The spider and the cat

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I sit perched in a tree in a place called Central Park with nothing to do but wait. I listen to all the beeps and honks wondering why people have to be so rude. I don't even notice him at first. Spider man walks up and says here kitty. I look down at him and realize I'm still in cat form. I change.
"That's not my name you know," I say.
"It's what I'll call you until you tell me your name, and even then I might call you kitty," he says looking amused that he hit a sore spot.
"Your the youngest avenger right?" His face twists with pain as I ask
"Yeah, I am," he says. I notice him looking down.
"Sorry I shouldn't have said that," I say. He looks up at me surprised. "What?"
"You seemed so vicious earlier and now you say sorry. Iron man told me to stay away from you," he says. My green eyes widen and begin to water a bit. I turn away.
"Then why didn't you?" I ask still facing away. He walks so that he can see me again.
"I didn't think you were the monster they think you are," he smiles up at me. "Now come on kitty. You can't stay out here all night". I smile and hop down from the tree. I look up at him in his spider suit. He's a full head taller than me. He holds out his hand and I take it cautiously the next thing I know we are in the sky swinging around. He pulls me close and screams in the wind to hold on. Like I was planning on letting go. He swings towards the rural part of town where there are more apartments and places for people to live. My hair blows free and it's on then that I realize it's coming free from its hair whisperer in long streaks of purple in a head of white hair. Spider man stops us on a roof top to take in the new development. My hair curls down at my feet. He looks at me.
"Wow that's really long," he says stating the obvious.
"I know," I reply.
"How old are you?"
"16, why?" I respond confused.
"Your hair is white".
"Yeah so?"
"Ok". He says it so plainly it sounds dead. I look down at my hair and shrug not seeing whatever he is. I just smile at him. He looks at me and takes a step closer. Not getting it I take a step too. He takes off his mask and smiles. I look at him surprised.
"You better put it back on or someone will see you," I say pointedly. He nods and does as told.
"Come on kitty," he says. I glare at him, but I take his out stretched hand anyway. As we fly through the sky I smile and squeal with glee. We fly through a window and into a room. I smile and look around. Strange, I think, there seem to be no pigmies in the room. I shrug, earthians. Spider man looks at me.
"Alright kitty," he starts talking as he takes off the mask. "My real name is peter. Peter Parker". I raise an eyebrow.
"First disobeying the avengers to talk to me, and now telling me your secret identity," I say it emphasizing the word "secret". His face twists into a smirk.
"What about you kitty, you gonna tell me any of your secrets?" As soon as he says it I feel my face go red.
"Maybe..." I mumble. He laughs and looks at me.
"Well I gotta go change you wait here I nod. He opens a drawer and pulls out clothes. I sit patently on the bed wondering where I will stay. He comes back wearing the oddest clothing.
"What is that?" I point to his shirt. He looks down and says,
"What?" I point to his outfit. "My outfit?" I nod staring at it in wonder. He looks looks at me. "Let me guess that's your every day outfit," he doesn't say it as a question. So I ask,
"What else would it be?" He sighs.
"Here on earth we do things differently what I am wearing is normal and what you're wearing is very, very strange," I nod listening to every word he says. He passes my one of his "normal" pieces of clothing. "This is a sweat shirt," he says "sweat shirt" slowly like he is telling a squirrel to go fetch. "Put it on," He says it like an order and I do as told. I put it over my dress and smile once it's fitted.
"Alright. Now since no one can know you're here you have to be a cat tonight, okay?" He says looking at me concerned. I nod and smile reassuringly at him. I transform and he smiles.

In the morning I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes. I hear a knock on the door. Peter sits up.
"Peter I have to run to the store I'll see you later," a woman shouts.
"Ok," Peter yells back. He smiles at me as the woman's footsteps fade away, I turn human. "You know what this means kitty?" I raise a brow
"What," I ask.
"We get to get you some real clothes". I laugh and let him drag me out of the apartment.  We walk through the streets of New York and I take in all the sights. Next thing I know my head is pulled back and spots of pain dance before my eyes. Peter stops and looks back surprised. My vision starts to blur and I feel myself falling.
I wake up on a bench hearing voices asking if I'm okay. I moan.
"What happened?" I ask searching for peters face amongst others.
"Let's just say you should keep your hair up from now on," he replies. I find his face and feel the warmth spread into my cheeks.
"Great," I mumble. He laughs and the crowd disperses.
"Lucky for you we're here," he smiles and gestures to the building behind him.

Thanks for reading! If you liked it give it a gold star please! I'd be forever grateful :)

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