2. first glimpse

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"They're so beautiful," beams your father proudly. "Y/N will become a strong warrior or maybe even a wise medicine cat. Or maybe even perhaps leader one day."

Your mom softly licks the fluff on her head and purrs, wrapping her tail around you and your brother to protect you from the brisk leaf-fall winds.

A. purr from the warmth of your mother
B. tumble over restlessly from the stuffiness
C. make small squeaking sounds to signal that you hear them
D. surprise them and open your eyes early


A. Your father smiles and nuzzles you a little with his muzzle and mews, "They love you already. They'll be a understanding, compassionate cat."

B. "This one may be a loner, but they'll be restless and brave," observes your mother, Orchidfall.

C. Your mother jolts a little in alarm but her expression soon calms down once she notices it's you, "They'll be quite chatty all right. Y/N will be dependable and wise to all."

D. "This one's looking for an eager start. They'll be outgoing and bold that's for sure," states your father, Galesong.

You don't need to play your character by your parent's predictions but you may. This was part was just for fun :3

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