N: What are you talking about? 

Emerald: W-W-We were wondering if you wanted to go out with us? 

I watched as he stared off into the sky but looks at them. 

Y/N: Sure. 

I smiled, thinking that he changed at least. I watched as the two girls hugged him. 

Scene Change 

I looked around and I saw that I was in the dorms. I was confused until I saw Y/N walking down a hallway. I followed him until I heard moaning coming from a room. I continued following Y/N and saw him have an angered face. I quickly ran to the room and I saw Cinder and Emerald sleeping with someone else. 

Y/N: Why! 

Cinder: Because we never loved you. We just wanted to use you. 

I watched as Cinder form a fireball in front of her. 

Y/N: Dis-abler. 

Suddenly her fireball dissipated. 

Cinder: What did you do to me! 

Y/N: Semblance. 
I heard his voice and it was devoid of life. Then the guy that slept with them got up and tried to punch Y/N. I saw him duck and kneed him in the gut. Then Y/N kicked him into the wall. He slowly walked to him and pulled out his gun and aimed it at his head. 

Emerald: Y-Y/N. P-Please S-Stop. 
I heard the green hair say as she had tears rolling down her face. 

Out of the Memory Lane 

I felt myself get pulled out of his memories. I looked at Y/N as he stared at me blankly. 

Y/N: Let me guess. You saw everything. 
He said without emotion. 

I couldn't help but hug him. 

"I'm sorry for all the pain you went through." 
I said as hugged him. I couldn't help hug him after seeing all of the pain he went through. 

"I'll be here for you. Okay Y/N?" 

I felt him hug me back as I hugged him. 

Y/N: Thank you. 

Y/N's POV 

I hugged her as she stood there. We hugged each other until I heard her stomach growl. 

"Sounds like you're hungry." I said. 

Leah: I guess so. Want to show me where the cafeteria is at?  

"Sure." I said. 

We walked out of the room as I equipped all of my weapons. We walked to the cafeteria while we walked there I thought about them. How things could be different if I met Death-Gun first. 

"If I met Death-Gun earlier then they would be here still." I told myself. 

It didn't take long for us to reach the cafeteria and Leah goes grab her food. I wait for her at the door as she gets her food. While I was waiting team RWBY came up to me along with team CFVY and JNPR. 

"Hey guys." 

Team JNPR: Don't HEY us! 

Team JNPR brought me into a crushing hug. 


Team JNPR lets go of me and looked at me. 

Team JNPR: You were gone for 2 months! Where were you! 

"Just doing things." 

Then Coco, Velvet, and Fox came up to me. I looked at Coco as Velvet hid behind her. 

"Hey Coco. Hey Velvet." 

Velvet then runs at me and brings me into a hug as she cried on my shoulder. I hugged her back as she continued to cry on my shoulder. 

"Shhh. It's okay. Velvet." I said, calming her down as Coco and her team stood in front of me. 

Coco and Fox: Welcome back Y/N. Let's just say Velvet missed being around you. 

Velvet: Coco! 

Coco and Fox: We should also thank you for helping her. 

"Anytime guys." 

Leah: Oh hey Y/N. Who are these people? 
She said as she stood next to me. 

"Well guys. This is my new team mate Leah. Leah these are my friends. Team JNPR. Team CFVY. and Team RWBY." 

Leah: It's nice to meet you all. 

RWBY/JNPR/CFVY: It's nice to meet you. 

We all sat down at a table as Leah sat by me, eating her food. I looked at her, taking in her beautiful red hair as she looked back at me. 

Leah: What? Do I have something on my face? 

"No. Just thought you look nice." 

Leah blushes and continues to eat her food. I suddenly my hood get pulled down and I looked to Yang, seeing her hide behind Blake. 

"Yang. Come on I know you did it." 

Yang: I don't know what you are talking about Y/N.  

???: Y-Y-Y/N? 

I felt my blood boil as I heard that voice again. I turned around and I saw them again. There they were. The two sluts standing there with Mercury. 

"Oh great. Now that I have to deal with the 3 pests." I said loudly as I got up. 

Emerald: Y-Y/N. I-I'm so sorry.
She said as tears fell. 

"I don't care." 

Emerald falls onto her knees as she starts to cry. 

Cinder: How dare you hurt her! 

She forms a fireball in her hand but I activated my semblance. The fireball dissipates away causing her to look confused. 

Cinder: Mercury! 

Mercury runs at me and he throws a punch at me. I caught it and punched him back, hitting his jaw. He crashes into the ground near Cinder as he holds his lower jaw. I reached for my HF blade and pulled it out but some reason I couldn't. 

???: Y/N! Mercury stop this at once! Go to class! 

I groaned in annoyance as Team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and Leah pulled me away from Mercury. 

Leah: It's okay Y/N. Let's just leave. 
She said as she held onto my arm. 

"Only if you come with me." 

She nods and all of us went to our class, leaving an angered Cinder, Mercury and a brokenhearted Emerald.  Blake looked at Y/N, worried about him. Leah stayed close to him as they continued to walk to class. 

"Leah. What is your first class?" 

Leah: Oh. My first class is Ooblecks. 

"So you're in there with me then." 

Leah: Oh. What a coincidence. 
She said with a small smile.  

Y/N, Leah, team RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY all walked into class and sat down. Not long after the class started. Through the class Y/N was sharpening his HF blade while Leah was laying on his shoulder. Blake looked at the two with a small smile as they kept reading his book. Ruby was drawing a picture of Leah and Y/N in his book while Weiss and Yang looked at them with smiles. Not long after the class ends and they leave. 

"Leah. What's your next class?" 
I asked. 

Leah: I have combat class with Goodwitch. What about you Y/N? 

"In there as well." 

Leah: Oh. 

We all walked to her class and we sat down. I sat by Leah as we sat near team RWBY. Not long after they came in. 

"Great. I forgot they are in here." I said loudly. 

Leah: Don't worry. I'm right here. 
She said as she held my hand. 

"T-Thank you Leah." 

Then Goodwitch enters the class. 

Goodwitch: Okay class. Who wants to fight first? 

Mercury shoots his hand up and Goodwitch calls on him. 

Goodwitch: Mercury. Who do you want as your opponent? 

Mercury: The little bitch Y/N L/N! 

Y/N gets up in annoyance as he puts Blue Rose and Red Queen on Leah's desk. 

"Don't let anyone touch these." I told her. 

Leah: S-Sure thing. 

I walked into the arena as Mercury stepped onto the stage. 

Mercury: I'll make you pay. 
He growls at me. 

I stood there silent as I pulled out my HF blade. I held it in front of me as I remembered his saying. 

Master: It yearns to bath in the blood of your enemies! 
A/N: Reference? 

"I'll gladly do so." I said to myself. 

Goodwitch: FIGHT! 

Third Person POV 

Mercury charged at Y/N and threw a kick. Y/N dodges and delivers a kick. Mercury ducks and throws another. Y/N backed up as Mercury missed his kick. Mercury runs at him as Y/N kept dodging, causing Mercury's temper to run short. 

He yells out of frustration. 

Y/N smirks at this and stand there. 

Y/N: What are you doing. You told to stay still. Come at me! Or are you a little bitch like how your dad was. 

Mercury charges at him as rage blinds him. Y/N smirks at this and lets Mercury hit him head on. Mercury delivers a punch to his head but Y/N grabs his fist. He pulls away from his face and looks at Mercury as his angered face was slowly engulfed in fear. 

Y/N: Is that all? PATHETIC! 

He kicks Mercury in the stomach and pulls out his HF blade. 

Y/N: Let's Dance! 
He yells. 
A/N: Reference? 

Emerald watches as she sees Y/N completely different from two months ago. 

Emerald: I-It's m-*sobs* my fault
She said as tears fell. 

Leah and Blake watched as Y/N pulled out his HF blade. 

Blake/Leah: Oh no. 

Mercury charged at Y/N and throws a kick at him. Y/N notices his kicks hit hard. The kick knocks Y/N back as he recovers. 

Y/N: It seems that his legs are like metal. I'vet bet he won't mind if I do something about that. 
He said as he grins. 

He sheaths his blade and Mercury takes this chance to charge at him. 

Cinder looks at the both of them and cheers on for Mercury. 

Cinder: Y/N. You'll never beat Mercury. Because he has a superior fighting style.
She said to herself. 

Mercury runs at Y/N and throws another hard hitting kick.  He staggers back as he reaches for his blade. He smirks as he sees Mercury throw another kick. He pulls the trigger. 



A/N: Imagine Raiden as Mercury. Y/N doesn't cut off the limp of anyone here. But he cuts off the metal bearings around Mercury's legs. 

Mercury screams in pain as he feels the metal bearing being slashes off completely. He falls on to the ground as he sees Y/N in his stance as he holds his sword in his hand. He swings it around and puts back in his sheath. 

Y/N: Now that was fun. It's been a while since I last used that. The last time I used it was to cut someone in half. 

Cinder, Emerald, Leah, team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and Goodwitch's eyes widen as they heard what he said. 

Cinder: W-W-What? 
She said in fear. 

Mercury: W-W-What are you! 
He said as he gets up, getting ready to fight Y/N again. 

Y/N stands there in silence as he stands there with his arms cross. Mercury gets angry at Y/N's silent demeanor. 

Mercury: Even without the bearings I'll still beat you! 

He charges at Y/N and throws another kick at him. Y/N ducks the first kick. Mercury throws a second kick and Y/N grabs it. Mercury looks at him as he holds his leg. 

Mercury: Let go of me you pest! 

Y/N kicks his other leg, forcing him to a knee. He swings Mercury and slams him into the ground. Mercury coughs as he hits the ground full force. He kicks Y/N and gets back up. He throws a punch at Y/N but he catches his fist. Mercury throws another punch but is also caught. Mercury tries to get out of his hold but Y/N knees him in the gut. Mercury coughs out blood and gets head butt. This knocks him back but he is brought back as Y/N kicks him away. Mercury crashes into the ground as Cinder and Emerald watched with fear. Mercury slowly gets up as he wipes the blood from his mouth. 

Mercury: I'll beat you! No matter what happens I'll beat you! 

Y/N decides to run at Mercury and he throws a punch. Mercury blocks it but is pushed back into the wall. Mercury throws a punch but is caught by Y/N again. Y/N holds his hand and breaks his right leg. Mercury screams in pain as his right leg has been broken. He is then punched in the wall and he falls towards the ground but not before Y/N grabs his collar. Y/N lifts him up as he holds him. 

Y/N: If you thought I was a pussy. Then you're wrong. Considered yourself lucky. I prefer to kill my targets. But you and team CRDL will serve as examples. 

He drops Mercury onto the ground and walks towards Leah. He grabs Blue Rose and Red Queen. 

Y/N: Leah. I'll be at our dorm if you need me. 
He told her before he walks outside. 

Team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, Leah, and Goodwitch looked at Mercury as sadness and fear went through their minds. 

Leah: All those criminals made him this way. 
She said as she looked down. 

Blake: I didn't know he would go this far to prove something. Y-Y/N. I-I'm so sorry for not being there. 
She said as tears fell. 

Goodwitch looked at Mercury, remembering what she saw back in Vale. 

Goodwitch: So this is what the mercenaries did to him. 

Cinder: H-How! How did he get this powerful! 
She yelled to herself. 

Emerald looked down in shame as tears streamed down her eyes. 

Emerald: Y-Y-Y/N. I-I'm s-s-so sorry! P-Please f-forgive me.
She said as she cried. 

At Y/N's dorm

Y/N was standing in front of a white board as it all papers about recent human/faunas trafficking. He scans over it and he sees a faunas girl recently disappeared. 

Y/N: 1 down. 10 to go. 

Well here is Chapter 5 of Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake Belladonna. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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