Chapter 6; Lost Boy

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"You don't die when your heart stops beating. You die when your heartbeats have no meaning."

~ @poemsporn / / Twitter


Peter's P.O.V (In The Underworld)


    "Hey, guys, we're back," Alice greets, entering the living room.
   Will walks into the room behind her, placing the groceries they bought onto the island separating the kitchen from the living room.
   "I got you something from the store, Cas," Alice says, sitting next to the blonde toddler.
   "Really? What did you buy, mommy?" Cassie asks, looking up from the book he's reading.

    "This," Alice says, pulling a packet of sweets out from her bag. "Share those with your brothers, alright?"
   "Okay, mommy," he replies, smiling as he takes the sweets from her.
   Alice ruffles up his hair. "Speaking of the twins, where are they?"
   "They said they wanted to explore the town," Cassie replies, struggling to open the sealed packet.

    "Here," Alice says, holding her hand out to him. "Let me try."
   Cassie hands the bright yellow packet to her, and Alice then attempts to open the bag. She gives up after a few tries.
    "Ray?" Alice calls out, drawing the raven-haired boy's attention.
   He looks up from his phone. "Yes, Alice?"
   "A little help, please?" Alice asks, holding out the sweet packet to him.

    Ray takes the packet from her and manages to open it in one try. "You know, you're pretty weak for a girl who's always saying "fight me"," he teases, handing her back the packet.
  "Hey, I'm not weak, I have my bad days, too," the brunette protests, taking the bag from him.
   He rolls his eyes at her as she passes Cassie back his sweets. "Here you go, darling."

    "Thanks, mommy and daddy," Cassie replies, taking a sweet out of the packet.
   Alice looks up at the ceiling as if waiting to hear something. She then looks at Ray. "The house seems awfully quiet and that can only mean one thing. Where are the guys?"
   "The fuse box blew when the twins tried to turn on the lights so the trio went into town to find an electrician."

    "And what about Lewis?" Alice asks.
   "He went to Granny's Diner," Ray says, placing his phone onto the coffee table. "Apparently the diner has free Wi-Fi so Lewis is gonna try to FaceTime Jo."
   Alice glances at the clock hanging above the fireplace. "Wow, it's only been twenty minutes since we got here and he's already contacting his girlfriend."

    "It's Lewis, can you blame him?" Will asks.
   "Nope, I can't."
   "Well, I'm gonna take a shower. You guys behave, alright?" Will says before walking off.
   "Hey, I'm the responsible one here," Ray protests.
   "No, you're not," Alice and Will counter.
   Ray shoots Alice a look. "I'm gonna get you back for that."

   "Oh, really? How do you plan on doing that?" Alice challenges.
    "Hey, Cassie, could you go play in your room?" Ray asks the little boy.
   "Okay, daddy," he replies, running off.
   The raven-haired boy waits until the toddler is out of ear-shot to grab Alice by the waist, pulling her on top of him. She squeals as he begins tickling her sides, laughing as he runs his hands under her arms.

    My hands tremble as I watch Ray kiss Alice, who immediately kisses him back, their tickle fight long forgotten.
   "What's wrong, son?" Malcolm asks as I wipe away the tears that are threatening to fall. "Are you alright?"
   I look up from the crystal ball as the old man sits on the bed beside me. "She- She was my happy ending. But I lost her, and I don't know what to do."

    I wipe the tears from my eyes, but I only succeed in making myself cry even harder. Malcolm takes my hands in his, looking me in the eyes. "Alice is your soulmate, you'll find a  way back to her. I know you will."
   "How?" I asks, my vision blurry due to the tears in my eyes. "I'm dead. The only way for us to be reunited is in death."

    "You're Peter Pan, you'll find a way. You always do," he states confidently.
   "How can you be sure?" I ask.
   "Because I've seen you do it," my grandfather says. "I've seen the way you look at each other, a little thing like stolen memories won't change how she feels about you."

    "But she hates me, she said that she never wanted to see me again," I say, remembering our conversation from the last time I visited her in her dreams.
   "She doesn't know what she's talking about," he assures me. "She still loves you, and from what I've seen, you guys won't be apart for long."
   "Even if I could get out of here, we can't be together, she's moved on."

    "Do you really think that she'd stay with him once she gets her memories back?" Malcolm asks.
   "Yes," I admit. "She's been with him longer than she's been with me. And truth to be told, I don't want to ruin her happiness by intervening."
   "I refuse to believe you mean that," he says. "You guys are soulmates. You're meant to be with each other."

    "Then why aren't we? Why isn't she in my arms now?" I asks.
   Malcolm takes the crystal ball from me. "You will have her in your arms once more, I promise you that. The two of you just fell in love at the wrong time."
   "Time." I scoff. "They said time heals. Well, they lied."


Alice's P.O.V (Back In Storybrooke)


    "Alice! Are you done yet?" Jerome shouts, pounding on the bathroom door.
   "I'll be out in a sec," I yell, rinsing the soap from my hair.
   "That's what you said twenty minutes ago," Hunter states.
   "Well, who's counting?"
   "We are," the guys counter.
   "Alice, do you hear that sound?" Lewis asks. "That's the sound of all the sea animals crying 'cause you're draining their ocean."

    "Hahaha," I say, rolling my eyes. "Real funny, but keep in mind that you guys were the ones who choose the house with only one bathroom."
   "Alice, Nemo is dead thanks to you," I hear Will yell.
   I suppress a laugh as I rinse the rest of the soap from my body.
   "That's it," Will exclaims. "I'm getting my lock-picking kit."

    "Where's my lock-picking kit?" I hear him yell after a few seconds.
  "I'll help you find it," I hear Jerome say.
   "Me too," Hunter says.
   "I'll join you guys."
   I smirk.
    Good luck, boys, I hid it somewhere you'll never find.

   I then step out of the shower, wrapping a fluffy white towel around my body as I make my way towards the vanity table. Placing my hand on the cold surface, I wipe the condensation from it, revealing the mirror. I'm too occupied in trying to tame my wild hair that I don't hear the sound of the bathroom door being unlocked. But the sound of the bathroom door closing catches my attention.

    I gasp, turning around to face the intruder. Ray smirks, locking the door behind him. I wrap towel tighter around my body as he takes a step forward.
   "Nice job," I complement. "Where'd you find it?"
   I watch as Ray removes his shirt, revealing his muscular chest. "In Cassie's suitcase."
   I raise my eyebrows. "Wow, am I that predictable?"

   "No, I just saw you hide it while the guys were out buying dinner," he replies, grinning.
    I lean against the vanity table. "You win. So, what are you gonna do now?"
   "This," Ray says, pushing me on the table as he presses his lips against mine.
   He buries his left hand in my damp hair, wrapping his other arm around my waist.

    I slip my arms around his neck as he does so. I pull back for air before Ray gets the chance to deepen the kiss. He takes that time to lift me off the wooden floor, wrapping my legs around his torso. He pushes me against the vanity table, using it to support most of my weight. I let out a soft gasp as Ray presses his lips to my neck, planting love bites down my collarbone.

    My skin tingles as his lips brush across my sweet spot. Ray then takes his lips off my neck, moving back to my lips. No matter how many times I kiss him, he always manages to make the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. I tangle my hand in his messy hair, gently tugging on it as he deepens the kiss. Contrary to what the guys' think, Ray and I haven't shagged each other.

    Ray, being the gentleman he is, says that he'd only do it after marriage, which I'm more than thankful for. But it's not like we're ever done anything close to that. Only kissing, nothing further. The bathroom door suddenly opens and the two of us jump apart.
   "Hey- Woah!" Andrew exclaims, covering his eyes.

    "You're supposed to make soap suds here, not babies!" Hunter says, quickly stepping out of the bathroom, Lewis and Andrew right behind him.
   "At least use protection," Jerome says, dragging Ray out of the room. "I don't wanna see little Alices and Rays runnin' around."
   Will remains rooted to the floor while the others leave.

    "You know what? I'm just gonna pretend I didn't just catch you guys-" he shakes his head. "I saw nothing."
   And with that he walks out the room, closing the door behind him. Shaking my head, I make my way over to the dresser I take out a bundle of clothes and change into it.


    "I've never been so traumatized in my life," Lewis says.
   "Me neither," Will agrees. "Seeing Alice or Ray kissing another person I can handle. But seeing both, my older brother and my best friend doing the nasty in the bathroom-" He trails off, shivering. "My innocent eyes are no longer innocent."
   I roll my eyes. "Come on, guys, it wasn't like we were stark naked."

    "Yeah, but you were in a towel and Ray was shirtless," Will points out.
   "You guys always sleep half naked, and I've seen all of you without a shirt before," I state.
   "That's different," Lewis says.
   "How so?" I ask.
    "Well, for one, we don't suck on your neck or anything of the sort," he says.
   Will nods. "What he said."

     I roll my eyes, picking my pillow up. "You know what? You guys need to man up."
   "Starting now," I say, whacking the both of them with my pillow.
   Will shakes his head, getting over the initial shock of me assaulting him with a pillow. A mischievous look crosses his face as he grabs his pillow from the bed. "Oh, you're going down."

    "Bring it," I taunt, standing up on the King sized bed.
   Lewis glances at Will, who nods once in return. I narrow my eyes at them as they slowly circle around me like I'm a wild animal. I keep most of my attention focused on Will, knowing that he's probably the one who'll strike first. He proves me right as he makes the first move.
    "Catch!" he exclaims, throwing his pillow over my head.

    I duck, narrowly avoiding the flying pillow. I turn back to face Will, who already has another pillow in his hand. I immediately bring my pillow up to protect my face just in time as Will attempts to smack me with it. I cry out in surprise as I feel Lewis hit the back of my head with his pillow. I then spin on my heel, striking a blow to Lewis face. The momentum causes him to fall of the bed with a thud.

    "No! Brother, avenge me!" Lewis cries out dramatically as if he's been shot.
    I scream as Will wraps his arms around my waist, tackling me. He then starts tickling me. I squeal as he tickles my sides. "I surrender! I surrender!"
    Will stands up, smiling in defeat. He then turns around to walk away, but I swing my leg, causing him to lose balance and fall face first onto the soft mattress.

    I reach my hand out and pick up the fallen pillow, smacking Will in the face.
    "Yes!" I cry out, jumping up. "Victory is mine!"
    "Argh! Officer down!" Will says, holding his imaginary wound. "Send backup!"
    "Back up is coming, officer!" Lewis replies, standing up. "I'm on my-"
    "Would you guys shut up?!" I hear Jerome yell through the walls.

    "Yeah, some of us are trying to sleep," I hear Hunter say.
    Will look at his watch. "Wow. I didn't know it was that late."
    "What time is it?" I ask, sitting down on the bed.
    "Two in the morning," he replies, placing his glasses onto the bedside table.

    "In that case we'd better get some sleep. We wouldn't want you to be late for your date now, would we?" Lewis asks, smirking.
    Will's eyes widen as he turns to face me. "You told him?"
    "No, I swear I didn't," I say, shaking my head.
    "Oh, calm down, Romeo," Lewis says, plopping down next to me. "I overheard you guys talking about it while you were washing the dishes."

    "Good because if Alice told you I'd-"
    "What would you do?" I ask, crossing my arms. "You wouldn't dare to hurt me."
    "I'll tell Andrew where you hid your favorite chocolate," he threatens.
    I gasp. "Lewis, Will's being mean."
    Lewis rolls his eyes, turning the lamp off. "Just go to sleep."
    "How can I?" Will asks. "I'm still in shock from seeing Alice and Ray half naked."

    I grab my pillow, whacking him with it. "Oh, man up."
    "If your version of growing up is doing the frickle frackle then I'd rather not grow up just yet," Will says.
    "Frickle frackle?" I laugh. "What are you twelve?"
    "And a half!" Will yells back.
    I roll my eyes. "Just go to sleep, Will, remember, you're going on a date tomorrow."

    "Oh, yeah. How am I supposed to tell Tia that you can't make it to lunch?" he asks.
    "Just make somethin' up. Improvise."
    "Easier said than done," Will mutters under his breath.
    "Guys," Lewis says, his voice muffled by his pillow."

    "Just shut up and go to sleep."
    I take my pillow from under my head and smack him in the face.


I'm only updating this chapter as an apology because I feel guilty for not updating for 5 days. Don't expect me to do this all the time because I like sticking to a routine.

Ugh, Wattpad is not corporating with me rn. The stupid thing is glitchy af by deleting all my edits and I'm like: fight me, bish (ง’̀-’́)ง

Does anyone else find it funny that I just described their pillow fight like it was a fight to the death? No? Okay  *hides behind Will*   But in all seriousness, I hope you guys liked this chapter. I know I had fun writing it even though some parts were embarrassing to write (hey, don't blame me, I have no experience in kissing and stuff)

I don't know about you guys but I love Alice, Lewis and Will's friendship. I think it's safe to say that this book will give you more feels than the last one. Hopefully it won't make you guys cry too much. Well, that's all for this A/N. Bye, guys

~ Alice xx


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