Chapter Thirteen.

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I had led them to the Ramen stand, before telling them I needed to go train.

Kuro and Akarui had insisted to stay and eat with them, but I knew I had to go and work on my Jutsu's.

In the end, they told me they'd meet up with me later, once I told them my address and how to get there.

Currently, I was entering one of the older Training Grounds, the earth being upturned here and there. It was well used.

Taking out the Summoning scroll, I proceeded to lay it out, before I sunk my teeth into my thumb.

The sharp pain was followed by a dark prick of blood welling up.

Slamming my hand down, I was satisfied when a small cloud exploded in front of me.

However, instead of Dakunaito, A small white raven sat there, pink eyes regarding me curiously.

"Woah." I murmured, copying the Raven by tilting my head. "You're new." Resting my elbows on my knees, I placed my chin atop my fists.

The white Raven hopped forward, head inclining. "Dakunaito is.. ah, a bit busy. He told me to go in his stead. I'm basically your Sub-main summoning, without the whole Soul link thing. I'm Mira." She clicked her beak together, eyes twinkling. The depths of her gaze were warm, and seemed friendly.

"Mira." I repeated. Her name translated into Mirror.

"I use weak Ice-based attacks. And I can make it snow." Posture straightening, she shifted from claw to claw. She reminded me of Dakunaito. She seemed extremely proud of her abilities, even of they were not very strong.

"That's useful. You can still injure people, even with weak attacks. We'll work on it, and I'm sure you'll get stronger." Outstretching my arm, I waited a few moments until she hopped up to my shoulder.

And if possible, she seemed to Grin. "Alright. So I'm guessing, you want to train?" I nodded in reply. Mainly, I wanted to test out the Summoning, but it seemed that I've got it down relatively well. (Although, it could be better.)

"I know mostly Wind-based attacks, so I could practice some Water-based ones too. Since you're Ice, I was thinking we could make a Combined Ice Jutsu." I explained, while Mira bobbed her head.

"I could freeze the Water." She added, in which I paused, thinking it over.

"This may just work." I muttered, before standing. I knew two Water-based Jutsu's, and neither we're that strong by themselves.

"Let's see what we've got to work with." Mira took flight, before flying in low circles overhead. She was speculating.

Nodding once, I turned myself towards one of the nearest trees.

"Water Jutsu: Spearing Lance!" It basically sent a surge of water from my hands, before slamming into the tree.

It would do no true damage, except push the opponent back a relatively decent length.

Water Jutsu's always took more Chakra out of me for some reason.

Inhaling slowly, I started on another set of handsigns.

"Water Jutsu: Swamp!" Slamming my hands into the earth, the surrounding earth began to churn and bubble, before water broke the surface, and surged throughout the grass, making the area extremely hard to walk, (or run, for that matter.)

Placing my hands on my knees, I focused on controlling my breathing. Damn.

One thing's for sure, I needed to work on building my Chakra level up.

Soon, Mira flew down, landing on my shoulder soundlessly. "Alright. I can work with this. So you do a Water Jutsu, and I freeze it. That's the idea, right?" I nodded in response, before straightening.

"Alright. Let's test it." I murmured.

Mira Readied herself, shifting in a sort of low stance on my shoulder, as if ready to take off.

"Water Jutsu: Spearing Lance!"

The Water surged from my outstretched hands, and immediately Mira took flight.

"Ice Release: Freeze!"

The Water that surged towards the tree started to freeze, the flow of water slowing where it froze, only to be shoved onward's by the unfrozen water.

It struck the tree with a deafening crack. The bark splintered when the Ice came in contact with it, and the broken pieces were washed away by the unfrozen water.

Lowering myself into a sitting position, I removed my Mask, in order to swipe my arm across my forehead. I had removed my cloak, and the bandages seemed to Absorb the sweat.

I still had the black gloves on, though. Made from leather, it was pretty useful to avoid injuring my hands when fighting

Shaking off the remaining feeling of energy running through my hands, I rolled onto my back. Red hair splayed everywhere. Blowing my bangs from my eyes, I frowned up at the shifting clouds.

[Bangs: Fringe, for you who don't understand. xD]

Mira hopped down near me, before settling herself atop my stomach. She inclined her head, seeming to stretch, and ruffle her feathers, before tucking her head back into one of her wings. My guess, was to avoid her sensitive eyes coming in contact in the sun for long.

Slowly shifting her to be huddled atop my heap of a cloak, she merely gave a quiet 'Squak' In response, before falling asleep again.


Lifting my laying form about half way from the ground, I began to do Sit-Ups. It was a pain, but after a while of training, you got used to the feeling of your lungs starting to burn.

The feeling of a Water Canteen coming in contact with my stomach knocked the air from my lungs, and left me curled up on my side, wheezing.

"What- The Absolute- Fuck?" I snarled, after coughing for a few minutes, and resuming my sitting position. Unexpectedly, Kuro stood a few meters away.

"I noticed you didn't bring water." He paused, seeming at a loss for words.

"..Akuma?" He muttered, suddenly seeming Awkward, although it was well covered.

Freezing, I cast a subtle glance at my Cloak and Mask. Oh, Fuck.

"Uh..." Bringing a hand back to scratch my head, I clamped my lips shut.

"I recognize your Mask..." He trailed off, and suddenly I felt heat rush to my face as he continued to stare.

I frowned, my eyes squinting into a glare. "Yeah." I muttered. He frowned as well, as if confused by something.

"Why do you wear that Mask? And.. Cloak?"


"Because why?"


"Because Why?"

"Because I look like a fucking piece of shit, okay?!" I snarled, teeth bared in a savagely. He seemed taken aback, and.. Afraid?

Regret surged through my chest, clutching at my heart viciously.

Snatching my Mask, I tied it around my face, before properly adjusting it. Mira had woken up, glancing at me curiously. Offering my hand, she used it to climb up to my head, as I put my cloak on. Afterwards, she hopped down to my shoulder.

"I'm not a good person to be around, Kuro." I tossed his Water Canteen back. "I have a short temper. You don't want to be around when I get angry." I muttered, before jamming my hands into the pockets of my baggy knee-length pants.

"Good people do bad things, sometimes." He replied, eyeing the forest. I straightened, a grim smile tilting my hidden features.

"Maybe I'm not a good person. You don't know what I've done. I'm a Curse. You'll end up dead." I chuckled bitterly. Why hadn't I spoken these words to Kiba and the rest? Was I just desperate for friends?

Mira bobbed her head, feather ruffling. "I've gotta go. Being called back." She muttered. I nodded, and the area around my head exploded in smoke.

Half-Heartedly waving it away, I glanced at Kuro, to see his arms were crossed, and his eyes were narrowed upon the sky. "Akarui considers you a friend. You saved my sister. So, I do too." He muttered at last. They were siblings?

"All three of us, in my team. I'm adopted, but the other two are blood related." He elaborated, and I nodded slightly.

"Do as you wish, Kuro." I turned away, rocking back and forth from toe to heel. "Also, thanks for the water." With that, I slowly strode away, a subtle smirk lifting my features at the confused sound Kuro made when he found his Water Canteen empty.

It's honestly a shame that there's a chance of me fighting one of them. They're beginning to grow on me.

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