From the heart of the Dead

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AN: This chapter will be a lot disturbing, and suits your opinion or not, disgusting.
I'm so sorry, but i'd watching a movie where an undead fell in love with a human girl, even though he's dead but still sentimentally romantic in a way. So i decide to write it similar in this story but with more lemony smut. Call it Necrophilia, whatever you want because i'm no judge myself. Please forgive me, readers, i'm not desperate for it.

When the apocalypse took down civilization, people tried fiding ways to escaped and survied, away from being eaten by flesh-eating zombies. Among those who not wanting to become one of them, a helpless girl all alone in a secondary school found herself in a storage closet. The closet being the only room keeping her away from the dead looking for meat. But what she didn't know, an undead boy was also occupied the same place as her. And he was hungry for her, not for flesh nor brain, but for lust and love, only for her.

Under the gray, cloudy sky, a city that has fallen down along with it's civilization, where it's habitants become cannibalized cavaders eating one another. Sounds of screaming, gun-shooting, groaning, meat-chewing all mixed together.

The world was once peaceful, now it became chaotic when the dead arises and eat the living.

In a seemingly abandoned school, where there used to be students going there now deserted. Literally only zombies surrounding it, seeking for a living victim for their newest meal.

There was only a girl who wasn't one of them trapped and unable to escaped in a sea of dead beings littered everywhere. She was alone and outnumbered. Her name is Haruno Sakura, a middle-school girl who miserably finding ways to avoid from being seen by them.

In a bloody hallway, Sakura was running as fast as her legs could before the zombies reach to her. She manages to find a storage closet at a corner, it may leads her to the playard where it's empty and a perfect spot to call for help. She picked the lock ,ran in and immediately closed the door quietly, so the undead didn't hear the sound.

That was close, to my luck, i found this storage, it may lead me to the door that leads to the playard. Hopefully there won't be any zombies there so i can call for help.

Sakura looked around the storage rows, supplies, articles, equiments, educational tools, and other stuff she memorized. It was really dark in here, she had to find a flashlight or a switch.

She found the switch right besides the door she just went in.
The dimly light glows, making everything clearer to her.

She checked for a first-aid box, in case she's injured, an old library book about the map of the entire school systems, and something to use as a weapon if she had to face one of them again.

Sakura needs to get out of this hellhole, she'd rather suicide before she turns into one of the undead that bites poor, innocent people.

Ino would probably escaped by now without me, unless she becomes like them too if she's defendless without anyone to cover for her.

Sakura halted her thoughts when she saw a red substance on some areas of a few rows she walked through, it smelled metalic like blood, but the blood seems darkened nearly into black. Ther were also footprints on the floor. Sakura had a bad feeling that she wasn't the only one in this room with nothing to protect her.

Her assumption was right when she heard a slight groaning coming her way. Sakura didn't dare to turn her back when she hears the groan right behind her a few foot away. She can hear the mistepped clicking of feet approaching her slowly, she can smell blood that wasn't hers, and she can feel the dread of coming to face it.

She might as well die while trying, so she turns herself to encounter an undead guy prowling steadily to her.

Judging by his tattered clothes, he was one of her schoolmates. The white shirt, the worn tie, the name plate. He looked familiar to her.

Uchiha Sasuke

Sakura grabbed a basketball nearby and tried to throw it at him. The aim was percisely, but unfortunately, the undead's head was still intatched. His groaning has volumed up, as if he was angry or in pain, must be the former.

Sakura wanted to run away, but she was cornered with two high shelves four feet from her either sides.

The dead boy strided to her faster, arms hanging like they were ready to capture her. Sakura took a hold on everything she could grab and threw at him, but he barely got hit by them, to her horror.

Sakura was about to throw a thick book on the shelf, when Sasuke knocked her down and straddled her beneath him.

With Sasuke the Undead above her, holding her down, Sakura knows this is her end, her final moments.

This is it, this is the end to my life, i'm only 13, i just passed my puberty, and i'll die as a virgin, never being in a relationship with a boy i love.

Sakura closed her eyes, prepared for the painful bite. But nothing happened, instead she felt a wet organ-like thing licked the left side her neck, from the collarbone up to her ear. She opened her eyes wide, seeing the spikes of a black head lowered where her throat is.

She realized Sasuke, the name on the shirt plate of the undead who advanced on her ,didn't bite or eat her like she expected. Rather, he was advance on her neck, where he rained moist, firm open-mouth kisses on it. Sakura
thought she would be devoured by now, but not that kind of devour. She decides to investigate it, if she's still alive.

"Hey, excuse me." Sakura tried to grabbed the attention of the dead who was taking advantages on her throat.

Sasuke stops temporary to gaze his lifeless eyes on the girl below him. It was like he had some mental senses left of his brain. He heard her words and understood it. She looked back at him in awed, amazed by it.

Sakura had learned in Biology classes that the dead still have mental strings active, and possibly some mental strings still attached on the brain that linked to one's consciouses.

She asked him a question out of curiousity and shocked that this is the longest time she's been near a zombie and still alive.

"Sasuke-kun, why didn't you eat me?"

No reply was heard, only a long, audible "Hn" to her. Sakura was confused, then she realized something.

The undead, Sasuke was looking at her with somthing that seems lively, behind that pale glass surface of the onyx eyes.

He didn't harm her or attack her at first. He even do things only the living do, showing affections.

Sakura felt a bloody hand went under her shirt, the other went inside her hair. The hands roam wildly anywhere they can touch. She feels unwanted tingle feelings jumping wildly down her lower regions.

Is this what teenagers always feel went they reach adolescence? And is she feeling horny, by the touches of an undead boy her age kept giving her?

He didn't attack her mercilessly, he didn't tear her apart, he didn't even ate her at all. Is she that lucky to be to be alive, yet has to face what comes after that this undead boy doing to her?

Then again, he wasn't that bad. He was handsome in fact, for a zombie. His already pale complexions, his clean cut features, silky midnight hair, sharp dead eyes, thin nose. Along with his not bulky, but lean muscles, his scent though a bit foul-smelling due to death, but still possesses the male cologne that she found spicy and fresh.

Was it like necrophilia to her? Finding a walking, hunting, flesh-eating corpse to be attractive? She didn't want to think of herself that way.

There isn't a single bite marks on his body, his face was entirely unmarred, only blood on his clothes that may not be his. She suspects he must be one of those to be infected by the unknown virus through diseases.

It's true, news had been reported that people showing strange signs of the mysterious disease and the cure has yet to be found. And that's when it happened. A tragic incident it was.

They took everyone, her parents, her friends, she didn't know if they're still alive out there or not. The thought of them being eaten by those horrible monsters made her eyes filled with undripping tears.

No longer studying him or awared of him, Sasuke begins taking off Sakura's clothes slowly with his stiffened staled hands, smearing a little dry blood in the process. His eyes roving all over her beautiful face and petite body hungrily.

Relizing what his intentions are, Sakura was panicked. She tried wriggling away, but his grasp on her was too tight.

Sakura then felt something hard against her inner thighs, she nervously looked down, and was frightened when she sees a prominent bulge built a tent inside Sasuke's pants.

Could an undead possibly feel that?! I didn't think it would be so erected.

Sakura looked up shyly at Sasuke, who was continuously removing every articles on her. He first teared away her uniform with the buttons popping out, much to her distraught. Next was her skirt, he took it off effortlessly which earns a startle yip from her.

Sakura was only in her bra and undies, in which Sasuke takes his time gazing awestruck at the view.

Even though a zombie can't feel any more, or even breath, Sasuke feels his unbeating heart drummed once and a breath left his nostrills. Sakura's smooth skin, rosy cheeks, glittering eyes, luscious lips, soft curves and delicate frame. She looked like an angel to his enthral gaze.

A hand held her from evading, he let his other hand touched her baby pink bra, and shredded it out to reveal the hidden treasures underneath it.

Sakura squeaked, surprised by his sudden act. She attemted to cover her chest with her arms, but Sasuke prevented it, holding both of her arms to her sides.

Sasuke stared at her developing breats, they're so juicy and delicious, he just want to take one in his mouth and suck. The remaining article on her starts to bother him. He used his fingers and ripped it by a thread, hearing a successful 'pop'.

Sakura was now naked as the day she was born. She feels uncomfotable with the predatory look Sasuke was giving her.

She never thought there would be a day she had to lose her virginity to a boy she barely knows, much less an undead boy. The soaking material of the useless panties no longer in his hand.

Wanting to be fair for her, Sasuke ripped off his own uniform with ease, including his boxers which currently trapping his raging erection, which Sakura can't tear away from it.

The heavy arousal scent wafted around them seems like an aphrodisiac, Sakura didn't care if it's taboo to do the deed with the dead anymore. If this is her last day being an uninfected living being, then she wants to make the most of it.

Sasuke caresses her cheek tenderly, another act she didn't know a dead being like him still able to do. His cold skin on hers feels like icy sandpapers. His expression looks soft, glassy onyx eyes were half-lidded, cracked lips parted slightly.

Sasuke looked like he was admiring an artwork, and how beautiful Sakura is to him, like a goddess, his goddess.

Slowly, he inched closer to her, she thought she imagined seeing his pale cheekbones colored red in excitement. Sasuke wraps an arm around Sakura's waist, the other around her shoulders. Sakura warps both her arms around Sasuke's neck. Their faces moved closer and their lips touched gently, no tounges, it would infected Sakura through saliva, so they have to be cautious when it comes to kissing.

Soon, the two of them found themselves in the embrace of passions. Unawared of the world outside had darkened with the moon high above. They just care about each other.

A few days before the apocalypse.

Uchiha Sasuke stole another glance at Sakura without her noticing. His best friend, Naruto kept rambling about the latest test results and how bad his was.

And no sooner had he saw his girlfriend, Hinata, he said goodbye to him and ran off. Oh how jealous he was.

Sasuke coughed painfully again on his hand. He was shocked when he saw black blood on his palm. Just what kind of flu had he been caught from?

He may hadn't heard about the news of a new mysterious outbreak from the Science Diversion. This maybe the reason why those pesky fangirls stayed away from him for good. Sasuke suddenly felt a massive headache, he excused to leave for home soon , hopefully the headache, along with the flu would go away after a full rest. How wrong he was.

24 hours later.

The whole school was in a panic attack. The cause was because a student screamed, when they saw a teacher bit on the neck of another student. People were running and screaming. But the infected overnumbered the surviving ones. It was all over.

Sasuke didn't know if anyone managed to escape away from this. But he felt weird when the zombies didn't run to him and attempted to bite him. He may know the reason why.

He felt weak to the knees, his whole body was shaking uncontrollable, his skin was sweating, he felt nausious.

Ignoring the horrified screams and the sound of police sirens, the 13 year-old boy ran to somewhere isolated. He found a restroom and quickly ran into it, to found him looking at his pale complexion through the mirror. Skin pale to ghost white, eyes socket darkened, lips turned blue.

Sasuke dashed to the sink and vomitted all his digested contents, some of the bad blood mixed with it. He felt light-headed and hard to breathe, his temperature is getting colder. He didn't know how much longer he had left before he turned into one of them.

He decided to go somewhere else to spent the last moment of his life all alone. He found a closet that storages school supplies. He coughed out more blood after he went in. A lot of his blood flooded down from his mouth turned into a puddle, leaving behind his footprints. He didn't want to become one of those monsters that feeds on human flesh and brains.

His steps weakened, his heartbeats stopped beating, his body was shutting down drastically. Sasuke sat down, leaning on the wall. His eyes were getting heavy. His breath shortened. He was cold. He didn't know if he would be sent to Heaven, or got his soul trapped on this shell of rotten corpse that was once his body while the virus controls it.

If there's one thing he'll forever regret it's that he never get to tell his pink-haired crush how he felt for her.

Sakura, wherever you are, i just want to tell you, that i'm sorry. And i want you to know that i love you.

And the Uchiha took his last breath, unbeknownst that in a few hours, the said girl would find this room by the time he arose as an undead.

Present time

At night, in the Konoha middle school, where zombies still wandering around. The place seems quiet, saved for a few groans from the dead. In the dark hallway lightened by the moonlight through the high windows, the door leads to the storage closet however was occupied. Inside you can hear short gasps, slurping noises and moans.

Under the dimly lightbulb, in a secluded area behind hidden rows, were two young people doing the forbidden love act of two star-crossed lovers. Well, one's normal and one was dead.

Sakura was laid below Sasuke, whimpering in soft mewls as he plants ministrations on her.

He pinned her under him as he harshly sucking the juncture between her neck and shoulder. He didn't use his teeth to bite her, since his instints told him that if he gives her even a small bite, she'll be infected like him, and he still uncosciously didn't want that to happen to her.

She's far too precious to him to be tainted by the cruel grip of the virus.

Suckling everywhere on her neck and shoulder hard enough to leave purpleish bruises that marked her as his. Her moans were devine to his ears.

Zombies were attracted to either noises or lights.

But Sakura's whimpers of temptations were like a seductive symphony song to his active ears.

The light from the singular bulb reflects in her eyes, making them glimmering.

He can't wait any longer to have himself buried deep inside her and hear her screams his name, at least loud enough for him to hear and not to the outside.

The prodding of his engorge member against her wet core amphasizes his intention on what he would do, if his self-control breaks.

"Hnnn...~" Sasuke moans out from his throat, cleary enjoys how soft and warm Sakura is under him.

His blurring eyes were fluttering.

Sakura feels her cheeks reddened more than they really were. Her hands attached to his back, nails nearly grazing his skin due to all the attention her neck received from his drooling mouth.

She feels goosebump eventhough she had rolled a clean towel beneath her.

The undead Uchiha boy had his mouth on everywhere on her top. He dragged his tounge slowly down her love-bitten neck, through her collarbone then it landed on her chest.

Curiously, Sasuke flicked his tounge on one of her rosy bud, earning a girlish shreak from Sakura.

He quickly latched his mouth on one of her mounds and sucks starvingly.

Sakura mewled meekly at how good his mouth playing with it. He twirls his tounge around her nipple. His other hand squeezed her other breast, fingers playing with her bud.

Sasuke tried hard not to bite her as his teeth graze the small bud between them, scraping it tenderly. It tasted creamy and milky.

After leaving her well-loved mounds, Sasuke had his gaze on her lower regions. Her weeping cunny with a transparent substance that he wanted to drink bad.

He brings his face down between her legs. Sakura notices his antics and clamps her legs, blocking him from seeing her most intimate part.

Frustrated, Sasuke brought one of his hand between her knees to open them up. Sakura was hesistant, she didn't want him to know what's under there.

Successfully opening her legs, Sasuke pressed his index finger to her clit, fingering it mixed with her cum.

Sakura was embarrased that she let someone touching her there. She whimpered as the undead boy touched her sensitive pearl. Intoxicated by her arousal scent, he devled on her pussy and sucked it along with it's honey.

Sakura gasps at the sensation and moans weakly. Have mercy on her.

She never felt so alive. She thought she would be the only girl in her class who hadn't had a boyfriend at 13, yet to have experiences in s*xual love.

And here she was, receiving oral pleasure from an already dead boy who seems to had a loving fondness for her.

The pink haired girl feels her peek coming soon, then she moans out as her climax crashed over her. That was the first time she had an orgasm.

Drinking her juice like a thirsty man, the raven haired undead licked the remaining drops on her inner thighs. Then he climbed on her, towering her body with his. Sakura then realized the position they were in.

This is what the couple would do for their final phase in love making. They have to form a coitus.

Sasuke point himself erected between her lower lips, before that, he looked at her again, as if he was asking for her permission. Touched, Sakura smiles at him, completely trust him.

"It's ok, Sasuke-kun, i'll be alright. Please, be gentle with me."

Slowly, Sasuke pushed the tip of his huge cock inside, through her clit. Both of them jolt at the intimate feeling.

He continues to push more, groaning huskily at her walls enclasps around him. Without much self-control, he thursts firmly into her to the hilt.

Sakura screams at the sharp pain struck in her lower parts.

Alerted by the scream, Sasuke silents her with his closed lips to volume down her shouting. Until the shouting was over, did he part their lips, enjoying it's sweetness.

Tears streaming down Sakura's face.

The pain was unbearable to endure. Her virginity belonged to him now.

She had learned briefly about male atonomy. After seeing the larger-than- average package for a teenage boy between Sasuke's legs, Sakura didn't know if he was born naturaly like that, or if it's from one of the effects of being a cavader.

Using his tounge to lick away her tears, Sasuke pressed her body againt his as he relishes in the tightness of her warm, wet wall wrapping tightly around his throbbing cock.

He buried his face on her neck and let out a long groan viberated on the skin of her throat.

Sakura wraps her arms as tightly around his back as his grip on her. She starts to adjust to him now. Sasuke withdraws a bit then thursts back in.

He keeps repeating, she follows after.

The cavader bit on some locks of her hair instead of her neck to control his groaning.

Sakura was trying hard not to let out shouts that attract from outside.

Her nails scratch his skin, leaving imprints on his back. Her slim legs were warpped around the smaller of his back.

Sasuke had one of his hands on Sakura's hip, his other rubbing her skin, his mouth latchs on her throat again, sucking viciously. His thursts were hard and brutal, yet it still move in rhymths.

"Ah, Sa-su-uk-ke-k-kun..."

Her reply earns a long rousing groan from him. She could feel something wet trailing from her neck.

It must be his saliva that he left behind.

And she really hoped it was since she knew there was a high chance of internal bodily slime and old blood were mixed in with it.

"Hnnnnn....~" His penetrating became faster and more erractic.

Sakura mewled when she feels the tip of his massive member grazed her womb. He kept hitting right on her g-spot, her back arched on the contact.

It was coming to the end, they were about to reach their peek. Sakura could feel that something is going to burst in her. Her walls fluttering and grasping tightly on his phallus.

At last, they reached the top of their estatic high with a small wail of his name and a long groan.

Sasuke released into her, a cool, couspicous, sticky substance covers her walls, made it to her womb. They lightly pant, with Sasuke still over her, their pelvics still intacted.

The undead boy put one of his hand on her stomach between them and rubs it softly, careful not to scracth it with his crooked nails. Sakura was curious of what he was doing and asks.

"Sasuke-kun, what are you doing?"

Her question met silence as the boy above her continues his caressing on her abdoment.

He wasn't thinking about it, was he?

It was impossible for zombies to still had some of their conciousness left, but it was even more impossible for one to think of having babies of their own.

And Sasuke was chaffing her tummy as if he was expecting her to get pregnant after their intercourse. His gaze was one of tenderly affection and longing. An undead's parental systems isn't active anymore right?

Suddenly, she was lifted up by the said boy himself. He used one of his unused hand to wrap the towel beneath Sakura previously around her.

They're still connected, his thick shaft was still deeply buried inside her core, to her embarrasment.

Sasuke was taking them somewhere on his sturdy legs. He was carrying her to a door, a door she knows well.

It's the labortory door, or just a door leads to the chemistry class. But still, they have equiments fit for science. Is Sasuke-kun thinking what i'm thinking?

"Sasuke-kun, we might need a shower, and i need to have some sleep.

Would you mind doing that for me?"

She got a curt grunt from the undead.
One of Sasuke's hand held her bottom and the other grips on her shoulder.

As they walking to the lab room, Sakura  can feel his hand squeezes her buttcheek. She blushes and didn't mind it once they were close to the door.

"Wait, Sasuke-kun, hold on. Let me check something."

Hearing her request, Sasuke stops in front of the seemingly suspicious door.
Sakura looks through the small rectangular glass window to see if it's safe to enter.

She disn't want them to meet other walkers that trapped in the lab during the outbreak. It was dark and she could make out some of the objects that were visible to her view.

And she definitely didn't see movements or sounds that indicated that there were zombies inside it.


Sakura turns back from her observation on the glass window, and looks up at the boy who just grunted as if he just asked her a question.

She smiles a little and pats his pale shoulder lightly, to say that it's alright.

"Nothing's wrong, Sasuke-kun. It's safe for us to enter. I just need something to protect us. Oh, this should be useful.

Umm, could you take me to the emergency box besides the door?"

Sasuke led her to the red brick box attatched to the wall right besides the lab door. With her elbow, Sakura breaks the glass and takes out an axe.

Sasuke's dead eyes widened a bit at the sharpness of the axe Sakura was holding. The axe was reflecting his face.

At first, he acts on as if she's going to use it on him. Sakura takes a look on metal weapon for chopping woods and glances at Sasuke, to see his what appears to be mortified expression. Sakura pats his head, her face looks worried, as an apology for scaring him.

"Don't worry, Sasuke-kun, i won't use it on you. You hadn't harmed me once since we met, and i'm grateful for that.

So i will never harm you in anyway. I care about you, do you know that?"

The undead's frightened look softened and he tilts his chin down like he was nodding to her.

He brought his face closer and burrowed his face in the curtain of her soft, nice hair, his hold on her tightened. Sakura hugged him back one armed, her other hand was holding the deadly axe.

Sasuke let her opens the door to see inside were tables with countless numbers of chemicals in all sorts of test tubes. A few black boards with complex equations.

Some fake articles of biological creatures including a skeleton, to Sakura's slight fear.

A couple of glass tank with animal subjects that still alive and uninfected like zombie animals. But what covers most of the room was blood.

Sakura didn't know if the other door leads to the hallway was still widely opened or if any zombie managed to get inside the room, she hopes not. The two, or more like Sasuke walked inside, closed the door behind them.

The pink-haired girl turns a switch on the wall, and the lab evades with light.

They look around, and Sakura found a white closet. She taps on the boy's shoulder to inform him to walk closer to the white closet to search for clothes.

Sasuke takes them closer to it and Sakura uses one hand to open the closet door cautiosly, with her other hand holding the axe.

Open the door, only to reveal to clothes hanging on the hangers, she signs in relief. She takes out a white sweater and white female undies, it was a suprise that even undergarments were put in there.

She also took out a white t-shirt with blue pants for Sasuke.

There's a door that says bathroom labeled on top it. Sakura orders the handsome undead boy to walk over there, to which he follows.

They open the door, blessed with no signs of zombies around. This bathroom was also neat.

There was a cylinderal glass shower room fits for one or two. This could also be the changing room, since there are some lockers and wooden benches.

They walk near the shower room, and Sakura asks Sasuke something, about their current position.

"Um, Sasuke-kun. Could you release me now? I need to shower."

He did as she said, putting her down and taking out his flaccid member from inside her. He groans lowly from the sensitivity of their skin contact.

And she whimpered at the sensation.

The pinkette was about to walk in the shower room when she saw the undead boy staring at her.

She didn't want him to stare at her while she was bathing.

But then again, he looks neglected and he did also need a bath himself. And they even had done it. So she couldn't let him all cold and naked.

Cold seems fine, since he can't feel temperatures. But she didn't want a naked undead boy following her.

That would be so weird.

Shyly, Sakura asks him if he wanted to join her.

Sasuke immediatly walks in after hearing her invitation. She closed the door behind them, and locked it. Warm, a little hot water spraying from the three sprouts on top of the ceilling, down to their heads.

The small glass room was covered in the steams from the water provided. Sakura was washing her arms when she spots some hair conditioners and lotions on a cabinet on the titled wall.

She took out one of it and squirted out some of it's content. It didn't smell like flowers or fruits back at her home.

It smells like sandalwoods and the ocean, and bleack too. Sasuke was eyeing her every movements. His eyes were half-lidded again, Sakura asks in a small voice.

"Sasuke-kun, would you like me to wash your hair?"

"Hnnn..." was his answer.

The pink-haired girl put some lotion on his hair and ruffled it to make some foam. The raven-haired boy relaxed under her touch, his eyes were almost closed, his shoulders slumped down a bit, his mouth parted out as if he was letting out a sigh.

Sakura smiled at him tenderly. He looked humane when he wasn't one. His hair was soft and smooth when it was washed.

She rinsed his hair and took out a sponge to watch his torso, away from the stench of blood and rotten odor. He groaned as her hands, and the tips of her fingers slightly touching all over his upper body. Sakura wasn't awared of it.

"Wait for me to wash my hair, ok?"

Sakura spurted some on her palm and put it on her pink hair. She closed her eyes and begun washing with both her hands, while letting out soft yet audible humming.

Sasuke eyed droplets sliding down every corners on her body.

They slided from her arms, through the valley of her breasts, and they  disappeared behind those small curls on the triangle part between her legs.

He even caught some droplets sneakily ran down her inner-thighs.

And he lost controls at this.

After Sakura had rinsed her hair, she opened her eyes to see Sasuke shooting her a primal look. Frightened, she asked what happened, uncousiouly covers herself with her arms.

Sasuke inched closer to her and took out his tounge to lick the droplets on her collarbone. Sakura gasped. The undead Uchiha warps both of his intatched arms around her tightly, as he suckled on her neck.

"S-sasuke-kun?! W-what are y-you... Aah! Ah! Ooh!"

One of his hands grabbed her mound and rubbed it slowly, his rod was getting hard again. It pokes on her flower, begging for entrance.

Sakura mewls at the contact, the undead teasingly nibbles on her pulse.

He wants to do it again?! What had intrigued him to so? I'm still a bit sore after my first time.

Meekly, she warps her arms around the undead boy's neck, letting him having his way with her. Knowing that she couldn't match him.

Sasuke puts his pale hand one of her luscious hip, and drags it up, motioning for her other leg to put on his waist as he had under it.

He wraps both of her legs around him.

Using his pre-cum to lubricate his entrance, the undead plunges his length far up through her petals, into her warm cavern again. He groans, clearly missing how tight her walls wrapped around him.

Sakura gasped, then she whimpered at the sudden intrusion.

She grasps his shoulder tightly as he repeats his thursts. He holds her hips, caressing her bottoms when he slides his hand down.

"Sa-su-u-kke-kun... the-there. A-ah, so go-ood! D-don't stop..."

He groans at her praise, pistoning his way into her, til his balls made contact with her cheeks. Sasuke sees his end is coming soon, he buries his face into her neck, biting her neck out of desire.

Sakura has her mouth drools, her eyes were half-lidded by the blinding pleasure. She was taken by an undead, and she'd still admit that he's the best sex she'd ever had. His thursting was very mind-blowing, makes her see stars and black spots in her view.

Until they couldn't take any longer, when the pair of young lovers shared another one of their kisses.

The third one, with a single slip of their tounges, they come together.

That time, Sasuke closes his dead eyes, relishing in the softness of her lips and how sweet they taste.

Sakura shouts again in their kiss, silent by his chapped lips. He soon groans after as their climax mixed, creating a mess between her legs.

Some of his cum even leaked out between them, dropping into the water.

After feeling her heartrate calm down again, Sakura looks up to Sasuke timidly. She feels a stinging sensation on her shoulder. Maybe she won't regret it when she was turned like him.

This was their second time and she wasn't geting used to it yet. They cleaned themselves afterwards, and got out of the shower.

Sakura dressed her zombie lover first than herself, the two of them went to get some sleep before dawn breaks.

There's a bed to the right of the door they just found on the break room. It also fits enough for two people, just like with the shower. The lab lights were left on, so she could stay on watch. The pinkette has left her weapons on the floor besides the bed.

Sasuke may not need sleep since he's an undead. But that quickly changed when he climbed on the bed with her, and cuddled her like a teddy bear.

Sakura feels warm in his embraces as soon as she covered them with a blanket.

Despite his state, Sasuke closes his eyes as if he's sleeping. He didn't breath at all, she still lays on his chest anyway. After their encounter a few hours ago, Sakura didn't feel terrified anymore with her now somewhat boyfriend or so. She might as well get used to it.

She turns off the night lamp, and with a final look to a clock hanging on the wall, it says past midnight. Sakura closes her drowsy eyes, whispering.

"Goodnight, Sasuke-kun..."

She may had imagined it, due to her sleepiness. But she had sworn she'd heard Sasuke groans out words.

"Goodnight, Sakura..."

In the next gloomy morning, except that it was less than yesterday.

Most of the undead has strolled out of the school since there isn't any food left for them to seek. There are helicopters flying through the slightly gray sky, searching for more survivors.

They'll soon find out through their rador that there are still out there. One of them spot two visible signals in an abandoned school, and that is where the helicopters would come next.

At the said school, there is a girl sleeping in a break room with her undead lover.

She's sleeping peacefully, unawared of the circumstances. There are two stiff arms that warped around her tightly. The figure besides her was a little cold.

Despite that, Sakura feels warm.

She was lured away by the small sounds of heartbeat?!

She moaned a bit as she opened her eyes slowly. It was dark, minus for the light from the square window to the right of the bed she was laying.

She didn't know what time is it until she looks at the clock. It was a little past six in the morning.

She looks beside her to find Sasuke laid still with his eyes closed. Even in the dark, she could tell his complexion somehow less paler and more lively. He didn't have that revolting smell anymore even when the shampoo scent was fading. His body isn't cold as much and it was like it was heating up.

Sakura turns a small lamp on the nightstand. On it was a hand mirror.

She grabs it to check if the event from last night left something worrisome to her. On her neck was the bite Sasuke had branded her when they were...

Face flushed, Sakura moved aside the thought to focus on the other detail. She was bitten, but for hour she didn't show any symtom of being turned. She wondered what was the case, until she feels slight movement.

She turns to her right to see Sasuke was staring aimlessly at her.

There was a thick air of tension between them. Sakura decides to greet.

"Morning, Sasuke-kun..."

The seemingly undead rose to a sitting position. His arms still hang loosely around her. Then they tightened around the pinkette.

Sakura's breath hitched as he looked at her with the familiar glinted in his more clearer eyes. She thought she hears breathing from him, as he was slowly inhaling and exhaling through his mouth. There wasn't the rotten stench from his mouth like when they had kissed each other briefly.

The same mouth she was thinking of had crashed itself into hers. As soon as their lips were connected, Sasuke had pushed Sakura down to the bed. When she was beneath him, he groans.


Said girl's eyes widened at the almost audible sound of his calling to her.

Is it possible? It must explained it. The skin, the smell, the look. Even the nerves of the limbs which he were holding onto her.

"Sasuke-kun, you again."

But before she could further looking into, she was dragged into yet another necrophiled love session.


After a couple of hours, Sakura emerged from the lab with Sasuke behind.

She was holding the baseball bat, her guard intact cautiously.

She kicks the door open ro find no one else besides her and Sasuke. She released a sign of relief. She still hold onto the bat as she looks aroung the lab, her guard intacted.

She must find a way to reduce the virus from further spreading over the world. She must save those who was bitten but didn't turn yet.

The pinkette was wondering whether she could also save those who was turned. Like Sasuke.

She turns to see said zombie boy was sitting on a stool she has previously told him to.

His stare still solely on her to see what her next motive is.

"Sasuke-kun, i'm going to do some tests on you to see if there's any chances for you to turn back to... well human. Bare with me for this."

She waited for his response, but all she got was still a grunt. Seriously after all this time.

Sakura understands that Sasuke isn't a talkative person, but at least he has to be more vocal. Never mind that. Once she, with the possible help of anyone still alive out there, saved him along with the rest of humanity, she'll teach him into talking again.

Good thing she aced in biology and chemistry so she has enough experiences to test on a half-death, half-alive creature.

She takes out a few text tubes, syrnges and a microscope. She has a note pad with her to write down important things. With Sasuke, she hopes she could contribute what could be one of the last chances of saving the world.

No time to spare, the pinkette began to work on the special experiment.

She uses the syrnges ro take out her blood than Sasuke's. The undead flinches a bit as she plunges the pointy tip to his hand.

She checks the two different blood type.
The ravenette's a bit more darkened, but Sakura notices that it was almost the same shade as hers. She must test it out. Hopefully, it'll work.

After an hour, Sakura has finished her experiement, a vaccim to saved both the bitten and the turned ones.

Holding a green vial, she looks back to her zombie lover.

"Sasuke-kun. We did it, i don't know if other alive scientists had discovered this yet, but i'm sure this will help them."

Sasuke nods slowly. Then they both hear something coming from outside.

"Did you hear it too?"

The boy turns his head to the door. Both of them walk slowly to the door leading to the play yard.

Sakura turns the knob out to the bilowing wind knocking her face. In front of her were three helicopters that landing on the ground.

Sasuke was hidden behind her, in between the doors.

There were soldiers coming from the helicopters, holding guns aiming at her.

"Are you one of the last survivors?

Tell us if you either got bitten or shows any sign of the virus."

One of the soldiers said.

"No no, i'm not infected. I did get bitten, but it's been hours ago."

The soldiers around her aim their guns frantically at her in panic. Sashke was about to appear himself in attempt to protect her.

"Impossible, you must be lying. If there's any proof that you could overcome this disease, show us now."

Sakura brings out the syrem in the vial for them to see.

"Please give me a chance. I promise i'll help saving the humanity from this horrendous apocolypse. I had someone to help, to show you that not every zombie is completely undead. Come out, Sasuke-kun."

They all watch as the zombie boy slowly walks out. His pale complexion is almost humane. But they could still see signs that he's still an undead.

"Oh my goodness."

"Is that a...?"

"How could it be...?"

"Mam', stay away from it."

One of the gun was pointing at Sasuke. And it's owner pulls the trigger. The bullet shoot out in slow motion.

But at the last minute, he wasn't the one got shot.

Because someone had taken the hit that was meant for him. He looks down to see that Sakura had used her body as a shield. He didn't know what emotions running through his mind.

He saw blood slowly oozing out from her wound as he knelt down to her. His eyes searching for life.

The soldiers watch in shock as Sasuke lowers himself down to the seemingly dead girl. They heard mournful sobs coming from the undead. It was like he was croaking in pain.

Then something else come from him.

"S-Sa-ku-raa. Saku-ra. Sakura, come back to me..."

All of them gasping as the once undead boy was sprouting out words.

As is a miracle to see a human being reverted back from the dead. Sasuke has small tears leaking down his smooth cheeks.

Sakura coughs out some blood as the ravenette hold her up and cradles in his arms. He didn't care if blood was soaking his clothes.

The soldiers were halted by a blond woman. She was the head Medic of the Konoha survival hospital quaters.

"Alright, people. Move out the way so the boy could carry our chance of reviving humanity back to head quarters."

She barks out and the soldiers immediately move for Sasuke to carry his love into the helicopters.

After the helicopters arrived to the survival head quaters, Sasuke and Sakura were locked up in a glass chamber to have their check-up.

Luckily, the bullet hit didn't get any of Sakura's vital points.

So she survives.

She meets back her friends, who had also survived. Sasuke met his best friend back.

And he confessed to Sakura officially. She had been surprised, but she reciprocates it, to his joy.

Under Tsunade, the head doctor's guidance, Sakura had helped renovated humanity by creating more vaccim syrems to cure the undead.

Humanity was slowly rebuild. The civilazation was growing again as the zombies revert back to their old self. Turns out the virus was extracted from emotions of diseased animals that need pure blood of the carrier to reverse.

Once peace has returned, Sasuke and Sakura could continue their blooming relationship.

They wonder how Sasuke could manage under his infected condition.

Well, it was true love that could make him overcome it. Even through dead, it won't be a thing that could cut the connection between lovers.

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