Before you get excited, this is not a new chapter

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i'll be taking much longer to update chapters. i have time, but it might even take more than a month to see a new cffap chapter.

the reason is not serious. i am just planning to give, even long after, many chapters in one go for you to rush through. also to give a little more time to the ones who are still behind but won't stop following the journey yet. all new chapters will describe the things geno and alter will go through to escape lisbon.

assumingly you can guess that they will make it, but slight spoilers, somebody's gonna die.

don't fall into quick conclusions yet about what might happen. but when i'm done writting all chapters of the 2 dear skeletons trying to escape lisbon alive, then you will read it all. the biggest spoilers i can do if someone is dying to have a clue about what might happen, i can give the titles of the chapters.

i want you to give me in the comments an emoji raising hand (🙋🏽‍♀️) (or just a raised hand (🖐🏽)) will do. if i see more than 5 comments of 5 different readers raising hand for the titles, i will add them to the end of this announcement (edit). if anyone doesn't wanna get spoiled in any way, don't read the end of this announcement.


extra: 5 readers have raised hands to see the titles of the chapters. again, i ain't sure how many chapters will it actually take, but if they are as many as the titles, then so be it. again, if you don't wanna get spoiled, skip until you see again bold, italian and underlined letters all together. here are the titles:

«The first and last siren blessed guardian» (chapter is complete)

«Attempt to annoy and threaten the monsters backfires» (chapter is complete)

«Identities almost revealed, cover blown»

«Speaking horse»

bonus unplanned chapter, «Almost loosing control»

«Don't even turn to look at me»

«Between monsters, conversation such as this had better to stay secret»


«Hasten escape and more blood on the way»

«Failed persuassion, successful blackmail»

«Aftermath of everything»


these were the titles of the chapters.

lastly, before this announcement ends, i finally got long ago the advice of one of the readers to expand my writting hobby on ao3. i haven't make a full account yet there, but when i do, for whoever wants to know the name of it, ask me and i will reply.

thank you for following this adventure and have a great day, or night, or in between 👍🏽

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