4. mentors

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The leader calls out to host a clan meeting. You excitedly bound to the clearing with your brother, know it was time. You feel a little nervous in the spotlight but your father calms you down and the leader announces your new name as an apprentice. The leader gives your mentor, who is...

A. Fluttermoon
B. Thrusheye
C. Galestone
D. Mossybird(med cat); if you chose C last chapter, this option is available but not mandatory


A. You slump a little bit, scared of your new mentor. She is mysterious and not very popular among the clan. But you know that she is strong-willed and assertive and will lead you skill-wise much further.
Starting Skill — hunting 2/7; fighting 2/7; running 1/5; climbing 1/5; stealth 3/7; respect 3/5

B. You sigh in relief, not having any opinion of your new mentor. He is observant and fair and is known to be a respected warrior. You are proud to be under his training, hoping he will share some of his wisdom with you.
Starting Skill — hunting 2/7; fighting 2/7; running 0/5; climbing 0/5; stealth 1/7; respect 4/5

C. You perk up eagerly, awaiting instructions, excited with your new mentor. She is fun and adventurous and is well-liked by the apprentices. Though having a good time is not always the goal in learning.
Starting Skill — hunting 0/7; fighting 1/7; running 2/5; climbing 1/5; stealth 0/7; respect 5/5

D. Your tail flicks happily. You look forward to learning about herbs with your mentor. She is outspoken and empathetic and you wish to learn her ways. Though if you get on her bad side, she will be a little resentful.
Starting Skill — hunting 0/2; fighting 0/2; memory 2/5; medicine 1/7; patience 1/5; respect 4/5

So as you can see, the last chapter's decisions have impacted a little to who could be your mentor. I hope you liked the choice you made based on the name. In case, y'all haven't figured it out, you're not allowed to read the result until you have picked a choice. Because otherwise, you're CHEATING!!!!

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