3. lets play

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Your brother Shellkit comes sprinting over to you with a moss-ball in their maws. They dropped it on the ground and exclaim, "Wanna play with me?"

A. nod excitedly and play
B. call him a baby and ignore him
C. say that you promised to help the medicine cat
D. say that you want to be alone


A. "Yay!" exclaims your brother and tackles you playfully. You can see happiness and gratefulness in his eyes as he throws the moss-ball to you and you catch. Your bond has grown stronger.

B. He looks at you in shock and sadness and mumbles, "Oh. Okay," 

Your mother looks at you disapprovingly and mews sternly, "We need to have a talk."

C. "That's fine," he responds. He seems a little disappointed but instead runs off to the other kittens and asks them to play. You sigh in relief as you head to the medicine cat's den.

D. He stares at you confused, "Why would you want to be alone?" You look away, seeing that you don't want to be prodded any further, he shrugs and bounds off.

These decisions will start impacting your future. The stories gonna get interesting. And gonna make writing it harder for me.

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