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"Hon, don't forget about our meeting with the planners today, okay?"

Blue nodded and smiled, "Yep, I have it alarmed. Two o'clock p.m."


"Yes, of course!" the boy went to wrap his arms around his fiancee, "That was just one time."

River furrowed his eyebrows, "You missed every meeting, Lu. You forgot about the venue planning, the suit shopping, catering and even when I asked you to come with me to buy the rings."

Blue pouted, "I'm sorry...I just had to make some adjustments with work and also, my proofreader needed some help. I promise to come this time."

"I trust you. I'll see you there, okay?" the man uttered.

The boy nodded with a hum before he gave the taller a peck, receiving a soft chuckle from River.

"Drive safely," Blue said before he pulled away, letting River go.

In the end, they decided to have the ceremony in Korea after a year of deciding when and where the ceremony will be. They started arranging a few months ago and Blue does admit that he kept on forgetting them because of his ongoing webtoons. He just kept on working and before he knows it, he missed the meeting already. They even had to fight about him getting a long vacation break but Blue didn't let that happen.

He promised that he'll be there on time.

River tapped his foot against the carpeted floor, looking at the wrist watch he has. He tried calling Blue but only voicemail could be reached. He got frustrated by it and it's already more than two hours of waiting. The man starts to get upset by it.

"Hey, calm down. He'll come around," Kaiya uttered, "Why don't you pick some suits and dresses for us? I'll try to keep calling him--"

The man sighed, "Does he know how important this is?"

"Of course, Riv," she shrugged, "Well, things happen. I know this isn't the first but you know, you confront him about it. He'll come around, okay? He promised, didn't he?"

River didn't respond, his chest just felt really heavy. He just stared at the book of fabrics that was given to them a while ago by the designer. Kaiya has been the one attending these meetings, instead of Blue, for opinions and River thought she's a really great help, now that she's in Korea for the ceremony. But he wanted to do these with his fiancee.

"Oh, your groom's still not here?" the designer asked when she came back.

River was about to tell her but the door suddenly opened.

"I-I'm here! I'm here!"

The three of them watched Blue coming in with an apologetic smile. He walked towards them and sat beside River. The man didn't greet him, as much as he wanted to.

"I'm sorry for being late," the boy uttered.

"Finally! So, let's get started?" the designer asked.

Before they could answer, River stood, "C-Can we do this some other day? I don't feel well. I'm sorry."


Blue held his wrist and was about to ask what happened to him but River just pulled himself away from the hold and went out, leaving the boy confused. Kaiya sighed, shaking her head from what happened.

"We'll call you for another schedule. I'm very sorry about that," Kaiya told the designer.

"Alright. I'll see you some other day," she uttered then turned to look at Blue, "Everything will be fine. Just give him some time."

The boy looked like he was about to cry. Kaiya had to pull him out of the studio. She lets him into her car since River already drove away. Once she sat in, she heard sniffles from Blue.

"Do you want to go home?" Kaiya asked.

Blue nodded, "Please..."

"You want me to stay?"

"I...I'm fine being alone, Kai. Thanks..."

River didn't come home that afternoon, neither called and texted Blue which was something unusual. The boy had been contacting him all day but of course, he has his phone off. He waited for him anyway, no matter what time. It's all his fault so might as well initiate the, hopefully, closure. Surely, River would come home at the end of the day.

From so much waiting, Blue had slept on the couch. He just jolted from his sleep when he heard the door clicked open. There was no doubt that it was River. Blue suddenly felt nervous. When they get into fights like this, Blue was the one who keeps getting nervous and anxious.

"Iv, I'm sorry--"

"Do you still want to continue this ceremony? We can always cancel it and do it next year, or any year, whenever you want to do it because at this point, I'm starting to think that you want to focus on your career. It feels like I'm the only one who wanted this."

River felt pain when he saw Blue with puffy red eyes, knowing that he cried. Although, he still wants to make sure about the boy's decision with the ceremony and everything. Everything just feels so heavy, thinking that maybe Blue haven't wanted this to happen yet.

"Iv, I already said yes to you when you proposed. I wanted this," Blue said, very softly with his voice shaking because of tempting of stopping himself from crying infront of River.

The man looked at him with worry and agony, "But it doesn't show, Lu. It feels like I'm the only one who has responsibility for this. I know it's your work but what about us?"

The boy wiped the tears and cleared his throat, "I'm really s-sorry...but I know that's not enough, River. I-I'm sorry for being a bad person to you when y-you're being so selfless for me. I d-didn't mean to make you f-feel upset. I-I never wanted for you to feel regret w-when you picked me--"

Suddenly, arms wrapped around him, engulfing him in a tight hug. Blue started crying on River's shoulder as he hugged back. The warmth made him spill all the tears that threatened to fall a while ago.

"No matter what how many times you messed up, my feelings for you won't change."

Blue sniffled, "Wh-Why don't you start nagging at me?! I-If you want to sleep elsewhere, it's alright."

River sighed, "If I do that, then we won't be able to have a talk. I won't be able to sleep if we had a misunderstanding anyway."

The boy buried his face against his man's neck, "Me too..." he said softly.

There was nothing but comfortable silence. It surrounded them for a few seconds, calming Blue. River pushed him back gently and wiped the tear stains on the boy's cheeks, before giving him a small peck.

"I-I'll talk to my manager about the long vacation break, maybe I should leave for a while--"

"No. We can just move the ceremony, I'll let you finish your work--"


River stopped talking, directly looking at Blue.

"No cancellations. We'll do it this year," the boy sternly said.

The man sighed, "I understand that your career is more important, Lulu."

"No. You're more important, our relationship should be my priority for now," Blue uttered and smiled, "I'll make it right."

River smiled back, "And you said you're a bad person to me when you're being the best person."

The boy chuckled and tilted his head to the side, staring at River. His heart still flutters and butterflies fill up his stomach whenever he does that, just like before they've became a couple. In the back of his mind, he's worried about their future. They would have more stressful fights than this and he doesn't want to end things between him. But he just knows that River would surely be his first and last, no matter what happens.

"I love you and I'm sorry," Blue said.

"I always love you too."

A/N: okay,, that's it

i won't publish any bonus chapters anymore HASHAHAHA

thank you so much for reading!!

also thank you for 1k views,, like wtf???


Love lots ♥

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