First Day at Beacon

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(Y/n) POV

I am slowly waking up and I can feel Mommy's warm embrace and I snuggle closer to her. Suddenly, there is a loud blaring sound is heard and I become really scared and scream.

Blake POV

I hear (Y/n) scream and I wake up as he runs under the bed. I quickly smash the alarm and look under my bed and (Y/n) is scared.

Blake: Shh, it's okay sweety. It's only an alarm telling the rest of us to wake up. No need to be scared, promise.

Weiss: Blake you broke the alarm clock?!

Blake: *as she scoops up (Y/n)* Well it scared (Y/n), so I turned it off.

Weiss: Oh, I didn't realize. I'm sorry (Y/n).

(Y/n): It was loud and scary.

Blake: Shh, shh, it's okay. You're okay, but I suppose it's time to get ready for classes.

(Y/n): Classes?

Blake: Yes, this is a school where people learn to fight Grimm.

(Y/n): What am I supposed to do?

Blake: Well, you'll just have to stay with me today.

I set (Y/n) on the bed as I hear a knock on the dorm door. Who would be knocking at this hour? I open the door and see, no one? I look up and down the hallway and don't see anybody. I then look down and see a box, I open it and see clothing in (Y/n)'s size and a note.

Dear Blake,

I am giving you some clothing for (Y/n) to start out with. Have a good first day at being a mother.


I take the box inside and get (Y/n) dressed as Ruby and Yang drag themselves out of bed. I grab some books for (Y/n) to read, and before anyone asks no I am not letting him read Ninjas of Love, and take him down to the cafeteria for breakfast. (Y/n) and I eat then head to our first class, sigh Professor Port. Don't get me wrong Professor Port is good person, he's just really full of himself. (Y/n) and I get to class and everyone is already there, as soon as we walk in the loudmouth of Beacon speaks up.

Cardin: Well, well, looks like Beacon are letting anyone into the Academy. What can this child even do that the rest of us can't?

(Y/n) starts to get scared as the rest of team CRDL start laughing hysterically. I pick (Y/n) up and am about to retort, when Port pipes up.

Port: *sternly* Mr. Winchester that will do. I'll have you know that it is a huntsman's duty to help those in need. Professor Ozpin informed me this morning that young (Y/n) will be staying here. Now unless you want detention for the next 6 months you and your team will remain quiet.

I simply smile and nod at Professor Port and take my seat and (Y/n) sits on my lap. Port starts class and I hand (Y/n) a book for him to read, while I have to listen to one of Port's stories, again. I swear he is lacking creativity to these stories. Anyways after a very long story that (Y/n) fell asleep halfway through, it was time for lunch. I gently shake (Y/n) and we head to the cafeteria. I get him his lunch and come back to see Ruby playing with (Y/n), that's nice. (Y/n) ate absolutly everything on his tray, and said thank you. We then head to our next class which was History with Dr. Oobleck. We get there as Oobleck starts his class and (Y/n) reads another book I gave him. As Oobleck teaches I can hear snickering from the row behind me, I turn my head slightly to see (Y/n) being pelted by paper balls. I am now getting mad, just before another hit my son, I grab turn and return it to sender with twice the force.

Cardin: *gets hit* AHH! YOU BITCH!

Oobleck: *completely uninterseted* Mr. Winchester, what seems to be the problem, now?

Cardin: Blake just hit me!

Blake: *trying hold back anger* Only after you decided picking on a little boy was a good idea.

Oobleck: Is this true Mr. Winchester?

Cardin: No.

Jaune: I saw it.

Pyrrha: As did I. Blake is telling the truth.

Oobleck: DETENTION, Mr. Winchester!

The rest of the class I held (Y/n) close to me, as Oobleck passed by my spot I saw a folded note on my open history book. I open and it only says to see Ozpin after class. The bell rings and I tell my teammates I'll meet them in Goodwitch's class. I then walk with (Y/n) to the elevator and take it to Professor Ozpin's office. (Y/n) then asks me.

(Y/n): Mommy? Are we in trouble?

Blake: *kneels down to (Y/n)'s level* No of course not, I just asked Professor Ozpin for help on something.

(Y/n) then hugs me and I return the favor and kiss the top his head. The elevator stops and opens to Ozpin's office, (Y/n) holds my hand as we walk in.

Ozpin: Ms. Belladonna, thank you for responding quickly.

Blake: Did you find something, Professor?

Ozpin: Yes, unfortunately it's not good news.

I then pick up (Y/n) and set him in my lap and hold him tight.

Ozpin: Have you ever heard of the Binding Ritual?

(A/N): A past about to be revealed. What will become of the child and will Blake be able to protect him? Find out next time.

Thank you all for your support and have a great day. PEACE OUT!!!

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