Finding the Child

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Blake POV

I am training with my team in the Emerald Forest against a horde of Grimm.

Ruby: Bumblebee!

I throw my grapple at Yang and start swing her around in a circle taking out the rest of the Grimm. We regroup and catch our breath for a minute, when my faunus hearing catches a strange noise coming from within the forest. It sounds almost like... a child crying. I dash off into the woods and follow the sounds. I come across a Beowolf trying get into a log, that's where the crying is coming from. I spring into action and quickly dispatch the Grimm and then move to the log as the others show up.

Yang: Blake, why did you run off?

Weiss: Haven't we killed enough Grimm today?

Ruby: Blake, what did you find?

I don't answer as I try to look inside the log, with my night vision I can see a little boy inside. He looks between 6 or 7 but it's hard to tell, and he is really skinny. I crawl into the log and gently touch his head, he then looks at me and asks.

????: Are you here to hurt me?

Blake: No, I'm not going to hurt you.

Then the boy just passes out, I take the opportunity to pick him up and carry him out. Once I do my teammates gather around to see.

Yang: Aww, the poor thing.

Weiss: He looks like he's been out here for a long time.

Ruby: Why would someone not care about this little cutie?

Blake: Let's get him back to Beacon, he needs help.

Ruby: Right, let's go.

We all head back, while I hold the boy close to me to keep him warm. Out of some instinct I start purring while holding him, we reach our dorm room and I lay the boy down on my bed and cover him with the blanket. I stayed next to him, while everyone else got some food and water, and Ruby went to tell Professor Ozpin. I looked at this boy more throughly and saw he had all sorts of cuts, scars, bruises and his clothes were stained with blood, or what was left of his clothes anyway. Weiss and Yang come back, with a doctor in tow, the doctor quickly examined the boy and patched him up.

Blake: How long do you think he'll be like this?

Doctor: It shouldn't take too long to recover, but I would suggest keeping a very close eye on him and no strenuous activities.

Blake: Thank you doctor.

The doctor leaves and I wipe away a tear, happy knowing he's going to be alright. Even though he's human, I already feel an emotional attachment to him. The boy then starts to wake up, I take his hand as his eyes flutter open. He looks around and sees me and immediatly gets scared and hides under the bed. I get down and look at him and he is terrified, I have to remain calm if I want him to trust me.

Blake: Hey it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. *boy doesn't budge* Please, I just want to help you. You were hurt pretty bad, so I brought you here. Please come out?

????: No! Go away!

Blake: It's ok your safe now, the Beowolf is gone. No more scary monster.

????: Beowolf?

Blake: The Grimm. I saved you.

????: You, save me? Why?

Blake: Because thats what I do. I help people and I will take care of you, promise.

The boy seemed to not be as scared anymore and started crawling to me. I pick him up and hold him close so he feels safe.

Blake: See that wasn't so hard. So, my name is Blake, what's your name?

He started tearing up at this question and again buried his face into my chest.

????: I was only ever called a monster.

Blake: Sweety, you're no monster. Why would someone think that?

????: I... I hurt someone on accident. I was playing and some mean men walked up to me. I got scared. I don't remember what happened but everyone called me a monster afterward. *crying continues*

Blake: *holds boy closer* You are not a monster. Do you have any other family?

His continued crying confirms my fears, and his next sentence helps me make my decision.

????: *through tears* Please don't send me away. I want to stay with Mommy!

He wants to stay and he just called me Mommy, well that settles it.

Blake: Alright then, I'm Mommy, and your name will be... (Y/n).

(Y/n): Thank you, Mommy! Thank you!

Blake: You are welcome, son. Now, are you hungry?

He simply nods his head, I smile and ask Weiss for the food she and Yang brought. Weiss tries to hand him some but he is hesitant.

Blake: Don't worry sweety. Weiss is a friend. So is Yang.

Yang: Hey there, little guy. Looks like we're gonna be friends.

(Y/n) slowly grabs the apple slices that Weiss is holding and takes a bite, he then horkes down to rest of the food. I giggle a little as he eats, when he's finished there is a knock on the door. Yang answers and Ruby walks in with Professor Ozpin. Immediately, (Y/n) then hides behind me as best he can.

Blake: It's ok sweety, that's Ruby and that's Professor Ozpin. They won't hurt you.

Ozpin: I just wanted to see the boy for myself.

(Y/n) onces again sits on my lap, as I wrap my arms around his waist. Ozpin then takes a look at him and smiles.

Ozpin: You all did the right thing helping him. He can stay as long as he wants.

Yang: That's good because (Y/n) here sees Blake as his mommy already.

Ozpin: Blake?

Blake: *blush* It's alright really. I would be happy to be his mother.

Ozpin: *smiles* Very well then. Welcome to Beacon, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Thank you for letting me stay with mommy.

Ozpin: Of course, and if either of you need anything, just let me know.

Blake: Thank you Professor.

With that Ozpin left and Ruby had the idea of baking (Y/n) some cookies. Weiss suggested a bath for him and Yang, well, was Yanging out. Her words not mine. Ruby dashed off to, supposedly, the kitchen, and I decided to get a bath started for my new son. Strange, I've only know him for a few hours and already I view as my son. I am broken out of my trance by (Y/n) giving me a heartfelt hug, which I gladly return. He then tells me the sweetest thing.

(Y/n): Thank you... I love you, Mommy.

Blake: Oh sweety, I love you too.

(A/N): So what do you guys think, so far? Anyways, a new adventure begins. Thank you all for your support and have a great day. PEACE OUT!!!

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