Chapter Eleven.

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[Akuma's PoV again.]

The moment the thought of Escaping passed through my mind, I had felt everything warp around me. The ground folded in on itself, and I was sent into Oblivion.

When everything cleared, I was sitting in a small Training ground, most likely unused, seeing at how run down it was, and how torn up the ground seemed to be.

I sat in the middle, one of my arms tossed over a rock, and the other splayed over my stomach. My transformation had fallen, leaving me Chakra-depleted, tired, and overall sore.

It also took me awhile to notice the Raven perched atop the rock, which I had moved my arm off of.

It cocked its head to the side, studying me through Coal black Eyes.


When I realized that no human had spoke, my eyes widened. The bird!

"Summoner." It repeated, beak snapping open and closed before it ruffled its feathered, head tilting to the other side. Was it judging my reaction?

"..Yes?" My reply was hesitant. Had I actually did a successful Summoning? I was sure it failed!

"We are your Summonings. We, are Ravens." The rather large bird Inclined its head. I was going to call it a male, because that's how he sounded.

He seemed extremely proud while he spoke, his whole bodily posture straightening when he said the word 'Raven.'

"Look around you. We are many, and we are all here to see who has been Born with enough power to Summon us." The Raven tilted his head towards the Trees.

I was still splayed out across the ground, but when I forced myself into a sitting position in order to see what he was talking about, I froze in awe.

The Trees.

They were absolutely overrun by.. Ravens!

They were everywhere. On the branches, scattered around the small clearing, and even a few were fluttered through the sky, looking for somewhere to land.

"Oh my fucking Kami." I breathed. No wonder my Chakra was nearly running on empty.

The Raven beside me seemed to puff out his chest, his feathered standing up slightly. "Yes. Alone, we are weak. But together? We are an Army all of our own." He Cawed loudly, and the surrounding Trees erupted into what sounded similar to Cheering.

Saying I was awe-struck is a major understatement.

I couldn't talk for the longest time, but instead, The Raven beside me spoke once more.

"I, am Dākunaito. It will take time, but at some point, you will have memorized the names of everyone here. I am your main Summon. Your soul resonated with my own, which is an extremely rare phenomenon. We are life-bound. Meaning, if you get injured, so do I. If you die, I do too." He Shifted his weight from claw to claw, his eyes sweeping the surrounding Forest.

"If you don't release the Summoning, it will put your life at risk. Your Chakra is nearly on empty. Another note, only you can send us back, unless we are injured. Then, we're automatically sent back to our World." I nodded, before moving my Hands into a sign.


The Forest around me exploded into smoke. Dākunaito sent me a nod, before he, too, poofed away.

Releasing a sigh, I flopped onto my back, before scowling at the sky. Too bad they couldn't teleport me to my house.

I was on the brink of Passing out, when a blurred shape appeared next to me. "Take better care of yourself, Child." A feminine voice uttered, before I fell unconcious.


When my focus finally adjusted, I jolted from my previously laying position.

I was laying on my bed, the simple grey blanket now partially wrapped around my waist.

The last thing I remember was a blob of Crimson hair, before my memory went blank.

Of course, I remembered the Raven's. I was still exhausted, which (possibly) proved that it wasn't a dream.

Something else also clued in. I had snatched the Book I was planning to throw at Ibiki, and had tucked it away, along with the Scroll.

However, a flash of panic raced through me when I realized neither of the prementioned were where I had tucked them away, within a relatively large pouch on my hip.

My dismay was washed back into the sea when I noticed my pouch laying out on the bottom of my bed.

Ruffling the livid-tinted blanket as I reached for it, I was quick to open it, and to my relief, spot the targeted objects.

The Book was a deep brown, with crack lines along the cover. The spine creaked when I opened it, (it bore no title, nor Auther,) and the pages were yellow and stained with peculiar black specks. Which, may I add, looked a lot like blood.


Angling myself over it a bit, I squinted down at the extremely small print. Now, I have pretty decent eyesight, but the letters were also in cursive. Now that, I had trouble with.

Jutsu of-


Did I accidently grab a Book about Forbidden Jutsu's?

Even better.(Sarcasm.)

Now, there was probably Ninja attempting to hunt down the supposed thief.

Moving on.

Wind Style: Dancing leaves.

The pictures shown was the sketch of a person, the next showing the sketch blurring a bit, and then the third were small leaves that were scattered at random.

Why was the Jutsu forbidden?

Ah, I should read the warning.

'Transformation Warning: Highly lethal Jutsu. (To the user.) If the Leaves are torn, or just destroyed in general, it will cause physical injury..'

How nice.

I decided it'd be smart to Memorize the Hand Signs for this, because you can't go wrong with learning a few extra things.

Rabbit, Tiger, Ox, Rat, Horse. (x2)

[Randomly made. Not actual.]

After flipping through the rest of the book, I deemed that the rest were either A: Of no use, Or B: Would take too long to Master.

However, something scribbled on the black of the last page caught my attention.

'Jutsu title is Unknown.'

What Jutsu doesn't have a name..?

Or perhaps, it was never given one. A test, maybe?

Shrugging, I shifted my attention to the proper Hand Signs.

'Horse, Hare, Ox, Rat, Dog, Dragon.' (x3)

That was all. There was no Warning label, it was just the first sentence, and then the Hand Signs.

However, as tempted as I was, If this Jutsu was labeled as Unknown, in a Forbidden Book, I wasn't really wanting to risk anything.

So, I just set to reading the Hand Signs over and over, attempting to get them down.

By the time I was satisfied I had written everything down, my room was overcast in shadows.

The Clock in the corner with blinking read numbers told me it was around Ten at night. Had time really gone by that quickly?

Shoving the Book under my bed, I tugged the Blueish-Grey Blanket up to about mid-chest, before curling up on my side, and attempting to fall asleep.


School is starting in like, Two weeks. ._.

But yeah! Hope you enjoyed. I've been adding Chapter Themes, so check those out too!

Oh, you like One Piece? Go check out Yellow Eyed Demon by Katheronii! It's amazing. I love it! :D

One last thing. It might be a few days, maybe a week, unt the next chapter. I need Ideas for it, so I can't really write anything until I have a base of what the chapter will be about, or will include

Until next time, Friends!


- Duckie.

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