Chapter Three

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Becca had nowhere to have lunch, she started schooling here about two weeks ago and wishes that she had asked Pam to have lunch with her, but she was afraid that like everyone else, Pam would turn her down.

She made her way to the girl's bathroom, where she was surprisingly alone. She checked herself in the mirror and washed her hands.
She stood still, looking in the mirror when she noticed something odd. Her brown eyes turned slowly blue, then her entire eyes turned to glass, a blue glass just like she saw in her dream, like in her art.

She gasped and moved closer to the mirror.

"You're one of us, Becca."

She heard a man's voice coming from her reflected lips inside the mirror.
Her heartbeat quickened.

"What... What are you talking about?"

It had a creepy chuckle that sounded like a smoker's cough. It giggled until it evaporated.
Becca didn't know what was going on, but she felt scared and she wanted to know what her reflection was talking about. She was determined to try and find out.

Rebecca's days are pretty much the same. She goes to school, gets home and takes a long nap. This day was no different. She took a nap that afternoon, and she found herself in a field that she has never seen before. The field had tall grass, and she could hear indistinct crying all around her.

A glorious mansion appeared before her eyes and she found herself unwillingly going inside it.
It was a stunning mansion, but the lights suddenly shut off and darkness surrounded her.
She stood there clenching her hands into fists and looked around in the dark with furrowed brows. She gulped when there a bright light shone from upstairs. She followed it, and it took her to a workroom with a book on a writing desk.

"All of your wildest dreams lay within me," she heard the book say.

"You're perfect Becca, you're dreaming of fame, and I can give you fame and so much more. I can take away all of your problems, and give you so much. Just say you'll be my vessel."

She woke up confused, that dream felt so real and she had this sudden urge to find this place, to find this book, to test it. Although she had no true motive as to why.

She got up and went over to her schoolbag, she rummaged through her books and took out her sketchbook. She flipped through the pages and found a rough sketch of an abandoned mansion.

"This is where I need to be," she muttered and scratched her head. "But where is it?"

She saw her street in her mind and had the urge to stand in it. She was wearing shorts and a tank top. She would never go out like that but she wasn't bothered, she had a strong feeling pulling her towards the street.

'Rebecca,' she heard someone whisper her name once she stood in the empty street.

She could feel it like a force guiding her. She walked down the street and followed every direction. It led her to a mansion. One she's seen previously in her dreams, the large creme house with its broken windows. Thin curtains were gently blowing in the breeze. A part of her was apprehensive, taking a step backwards instead. The whisper called her name again but she was reluctant to go. Balling her hands into a fist, she forgot how to breathe for a second.

'Rebecca,' the voice said, 'I would never harm you,'

She looked over her shoulder and decided to march to the mansion. She walked up there and pushed the door open. She was surprised that the inside didn't appear abandoned. The wooden floors were shining, the furniture was in a good state. Lamps against the wall were turned on, there were fresh flowers. It's like people live here. She entered the mansion. "Hello,"

She called softly. No response.

"Hello!" She called a bit stronger. More confident.

She heard footsteps. A man came down the stairs. He was about in his early thirties and wore round glasses. He walked down the stairs slowly, his eyes fixated on hers. She wasn't sure how to feel. Under any other circumstance, she would have been terrified, but right now she's so calm. A part of her couldn't wait for him to be down so that she can know why she was here.

He walked up to her. He looked at her and gently grabbed her and kissed her knuckles. "Hello, dear. My name is Mr Aldin,"

She slowly withdrew her hand wearing a small smile. "My name is..."

"... Rebecca, I know, I'm the one that called you here,"


He grinned. "Anything to drink?"

She didn't respond right away, "Yeah. Sure,"

He walked up to the collarette and poured them a glass of red wine. He took a sip of his as he handed Becca hers. She took it, sniffed it and took a small sip.

"I am an artist, Becca, I sculpt. You draw, and sketch, and I love that you're able to sketch the things my mind is thinking. See, there are many talented students at your school, but their minds are stubborn. I can't get through. They... they are so focused on themselves, they have an ego problem,"

She was a bit lost, but she didn't say anything. She took a bigger sip of her wine, it doesn't taste like anything she was familiar with. It has another twist but she loves it.

"But not you, Becca, you're mind is stronger than theirs. It has room for both you and I, it can be a home for my creativity and yours, doesn't that sound amazing?"

She shrugged. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Mr Aldin,"

"I'm talking about world dominance, together you and I can rule over everyone. Enslaving their minds,"

Her eyes widened. She couldn't believe this is what he wants. She took a step backwards and shook her head. "Sorry Mr Aldin, I-I don't want that. I believe in freedom, you can't enslave innocent people and I'm offended that you thought that I would jump on board with this."

She shook her head again before running away. She wanted nothing to do with what he was offering, and she wanted to get away before he switched. If that's what's occupying his mind, then he could harm her for saying no to him she figured.

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