Memories are merciless, (2/2) Alter

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warning: the narration that will come, follows and is based on canon storylines as we know them from undertale and most universes of the fandom but also has details of my own imagination that serve the plot and the era this fanfiction takes place. also maybe a few gruesome descriptions and "da sad taking over"? dunno. you go ahead, read and judge 🤷🏽‍♀️🙄

No one's POV:

"I wanted Samael to have a life in which he would later choose himself what path to take. When Nord was absent for his trips, I would stay most of the time at home raising him. When he grew old enough, I would take him and have walks together. From getting food, to simply taking some fresh air. And then, as I've heard it from some of the older fellow villagers, it was as if they were seeing again Calisto and me walking around like years ago, except it was me and Samael."

"Had Samael enough time and opportunities to bond with Nord too?"

"… Of course. Our baby brother was very dear to him too. When he would return home, he would always keep presents, gifts for him and adventures to narrate."

"For you? Nothing?"

"Even though I asked him not to bring anything for me, he insisted on bringing for me stuff too. I couldn't deny, he was doing it with all of his will and good mood."

"Pf. How thoughtful of him."

"… It was enough for me to see him coming back alive and well. Ever since he brought me the news of our Father dying because of pirates, I would pray, not the same happen to Nord too ever."

"Were you still going to the monasteries?"

"Of course. Whether with Samael or not, depended if Nord was home or Samael was in mood and not tired to go with me. The weather on the mountain was really refreshing and I could do the things I used to do when I stayed in the monasteries. Sometimes even stay for a whole day or 2, of course when Nord was at home to watch over our little bro."

"Were you and Nord the only ones raising Samael? Didn't you ever feel the need ask for help from the other monster villagers?"

"Of course I trusted the other monsters. We were all familiar with each other, we weren't a whole nation, just a village. But the truth is, I was… kinda overprotective of Samael. Or perhaps, I didn't feel tired from nurturing him and I would receive great, massive happiness from it. I was the first ever face he laid eyesockets on and… I had the promise of my mother that was filling me with even more love to care for the little one. Only when Samael grew a little, a few times, I would accept the request of other monsters to keep him for a while. After all he could socialise a little and meet the fellow villagers a bit better."

"Did Samael ever learn about the hatred humans had for monsters?"

"… Personally I didn't wanna tell him, but he would listen from other monsters gossiping and wouldn't stop asking me what they meant. I had to try and explain slowly and carefully so he could understand about times he didn't live when they were intensive."

"… Would he question often about why he didn't have parents?"

"Many times. At the end he had the funny idea of me finding someone, Nord find someone and so he has 4 parents."

"Daaaw! But yeah! Couldn't you, or at least Nord find someone so Samael could have another parent figure in his life too?!"

"Geno. Love ain't that simple. Especially finding your soulmate, is rare and difficult while at the same time it guides you to them, you're each other's destiny. Some never find their soulmate and others, if their first love dies, finding a second and falling again under the bond of eros is even harder. And most women from my village, as much as they were being all sweet and flirty, they could recognize themselves too, that we ain't really attracted in that way."

"What if they weren't-?"

"As much I loved Samael, accepting his request of finding a partner wasn't in my control, or simply didn't have any erotic emotion towards another monster. Anyways I couldn't force it. It was my last of my concerns if I was finding someone or not anyways." Alter looked up to the ceiling, thinking deeply. Slowly his expression darkened and exhaled from his nose.

"What are you thinking?"

"… 8 years passed quickly. Samael was a little happy boy, gifted and already trained in using his magic well. It all was peaceful and after so long, I was completely relaxed and hopeful again for the future. But then… there came a very unexpected guest in our monster village."

"What do you mean?"

"It was another beautiful day, where the birds were singing and the flowers were blooming (cliché). I was at home sweeping. I had left Samael at another villager's house. But not an hour later, the lady I left him to, comes to knock on my door. And the first thing she informs me of, is that as she had her attention away from Samael, when she took her attention away for a little while and turned again at him, he was gone."

"Uh oh."

"But she wasn't done yet. Before she could go out search for him, she says that as she opened the door, he was standing to the opening ready to knock… and something less than the whole monster population of the village were surrounding him. He had brought… I didn't allow her to finish, as I immediately started running towards the noise and eventually finding the mob. I had to push to pass through the monsters and reach my brother. When I was closer and saw what he had with him, I just stood shocked."

"What?! What was he holding?!" Geno asked worried.

"… With an arm wrapped around them, Samael was supporting a small, close to his age, injured and half-uncoscious human kid."

"A human!"

"The monsters were completely agitated with them. Samael was pleading the crowd to relax and help the kid, they were injured and in pain. A few monsters however were already against the idea of helping the human. Others were scared and uncertain. Only very few were looking at the newcomer with pity and sympathy. Seeing the kid with my brother… I had 2 completely different feelings clashing inside of me. From one side, there was a worry that was telling me this newcomer would turn things upside down. Then again, the other took complete pity for the kid. It had won almost immediately as I was making my way towards Samael already. He saw me and asked to help the human. I kneeled near both kids and used my healing magic on them. The human looked at me, they were completely scared as they did so. They tried to say something, but upon their fear and exhaustion fell forward and fainted in my arms. I held them and stood up, looking at the other monsters' surprised looks. I didn't pay attention to them any longer and just walked off for my house."

"What were you thinking helping a human kid?!"

"Honestly nothing. Just that they needed help. I let them rest and asked Samael where did he find the human. He told me that after escaping the lady I left him with, because she was taking too long prepare to play, he sneaked out of the house. He went towards the woods, where he could remember from our walks together, there were many beautiful flowers. It wasn't deep in and he walked to find it by himself. At that moment I really was ready to start scolding him. But I allowed him to keep talking."


"Eventually he said that the moment he arrived, from some near bushes he heard rustle and footsteps and he stopped. He hid behind a tree and watched in agony. Eventually, from the bushes came out that little human, excuasted, scared and bleeding. They fell forward. Samael approached them cautiously. Of course he had never seen a real human. Only from icons. At first he was uncertain about approaching them, but when they asked out loud for help, he knew he had to step up. More over, he thought that bringing them to me, I would help more. After reassuring them that he would help, he brought the kid to the village, attracting the monsters attention."

"What didja tell him?"

"I really, really was upset. Way too many things could happen if any humans were looking for the kid, or their parents. And seeing the kid with us would most likely make them think we had kidnapped them. Then, they would send us to the afterlife faster than we could say "monsters". But after relaxing I told Samael that we would help the human, have them in our house for a few days. But after that, when they were recovering fully, they had to leave."

"I'm surprised you would say that."

"Considering I love kids? The right thing for them, first and above all Geno is to have them returned to their parents."

"IF they have."

"If. We would ask the kid where did they come from and if they had parents once they woke up. As long as they were unconscious, they were laying, after Samael's request, on his bed. He didn't leave their side, just watching in agony and concern, waiting for them to wake up, afraid they wouldn't, even though I assured him they would live. An hour later I went to check on both kids. But when I entered, my brother with the human were sitting next to each other, talking and already getting along. When the human saw me, they immediately got stuck closer to Samael, looking at me with fear. I sat on the other side of the bed and after introducing myself shortly, I started asking the questions. Where did they come from? Their answer was not very clear, but I understood they were coming from the capital of Portugal straight up. But when I asked about their parents, there, they looked at me straight in the eyesockets and started tearing up. Next, they started absolutely panicking. Please, no! Don't send me back! They told me frantically."

"Oh boy."

"That reaction, plus some of the worst injuries made me think of abuse. I asked if they were being hurted. Instead, the kid started crying and sobbing louder, saying between them "I beg you, don't return me to the humans!". If I had decided already that we have to return them back where they came from, my soul completely melted and any objections about keeping them vanished. Plus, Samael started asking me again to keep the human. This time, I ended up agreeing. Where could they go? Of course I had to discuss it with Nord too, he wasn't in the house then. Until then, we broke the ice with the kid. At first they were trusting Samael only but about 2 months later, when they started coming closer to me, allowing me to sit near them in whatever they were doing and eventually even fall asleep with Samael, both in my arms while reading and telling them stories, I knew they were doing alright."


"When Nord learned from the other monsters and heard it more accurately from me, at first he was just like me completely uncertain keeping the human. However before the day could end, I would already see him and the kid playing checkers and laughing as if they knew each other for years."

"Difficult to resist a small kid, whether it's human, whether monster." Alter laughed quietly, a relaxed and genuine laugh. Geno realised that he hadn't hear him having that laugh for quite a while. Perhaps because of the mission he wasn't being truly relaxed and carefree.

"It wasn't just us who got used to the kid's appearance. Little by little, the other monsters of the village started being more open and friendly with them, the younger ones would accept them play together with. More over I was happy Samael had someone he would interact more often and spend time with. I was seeing his smile more often when the human was around and talking a lot more. We had even celebrated their birthday. The kid looked about Samael's age, but didn't know themselves when they were born so we marked the day they came to the village as their birthday. It was brilliant and they were fighting to not cry."

"Perhaps they never had birthday celebrated for them or never learned how wonderful it is for little kids."

"They told me, no one has ever wished them happy birthday, only have seen others celebrating for others. Until us monsters did so."

"So cuuute!"

"… But only 2 times their birthday were celebrated." Alter said suddenly serious and looked away as his smile dropped.

"Well, what happened Al?" Geno asked concerned. An obvious realization hitted him of what might have happened. "Did… the kid die-?"

"K i l l e d."

The smaller looked at Alter with wide open eyesocket in the sound of his cold sharp voice saying that word.

"Oh no…"

"… It all was so slow and small, I didn't pay the attention it needed." Alter suddenly started rumbling. He had shut his eyesockets tightly and his arms wrapped around Geno had tightened a tiny bit. "A few months after the kid's birthday and them with Samael were both 10. They both stopped being as happy as before. When they were talking, there was immense seriousness in the kid's eyes and concern in Samael's. I could never know what were they saying because when I would walk in the same room as them they would stop talking and smiling at me wide and fake. Especially the human. My questions had always the same answer, just sharing their biggest secrets or discussing very personal matters." Alter took a deep breath and exhaled agitated. "Also, together with all that, I started having short but intensive nightmares every night. I was seeing flames, I was hearing screams, I could smell burning debris and the worst… I would see the kid decapitated and Samael dusting near them. And the head of the kid telling me in tears, I'm so sorry…" He covered with his right hand his eyesockets and his mouth opened as if a sob was ready to escape. But he sighed and took his hand off his eyesockets. The pupils inside them had lost their glow and were nailed at the ceiling motionless and cold.

4 years ago

Alter's POV:

Only many months later I caught a glimpse of their conversation. As I went to tuck them in bed, I stopped near the door of their room. I heard the kid talking

"..… Tomorrowin the morning. We must do it then Samael, we can't delay it anymore. Nord will come back these days and it will become even more difficult to escape the house. It already is difficult with Alter around."

"What if he's awake?" Samael sounded hesitant.

And there the kid went silent. They started talking again but whispering, as if they understood I was hearing them scheming. Samael didn't say anythingand then I stepped back quietly, only to start walking again towards the door with a little more loud steps and opened the door wearing a smile.

I tucked them back to bed, told them good night and just left. I didn't know what they wanted to do, but I knew that I wasn't letting it happen unless I knew it wasn't bad. To make sure of it, I stayed awake the whole night, praying, doing small quiet chores and always keeping an eye to the kids' bedroom.

The stars started slowly dissapearing one by one. The morning light was coming and I hadn't allow myself have even one minute shut eyesockets. I sat at the living room reading a book and waited, listening closely to all sounds. I knew that the only 2 exits of the house were from the small cellar and of course the front door.

Any attempt to escape from the cellar would cause too much noise and I had direct visual contact with the front door. Plus the keys. I waited and at last, I heard small slow steps coming from what I assumed was the kids' bedroom. Soon, I saw them walking in the living room looking around cautiously. The only thing they couldn't see was me.

The armchair I was sitting at was in the corner of the living room, near the fireplace, hiding me well enough. I kept 'reading' my book while keeping an eyesocket at them. The kid started shuffling the stuff at the counter near the front door, looking for the key. Soon I saw the frustration on their face as they couldn't find it. They told Samael to keep looking there as they went to the kitchen.

Not long after, on the first loud noise the kid made, thanks to a little innocent trap I made as I predicted they would search the kitchen too, I stood up slowly, as if I had woken up from deep slumber. Samael heard and saw me moving. Immediately his expression was filled with fear. Still pretending I just now had woken up I rubbed my eyesockets.

"Good morning Samael. Why are you up so early?" And I approached him smiling inoccently. He couldn't speak and was shaking. "Pardon me little one, I had woken up for some chores I left yesterday and then as I read a book I fell asleep on the armchair. But what about you?" Samael seemed ready to tear up and still not responding as he looked around frantically. "What's wrong?" I asked now concerned and kneeled near him. He buried his face on my chest and wrapped his arms around me. "Ya know you can tell me bro."

"I… I" He started and hugged me tighter. Soon he completed his sentence. "I'm sorry. We're sorry."

"What do you-?"

And then I felt a strong hit on the back of my head. Before I lost my senses completely, I heard Samael stepping back and sobbing. And then I blacked out completely.


Groaning I woke up. My skull was fuzzy and as if someone was pinning nails in it. But I forgot about it when I saw

"Nord?!" Why was he home now? He seemed to have read my thoughts.

"WE WERE ALLOWED COME BACK SOONER BROTHER! WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED HERE?!" He asked concerned as he helped me stand up. I had to shut my earholes because of how loud he talked. I tried to recall what had happened and looked around. A few steps away from me and Nord was the rolling pin, or, one part of it. They didn't hold back one bit with the hit. "THE DOOR WAS UNLOCKED AND I JUST SAW YOU UNCOSCIOUS ON THE FLOOR!"


As Nord helped me sit on a chair I searched my pockets. The key was in none of them. The horrible realization hitted me, maybe harder than the rolling pin.

"Nord, the kids"

"THE KIDS-?!" He started understanding.

"They're gone" I said slowly, already having the urge to start crying.


"No Nord. They weren't taken..." I look up to him panicking. "They left the house by themselves."


I explained him from yesterday what I heard before putting the kids to sleep until the moment I was knocked out.

"Nord, they're gone! We must find them! Who knows how far away they might be now!"


"NOW NORD!" I stood up to approach the front door, only to almost fall forward if not for my brother catching me in time. I was still dizzy from the hit.


"WE CAN'T SIT DOWN, NOR STAY CALM NORD! THE KIDS! The kidsSamaelno" Clearly I wasn't in the right mindset then. Nord just hugged me and forced me to stay. I couldn't take it anymore from all the worry and panic of what might happen to the 2 little ones. I just started crying. We might have stayed for about a minute like that.

Nord was trying to comfort me and tell me that we would find the kids. That he would ask the other monsters to help us search for them, they wouldn't leave us panicked and worried. I really wanted to get consoled by that. But recalling again my disturbing nightmares would only make me think of the worst.

Nord had asked me to stay home. I was still dizzy from the hit on my head. As for him he went to ask for help. Relaxation had flew away from my mental vocabulary. I was praying frantically, begging God to have the kids safe and sound. Many times I couldn't see well from the tears that were running nonstopping.

I was asking for enlightenment, for some help, a sign that could tell me where Samael and the kid were. Then, I really do believe my prayers and pleads for help to find them were heard, but only there. I went for the kids' bedroom and started searching. After a while I found their drawings. Most of them were all happy and colorful.

A few wereinteresting. One, which I recognized was drawn by the human, had drew walls, with tall buildings behind them. 2 small figures were standing near the walls holding hands. I recognized they were the kids! Another was showing them walking on the walls, all happy and cheerful. What was that supposed to mean?

I smacked my head. I recalled when Samael would ask me about what was outside the village and the forest. I had explained to him that aside the village, there were many other communities, small and bigger. However we were not to go far away from our village. It was dangerous, even for the bigger and stronger monsters. Especially near the communities of humans.

"Far away from us, the biggest community of this land we live on, is the town of Portugal. It can be seem from the mountains, these walls and these buildings that seemed so small from up high, that was what you saw when we went together to visit the monastery. Remember, from months ago?" I had asked him. Then Samael was 6 years old.

"Uh huh. But you also said we're not allowed to go there. Why?"

"Wellhumans are living there. It's a community only for them, like what the village we live is for, for monsters. We are forbidden from going where humans are."


"I won't lie to ya little bro. Humansthey don't wanna interact with us monsters. They used to, but just not anymore. As much as I say that kindness and love towards everyone are important, sometimes, it's not just enough to win everyone over."

"Even if I am the most polite good boy in the wold and speak calmly and sweetly?" Samael had asked, stumbling his tongue in the word world.

"No matter how polite and good you are, you will always be evil for some bro. And not even tons of kindness can change their mind. Humans have been thinking like that for so long about us, for years. It could need perhaps even more years to change their mind about us again."

"But are all humans really thinking about us like that? What about that friend of yours, Vincent? Isn't he part human you said?" He asked me again. I sighed.

"Just part human Samael. He is an exception if you want to call, but one of the very few. I really don't know any other human who doesn't think of us as evil beings. There might be some, but, who knows"

He hadn't ask me again anything about it. He kept being the happy, cheerful and shy little boy I knew. But when the human kid entered our lives, thenOf course! They must have been describing and narrating things about the main town of Portugal to Samael. After all that's where they were coming from.

They put Samael into thoughts and even more wonder about Lisbon. The drawingsthey were imagining themselves together there! One drawing fell from my hands. I kneeled and looked at it. I see the figure of the kid on the floor. Crying, bruised and above them a bigger figure, who's face is scribbled. They hold what I assume is a… whip!

"No Alter. Don't just have another breakdown." I was sure enough of where the kids might were to knock me out and leave, knowing I wouldn't let them. But something else, there must be something else in this room that I haven't seen. Am I right, or will I be wasting time?

I look at the bed where the kids share. Well, you never know. After all I used to hide stuff under the mattress of my bed or under the pillows younger. Searching the pillows first and looking under the sheets had no result. But when I lift the mattress, there I see a small book. I take it and look at some pages. I understand that it's a diary.

For the sake of what is going on, I'll have to look through it. The writtenanywhere my eyesockets decide to stop and read, it all is filled with fear and despair. They were referring to some days back to their old house, all neglect they were facing. The only times their father was paying attention to them were to torture, hurt and abuse them. But the latest pages

My diary,

I feel terribly guilty.

The monsters have treated me with far more respect than humans could ever do. I've made more friends than I could ever imagine. But special place in my heart and soul hold the skeleton brothers.

Alter is so polite and calm, wise and knows a lot of stories. Plus he's a good cook. Despite he prefers to be referred as a big brother, he acts both like the most tender mother I've never met and like the most loving father, unlike that (forgive my language diary) scum of a human I had to live with.
Nord is half year at home, half year away, but when he's here, aside the first minutes of our first ever interaction, he's funny, loud and plays more often with me and Samael. He's like a second dad to me.
As for Samael, he's like the twin brother I never had. Sweet, shy, quiet and polite, he's funny to mess with, just a little bit but the closest I've ever felt with anyone else. The skeletons, they all make me feel as an actual part of a real family. The monsters and their children have learned to like me too. And I like them too a lot.
It all makes me so guilty. My... 'father' had kicked me out of the house, told me to never come back and that he wishes for the monsters to eat me alive. He would always say how disgusting monsters are. I never believed him, could the monsters be really far more cruel than a man like him? But who am I to speak? I'm just a child, a tiny human. Well, he was absolutely wrong.

But one year after settling in with the monsters... he somehow found out that I'm alive. A monster gave me a letter, someone told him to give it to me, he didn't know who. When I opened it, oh God, why? Why why why why why... he had written that he knows of me being with a skeleton family. He asked me that if I wanted to become useful and stay alive, I had to destroy them. He wanted me to cause them massive mental pain. To destroy them. Starting with... Samael. I found it strange he wanted me SPECIFICALLY to hurt the skeletons, but he hadn't explain anyways.
If I refused, Samael wouldn't be the only victim. The whole village would get destroyed, I would watch all monsters die right in front of me, then kill me last, slowly and painfully. I am terrified. I am lost. I can't, I don't want to do this to Samael and Alter and Nord. Everyone! How... how am I supposed to do this, I'm just a child! WHY?! They will never forgive me for this... what should I do...

The diary falls from my hands. I step back and fall backwards, the wall supporting me. I slide down and sit paralyzed in shock, looking at the diary as if it's gonna attack me physically, like it hasn't already done so to my mentality. I can't believe what I've just read, I don't want to.

But it's all right in front of me and I've read it. There is perhaps a little more, but I don't have the guts to do that. Something else moves me. It almost feels like insanity, that makes me jump, walk downstairs and sprint out of the house.

If the monsters were looking at me surprised, or calling me, I didn't know, I couldn't remember. The only voice I had faintly recognized was Nord's, he had spotted me. But I focused and exited the village, running in the forest. I could hear footsteps behind me but I wasn't caring.

The kids. I had to find them. As much as I was devastated with what the human wrote, I realise they weren't in control of the situation. When I get the kids back, we're going to have a long and hopefully as calm as possible talk.

IF you get the kids back.

The annoying voice of doubt told me.

"BUT AREN'T YOU LISTENING?!" Before I could scold myself to not think of that, my soul is getting dragged back by blue magic. I fly back and feel arms grabbing me. I try to break free.

"Norte, me deixe em paz!"


"In Lisbon Nord" I say as I stop struggling. I feel his grip on my arms tightening hearing me. "The kids. They're heading to Lisbon."

"HEADING WHERE?!" Nord grips my shoulders, forcing me to face him.

"Samael" I whisper, finding it again hard to talk from my agitation. "… He had it as a secret desire to see how the town of Lisbon is. I searched, I investigated the kids' room. God, how could I not have realised it sooner-?" My feet suddenly leave the ground and Nord holds me with one arm. He starts running. "NORD WHAT THE HE- AVEN?!" I yell.


"You if you're not carrying monsters as if they are sacks!"

"AND I HAVE MORE STAMINA!" He just says and keeps stably running. In all honesty, he does run fast, faster than me when he was persuading me. Even as he's carrying me, he is fast even then. Maybe, as he's as worried as me, he doesn't care about fatigue right now.

At that day, as much as I was worrying sick and praying for the kids to be safe, at the same time I would come to admire Nord, his determination to run at a stable pace, never slowing down, not complaining from fatique. For God's sake Alter, one more time, you ain't the only one who worries for the well-being of the kids, you see Nord.


No one's POV:

Geno was hugging Alter, pressing his forehead against the taller's chest. His soul was beating rapidly, at times jolting slightly from quiet sobs as the smaller assumed they were. He was listening all this time to him talking his soul out, revealing perhaps one of his most traumatising days of his life, shocked and in agony with every word coming out of his mouth.

Despite he seemed so devastated and so sad, he would keep talking stably, somehow keeping his voice normal when he wasn't stopped by sobs. But Geno couldn't let that keep happening anymore. He couldn't see Alter like that. As much as he wanted to know now and had done a few questions, encouraging him to keep talking, they had said he would talk about the most devastating parts of his past when they were done and many miles away from Lisbon.

But why was he telling him now though? The small skeleton needed to have him relaxed a little first before asking that. Because right now he had paused talking and just jolting from the extreme negative emotions that had conquered him. He sighed and broke free from Alter's hug, but slowly held and tried to take his hands in his and off his face.

"Alter, that's enough-."

Surprised Geno realised Alter wasn't even crying. His eyesockets seemed lifeless as he looked up to the ceiling, but no tears. He was just lost. The 2 skeletons stayed silent for a minute that felt like and eternity.

Especially for Geno, who sighed quietly and placed the side of his head on Alter's chest. His soul was beating slower but irregularly. The smaller looked towards the door of the room. He then started singing.

Lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby
Back to the years of loo-li lai-lay
And I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow
Bless you with love for the road that you go

May you sail far to the far fields of fortune
With diamonds and pearls at your head and your feet
And may you need never to banish misfortune
May you find kindness in all that you meet

He didn't know why from all songs he could have chosen to sing he had sang that one. However it had results he wanted. Alter had relaxed, as his soul was 'saying'.

"… Thanks." He finally spoke again after his silence.

"Al… didja forget our agreement?" Geno asked snuggling close to him again. "… y' know, talking about your past and your brothers further, after we're back on the ship? Why would… you narrate me all this now?" He asked. Alter embraced the smaller as he looked out the window, silent for a few seconds. Eventually he exhaled from his nose.

"… I really do hope it's just me. But…" He looked down at the smaller cold and serious. "… if anything happens to stop us from escaping Lisbon, if we come to a situation where only one of us can keep going… I just want you to know that it won't be your fault. At all. I have been destined for the duty to protect you at all costs and by any means, I'll do it." Geno looked at him shocked, but couldn't speak. "… That's why I decided to tell you more about me. But aside all I narrated from my life until now, if anything really happens to me, you may ask Captain Reaper about me. But only if-."

"What the heck?! Don't you dare say all that Alter! We will both escape and we will both be fine!" Geno snapped quietly, hugged Alter tighter and looked at him stubbornly. "It might be hard, but together you and I will make it! Then you will have all peace and be able collect yourself to keep telling me about your past!" The taller skeleton hummed thoughtful but Geno saw him smiling gently. He allowed him to snuggle.

"Someone is being seriously adorable with that optimism of theirs~." He said playfully, pinching Geno's cheek gently.

"… Deja de llamarme adorable. -///-" Geno murmured with a cherry face. Alter chuckled.

"Still my point stands. If tomorrow I dust in here, about all I told you little one, you can seek to learn more. I trust only Reaper and Andrés. They will know" He thought, but his smile hid all that from the still flustered Geno.

6100 words

alright alright. next chapter, be prepared to (probably) rage over an enemy we will finally see, not just from narrations of others, but literally, finally here. talking, challenging the monsters and becoming PERHAPS the most disgusting annoying a-hole ever.

good luck keeping it together and not pretending to jump in the fanfiction just so you shove his words up his *ss. see ya. *pat pat pat*

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