Arrival of the Toa Mata PT 1

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Chapter One: Arrival of the Toa Mata PT 1

"In the time before time, the Great Spirit descended from the sky, carrying we, the ones called the Matoran, to this island paradise. We were separate and without purpose, so the Great Spirit blessed us with the Three Virtues; Unity, Duty and Destiny. We embraced these gifts, and, in gratitude, we named our island home Mata Nui, after the Great Spirit himself.

Our happiness didn't last forever. For Mata Nui's brother, Makuta, was jealous of the glory and betrayed him. He cursed Mata Nui, who fell to a deep slumber. Makuta was free to unleash his shadows, and unleash them he did.

Still, all hope was not lost. Legends told of six mighty heroes, the Toa Mata, who would arrive to save Mata Nui."

"I swear, this has got to be my worst idea yet, and that's saying something." The Ta-Matoran muttered under his breath as he climbed the steps to the beautiful temple upon Kini Nui. The Ta-Matoran had the normal red armored limbs and torso of their armor, though a slight color shift on his chest piece was a soft blue color that fit their similar blue mask upon their face that was kind of loose upon their face and behind the eyeholes of his mask was a pair of marigold orange eyes. His name was Takua.

Takua was a wanderer, he never stayed in one place for long including his own village of fire above a moat of lava Ta-Koro. Most of the time he'd rest in a temporary makeshift shelter compared to his own hut. He'd always felt even slightly out of place in his village, despite his best friend the head captain of the Ta-Koro Guard, Jaller, reminding him numerous times otherwise. And he had been one to always look for an adventure.

His recent idea of an adventure during one of his sleepless nights to venture to Kini Nui. What the cause of it was, Takua had no clue. In all honesty it was like something was calling him to the special island closest to the connection to the Matoran's Great Spirit Mata Nui.

Half the time he couldn't tell what the feelings he got were. Were they his destiny calling him out, his heartstone trying to help him with something important, or was it Mata Nui himself guiding him through these feelings.

Takua reached the top of the temple after getting past the final step and paused to catch his breath. Taking his bag off his back he sat down on the top step and let his legs rest as he caught his breath while taking in the beautiful night sky above him.

The Red Star glowed brightly as it always did with its red smoke trail and the stars shone brightly alongside it. Takua would find himself staring at the night sky to help ease whatever worries he had and calm his mind.

Once he felt rested enough the Ta-Matoran stood back up as he quickly put his bag back on his back and began walking over the bridge from the large head statue of the Great Spirit to the altar at the other side, already feeling inspiration for something.

Once he made it to the altar at the other side he sat back down while taking a small book he held sketches inside on the many pages and a small charcoal stick with its base wrapped in cloth. Takua flipped to find a blank page as he pulled his knife out and flipped the blade open to sharpen the point of his charcoal stick.

Once he found a blank page (he needed to make a mental reminder to grab one of his spare journals back in his hut in Ta-Koro as he was running out of blank pages yet again) he set the journal aside to finish sharpening his charcoal stick. Once the point was fine enough to his liking, Takua flipped the blade closed and put his knife away, immediately picking his journal back up soon after and began to draw on the blank page.

Takua learned that the best way to help his mind was to draw whatever came to his head, and he was pretty good at drawing too! His drawings even in the charcoal were almost hyper realistic and he even used the charcoal to provide some nice shading and shadows as well.

As he drew, he blocked out the world around him, determined to get it perfect. He briefly looked up at the statue of the Great Spirit, staring into its eyes for a minute before focusing back on his drawing.

Almost an hour and a half had passed and Takua was adding the final shadings to his drawing when a sharp pain rang through his head making him drop his journal and charcoal stick and immediately clutch his head and mask in his head.

Takua groaned in pain at the headache that made his head feel like it was splitting in two. He strained his eyes open and stared at the statue of Mata Nui, almost like he was begging for the Great Spirit to make the pain stop. He didn't know if it was a trick of the headache, but the eyes of the statue were glowing blue and held a slight pity and worry in them.
Takua's hands flashed a gold light briefly making him yelp in alarm and fall back against the altar. Immediately the altar rumbled a bit and began to hum quietly making Takua gasp in surprise.

Six lines on the altar traversed from the center pedestal to the four pillars around the altar, the lines glowed in the color's crimson red, snowy white, ocean blue, violet purple, a deep bronze and forest lime green. In two pairs, the six glowing lines traversed to the pillars as two new glowing lines illuminated the fourth one of the colors gold and marigold, the gold from the Mata Nui statue and the marigold from Takua.

Six stones that were on the altar rose in the air and spun slowly around the altar and pillars. Takua was entranced by the spectacle, he felt calm from the sight. Like all was right.
Soon the stones were enveloped by the six glowing lights and Takua shielded his eyes. "Easy now my son," A wise voice spoke in the back of Takua's mind, "It is time for your brother's and sister to arrive. To save me, save our people."

The last thing Takua heard before he was blown back by a blast of light, and everything went dark.

"One thing that was never learned by the Matoran, was that the Great Spirit Mata Nui, was a father. He had seven children, Toa.

They were light in his life as a Great Spirit and despite whatever frustrations they brought, they always brought him joy. And he loved them all equally and dearly and would lay down his life for them.

Some say he loved them more than the Matoran, but it wasn't like anyone could blame a father for that one.

But the family's peace and joy, was not to last."


Chapter One: Arrival of The Toa Mata Pt 1

A/N: Heehee, guess who decided to cross post this to Wattpad from just AO3?
This bitch

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