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A few years later, River and Blue temporarily moved to Thailand because River has to handle the company since the president retired. Before he could remotely manage their building, they need to look for another president. It was an indefinite time of River's leave so Blue wanted to come and live with him in Thailand. It'll be a few years anyway, and Blue can work overseas.

They've been in Thailand for a few months and Blue hasn't seen River that much. His boyfriend's been coming home late at night. He has nothing against it though. It's business and he know River's working hard to atleast give their relationship some time. River thought about it so for Blue's birthday, he decided to leave work and let them enjoy the day to themselves.

"We'll be coming over by dinner, pa," River said over the phone.

"Alright. When you guys get home, we'll have a small celebration here at home, okay?" Ten, his father, said.

"Do you need anything?" River asked in Thai.

The elder shook his head, "You guys enjoy your day instead. I'll have your father do the errands anyway."

The man nodded and smiled, "Okay. See you later, pa."

When Blue comes out of the bedroom, all dressed up for the day, River looked over at him. The boy walked towards him and smiled back.

"Let's go," Blue said.

River held his hand and nodded, "Yeah. Let's go."

They stepped into the car and drove away. River didn't say anything to Blue, he just told his boyfriend that they'll be celebrating somewhere today. But whatever it is, the boy would appreciate it anyway. Also, it was sweet about how River left work for a day for him. That's enough for Blue as a birthday gift.

It took some minutes to arrive on River's first surprise. And yes, the man has more things up in his sleeves which Blue didn't expect. He thought they'll just have some lunch outside and maybe have some window shopping at the mall, but it was nothing like that. Blue was surprised to see the art gallery he wanted to go to ever since he landed in Thailand.

"No way..."

River hummed while they were walking into the gallery with their hands holding each other, "I remembered you wanted to go here."

"But you don't enjoy these things, hon," Blue uttered, already observing one painting that caught his attention right away.

"What? Who said that?"

The boy looked back at him, "I can see it on your face."

River shook his head, "I like what you like, babe," then removed his hand from Blue's hold just to wrap his arm around his boyfriend.

"If we'll just do things to make me happy today, I will rather go home."

The man placed a peck against the boy's temple, "What are you saying? That's the idea of having your birthday, hon."

"No. I want to be happy with you, not just me."

River chuckled softly, "I promise, I enjoy these things."

Blue pouted before looking back at the pretty painting, "If you're bored, we'll go home, okay?"


They spent hours walking around the gallery that was full of artists' collection of paintings. Blue was talking to other people, tourists, who are artists as well. They had to speak in English but that didn't make them awkward. Blue has been really passionate about arts and River's been his number one supporter. Whether the boy's having a good or bad time with doing his work, the man would always go and comfort him. River even told him that he'll have his own art studio when they'll have their own house.

They already promised many things when they'll decide to settle down in the near future. For now, they'll put some of their attention on their career.

After the art gallery, both of them went to have some lunch nearby, somewhere very fancy. River had to atleast let Blue experience being in a nice Thai restaurant. The boy became flustered about it and kept on telling the man that it was unnecessary but Blue really appreciated it. He even got served a great dessert with 'happy birthday' written beside the cake. Of course, River had to take a picture of him.

Blue's really cute when he's happy.

Then they went to drive towards a park, somewhere quiet and nice to stay on the grass. Blue likes to have some time outside since he's inside his bedroom most of the time. River pulled over infront of the park he used to play volleyball in. They stepped out of the vehicle and Blue was just about to walk straight towards the grass to sit on but he stopped when River went to grab something inside the trunk.

"Hon, come and carry these for me, please," River asked.

Blue did what his boyfriend asked for. He went over and his eyes widened when he saw painting tools and two canvases. The boy looked at the man who was smiling at him.

"We're gonna paint since you wanted to do that video you showed to me the other day," the man uttered, carrying the bags of supplies and needs with the boy carrying the canvases before he closed the trunk.

Blue gasped, "Really?! You'll do it with me?"

"Who else?"

Both of them then took their place on the grass, putting a cloth for them. Blue looked really giddy and River could only coo at him. When they were comfortable and sitting with them facing each other, they took their canvases and placed the paint in between them with some brushes. It was a video of a couple switching canvases after some minutes. It was very cute so Blue thought they could do it.

River wasn't really an artistic kind of guy, even though his father is, but this could be really fun and therapeutic. Also, he likes doing things for and with Blue.

"Alright, could we do three minutes in between?" Blue asked, already has his timer in hand.

River nodded, "Yeah, what's comfortable with you, babe."

"Okay, three minutes. Ready, set, go!"

Both of them started painting. River just covered his canvas with navy blue paint and when the timer ran out, Blue looked confused upon receiving a one-colored canvas. Though, he worked with it anyway. Both of them worked with what they got every time three minutes is up. Blue was quite serious about what he was doing, so River had to stop painting and suddenly gave his boyfriend a quick peck which made Blue to stop and look at him with big doe eyes.

"You're too serious," River uttered with a chuckle then sat back.

Blue pouted, "That's just how I work, hon."

"And that's why I had to kiss you."

The boy laughed softly, "You're just distracting me," then proceeds to paint a little more before the timer runs out.

Then a bit of silence came before River cuts it off.

"Do you want kids when we get married?"

Blue was taken aback and became flustered but laughed it out, "Do you?"

"I mean...I would want a kid or two but at the same time, I kind of just want to settle things with you then have puppies or something," River answered.

The boy gave him a small smile, "We're not in a hurry anyway, hon. Also, you think seven years is enough to get married?"

The man rolled his eyes, "We've been together since we were kids. I could've proposed to you on our first anniversary if we want to."

Blue chuckled, "Either way, I would want to spend another seven years with you. Then another seven years, and then another years...You're the only person I want to be with, married or not, with kids or none."

The timer went off which made the both of them to switch canvases. Blue looked at it then furrowed his eyebrows at River's work, trying to process things until he realized what was happening. He looked back at River.

"Iv, I hate you."

Blue started crying. The painting was just two people looking at the moon, sitting on grass then has the wordings, 'Will you marry me?' River was just sitting there, with a big smile on his face, waiting for his boyfriend's answer.

"I would want to settle things with you soon, Lulu. What's mine is already yours right from the start but I want to make things permanent between us. I hope you don't feel pressured because of this. Whenever you're ready, Lu."

"What do you expect me to say?!"

River shrugged, "You're a rising star in your career. I would expect you to say no because of it."

"So you just decided to propose today and wing it?"

The man slowly nodded, "That's...about it. I could always attempt some other day or month or year. I can wait for you until you're ready, or just settle on being boyfriends."

Blue frowned as he wiped his tears, "Iver--"

"Hon, nothing's going to change whatever your answer is. I'll still love you."

"I-I don't know why you're assuming that I'll be saying no!"

The man furrowed his eyebrows, "Then what?"

"Of course, I'll marry you!"

River's eyes widened, his eyebrows raising, "That's a yes...right?"

"Hell yeah!"

When they went home to River's parents' house, his papa started talking about the wedding and thinking if they should just hold it in Thailand or Korea. But River had to tell his father that they haven't decided about the date yet. They haven't talked about the whole thing anyway. Though, his parents were still talking about it then his dad called Blue's parents to tell them about the news and then good chaos happened. Blue's papa started to suggest venues.

Blue didn't say anything about it. Surely, his papa will call him to talk about it tomorrow. For now, he wants to take some rest. He got tired about everything.

Right when they were on the car ride, on the way home, Blue couldn't stop from staring at the silver ring River gave him. He was fidgeting with it until he looked over at the man who was driving. He suddenly asked himself what did he deserve to have someone like River.

"You can sleep a bit, hon. We just got caught on traffic," the man said.

"Thank you for everything, River."

River looked back at him and chuckled softly, reaching over to hold on to Blue's hand. Rubbing his thumb over the skin, he pulled the hand towards him and kissed the back of the palm.

"I love you."

It was very quiet, a comfortable atmosphere and Blue couldn't still believe that he'll be spending his whole life with his best friend, now his fiancee.

"I love you too, Iv."

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