.♡ parks (cs)

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where in jiro won't allow his brother to go out on a date.

jiro¡ twenty three
jie¡ seventeen

taeho¡ nineteen

no and,❞ jiro placed the plates down the sink before turning back to his little brother that's sulking by the dining table. ❝no.

the younger one let out a whine while throwing his arms anywhere in the air, making jiro roll his eyes at jie. ❝it's just a date!

a date is not just a simple hangout.❞ jiro said, going to his brother and picking him up from the table and placed him down. he was that light and small despite of his age. ❝you guys will be out there in public holding hands, acting all sweet, and would even kiss if you guys are on that stage.

jie then had his cheeks suddenly heated up upon picturing the scenario of him and taeho out on a date inside his head. going to an amusement park, hand in hand, giving each other heart eyes, just having each other by their side the whole time, and not to mention the soft pecks they are going to be giving to each other.

the small dumpling sighed dreamily, romantic.

seeing his brother's reaction made jiro furrow his brows. ❝have you two kissed yet?

jie stayed silent had his eyes wandering anywhere just to avoid eye contact with his older brother that's looking so mad right now.

"park jie, answer me." hearing his brother speak chinese was a rare occurrence. jie knew that jiro was serious with how stern his tone was and not to mention him speaking chinese. "have you and taeho kissed already?"

turning around, jie started to walk away with small steps. ❝i'm going to my room.

"answer me!"

the small boy groaned and turned around to face his older brother that now had his arms crossed. right now, he wished for his chan hyung to come and calm his brother down. "it was only a small peck and it isn't even-"

that jung taeho is totally going to get it from me.

jie widened his eyes and used his small figure to block his tower of a brother, not wanting him to leave the kitchen knowing what he could possibly do. ❝ge, it's not like you and chan hyung doesn't kiss.❞ he sighed and gave his brother those puppy eyes that he hoped would work. "please let me go out on a date with taeho."

"no." jiro simply said as he went pass jie and made his way to the living room. jie then followed from behind, not giving up. ❝you guys have already went out in couple of dates, aren't those enough?

jie huffed, ❝you're seriously asking me that?❞ how can he even answer that question? ❝and just for you to know, you always stalked us in all of our dates. taeho may have not caught you yet but you're so fucking obvious in my eyes.

don't you dare curse.❞ jiro flopped his body down the sofa and grabbed the remote control.

before he could turn the tv on, jie already had stood right in front with his hands on his waist and cheeks all puffed.

move, you're blocking the tv.

you guys are treating me like i am a kid!❞ the younger stomped his feet, not only mad at his brother but also was slightly mad at his parents for also treating him like a kid.

he was supposed to have a babysitter as they were out and jiro, also, had somewhere to go but the little dumpling insisted not to since he's a grown up which resulted to jiro staying at home and watching out for his brother.

everyone in this household curses, for fucks sake!❞ jie eyed jiro who agreed with his point, still not shrugging the fact that jie is blocking the tv. ❝now, can i please go out with taeho?


it's always like this whenever taeho asks him out on a date.

why do you love to say no so much?❞ jie went around the coffee table and sat on the sofa where jiro is laying down on. ❝how about a yes?

really, if you guys keep on going out on dates you'll really fall for each other real hard.❞ jiro said with a sigh, wanting for this argument to end. ❝i just don't want you to get hurt and cry for a month over a guy named jung taeho.

i already did.❞ jie mumbled, earning a wide eye from jiro. ❝i love him, ge, and i know he's not going to hurt me.

jie, you're seventeen.

the younger pouted. ❝you stole chan hyung's first kiss at sixteen and asked him to be your boyfriend at seventeen.❞ he stated, ❝who are you to tell me not to date at the age of seventeen?

jiro stayed silent, hating how jie is stating facts. it's just that, he didn't want his brother to get hurt. he didn't want anyone to break his brother's heart. he cares for him that much, seems like jie just doesn't understands it.

reminding you again, i'm seventeen.❞ jie spoke, breaking the silence between them. ❝i am not a kid anymore.

look,❞ the older brother sat down and faced his little brother that now had a sad frown on his face. lowkey, he felt guilty for treating his brother like this but he believed that it's for his own good. ❝what am i going to do if i'm going to lose you? you'd be head over heels over taeho-

i already am.

the older male coughed, telling jie not to cut him off. ❝you will be with him all the time, you'll fall for his charms-

i already did.

"listen here, are you going to let me speak or not?" jie looked away with his face looking weary. he hated it whenever he'd hear his older brother using the chinese card. ❝and then you'll forget me. you would always run to taeho whenever you have a problem, forgetting that i'm also here for you. look, i love you little chinese dumpling and i can't just bear to lose you.

jie didn't want to admit it but he was moved after hearing his older brother's explanation. although, it didn't convince him as to how jiro needs to be so overprotective. even his parents aren't like that. well, his papa isn't. his other father is as protective as jiro and if he was here then he'd agree a hundred percent to what his brother is saying.

why do they keep on babying him when he's not a baby anymore?

if you're annoyed how i'm so protective over you,❞ jiro let out a chuckle that made jie looked at him with a questionable face. ❝i'm making the most of it while i still can before someone else takes my spot.

jie didn't even know when this situation got emotional.

i was so happy and glad knowing that i had a baby brother. you are the definition of a sunshine,❞ actually both jie and chan were his sunshine but of course jiro won't mention his boyfriend's name, not wanting to ruin the moment. ❝and i'm not going let anyone hurt and ruin this sunshine. so anyone wants to ask you out should get through me first.

everything was doing so well, jie was even moved by his brother's words but the last part just had to ruin it. ❝you still won't let me out on a date with taeho, will you?

jiro let out a loud laugh before putting a straight face on, "no."

jiro ge-

a knock was then heard at the front door but neither of the two moved by the sofa. jiro stared at jie with a teasing look on while jie only raised a brow at him, the two waiting till one of them moves.

but neither of them did.

come in!❞ jie shouted, eyes not leaving his brother.

jiro rolled his eyes and turned his head towards the front door which was pushed opened and a familiar figure went inside their house, making jiro get annoyed as ever. ❝look who decided to show up.

jie followed his eyes the next moment and softened at the sight of taeho looking so lost entering a big ass mansion. he then threw a punch on his brother's chest before mumbling, "don't scare him."

jiro pushed his brother's hand away and stood up from the sofa, walking towards taeho who actually regretted getting inside the house. he should have just waited outside for jie. ❝you are here because?

taeho turned to jie with a gulp, the short male only gave him a nervous smile. deciding to man up, taeho cleared his throat before standing up properly. ❝i'm here to ask for your permission, sir?

jie can't help but giggle at taeho who was clearly shaking on his knees. as much as he wanted to help him, jiro gave him a side eye that made him sit there with a pout.

you're lucky you baked me a cake on our anniversary with my boyfriend.❞ jiro then clicked his tongue before placing a hand on the boy's shoulder and patting it. ❝bring jie home before eight.

hearing his name being mentioned, jie shot head right up and then had a wide smile plastered on his lips. he quickly then stood up from the sofa and threw his body to his brother's tall one and gave him the most tightest hug he could do. taeho watched the two and can't help but have a warm smile on his face seeing how cute jie is.

but, jiro gave taeho a look that made the jung quickly look away as he was threatened.

ge,❞ jie mumbled as he had his face buried on his brother's chest. ❝no one can replace your spot. you're the only brother i have, and you're the only park jiro in my life.

a smile made its way to jiro's lips and the older male went to look at taeho, making sure that he had just heard what jie said. taeho smiled and nodded his head, already getting used of how protective jiro is. ❝no kissing, alright?

jie's cheeks then went to turn to a bright shade of pink before squinting his eyes at his older brother. ❝no stalking, hm?


jie raised a brow, making jiro heave out a sigh.

fine.❞ before looking back up at taeho who stood there obediently. ❝before eight this evening or i'm going to find you and-

"ge, be nice."

feed you to my chihuahuas.


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