Chapter 2,The Upgrades

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About 5 months after the talk about the upgrades the upgrades were finnaly being installed. Kazuna looked on at the workers happily. Kazuna was finnaly becoming sure that reactor number 4 ,despite its many design flaws, was finally going to be working properly. She was happy that the upgrades were being made because she instinctively knew if the reactor hadn't been upgraded then they ran the risk for a nuclear meltdown to happen at anytime. The risk of a meltdown would've been about 100 times higher if the upgrades weren't going to be installed.

"Kazuna,the upgrades are done being installed." "Austin has asked that Lucas call an informational meeting." "We are supposed to report there with the other workers at the moment." Kazuna's sister, Annabell said in almost a daze.

"Hn, let's go then." "No need to waist more time standing around here." Kazuna said as she started to walk in the direction of the meeting room.

Annabell followed after her sister.

After about 2 minutes of walking they both sat next to their friend Jennifer.

The meeting began.

"Ehem, as you all may know by now, there have been upgrades to reactor number 4."

Everyone nodded their heads.

"Ehem, right..." "So, I have called this meeting to discuss how to use and operate reactor number 4." "Well, I won't be doing the speaking...Austin will." Lucas said as he pointed to Austin.

"Ahaha, thank you sir." "Anyways, you would basically use the reactor as how you have been before the upgrades." "Just this time Try not to put a huge strain on the reactor because the equipment is all new."

"Anyways that's all I have to say."

"Thank you Austin, this meeting is dismissed."

With that Kazuna and everybody else exited the room and went back to their posts.

About an hour later Lucas had stepped into the control room of reactor 4.

"Kazuna, Annabell,and Jennifer can you come here for a moment?"


"You wanted something,sir?"

"Yes actually, I wanted to talk to you about having an emergency stress test." "I want to have an emergency stress test in April so that we can test the strength of the reactor."

"Ok." "So what your basically saying is that you want the three of us to come up with a safety plan just in case something goes horribly wrong?" "Right?"

"Ahaha, sharp as always Kazuna." "But yes that's exactly what I want you three to do." "Please have your plans submitted by March 5th." "Ok?"

"Alright." "We'll get right on it."

"Thank you Kazuna."

"Your welcome sir." "Now let's get to work!"

The three sisters had crowded themselves around a table in the control room where they sat down and immediately got to work.

About and hour later each of the three girls were able to come up with something.

"Guys!, I have something!" "So do I!" "I do too!"

"That's great!" "How about we each take turns explaining what each of our plans are and then vote to see which of the plans we like better?" Kazuna suggested.

"Sounds like a plan!" The two other girls said in usion.

"Ok, I'll go first."  "My plan is to make an announcement to the people of pripyat about the test of the reactor and that they should pack up important belongings such as their documents,money, blankets and food just incase we have a dangerous situation on our hands."

"Hmm, I like your idea Kazuna." "Mee too sis."

"Alright, thanks." "Now on to the next idea...Sis, your up."

"Ok." "My plan was basically like yours but this time we tell every emergency personal sector in the city to be on high alert or on standby just incase something happens here at the plant and so that they can also help evacuate the citizens of the city."

"I see what your getting at sis and I love it!" "I like your idea as well!"

"Thanks...Anyways it's your turn Jennifer."

"Alrighty, my plan is that we can notify the bus company to send a lot of busses into the city of pripyat and tell them to be on high alert and stay on standby until we make an announcement or give a signal to them to get the city and it's people evacuated."

"I like this plan as well!" "I do too Kazuna!"

"Well then what are we going to do if we like all of our plans?" Asked Jennifer.

"*Sigh*...Well I did notice something missing in all of our plans."

"Oh? What did you notice sis?" Asked Annabell.

"Well, I noticed that my plan has no way of transporting the citizens out of the city and no way of getting the workers here at the plant, including us, out safely." "With your plan Jennifer,I noticed that you also have no way of getting the citizens out of the city." "And finnaly, your plan sis, has a way to get everyone out of the city but not telling them to gather their stuff in advance and that it might become a jumbled mess if your plan was set into motion."

"Oh...." "So what are we going to do sis?"

"We're going to combine our three plans into one."

"Ok ,yeah, that makes perfect sense." "So go on and tell us what your big plan is sis!"

"Ok calm down sis." "Anywho, my-actually, our plan is to make an announcement to the public stating that we are going to have a test for the reactor and advise that all of the citizens pack up there most important belongings including food and a couple of blankets..."

Kazuna paused for a moment to catch her breath before continuing.

"Then we'll notify the bus company about transportation changes...Then finnaly we'll notify all safety personal in all sectors around the city and advise all of them including the bus company's​ busses that are running that day to stay on high alert and on standby to wait for our signal to start evacuating the citizens."

"Also before that day we shall send specific instructions on what to do to their senior officers so that when that day comes they know what to do and what to prepare for."  Kazuna explained.

"That sounds like a great plan!" "Let's go give it to Lucas so he can get it approved by the board!"  Annabell and Jennifer yelled in excitement.

"Haha, ok, let's go."

With that the three girls got up from their places and went to Lucas's office.

Once the girls arrived Kazuna knocked on the door.

*Knock, knock*

(Lucas's pov)
"Eh? Come in!"
(End Lucas's pov)

With that the three girls entered the office closing the door gently behind them.

"Ah, Kazuna, Annabell, Jennifer...What can I do ya for?"

"Well sir, we came up with a plan that we'd think would work."

"Oh you did? Let me see it."

Kazuna nodded and handed the paper to Lucas.

Lucas quickly read over the girls' plan liking it more and more as he read.

"So...Do you like it?"

"Do I like it?" "No, I love it!" "It's perfect." "You three really have outdone yourselves." "I'm proud to call you guys my top workers."

"Really?!" "You love it?, Thank you Lucas-err-sir!" "We all came up with it."

"Haha, it's ok Kazuna, you three can address me as Lucas." "Besides it feels weird to have an old friend call me sir when I'm not even their senior."

(A/N:Lucas and Kazuna are the same age. They went to school together and became best friends. Kazuna just calls Lucas "sir" because she has no idea how to address someone who is your boss but also your friend. Anyways back to the story!)

"Ahaha...Ok Lucas."

"Anyways, I approve and I'm sure the board will approve too...You'll find out tomorrow if they do or not."


"Anyways go on you three, you have some managing to do."

"Hahaha, Alrighty​, see ya later Lucas!"

With that the three girls exited the office and worked the rest of their shifts and then went home and slept peacefully.

(End Chapter 2)
Ah! Sorry for not updating in so long! Don't kill me! Anyways, I was just busy with a project for school. Still am but I decided to update, cause that's how I am. Anyways as always till next time my fellow readers!!!!!!~ 8)

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