.♡ wongs (lw)

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where in their parents went out to celebrate their anniversary.

jeffrey¡ twenty one
yanna¡ nineteen
little sushi¡ five

we are going out.❞ jungwoo said as he settled a soft peck on his daughter's forehead, ❝no throwing tantrums at your brother.

jeffrey smiled in victory while he nudged his sister that had her eyes rolled. lucas saw that and can't help but giggle at his children's interaction. he then went to rufflw the hair of his oldest before patting a hand on the male's shoulder.

take care of your siblings.❞ lucas said as he gave both his children a smile. ❝don't destroy the house while we're gone.❞ he begged while jungwoo chuckled.

after a few minutes of saying their goodbyes and reminding their kids what not to do, like setting the house on fire for example, both lucas and jungwoo had finally left the whole house the their children that finally had let out relieved sighs once the car zoomed away from their sights. closing the door, both jeffrey and yanna looked at each other for five good seconds before already throwing each other chores.

okay ari big,❞ jeffrey said, annoying his sister with where her name was inspired from ❝time to do the laundry.

shut up i just want some milk guy,❞ she didn't want to lose and also played with her brother's name. ❝it's your turn today.

it's funny how the two of them are making fun of their names when the both of them equally have a laughable explanation of their names. jeffrey got his name by his uncle jaehyun, which lucas didn't get to be there when jungwoo was expecting.

and when he finally is present the moment their little girl came to the picture, lucas just had to blast to ariana big's songs the whole day that he got his husband to give in and name their daughter after his favorite singer.

while all of that happened, it's still a surprise how their papa still got to accept their crackhead of a father. however, they still are thankful to have a dad like him. he just doesn't act like one, but he also tends to act like he is their friend.

still, it's the final straw with their youngest sibling and the two are in deep thought as to how jungwoo just let his husband be in naming their children.

jeffrey then mocked a gasp while placing a hand on his chest, ❝dad's eyes were on you when he asked us to take care of the house.

yanna raised a brow in disbelief, ❝he was looking at the both of us.

just as jeffrey had some alibi for the sake of him not doing the household chores, the sound of a movie from the living room was getting louder along with a baby's voice that caught both the siblings' attention.

smirking, yanna had a plan in mind.

you know what, dad did look at me.❞ indicating that she was responsible for the household chores. the house wasn't even that messy to begin with as their papa had already cleaned it before they left. it's better than actually taking care of a baby. ❝and he looked over you to take care of your siblings.

olaf, from frozen, was singing his summer song and the baby sitting down the sofa was too mesmerized by it. seeing a snowman dance and sing wasn't something that can be seen everyday, or can't be seen at all. not to mention the faces olaf would make, the baby would always follow it with his face.

both jeffrey and yanna stood there as they cooed at the baby's adorable laugh and actions that they almost forgot what they needed to do for the day.

da da, da doo, a bah bah ba baba boo!❞ the baby's laugh, more or like a wheeze to the two, echoed inside the living room that also made the both of them chuckle.

was it mention that frozen has been played for millions of times during the week already? yanna and jeffrey even had memorized what line is next already. then again, they can't complain because. it's the baby that wants to watch, not them. and if you think about it, yanna's addiction for ariana big is getting out of hand and the older brother didn't do anything about it. also, you don't hear yanna complaining on jeffrey's love for milk. the two were in no place to say something about their little sibling's fondness for frozen.

"winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle but put me in summer and i'll be a-"

the kid clapped his hands in excitement, ❝a happy snowman!❞ very proud of his answer.

"happy snowman!"

a puddle.❞ yanna murmured, enough to be heard by jeffrey. ❝i'm gonna tell him.

jeffrey had his mouth agape as he nudge his sister that's about to ruin their sibling's childhood, ❝don't you dare.

the little kid stood up from the sofa and had his arms spread in the air with exaggerated movements, making a grand ending for the song. the kid then cleared his throat and took small turns before singing the last part, ❝in summeeeer!

the oldest of them widened his eyes as he quickly ran towards his little sibling just to catch him before falling down the sofa real hard. ❝careful there, little sushi.

yanna's heart almost stopped beating when she saw the kid stumbling but had caught her breath once jeffrey took the kid in his arms just in time. hearing the name that her brother gave to him then made the girl roll her eyes, ❝you're seriously calling him a sushi?

the oldest of the three siblings then shrugged his shoulders as he carried their brother, taking the remote control and shutting the movie down. ❝i'm hungry.

meanwhile, the baby in jeffrey's arms whined as he couldn't see olaf anymore. ❝oh no, da frozen! da olaf!

it's time to eat lunch.❞ jeffrey said, bringing the baby to the kitchen while yanna followed from behind, making faces to the baby to brighten up the mood.

which didn't help at all and only made the kid cry hard.

gosh, that just insulted my physical appearance.❞ yanna said with an attitude, earning a giggle from her older brother. "you, little sushi, should be grateful for having gorgeous older siblings."

jeffrey then gave yanna a look, ❝since when did you start learning chinese?

dad forced me to attend chinese classes.❞ the girl groaned in annoyance as he sat up to the kitchen counter. ❝he said that he didn't want me to learn chinese in hawaii.

it reminded the girl of how her father came to korea just to learn chinese.

that made jeffrey laugh really loud before handing the kid over to the second oldest while he handle things inside the kitchen. ❝hold him for me, i'm cooking for us.

"you heard that?" yanna made the little baby stand by from her lap, "furry ge is cooking us."

"for us." jeffrey corrected, getting a pout from yanna. ❝and since when am i a furry?

jeffrey is too long to pronounce.❞ yanna said, embracing the lazy ass in her. ❝and you'd be a great furry if i do say so myself.

stop!❞ jeffrey motioned the spatula at her and she only let out a laugh, making him also laugh. ❝that's disgusting.

but don't you make your boyfriend wear those cat ears and tail when you do it-

who on earth told you that!?❞ the male's face turned to a bright shade of red, avoiding the teasing eye contact from his sister. he can't even handle talking about this subject when their innocent little sushi is just there, looking at them with his big sparkling eyes. ❝actually no, don't tell me.


"this ends the conversation!" jeffrey spoke in chinese out embarrassment, his face still heating up from their topic.

yanna played with the kid's small hands as she let out a chuckle. ❝my innocent brother is growing up!

that actually hurt jeffrey's pride somehow. ❝come on, i'm not that innocent.


the oldest then gasped, turning to yanna and gave her a warning look. ❝eggplants!

the girl can't help but burst out laughing watching her brother malfunctioning. despite of his large figure and body built, not to mention those dominant features, jeffrey is actually one innocent guy. even though that guy is already at his early twenties, she knows there is still more to the world that her older brother is yet to discover.

she's just glad that she caught her dad's genes.

what made her stop laughing was a kid biting her fingers. ❝ouch! hey, that hurt.

and the kid went back to whining. ❝da olaf!

yanna stared at the kid, panicking as what she should do when the baby is crying. she wanted to carry him but the baby was squirming on her lap. after a few seconds, a pair of big large hands then took the baby from her lap and as she looked up she saw her brother comforting the baby as if it was a simple task to do when it isn't.

if little sushi finishes his lunch early then we will watch frozen.❞ jeffrey said with his voice softening.

the kid sniffled as his cries died down once hearing his brother say that, ❝we see da olaf?

yeah,❞ he said with a chuckle. ❝you're going to see that happy snowman again singing the summer song.

puddle.❞ yanna coughed, earning a look from jeffrey.

the baby then had a wide smile on his face before hugging his older brother by the neck. ❝me will behave!

jeffrey smiled as he cradled back and forth, hoping that he could put the baby to sleep so that he could go back cooking in peace. yanna felt bad watching, she felt like she was useless. she couldn't help him as she doesn't know how to take care of a kid. but watching her brother, she was proud that he was showing a father figure in him.

because speaking of father figure, he's going to be one soon.

how's twenty?

jeffrey leaned by the kitchen island and stared at his sister before giving her a smile. ❝he's doing fine. i'm going to visit him later this evening.

yanna nodded, lookimg down before asking another question. ❝how many months?

that made jeffrey have a soft smile, ❝one and a half.

is the baby well?

noticing their baby brother letting out snores, the male walked over to her and gave their adorable little sushi to her. he ran a hand through the baby's soft locks before putting a hand on his sister's hair just to ruffle it. ❝very healthy.

hearing that made yanna feel all tingly like she was excited over something. ❝that's good to hear.

with their youngest sleeping in her arms, she eyes the male as he went to start cooking a meal for them. a frown was formed on her face while staring at her brother who looked stressed, guessing that it's probably about the responsibilities he had to take. and also, he probably hasn't finished blaming himself after the incident he had with his boyfriend during that night.

not only was he being scolding by the suh family, but he also disappointed his parents by what he had done. even though time has passed with everyone slowly accepting what had to be, he still can't help but blame himself for it.

for not being careful enough.

you know, it's not a mistake.❞ saying that, yanna got her brother's attention.

but when everyone had their backs turned on him, he had his sister staying by his side always.

yeah, i know.❞ he wasn't lying, jeffrey knew that doing it was wrong but the outcome of it was never a mistake. after all, they were completely sober during that night and they had done it in their own will. ❝i just needed time for myself.

if the baby is born, make me be the first one to hold the cute sized human.❞ yanna lifted the mood up, successfully making her brother laugh.

the male started shaking his head with a chuckle. ❝twenty is not going to like that.

even with mixed feelings of seeing her older brother growing up, she can't help but feel proud for him.

i have promised to be with them for the whole day tomorrow.❞ jeffrey said, pursing his lips in a tight line. ❝i can count on you to watch over our little sushi, right?

yanna aggressively nodded her head. ❝i can do it! meanwhile, you go and do your fatherly duties.

she may not be good with kids but she has to learn so she won't be a burden to them.

awe, look at you!❞ and yanna was back at teasing him once more. ❝my innocent big brother now being a father.

oh, shut up.❞ jeffrey rolled his eyes and moved his sister's head to another direction as he didn't want to her face looking like that.

but deep inside, he knew she was proud and that's all that mattered at that moment. they may have fought a lot in the past, argued about their dislikes and how complete opposites they are, and may have tried talking to each other's back, but they are still siblings. they'd do anything for each other, and they love each other.

now that they had a new addition to the family, they are also going to shower little sushi with their love and affection.

by the way,❞ the oldest went back to cutting the vegetables while glancing to his sister to see if she was handling their little brother well. ❝want to surprise our parents when they get back home? it's their anniversary. i still can make time for you guys before i go to the suh's residence.

that's a great idea, furry ge.

stop that!


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