Bonding Time

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Blake POV

     I am currently wearing a sun dress with my bathing suit underneath, since I'm giving (Y/n) a bath. As I clean him, I really take a look at his wounds. There are slashes, stabs, claw marks, and there's even evidence something very big bit him. My heart breaks at the thought that someone would have the audacity to leave this sweet boy to fend for himself. He then looks at me and smiles and his (E/C) eyes are filled with hope for the first time. I can't help but smile back and kiss his forehead. I start to shampoo his hair and boy is it a mess. There is dried mud, and even blood either from him or something else. I shudder at the thought, and continue to clean him. Even after shampooing a couple times his hair is still matted, so I decide to give him a haircut. As I do this, I notice he has some sort of tattoo on his back, it was a little hard to see because of the scars and the dirt that covered him.

I'll find out more later, I get done cutting his hair and he looks so much more comfortable. I take him out of the tub and start drying him off. I take the opportunity to take a picture of the tattoo and send it to Ozpin, maybe he might understand it. Anyways, I continue drying him off and come to find he's a little ticklish, so I tickle him a little more and we both laugh.

Blake: Alright sweety, I'm going to get you something to wear for tonight and I'll be right back.

     I walk out of the bathroom and go through my drawers and find a simple t-shirt and shorts for (Y/n) to wear. Yang then asks.

Yang: When are you going to tell him your a faunus, Blake?

     I was a little surprised because I remembered I left my bow on the entire time I've been with (Y/n) today. How will he react to me being a faunus, guess there's only one way to find out. I head back into the bathroom and help him get his clothes on. He then gives me a hug and I figure nows as good a time as any.

Blake: (Y/n), mommy needs to tell you something about me.

(Y/n): What is it, Mommy? *clearly worried*

     I take a deep breath and undo my bow and show my cat ears. He looks at me surprised.

(Y/n): Mommy is a faunus?

     I nod my head and just when I thought he might be scared of me, he jumps into my arms and hugs me.

(Y/n): I don't care, I love mommy.

     I almost start crying myself, I am happy that (Y/n) isn't afraid of me. I hug him back and kiss the top of his head.

Blake: I love you too. But you have to promise not to tell anyone outside of our dorm about this.

(Y/n): I promise.

     (Y/n) and I head back out to the dorm and Ruby gives some of her cookies and (Y/n) eats them very quickly. Weiss then asks.

Weiss: Blake what was that tattoo on his back?

Blake: I honestly don't know. I sent a picture of it to Ozpin. Hopefully, he'll have some answers.

Yang: I can't wait to start training the little guy.

Blake: Only if he wants to. Even then he'll have to put on significant weight before any sort of training can happen.

Yang: Gotcha.

     As we converse and try to connect with (Y/n) better, there is a knock on the door. Ruby goes to answer and Team JNPR is standing there.

Jaune: Hey Ruby.

Ruby: Hi Jaune, do you guys need something?

Jaune: Well we were wondering if you had any tools for fixing weapons?

Nora: I hit a Grimm too hard with my hammer and- GAAASSSPPP!

     Nora rushes past everyone and gets in front of (Y/n).


      (Y/n) quickly hugs me and hides his face and starts crying a little.

Weiss: Nora please, your scaring him.

Blake: *to (Y/n)* Shh, shh, you're okay. Nora is just excited, she won't hurt you.

     (Y/n) does eventually calm down but Ren and Yang had to restrain Nora. Pyrrha then kneels down and asks.

Pyrrha: So, what's his name?

Blake: He told me he didn't know, so for now I'm going to call him (Y/n).

Jaune: So, where are his parents?

Blake: I don't know. But I'm going to be his mother now.

Pyrrha: Aww, that's beautiful.

     We visited for a little while and (Y/n) even gave Nora a hug. A while later, and it's getting late, (Y/n) has fallen asleep in my arms.

Blake: Alright, I think it's bed time, guys.

Weiss: Agreed we have classes in the morning.

Jaune: Alright, we'll see you all tomorrow.

Ruby: Definitely.

Nora: Especially if that little cuties around.

Ren: Goodnight everyone.

Yang: Goodnight.

     I pick up (Y/n), as team JNPR leave and lay him down on my bed and cover him with the blanket. I get changed into my pajamas and crawl into bed with him. Out of instinct, (Y/n) then turns and cuddles closer to me, I smile and kiss his head and wrap my arms around him.

Blake: I love you, son.

     I close my eyes and fall asleep soundly. I know my new responsibility will not be easy and there will be times where I might lose my patience. But one thing is for sure, I will never stop loving (Y/n), even though he's human, he is my son and I will take care of him no matter what.

(A/N): Aww, that's nice. Hey guys hope your enjoying this story. Have a great day and be good. PEACE OUT!!!

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