Chapter 7; Burgers & Gasoline

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"I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them."

~ Oscar Wilde


Will's P.O.V


    "What was I supposed to say, again?"
    "Just tell her that I couldn't make it and hand her the parcel," Alice yells over the phone.
    I roll my eyes as I cross the road. "Yeah, and that's gonna be so easy."
    "Just do it!"
    "What's in the parcel anyway?" I ask. "More books?"
    "It's a dress."

    "Why do you own a dress?" I ask. "And more importantly, why did you bring one?"
    I hear Alice sigh. "I brought it 'cause I thought I could sell it here- look, it doesn't matter, just give her the dress and ask her if she'd mind you joining her."
    "And what if she says no?" I ask.
    "I doubt that, she's already there, it wouldn't hurt for you guys to hang out."

    "But what if she says no?" I ask, pushing the door to Granny's Diner opem. "You never know, she could be busy. She could-"
    "Hi, Willy," Tia calls out, looking up from her book.
    "Will? Will, you still there?"
    "I'm gonna call you back," I say, hanging up the phone.
    I turn off the notifications, then slip my phone into my pocket.

    "H-Hi, Tia. Would you mind if I sat down?" I ask, gesturing towards the empty seat across her.
    "Nope." She smiles, shaking her head. "Go ahead."
    "What are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining," she adds as I sit down.
    "Um, she wasn't feeling well," I tell her.
    "I hope it isn't too serious."

    "Oh, don't worry, she's fine." I say, I reach into my bag and pull out a parcel wrapped in dark brown recycle paper. "Alice asked me to pass this to you."
    She takes it from me. "What's inside it?"
    "I believe it's the dress that you guys were talking about," I say.
    "Thanks," she says, keeping it inside her black drawstring bag.

    My eyes dart at her outfit, drinking her appearance in. Her hair is tied up in a messy bun today and she's dressed in a red sports hoodie with the lacrosse logo. A pair of black tights hug her slender legs, complementing her figure.
    I blink, shaking my head. "Sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you repeat that please?"

    Tia laughs. "Oh, please. There's no need for formalities, I'm just a girl on vocation, not some Harvard principal."
    "I know," I say. "I just talk like that."
    "Well, I hope you'll be less formal by the time your vacation is over," she says.
    "We'll see."
    "Anyway, I asked you if you were hungry," she repeats. "Because I'm famished."

    "You haven't eaten yet?"
    "No, that's why I'm here. I'm supposed to be having lunch with Alice, remember?"
    Good job, Will. You're officially an idiot.
    Tia laughs as if reading my thoughts. "Would you like to join me? I mean, we're both already here anyways."

    "I'd like that," I say smiling.
    "Do wanna order a burger?" Tia asks. "I heard from my brother that Granny's Diner is famous for their burgers."
    I nod. "Sure."
    I follow Tia to the counter, waiting in line for our turn.
    "What can I get for you?" The old lady asks, not looking up from the cash register.

    My eyes dart at her nametag, catching a glimpse of the words Widow Lucas printed on the black nametag in white.
    "Two cheeseburgers, please," I say.
    "That'll be $15.50. Eating here or take away?" The lady asks, looking up. She stops halfway, when she catches a glimpse of my face.
    "Um, eating here," I say, confused as to why she's looking at me that way.

    The old lady shakes her head, turning around go into the kitchen. She walks back ten minutes later holding a tray with our food. Tia begins to take her wallet out of her pocket but I stop her before she can do so.
    "I'll pay."
    "Are you sure?" she asks.
    "Yeah," I say, handing the lady a twenty dollar bill.

    The old woman presses a few buttons into the cash register before handing me the tray along with my change.
    "Thank you, Madam," I say, taking the notes from her.
    "Madam?" she repeats. "Well, you're a proper gentleman, aren't ya?"
    "It's not his fault," Tia says, grinning. "He can't help it."

    The old lady smiles at her. "Well, this is a fine young man, you're lucky to be his girlfriend."
    I feel my cheeks heat up. "Oh, we're not- I'm not-"
    "We aren't a couple," Tia says for me.
    "That's a shame," The old woman says. "You guys would make a cute couple."
    So I've been told.

    "Anyways, I won't have those formalities in my Diner, call me Granny," the old lady says.
    "Okay, thank you, Ma- Granny," I say, correcting myself.
    "That's more like it," she says, smiling. "Now go and enjoy your date."
    Tia smiles when she says that, walking back to the table as I remain rooted to the spot. "We're- We're not dating."

    "Whatever floats your boat, darlin'."
    "Hey, Willy, are you gonna eat, or do I have to finish your food for you?" Tia asks.
    "I-" I look back at her. "I'm coming."


    Tia wipes her mouth with her napkin. "So, you, Alice and Lewis have been friends since you were kids?"
    "Yes," I say. "We're like the Golden trio, we're inseparable."
    "Yeah, 'cept Alice is Harry, you're Hermione, and Lewis is Ron," she points out.
    I shrug. "I guess you could say that."

    I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket for what seems like the hundred time today. I reach into my pocket and take it out, finding eleven missed calls from Alice.

   Sighing, I look up from the screen. "I gotta go."
    Tia nods understandingly. "It was nice having lunch with you, Willy."

  "Yeah, you too," I say, standing up.
    "Could you help me thank Alice for the package?"
    I nod. "Of course."
    "Great, well, I've got to go back, too," she says, checking her watch. "I promised to help my brother at his workplace."
    "Oh, yeah, today's the day you're visiting him," I say, pushing the door open.

    "Yep," she replies.
    "Well, see you around?"
    She chuckles. "See you around, Willy."
    I flash her a shy smile. "Bye."
    She waves goodbye to me and as if on cue, my phone vibrates, again.
    I sigh, clicking on the "Answer" button. "Hello, Alice."
    "How was it?" she asks in an inpatient tone.

    "Great," I reply, crossing the road. "I had a good time."
    "Did you guys snog?" Lewis asks.
    I hear the two of them fight over  phone.
    "Give me back my phone!" Alice shouts on the other side.
    Lewis ignores her. "So, did you?"
    "No, I didn't snog her, and I don't do that on the first date," I say, rolling my eyes.

    "Oh, so you admit it's a date?" Alice asks, their argument long forgotten.
    I sigh, rolling my eyes yet again. "Fine. Fine, it's a date, are you happy now?"
    "Very," Lewis replies.
    "And stop rolling your eyes at me," Alice adds. "One day they'll fall off."
    "How'd you know I was rolling my eyes?" I ask her, shocked.

    "You forget, I'm your best friend. And I'm also psychic," she says.
    You might as well be.
    "I'm on the way home now," I say. "Try not to burn the house down by the time I get home."
    "Hahaha," Lewis says sarcastically before hanging up the phone.
    I'm just about to cross another road when I'm knocked down by a car.

    I groan, struggling to get to my feet due to the impact. "Ow."
    The sound of the car door opening is loud seeing as my head is a few centimeters away from it. White sneakers appear in my line of sight as the driver rushes towards me.
    "Oh my God, I'm so sorry," the driver says with a hint of Australian accent.

    I squint my eyes, getting a good look at the driver. The first thing I see are his icy blue eyes which remind me of the ocean. His sharp nose and high cheekbones compliment his features. If I were to guess, I'd say that he's a little over nineteen, twenty years old maybe. He's dressed in a black top paired with skinny jeens and a blue denim jacket. With his looks I'd reckon that he's the type of man who makes woman swoon.

    He rakes his slender fingers through his curly brown hair anxiously before sliping one arm under my arm and the other around my torso, slowly helping me to my feet. "I swear, I didn't see you there."
    "It's fine," I assure him, grunting. "I'm okay."
    "No, you're not, I just hit you with my freaking car," he says, supporting my weight with his arms.

    "I'll live. But that's gonna hurt like a mother tomorrow," I say, clutching my ribs.
    "Do you need to go to the hospital?" he asks, worried. "I-I could take you there."
    "Don't worry about it," I say, shaking my head as I will myself to stand up on my own.
    "Do you need a ride back home or anything?" he asks, letting go of me.

    "It's the least I could do seeing that I hit you with my car."
    "No, it's alright," I politely refuse his offer. "It's only a five minute walk."
    The young man nods, accepting that I no longer need his help. "Well, could I at least get your name?"
    "Oh, yeah, I'm Will," I say, offering my hand to him.
    He shakes my hand. "I'm Ares."
    "The greek God of war Ares?"

    "The very same. I guess my parents knew that I'd have an interest for weapons and HTH when I grew up." He shrugs. "Go figure."
    "You like HTH, too?" I ask, surprised.
    He nods, leaning against the hood of his car. "Yup. I specialize in Taekwondo and sharpshooting, what about you?"
    "Archery, mixed marshal arts, but I prefer fencing above the rest."

    Ares chuckles. "I find it funny how you indirectly stated that you can kill me in a blink of an eye so casually."
    "Um, yeah, I had a lot of free time on my hands after graduating from Cambridge," I say, scratching the back of my neck.
    The grin on his face broadens. "Athletic and smart. Now there's something you don't see everyday."

    "What about you?" I ask. "Have you graduated from University?"
    "Yup, I just graduated last year," he says.
    My eyes dart to the the heavens as a bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, the sound of thunder rumbling follows soon after and I feel a drop of water fall onto my head.
    "Looks like it's gonna rain," Ares states.

    "Yes, I'd best be off," I say. "My family's waiting for me."
    He nods getting into the car. "Yeah, me too. See you around."
    "Hopefully in better circumstances," I say.
    He chuckles, starting his car. "Yes, hopefully."
    I watch as he drives off, turning a corner. I quickly rush towards the nearest shelter as the sound of thunder fills the cold air.

    I'm soaked to the skin by the time I reach the front porch of the rental house. Thank god my bag is waterproof or else my book would be ruined. I rummage through my bag only to find that my keys aren't inside.
    Calm down, Will. It must be in your pockets.
    I pat my pockets down.
    Empty. Great. I must've left it in the bedroom.

     Raising my hand, I knock on the door to the house. I hear the faint sound of someone running down the stairs and approaching the door. I shiver as a strong gust of wind blows past me as door is being unlocked. Alice emerges behind the door, dressed in an oversized black onesie. A hood covers most of her brown hair, leaving just enough space to see her face.

    "Will!" she exclaims, taking in my appearance.
    She then pulls me inside, rushing to get me a towel to dry myself. The next thing I know I'm sitting on the couch and she's wrapping a soft towel around me.
    "What took you so long?" she asks worridly. "We thought that something happened to you. Ray almost called the police."

    "Sorry," I apologise. " I got hit by a car on the way back."
    "You got hit by a what?! Are you hurt?" she asks, pulling my shirt up. Her eyes widen when she catches a glimpse of the now-forming bruise.
    "I'm fine," I assure her, pulling my shirt down. "It's just a bruise."
    "You could've gotten a concussion." Her eyes darken. "I'm gonna give that driver a piece of my mind when I get my hands on-"

    "Alice, I'm fine," I repeat. "It wasn't his fault, it was mine, I wasn't paying attention when I crossed the road."
    "But you always pay attention to-" She pauses, realization washing over her face. "You were thinking about her weren't you?"
    Alice sighs. "Just take a bath, you're going to get sick if you stay dripping wet."

    "Where's everyone?" I ask, drying my wet hair with the already damp towel.
    "Drew, Hunter and Jerome are in their shared room, Cassie is playing with the twins and Lewis is taking a nap in our room," she replies.
    "Where's my brother?" I ask.
    "In his room," Alice says. "Speaking of his room, I'm gonna sleep in his room tonight."

    I nod. "Okay, as long as you guys don't make too much noise."
    I shut my mouth at the icy glare etched on her face.
    I raise my hands in surrender. "I meant, your tickle fights are quite loud and-"
    "Just take a shower," Alice says, pushing past me, headed for the stairs. "I'll be in the room with Ray."
    I raise my eyebrows. "Doing what exactly?"

    "We're playing chess."
    "Oh, who's winning?" I ask.
    "He is," she replies. "Five to zero."
    "You've been winning chess competitions for two years, I bet you only let him win because you pity him."
    "No, well, maybe," Alice replies, grinning.
    "I heard that!" Ray yells.


Yay, I've finally introduced you guys to Ares (Troye is my smol bean) I hope you guys like the new characters and cast, bc I know I love them. All my kings and queens 👑 and funny fact, the song "Talk Me Down" started playing on the radio while I was editing this chapter xD

I've watched finding Dory recently and the feels are real. I relived my childhood by watching it. Not gonna lie, I cried at a few parts 😭 omfg Dory looked so adorable when she was a child 😍 the entire cinema "aww"ed. (Ik that isn't a real word but idgaf)

I have no explanation to why the titles for my chapters are always weird af. They just are bc I suck at naming things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Oh, and tyasm for 2Kay 🎉 I can't believe we've reached 2Kay in just 23 days xD Well, that's all for this A/N. Bye, guys.

~ Alice xx


This chapter was written on the 19th of June


What do you think of Ares so far? (Yes, I always ask this question whenever I introduce a character sorry if it's kinda annoying)


Vote, comment rate, do whatever you want <3


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