Chapter Four

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Pamela stood at a familiar playground. It's the same place she had her first kiss, Elliot held her hand as they swung side-by-side and when they got up, he pulled a confused seven-year-old Pammie closer and planted a sweet kiss on her lips.

Now she saw a boy sitting on those very swings with his back facing her.
She neared him and tapped his shoulder allowing him to turn around to face her. In front of her was a pale Phillip. His eyes were purely made of melting ice, that, or he was crying. She couldn't tell.

Her eyes swoll, and she took a step back. "Phillip?"

"What are you waiting for? Pamela! If you don't stop this, how will this madness end?"

He tugged on the puppet strings around his wrist wearing a frown, she can imagine they must be irritating.

She softly shook her head. "What do you want from me? Leave me alone!"

He rose and vanished into thin air, his message was out, and Pam doesn't know why exactly her.

Her eyes opened from her dream, then she looked to the side to face the wall. There was one of many posters on the wall, and this one she believes is Mr Aldin. After all, he wore round glasses, and brown formal pants paired with a bright red bow tie. Just like the ghost, she saw of him. He stood there with his pointing finger pressed against his thin lips and his other hand hidden in his pocket.

The snores of Lacey had her growling softly. She placed her pillow over her head and kicked her feet frantically. Since she moved here she hasn't had a good night's rest and is constantly met by weirdos. All she desires is a bit of peace. She removed the pillow from her face and tucked it under her head again and proceeded to stare at the poster.


She heard Lacey murmur. She thinks.

Mr Aldin on the poster removed his hand and began giggling. Pamela gripped the covers and pulled them to her nose. She could feel the beating of her heart drumming against her rib cage as she struggled to breathe. Yet she couldn't keep her eyes away. She closed them tightly, "it's only my imagination. It's only my imagination,"

The lack of sleep must be causing her to start seeing things, was her guess. She slowly reopened her eyes and looked to the side again.

Her voice echoed into the quiet, dark house noisily. She couldn't help but scream when she saw the man standing beside her bed. The thumbing of Lacey's head against the top bed was an indicator that she had woken up.

"Ugh,"  she groaned.

Todd entered their room in a panic and switched the lights on. Soon the two women entered the room.

"What happened?" Grace asked as she tied the strings of her pink summer gown.

Pamela sat upright in her bed drops of sweat racing down the side of her face and emerging from her hair unto her forehead.

Her aunt Felicity disappeared into the joint bathroom and returned with a glass of water that she handed Pamela, whose chest was rising and falling rapidly. The cool glass of water helped calm her down. The deep sounds of her gulping down the water were the only sounds they heard as she finished the drink in one hefty swallow. She gave the glass back with shaking hands and studied the concern on everyone's face.

Her mother stroked her cheek and tucked her hair behind her ear, "what is it, my angel?"

She closed her eyes and shook her head, then she opened them and looked at her mother. "It-it was just a bad dream. That's all," 

Lacey rubbed her forehead. There's definitely going to be a bump there tomorrow, "are you sure?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry for waking everyone,"

"You frightened us," confessed Felicity.

"I truly am sorry. Can we just go back to sleep?"

She didn't feel like having them all around her asking all kinds of questions. She's terrified, but they wouldn't understand. And she wouldn't even know what exactly to say.

"Okay, sweetie. Good night okay?"

Her mother kissed her on the forehead and they left the room. Lacey watched Pam settle in before she switched off the light.

Pamela took out her phone that sleeps under her pillow and started playing music. She couldn't fall asleep again, she doesn't want to. It still felt to her like he was watching her, that's why she turned the other way.

And although the music blasted loudly into her ears, it still couldn't distract her from noticing the ice-cold air creeping into her duvet covers.

Her thought was bouncing off the wall, she couldn't keep her mind still but she did eventually manage to fall asleep.


Pamela rested her elbow on her desk as the voice of her teacher faded. With each slow-burning blink, it was harder to keep her eyes open.

"Hey Pam," whisperer Roger leaned closer to her.

It snapped back to reality, she turned around to face him that was seated behind her. His ashy pale face caught her by surprise. It reminded her of the vision of Phillip, damnit, Pam, stop thinking about last night.

His grin was huge exposing his yellow-tinted teeth.

"Roger? You don't look the same, what happened?"

"Oh, nothing,"

She winced and pulled back due to the stench that came flying out from his mouth.

The bell rang. She packed her things and left the classroom. Phillip passed by, and their eyes met. He licked his chapped lips and he and Roger greeted each other with a single nod.

She found it strange. When did they become acquaintances? Is that why Roger is resembling Phillip, who is supposedly part of The Family?

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