Inside the veils of black tentacles.

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AN: Genin Sasusaku sweet Lemon. A lot smutty too. It may sound sick to you. But i've been thinking what if Sasuke has a secret Summoning and transformation Jutsu combined together to his advantage. And he'd use it on Sakura to court her. But it's a type of classic smut you read on Adult You know about girls have situations with tentacles. That's it. And why octopus and tentacles of all animals and things. Since i thought tentacles are resembling to snakes, in some ways. And Uchihas may use hawks as their main summon, but they tend to summon huge animals to their benefits. And octopuses could be counted, since they're strong, good at defencing, and can squeeze their enemies til death. This story takes place after the Chunin Exams Arcs. The artwork belongs to Miwo Kirihana, not mine, sorry.

The feelings of warmth, comfort and love surges through his body whenever he's near her. But she had been a bit distant lately. Worse, she talkes to Naruto more frequently than him. But he still hope that there's still feelings inside her heart that reserved only for him. Such a childish thing he would attach to when his mind was filled with vengance, but the emptiness in his heart yearns for her love and attention all to himself, to have her in his arms and never let her go. To drown her in his sea of passions. To have a family of their own.

It was another tiring day with a sucessful mission for team 7. A C-rank mission about retrieving a hidden scoll from the Land of the Demons.

However there was tention between the three Genins, for the blond Jinchuuriki and the Uchiha prodigy were still upset about the events of the mission previously. It wasn't about a fight or a sensitive topic. It was a problem concerning their female teammate, Sakura.

Earlier that day, team 7 had a to capture a scroll stolen by a missing nin from the Land of Silence, they later got to him and spotted him in a bar in the land of Fangs, they want to get the scroll early to finsh the mission and capture the criminal .

But in order to do so, they had to send someone in to distract him and get the scroll unnoticed. And that person was none other than Sakura.

Naruto and surprisingly, Sasuke had protested about it. But Kakashi had said that Sakura is the only candidate that could distract him, on one condition, she has to seduce him.

That only made the boys angrier and almost attack their teacher for making their Sakura had to do such a vile thing.

They were livid, especially Sasuke. The thought of his Sakura has to flirt with another man makes him feels furious. He swore if that man touch his filthy hands on Sakura's inapproriate parts, he'll personally rip him off to pieces. And unfortunately that happened exactly what he just thought.

If it wasn't for Kakashi, the rouge nin would be a goner by now. For Sasuke's warth isn't something to look forward to. And Sakura soothes his mood down with her calmness and concern. The aching feeling of longings poured back into his heart again, and Sasuke delved into Sakura's secured embrace longer than the time he allowed to.

Naruto was oblivious to the double meaning behind the intimate act, just want Sasuke to be released from Sakura's embrace. But their mentor seems to notice, for he had a knowing smile hidden behind his mask. Love birds. He decided to break in their private bubble regretfully.

"Ok, kiddies. It's been a long day, so we should find somewhere to set our camp. How 'bout the Land of Flowers? It's peaceful, no dangers and have many beautiful views for you to relax."

The three Genin agreed with it. Because
the mission was a two-day trip outside the village. So team 7 was a day long before they can come back to Konohagakure. Kakashi decided to let the team rest in the Land of Flowers near the Land of Lightning.

They set their camp near a wide flowery meadow, with many flowerbeds gathered around into a huge field. The camp order sharing two tents would be Kakashi and Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke.

"The tent arrangement would be simple, Naruto would share a tent with me, and Sakura, you can share the other one with Sasuke."

That earns a loud dispute from the blond knucklehead who keep saying why shouldn't be him sharing a tent with Sakura. Kakashi just answer in an exhausted voice, tired of hearing this.

"Because, Naruto, i don't trust you enough to sleep in the same room with Sakura. I don't want to know what you thinking when puberty hits you."

I trust Sasuke completely, since he's well-mannered, respect about privacy and has self-controls.

Sasuke didn't know if the facts Kakashi just saying were true anymore.

Ever since he discovered his buried feelings for the pink-haired kunoichi, he kept having urges about carnal desires revolve around him and Sakura. Kakashi exlained more to Naruto to end the conversations.

"It's getting late now and we had a big day ahead. So everyone set up the tents and get some well rest.

I'll be on watch duty for the whole night and wouldn't need sleeping. I don't need two fighting boys forced to share a tent."

No more words spoken from Naruto, for he just grumbled and went to set out his tent, sulking about Sasuke gets to be the one to share a tent with Sakura, all for himself.

Sasuke looks to Sakura from the corner of his eye, and a tilt of his head.

Kakashi noticed as he left the camp site to sit on a branch on a nearby tree to start his guard duty.

That boy must be up to something. And it's possibly related to Sakura. I may have to check on them personally, Naruto wouldn't know a thing, or being the only person in the campsite.

I knew it was a brilliant ideal to choose this land and this spot outside villages.

Although it would be the same, for them to do it in a room in one of the inns if they were arrenged in the same room.

Tonight would be so much fun. I wonder what Sasuke do to her to court her. The Uchihas were also famed for being passionate lovers, and were experts in pleasuring and performing coituses.

The Uchiha boy expected the pink-haired kunoichi to get giddy for being with her crush in a same tent. He might enjoy that her giddiness brings him a bright company that she is to wards off his nightmares.

But instead, she lowers her head down, body a tiny bit shaken, teeth biting her lips, eyes diatilted. She's nervous, not excited. She's sweating, not squealing. She's uncomfable with him, not wanting eagerly to sleep with him.

A familiar ache reappears in his heart, it hurts him if she'd rather share a tent with Naruto than with him.

"What's wrong with you, Sakura?"

He asks quietly, masking his pain from her. He didn't want to think if her feelings for him started fading away.

His question startles her, Sakura turns to Sasuke and smiles to assure him she was fine. But she was also hiding something that he can't figure out. Since when did she learn to mask her emotions so well that he can't read?

"It's okay, Sasuke-k--, i mean Sasuke-san. There's no need to be worry about. Kakashi-sensei said so."

Sasuke-san!? No kun!? Where's that term of suffix, that you'd always add on only my name? You don' me anymore, Sakura?

There were numorous time when Sasuke thought he misheard Sakura calling him with san. But it was clear now, she didn't want to be his fangirl anymore, she wanted to move on.

The thought of her no longer loving him anymore than a comrade almost made Sasuke's eyes welled with tears.

No, this can't be happening. She cared about me. She cried for me. She paid her attention to me. She fought with me. Did all of that was for a comrade?

"I have to set up the tent for us now, since you and Naruto had mostly done all the works today and it must be exhausted for you.

Just sit here and relax, I'll tell you when it's done, ok?"

When she was about to go and help Naruto set up his tent since he was bad at it, Sasuke grabs her wrist as soon as she takes a step away.

She looks back at him, puzzled by the stunt. Sasuke didn't want to let Sakura near Naruto, not at all.

The first time they shared something he didn't know, it was back from the tree-climbing lesson back then in the land of Waves.

He was stil ticked up when Naruto had declined to tell him what Sakura had told him. It maybe silly, but it made him feels neglected because the two of them share something that he may not know. He was their teammates afterall.

Sakura's wrist was still in his grasp, she tried to pull it out, but he won't budge.

She smiles awkwardly at him, a smile which he thought she didn't want him anywhere near her.

"Is there anything i could help if you keep holding me?"

She asks as if she was a burden to him. He didn't want her to think of him like that. He held her hand more gently but not too loosely and said.

"Sakura, i don't want you to hesistant toward me. We've been teammates for months now. There's nothing you should hide from me.

So don't close yourself in and keep me out. You can tell me anything like you always do."

Sakura was mildly surprised by the soft expression on her seemingly once crush's face.

She puts her other hand on Sasuke's hand and pulls it away. Sasuke was atonished when Sakura refused his suggestion to open more to him like everytime she does.

To say he was very upset. He was about to say something when their irritating third teammate shout, grab both their attentions.


Sasuke glares at the obnoxious blond with annoyance, interrupting his moment Sakura. Sadly, she answerwd back to him, to his dismay.

"Coming, Naruto. Sasuke-san, don't stress yourself further for me, okay?"

She gives a light wave to him and walks to where Naruto is, still struggling to set the tent up without it collasping. Sasuke reaches his hand a little, wanting to hold her to tell his feelings for her.

You f*cking Usuratonkachi!

The raven-haired boy scratches his fist in his hair in frustration. Another chance slipped out.

If this keeps going on, Sakura will no longer loving him, or so he thought.

There's one more option. But he needs the time to be at night, when Naruto is sleeping soundly without a notice about them. And their pervert of a sensei won't interrupt them in his night guard mission.

During the painful times of searching through his clan's belongings in the abondened compound, he had found some forbbiden scrolls related to summoning jutsus, and transformation jutsus. And out of all cool and powerful yet dangerous and risky techniques, one Kinjutsu had caught his interests.

It was a combined jutsu required both summoning and transforming. And the subject of this jutsu it's an octopus.

Sasuke's eyes flashed red with his Kekkei Genkai, the Sharingan to review his memorized informations about this particular jutsu.

The technique was called Kuchiyose Henge Kumiawase: Tako Shokushu no Jutsu. A highly prohibited and not to mentioned, extremely hazardous. It was inspired by one of the Tailed-beast Jinchurikis, from the land of Lightning. And Sasuke had decided to use it.

With this in his hands, Sasuke knew he would be more powerful to fight against Itachi.

It used to be known by many of it's advantages.

Back then, when the first Ninja World War had occured before, most of the Uchiha clan members had used these types of this jutsu, to battle against the Senju clan.

There were a vaerity in summoning majesctic animals to aid in the battles. Uchihas weren't known only for their Sharingan, they're also known for one of the clans to own top secret jutsus that could eliminate the Five Nations.

But the scroll in his hands is different than the rest.

For it has a darker secret. The Octopus Technique was used in many missions. It's useful since nin-octopi are the strongest in all moluscs.

Their skins are thick like a sheild, and had a high tollerance against high temperatures. Their tentacle muscles are stern and could crush their victims into paste. Their reflexes are sharp like cut, and they have night visions to sense their preys or enemies.

But they could also use for trapping their hostages or other things.

Another fact about the Uchihas is, they are known to be passionate lovers. In bedroom activities, some jutsus are created for the use of wild, pleasurable carnal satisfactiony intercourses.

Even the Sharingan is used to intensify the length of climaxes and the feeling of afterglows.

This jutsu is now in his posession.

He not only had a higher chance to defeat his brother and avange his clan, but he could also starts rebuilding it with the only girl whom he had his heart on.

The girl whom gives him soothing comfort, generous warmth and her irreplacable unconditional love.

She cries for him on the bridge in the Wave mission. She talks with him, even keeps quiet for him. She cares about him and understands him. She holds him and comsoles him in the second part of the Chunin exams. She hugs him, bold enough to look him right in the eyes.

His Genin female teammate, Haruno Sakura.

Sasuke watches as Sakura helps the blond idiot set up the tent. She may still love him, and not wanting to annoy him with it.

Oh how wrong had she been to hid it. Tonight will be a night she'll never forget.

And tonight he'll mark her as his with this deadly jutsu for Uchihas only. So every man, including Naruto that Sakura is only his.

And no one will ever dare to after what is his once his mark due to the jutsu he'll use on her tonight.

He just had to wait til night falls.

Kakashi had spotted his student activated his bloodline limit.

Wonder what Sasuke used his Sharingan for. Must be reviewing over his stored informations. There were times i saw him at the Uchiha compound.

He must had something in store for Sakura tonight. Hopefully he won't go overboard with this. But then again, he was at his softest and gentlest self when it comes to Sakura.

Anything he would use but a Kinjutsu.

That night, the tents were set, fishes were cooked for dinner, and team 7 was just finished eating their meals.

Kakashi was on his night guard shift despite having said that this land, was one of the safest places in the whole Five Nations. But no one questioning it. For they were too tired to do so.

The blond Jinchuuriki stretches himself while yawning before he stood up.

"Well, i'm going to sleep, 'ttebayo!

Sasuke-teme, you better not taking advantages of Sakura-chan, considering yourself lucky, you got to arranged sleeping in a same tent with her!"

The pink-haired kunoichi chides him lightly, although not feeling angry.

"Naruto, don't worry about it.

Sasuke-san is polite, and he won't do anything to me. Besides, it's only one night, what could happen?"

The said boy didn't reply, he ignored the ache from his heart, from hearing Sakura calling him with san again. Naruto looked at him skeptically with a foxy frown. He huffs and grumbles out.

"Ok, Sakura-chan, i trust you. But if he tried to do something to you, call me and i'll kick his sorry butt into next week for sure, 'ttebayo!"

"Hn, as if you could, Usuratonkachi."

"What did you say, you b*stard? Just so you know, Sakura-chan isn't yours!
Because i'll win her for sure, 'ttebayo!"

Sasuke looks like he is ready to kill. Sakura decides to pry in.

"Boys, boys, enough!"

Naruto sulks as he walks back to the tent he would sleep in for the night, not before muttured out a "goodnight, Sakura-chan". And an incoherent curse to the Uchiha boy if he had any funny businesses going on. Sakura was about to go to sleep, like Naruto did when she saw Sasuke does the same, extinguish the campfire.

She didn't say anything, not wanting to cause anymore tension between them, then it already did.

She strode back to the other tent with Sasuke right behind. They entered the tent and took out their respective sleeping bags. After lying in down, Sakura whispered.


He didn't reply back.

Sasuke knows she still cared about him, and she won't be asleep tonight.

Judging by both's wariness, they won't get much sleep so easily. After a couple of hours, the black-haired boy was awaken from a dreamless eye shut.

He turns around to see no Sakura in her sleeping bag. She must be outside.
That's where his plan begins.

He'd remind her that they belonged to each other only. He'll be hers officialy if she'll be his again. Not even Itachi would able to get into his path of the Uchiha clan restoration, would he killed him first.

After having Sakura to bear their child. He's thrilled at the thought.

With this forbidden Kinjutsu, he'll be nearly unbeatable when it comes to revenge, and love. He sneaks outside when the coast was clear. Meaning Naruto was sound-asleep, and Kakashi wasn't anywhere, near the place he would initiate his plans on making Sakura love him once again.

Sasuke jumps stealthly from one tree to another, hiding his chakra expertly. He found Sakura at the heart of the forest.

It was a secluded place, with not many creatures wondering around.

He hid behind a tree, standing in a random sturdy branch.He eyes her above from afar.

The pink-haired beauty was gingerly plucking out flower petals, on a flower bed she was sitting on. With keen ears, he heard her kept repeating two lines every girls would do.

"He loves me..." The first petal.

"He loves me not... " The second petal.

"He loves me..." The third petal.

"He loves me not..." The fourth petal.

"He loves me." The fifth and final petal.

At the last petal of the flower she was holding, Sasuke had also said in symth with her. But the line was "i love you" instead.

He thought Sakura would declared joyfully at last at that, but she looks malachonic while letting go of the stem. Droplets of tears were running down her porclain face, glimmered by the moonlight high above the starry, night sky, all for them to watch.

Sasuke was alarmed by her expression.

"It's a lie, Sasuke-kun will never loves me. He just sees me as a nuisance, a burden to the team, nothing! I should give up on him, but i just couldn't."

The word "nothing" she spat out bitterly.

The cherry-haired girl was sobbing grievingly, unawared of the said boy perching nearby with a shocked expression. Sasuke couldn't believe what he heard.

Sakura still loves me.

But she was starting to lose the confidence of overcoming her reappeared insecurities.

Sasuke will prove to her that she's been much more to him since before team 7 was even formed. He takes out the scroll containing the Kinjutsu.

It had been with him the whole time.

In order to break the clan seal, it requires the blood from an Uchiha.

The sole survivor and heir of the clan bites his thumb, and puts it on the seal. The seal was broken, and the scroll opened to reveal a black vortex that resembles a whirlpool.

Then a pair of red, slitted eyes appeared with a dark voice that could be heard telepathically.

"Uchiha Sasuke, glad to see that you were the one who had summoned me to seek for goals.

Kokutan, at your service."

Sasuke nods as a greeting. He then said his wish to perform the forbidden jutsu.

"Kokutan, i want to make a deal with you, not only in battle, but also in obtaning the goal of clan rebuilding.

And i want you to tranform me into a better form to court my future wife."

The slitted eyes narrowed upward, pleased with second choice of the part of this jutsu. It rasped out to an octave.

"A very good choice, Master.

I see you made up wise desicions, before the storms of blood on the battle field. And i'd be more pleased to be under your commands.

Tell me, who is it that you seek love and reproduction from?"

Sasuke glance back to Sakura, who was still crying silently. He turns back to the creature in the scroll and replies.

"Haruno Sakura, my female teammate, and the only suitable one that could restore the Uchiha clan with me. I need you for motivations, to pursue her and claim her as only mine.

She cherishes love like an Uchiha does, and has potential talents in the future."

"Very well, you had my word. I'll help you with this important task, that is a part of restoring the Uchiha clan back to it's glory and honor.

In both vengance and romance, i swear to contribute, and put my loyalty and dedication in the sole heir, until he had succeeded in achieving his goals. Sakura-sama must be lucky to be chosen by you.

Sign the deal and said the jutsu, Sasuke-sama, my Master."

Sasuke smeared his blood to sign his full name on the scroll. Then he said the name of the jutsu to perform it.

"Kuchiyose Henge Kumiawase: Tako Shokushu no Jutsu!"

As soon as he had said it, suddenly numerous black tentacles shot out from the scroll, and they automatically warpped themselves around Sasuke. They went through into his body and merged with every chakra cells in his body, with their own much more powerful chakras, providing him with almost limitless staminas.

Sasuke grunts in slight pain as they take control of his senses, and turn him into another person, yet still him.

He still feels like himself, but having more powers.

His eyes can still activated his bloodline limits, but now he can controls the extra attendages attatched to him. They can both be extended out or retracted in. It's convenient.

He had eight extra limbs on his back. Black with raven blue highlights, gleamed upon light contacted, just like his hair. The tentacles and their owner must had merged like this, to suit with the host they currently in.

They're larger and longer than his limbs, they could lift him up as if he was a spider. And they could cover him protectively as his shield.

The effects of this Kinjutsu had also enhanced some of his physical traits.

Like his eyes, ears, nose and his lower regions, to his surprise. Now he can used the most on it, and claim his Sakura once and for all.

Behind one of the trees, Kakashi had observed the process of the whole tranformation, and the affects on his pupil that it had caused.

As i thought, Sasuke had used one of his clan's Kinjutsu. I should had stop this and done somthing. But then it could had been worse.

Sasuke wants Sakura to be the mother of his children, at all costs.

And Sakura still loves him. I'd been watching their interaction for months and it had improved. Sakura saw him more as a crush, and Sasuke opened up to her more than he was aeound others, also he came to reciprocate her love.

I just hope that this won't go too far, or else there would be two broken hearts, and one huge consequence.

Let the mating sessions begin.

Sakura senses she is being watched. With a kunai in hand, she heard a snap of a branch. She surveyed her surroundings carefully. Fear cripped up her spine a bit.

She looks to where the shadow she saw moving, before her eyes landed on a figure in between the two tall line of trees in front of her.

It looked familiar to her. But as soon as the shadowy figure shaped into someone, she whispers warily.

"Sasuke-kun...? Is that you?"

The figure didn't response. Instead he marches slowly to let the light reveal himself.

It was indeed Sasuke. Sakura was relieved, although there was an aura of coldness yet heatful oozed around where he was standing.

She must be dillusional. But sensing this wasn't a genjutsu from an enemy, she relaxed. But she couldn't put her finger on the hunch of anxiety and fear. Something isn't right about him. And it may happens in the least expected way to her.

"Sakura, what are you doing here in this late hour? You might catch a cold."

His voice sounded odd to her.

It's still the same monotonous baritone, but lowered down an octave. It almost as if he was possessed by something. And his eyes, they're unusual.

They're inkier than the darkest black pools she's daily staring at. And behind those sharp windows had a gleam.

Wiping her face so he couldn't see her tears, she says.

"I couldn't sleep well. Been thinking a lot lately. And the weather isn't cold much, it's actually quite warm. Look at these flowers, they're so soft and smell nice, like my bed back home.The view out here is also scenic too.

I can just sleep here all night if i want. There are many stars tonight for me to count.

It would be a dream comes true.

You don't have to worry too much for me, im totally fine."

Sakura has a smile that the young avenger could detect it as fake. She isn't fine at all. And he'd fixed it for her. Afterall he couldn't hold much longer.

"Stop lying that you're all right, Sakura.

I could tell you've been hiding somthing from me. I know because i can see through you."

The pinkette had her face casted down, knowing her attempt to mask her emotions was a failure. Sasuke slowly approaches her until they're closed by inches. He raised her chin by his hand.

"Sakura, do you still love me?"

The pinkette was stunned at her crush's question.

"I But i noticed that you may never return my feelings anymore, so i have to ignore you and try to forget my feelings.

I'd still want us to be friends, since we're teammates. If it means i would never have your heart."

No longer taking more of this, Sasuke smashes his lips into hers. Sakura lets out a suprised muffled gasp between the kiss. The Uchiha released slowly, after an intense lip interlock.

While they were kissing, unbeknownst to Sakura, Sasuke had his eyes peeked up a bit, a slip of the red Sharingan was seen. He utters his words out.

"Don't ever say that, Sakura..."

He kisses her again, this time more fierce. Sakura meekly wraps her arms around his neck, returning the kiss.

Then it happens, Sasuke begins to shed his outer apparance. His hidden tentacles emerge through his shirt, pierce the fabric. Too engrossed with the kiss, Sakura didn't notice the extra shadows extracted from the extra limbs from her lover's body.

It was when a slimy appendage touches her hip, did Sakura realized what was going on. She pushes Sasuke apart a little, to see his new outlook.

Her teammate has several long limbs appeared like tentacles standing up above him.

They all connected to his back.

And Sakura was wordless of how he'd changed. Still, she didn't move or runaway from him. She cared for him too much beyond vain looks and outer shells. Sasuke warps all of his black tentacles around Sakura and himself, trapping her in his embrace.

"Sakura, are you afraid of this? If you don't want to, i won't force you."

The pinkette touches his cheek tenderly, her eyes and words are sincerely enough to move him and melt his heart.

"No, never, Sasuke-kun. I loved you too much to be afraid of you. No matter what form you took or what path you chose, i'll still love you, through thick and thin, til the end. Because that what's my feelings are to you. You're very important to me, Sasuke-kun."

His eyes sting from the unveiled tears, but Sasuke didn't say anything as he pulls her into the kiss again, wrapping the tentacles tightly around them enough for the hug.

Soon, they both fall down into the soft flowerbed, making out.

With Sasuke on top, he starts removing their clothes with the help of the tentacles. They peel off the attires slowly, while his hands roam every patch of skin on Sakura's body.

Said kunoichi shivered in slight pleasure at the sticky feeling the tentacles gave out. Sasuke's hands were rough, but they still gentle to her skin.

On the far side where they couldn't see, Kakashi was sitting on a branch.

He decides to watch them, his book in his pant pocket. He would be on watch on any out of control act. But he couldn't help but smile like a pervert he is, and enjoy how intersesting it's going to be.

This is better than pornographic. It's a real-life porn between mildly teenagers. And they're my favorite students, OTP, no less.

This Kinjutsu Sasuke used makes me remembers the first classic erotic porn to ever created by mankind.

The fisherman's beautiful wife and the seduction of the monstrous octopus.

Back to the story between the lovebirds.

It seems like Sasuke had rolled both himself and Sakura, into a noodle roll with his tentacles.

After every articles of their attires had been removed (to which Sakura's eyes were exposed to his chiseled pectorals and abs, with the two long rods erected toward her, to her shock) and littered on the meadow, Sasuke licks her ear provoketically, as the tentacles doing their job.

The big limbs were long, yet loose enough to spare the binding around the pair of hormonal young teens. With Sakura almost trapped with him inside the tentacles, Sasuke could begin his mating.

He kisses her lips, prodding them for his tounge to entry, she complies. Hers entwined with his, while his hands move between the limbs to caress her soft skin.

Sakura whimpered, her hands stroking his stomach when he was under the limbs, their chests almost make contact.

They keep feeling each other's bodies whilst the excessive remaining length of the tentacles fondling everywhere on Sakura they could possibly touch.

One of them petting her short pink hair.

Then it slowly drags down the side of her face, caressing her cheek.

Two of them extracted themselves inside the limb-binding to wrap around the soft mounds, squeezing her breasts with Sasuke's hands doing the same.

Two other of them also extracted into the bind and kneeding her bottom cheeks like dough. Another two sliding down her thighs sensually to her calves and backwards.

The last one was teasing with her most sacred place, rubbing agaisnt it. The tip of it teasingly slips into her core.

She squeaks meakly at this.

The limb the lowers behind her backside to push it's tip between her cheeks, inside her other hole. That earns a breathy gasp from her.

The limb that taking control on her face stucks it's head into her mouth.

Sakura gags at the sudden intrusion. The tentacle makes process in and out her mouth. Inside it taps the back of her throat, making it's way down to half her throat a bit until her cheeks are bloated a little by it's entrance. Then it extract itself out before only the tip inside her mouth. It was getting harder.

Then it repeats the motion.

The raven boy watches with hungry eyes as Sakura wantonly sucking on the appendage, twirling her tounge with it, tasting it musky essence.

A thick, bitter yet warm and salty substance flush out from the pads under the tentacle.

It floods down the pinkette's throat, Sakura has to swallow them whole. Was the substance it just released white semen? Sasuke's semen?

The softening tentacle resumes ruffling her hair on the flower bed tenderly. Her mouth were slightly apart.

The raven-haired boy latches his mouth onto the juncture between her neck and shoulder. He sucks on it harshly, biting his canine teeth deep on the sensitive and soft skin.

Blood slowly oozing from the wounds.

Sakura moans as her lover making advances on her neck, jaw and shoulder. The tentacles also suckled on parts of her body with their pads.

Love bites in purple blotches with the shade similar to the tentacles blooming.

Sasuke smirks amusingly, turned on more by the way her cheeks flushed red and her eyes gleaming with desire. His two purple shafts ached to be buried inside her warm cores. He decides that teasing her for now is enough.

There will be more in the future for them to take time slowly.

The two tentacles on her chest now pulling both her hands up her head, exposed to the cool air in constract to the warm and slimy binding.

Her arms were tied by one tentacle, the other two were put on her upper back and nape to lock her lips with Sasuke's. The two tentacles on her bottom hold her hips still. The other two on her legs raised the said body parts up to wrap them around Sasuke's waist as he was ready to thurst his poles into both her holes. The one tentacle between her cheeks will raise her bottom up to boost the speed and depth of the thrursting.

Sasuke positioned both his cocks on her cores, one for up front and one for down there.

He looks up to Sakura as if to ask her silently for permission. Sakura saw the sincere and hesitation in his eyes and action. Touched, Sakura nods as she brings her head up and puts her lips on his, sealing their love to this mating.

With that, Sasuke pushes all the way to the hilt in one swiftly, yet gentle thrusts. They both shocked by the imense pleasure.

The pinkette biting her lips to concealed her pain, eyes shut.

Sensing her distressed look, Sasuke kissed the line of her jaw softly, muttering gently.

"Are you alright, Sakura?"

Said kunoichi looks directly at his red eyes, the tomoes were swirling lazily with tenderness they happened to possess. One of the tentacles on her hips rubbing her legs soothingly to ease away the pain of the intrusions.

"I'm fine, Sasuke-kun."

Sasuke had to resist the losing urge of snapping his hips forward and begin the mating. It feels so good to be wrapped by her tight, warm, wet walls.

So this is what intercorses feel like.

When his transformation was completed, Sasuke had discovered that his lower regions were doubled up.

The purple rods also had bumps grown on them.

It maybe heightened the pleasure, he wasn't sure. But there's something about them rubbing agaisnt Sakura's sensitive walls that brough them both to ecstacy.

He feels a little insecured that Sakura would be afraid of him. He glad he was wrong for once. She accepts him no matter what look he takes. And with two members the pleasure was also doubled up.

He was mad at himself since it was his fault again for making his beloved shed tears. But she doing this willingly for him. And he was grateful, happy even.

Her walls clenched on both his cocks so tight that, he could feel the two rods touching through the thin walls.

No, he had to be patient.

Sakura had given him her virginity, something he deemed to be special of her feelings. So after the penetration, he had to let her adjust to him first. He had to enjoy the sensation first too. Once she's agreed to continue, would he oblige to her plead.

When Sakura nuzzles his clavicle and nods for him to continue, he obliges.

So Sasuke pulls his stiffened fleshy sticks out until only the tips remain inside her. And he thursts all the way back in again.

Sakura mewls at the rough entrance. Too engraved of the pleasure to feel any pain left from the intrusion.

The Uchiha boy was also feel high up from being warped tightly in her heavenly warmth. The second time was far greater than the first. He starts to do it again.

They both let out gasps, moans, grunts, and groans inside the warm cocoon.

Observing from where they couldn't see, Kakashi was recording the session with his Sharingan eye.

That is so explicit, still a bit cencored due to the tentacles. A little hard to see what they doing under there. Maybe i should give this as an idea to Jiraiya. I have to informed him about Naruto's training request. He was looking for inspirations anyway.

After her orgasm from the thursts, Sasuke let his beloved rest before he rolled them back so he was under Sakura, still remained inside her.

Surprised from the change of position, the pink-haired kunoichi didn't have time to react before Sasuke do the thursting again, the tentacles support him in increasing the speed.

As he doing so, Sasuke and Sakura kissed again.

Their tounges wrestling like the tentacles caressing the pinkette's body.
And that makes Sakura let out her orgasm. Followed by Sasuke's hot spurts of thick semen deep into her womb, until her stomach slightly bloated.

After many hours of love-making and many messy climaxes were released, both Sasuke and Sakura were nearly worn out. Well, only Sakura was, she lost her uncoscious after the twelth time. Sasuke's still awake.

She fell unconsious. Sasuke kissed her lips gently, his eyes are tenderly.

With a last bite and suck to her neck, Sasuke lifts Sakura and himself up by the limbs.

Using his tentacles, the Uchiha teen carried both of them back to their tent, without knowing Kakashi following.

The next morning, Kakashi decides to check on the couple.

Zipping the tent locker up, inside, he saw the pair of lovers sleeping, still inside the tentacle cocoon.

Sakura rested her head on Sasuke's shoulder. Sasuke was wrapping arms possessively around her under the tentacle layer. The tent was wafted in the afterglow musk of their mating.

It suffocates him a bit. Kakashi would let them in their heaven a bit.

It was still early in the morning anyway. He'll have a talk with Sasuke about tips. He soundlessly zips back up. Then he walks away quietly.

Just when things were peaceful, Naruto had to wake up to do his business. The masked Jounin hopes that the blond knucklehead won't be nosy to do the thing he was thinking about.

Seeing what his teammates are doing.

He didn't need to turn around to predict what comes next.


Naruto was knocked out by a tentacle shot out from inside the tent. Said tentacle zipped the tent back up. Kakashi can hear Sakura's small voice and Sasuke's whispers. Probabaly consoling her back to sleep.

He signs. He'll have to deal with all the arguments later.

AN: It gives me the hot to write it since it was my first smut fic. Enjoy it if you want or not. I been have this lucid dream since i first thought of it.

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