Past Revealed

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Blake POV

     I have just been asked by Ozpin if I knew anything about something called the Binding Ritual. I shake my head no, but as soon as those words were said (Y/n) started shaking and getting really scared. To try and calm him down by hugging him and holding him tight. (Y/n) just keeps his head buried in my chest while Ozpin explains.

Ozpin: It is an ancient ritual that some of our ancestors used back in the early age of humanity. Before dust, before modern technology, we could only live in fear of the Grimm, with no way to combat them. One tribe of humans looked to the spirits for help, and through this ritual the souls of man and ancient beasts were bonded in one body. The animal spirit gave the human their natural physical abilities and the human could finally take on the Grimm. And it worked, at least for a while, some of the people who participated in the ritual went insane, because they couldn't, or didn't want to, control the beast within. When that happened, these people killed everything that got in their way Grimm and human alike.

     My eyes widen in response to the story and my mind starts to burn with questions.

Blake: Okay so, what happened to that tribe?

Ozpin: Well, history tells us that they died out because of one of their own lost control of his beastial side and killed the whole tribe. But from every indication and the appearance of the tattoo on (Y/n), tells me that the tribe lived on in secret or someone else figured out how to do the ritual.

Blake: You're saying (Y/n) could be one of these beast spirit wielders? *holds (Y/n) tighter*

Ozpin: Because there are scars littering his body, it is hard to tell which creature spirit he was bonded to. But yes, I'm afraid he is one of these beast men.

     I start to get worried about (Y/n), he is much too young to even try and control something like that. I stand up and set (Y/n) down on the chair.

Blake: Sweety, look at me please.

     He does and he is visibly scared, the only thing I can think to do is to just kiss his forehead and tell him.

Blake: It's okay, those people won't hurt you anymore, I promise. But, I need to know what happened when you were with them. Please, so I can help you.

     (Y/n) does calm down a little and starts trying to explain.

(Y/n): These men raised me, they were trying to turn me into one of them. Cold, heartless, merciless killer. But I didn't want to, *starts crying again* they hurt me and didn't feed me. They then tried the ritual when I was 5, the ritual succeded, just not the way they had planned so they beat me again and again until I ran away. I've been living in the forest ever since.

     I just pull my son into a hug and try to calm him down, I had one more question for him.

Blake: Son, what kind of creatures were these men?

(Y/n): I never saw the leaders turn, but some could turn into wolves, cheetahs, even lions.

Ozpin: They wanted you to turn into a predator.

(Y/n): *through tears* Why was I different and why did they hate me for it?

Blake: Because they can't understand your true character. (Y/n), you are the sweetest most loving boy I have ever met. That's what makes you, you.

     I hug (Y/n) again, he returns it and we stay like this for a several minutes. Ozpin then pipes with an idea.

Ozpin: Maybe that's it.

Blake: What is it Professor?

Ozpin: Maybe the spirit that is bonded is chosen because of the person personality or nature. In this case, (Y/n) is a very caring and kind individual. So, the creature that bonded to him emulates that willingness to care for others around them, especially those closest to them.

Blake: *back to (Y/n)* So, how did these people turn into these creatures?

(Y/n): I-I don't know. *sniffles*

Blake: Shh, it's okay. You're okay, mommy's got you. I think we need some time to think on this, Professor.

Ozpin: Of course, let me know if I can help in any way.

Blake: *picks up (Y/n)* Thank you Professor.

     With that I take (Y/n) out of Ozpin's office, and instead of going to Goodwith's class, I take my son back to the dorm. I lay (Y/n) down on my bed but he wouldn't let go of me, so I gave in snuggled with him. I wrapped my arms around so he would feel safe, I felt so content I started purring which seemed to calm him down further, as he fell asleep. He is so sweet and innocent, why would someone do this to him? What could they be planning? These are questions I will have to answer soon. A little while later my teammates come into the room and see us just napping. I am gently shook awake and I see Yang's face. I move gently and quietly so I don't wake my son. As soon as I leave though (Y/n) starts shaking and fidgeting, like he doesn't want me to leave, I just give him a kiss on his cheek and he instantly calms down.

Blake: *stretching* Sorry I didn't make it to class, guys.

Weiss: *sarcasticlly* Oh yes, I'm sure it was important.

Ruby: Weiss, (Y/n) was probably tired this is his first day at school.

Blake: Actually, Professor Ozpin helped me figure a few things out about (Y/n)'s past.

Yang: Really?!

      I told them what I learned today about the Binding Ritual and how his tattoo could tell us what kind of spirit he's bonded to. One thing's for sure though, nothing is going to take my son away from me.

(A/N): The past revealed, now the questions is. What creature is bonded to (Y/n) and will he abke to do good or will he end up a true monster? Find out next time.

Hope you guys are enjoying this. Thank you so much for your support and have a great day. PEACE OUT!!!

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