Wonder land to Earth

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Earth. The one place I might have a chance to help people. If only I knew how to get there. I've read and read trying to find a way, but nothing is helping. I've almost given up. Almost. One thing you'll learn about me, I never give up. I could be in the most dangerous situation possible, but I would keep going and never look back.  That is why I have to keep going. I have to get to earth, and so I will spend every minute of every last day reading to find a way to earth. I will succeed.
About a week after I decided this, I find my answer. A toad. Now to you this might seem kind of weird you are probably asking; how is a toad going to get you to earth? Really a toad?. If you asked these questions I understand completely, but let me remind you I'm not on earth yet I'm still in crazy old wonder land. I walk out of the library and into the pink field. This is the one place I'm going to miss. I watch as the long pink grass bends in the wind. I smile and let myself turn into my true self. A cat. I unfold my dark black wings which are extremely rare for a Cheshire and incredibly useful. I run through the field picking up speed until I pounce into the air and fly. Whispering swamp here I come. I fly through the blue clouds and let the strawberry wind blow through my fur. I dive through the clouds and sail towards the swamp. I land in a willow tree overlooking the main part of swamp. I transform back into me, a sixteen year old girl with white and purple hair. I look at the green sludge before me and listen to the constant whispers. Everything about this place gives me the creeps, but like I said I never give up. I stand on the branch and look down searching for a toad. Finally I spot one just a few yards away. I pull the small book out of my pocket.
To travel to earth you need to press a hand firmly on the toads head and imagine a portal.
Sounds easy enough, right? I leap to the tree next door and flip upside down on a branch just above the toad. I gently press my hand on top of it's head and close my eyes. I imagine a circle swirling inside is gray and blue. I open my eyes and look at the portal hovering just above the swamp. I let go of the frog and it jumps in. I follow. I see color blinding me everywhere I look and then darkness.
I wake up in a totally new world. I sit up and look at all the lights and tall, tall, buildings. I look down and see a flash of light and a man in shiny armor that's strangely red. I think back to all I have read and remember his name. Iron man. Iron man means trouble. Immediately I see my chance to prove myself I leap into the next roof top and do my best to follow his fast moving form. Then another appears lightning crackles in the sky as Thor raises his hammer from a rooftop near by.  I stop to watch him in awe. Next a shield goes flying past and captain America with it. I hold back an anxious squeal as spider man swings by. All of them, no where's ant man? Black widow? I shrug and will think of it later. It's then that I see the issue. About twenty men wearing all black are firing their guns and killing people. Anger rises in my body powering me forward. My hair sparks up with lighting and darkness cloaks around me. One thing I forgot to mention I am supposed to be an evil person. But I'm not. I want to help. I jump from roof top to roof top soaring twelve feet into the air at a time until I'm looking over the battle.
"Meow," I hiss. I smile a smile that crawls up the sides of my face and to all eyes I shimmer and disappear. I reappear right in the middle of it all. I smile and jump on one of the men sinking my teeth into the exposed flesh on their back I jump of and they crumble to the ground. Every thing stops around me. Everyone looks at my blood covered fangs and jaws drop. I smile again and appear right in front of iron man. I gently transform into a cat and purr.
"Well that's something you don't see every day," spider man says looking at my feline form.
"What in Odin's name is that?" Thor responds.
"Please tell me this isn't the next Loki," says a woman I didn't notice before, Black Widow. I flap my wings until I'm eye level with iron man. He reaches out to touch me.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I say smirking back in human form.
"What the?" Spider man yelps. All the men in black have retreated by now so it's just us and spectators.
"Until we meet again avengers," I say and I smile.
The last thing I hear is,
"Wait who are you?!"- from who I do not know.

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