Finding the secret path

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Where the 4 skeletons finally arrive outside Capital and search for the road that will help them sneak in. But one more unexpected long lost relative of Geno's will make appearance.

No one's POV:

The gentle air was making small waves, peaceful sounds. The crickets were playing their monotonous tunes, breaking the silence of the night too. A pale crescent with stars was trying to give light upon the babbly sea and the silent land. The waves were licking the sandy beach before gliding back in the sea, but couldn't reach further to the land, where there was not sand. It was giving it's place to ground, soil and grass. And further, standing lonely, with the windows facing the sandy beach and open sea, the big mansion could be seen even from far away with the weak light, like a big silent guardian, while the whole São Miguel and it's inhabitants were under Morpheus' wings.

Not everyone though. A lonely figure was awake, revealing himself in the moonlight, standing near the window and staring outside, in the dark of the night. Underneath his window a big wild ivy was growing and reaching the sill.

He pressed hands on the window's sill and sighed. And then started talking. Even if there wasn't anyone else in the room really. Monologue.

"... 4 years. This long when... All this bloodshed, all these deaths... all these monsters getting displaced, tortured, executed, their cries... I still hear their screams...




"… And his-."

He felt something wrapping around his left ankle. He turned and tried to see with the few light given from the crescent and stars. Even in the darkness he could see them. Everything in the room was moving.

"They are waving again. They are sensing it again"

"Aren't you desperate yet?"

"Why hoping?"

"He's gone."

"There is nothing you can do to change the past."

"Do not talk all together..." The man said calmly shaking head left and right. "Calm down. Deep breaths. No, do not let them see even a little from your despair, they will wrap around it and make it terrific." He thought and managed to stay relaxed. He looked again outside. "*sigh* Remember. As long as you, Aster and Arhana are still alive, nothing is lost yet. You can still run the game. They are somewhere. Out there. I don't fear Barbara, she can defend herself and send me information whenever she can. But if only I knew what Aster is doing..."

He looked down, slowly staring on his arms. From elbow and down. His appearance was saying human but his arms... not. He suddenly heard a hoot. Raising head, he saw something small and dark flying towards his window. He stepped back a little and soon recognised that what was flying was an owl.

It braked, stood on the window's cill and looked up to him with it's yellow eyes, hooting quietly again. Athene noctua, also known as Athena's owl, or Minerva's owl. He saw a letter in roll form tied around the bird's leg. He approached slowly and with careful moves untied the roll letter.

The owl didn't react, whoever sended the bird to him had probably commanded it to stay calm and hand the letter to him. But from who was this letter? He thought as he opened it. Looking again at the owl as if it would tell him what to expect, he started reading.

But from the beginning, a calm sweet smile appeared on his face. Why was he pleased? He read for about 2 minutes silent. When he finished reading, he looked again at the owl still smiling. He folded the letter and hid it inside his pocket. Then he took from the cill where he had left them his long gloves and wore them to cover his arms slowly.

It wasn't because he was ashamed of his arms. Something else was the thing he was hiding.


He flinched a little but recognising the voice he smiled wider. Turning to look behind him he saw the figure of a small child. It was standing at the door's opening, staring with it's big bright eyes, the only thing that could break the shadows that were covering it, at the man's peaceful brown eyes.

"What is it sweety?" He asked tenderly, honey was dripping from his words as he was closing the windows. The owl had leave quietly once the child's voice was heard. The child didn't reply immediately itteleported in front of him and raised hands meaning it wanted the man to pick him up, which happened.

"I saw him again… The man that claims to be my grandpa."

"Did he scare you?"

"No, not him. He… he just told me the same things he tells me almost everynight. That I'm his grandson, that he misses my mom and uncle Pyro and that… he… he's in contract with… a cursed ship. And I woke up when I saw… I- I don't know what woke me up? White shadows? Ghosts?"

"Oh sweety. Do not be afraid. You already trust me a lot to tell me all these, about your dreams. Do you want me tuck you back to bed?" He asked. The child nodded. "Rest your head on my shoulder. I am not going anywhere. I will be there until you fall asleep." The man started walking around the room slowly and rubbing small circles on the child's back. 3 minutes passed like that. And when he thought the child had fallen asleep he suddenly heard it murmuring.

"When is mom coming back home?" He looked down at the child and smiled gently.

"You do know your mother is busy. But she is strong and can take care of herself. She will be back in less than a month. But even if I am not as strong as her, you know that I will let nothing happen to you."

"Why is she sad? She's very quiet and thoughtful many times dad."

"She has her own things to deal with, her own troubles. But it is nothing to worry much about son."

"Do you love mom?" That question kind of caught off guard the man and almost stopped walking. But humming quietly he answered.

"Your mother is an amazing woman that deserves all respect and appreciation. She has mine. Have I not prove it? Not only to her but also to you. Do not be afraid, that I might have not any love for you 2 at all." It was his answer. No one spoke for 5 more minutes. Until the man suddenly stopped walking.

He heard carefully. He heard the child's quiet breathing, how relaxed it was. Asleep. Very gently he approached near his bed and let the child lay down. After staying motionless for some seconds to make sure it didn't wake up, he turned his back and suddenly teleported.

He popped in his office. With quiet quick moves he lightened up the candles in the room, until the light made the shadows shrink in the corners. He sat on his office and read again the letter he was given carefully. He smiled again, maybe happier than the first time he read it. Then he took paper and a pen.

He started writting, sometimes stopping to organise his thoughts. After 20 minutes he finished. Satisfied he folded the letter and put it in an old looking file. He looked at the filed letter with the same smile he had when he was reading the letter from the owl.

Then, with a fast wave of his hand, the candles in the room stopped lighting and the office drifted quickly into the darkness. He teleported again in his bedroom. He looked at the child and after making sure it was still sleeping he tucked it with the blanket of the bed gently.

"Thank God this child falls asleep fast. Sweet dreams. You can have my bed for tonight." He thought and approached the door. Opened. He hummed quietly and cheerfully. "Clever boy. And quiet like a shadow. I did not even hear him opening the door and my hearing is still great. Luckily he did not see the letter on my hand... Of course and I will help you friend. But first, I have to wake up Tefra's advisor. He is such a good young man, I do not think he will mind if I ask for his help send the letter I wrote."

With these last thoughts the man walked out of the room quietly.

Geno's POV:

"Are you sure you can handle my gift little one?"

I suddenly hear her. Mother. The environment is different though than the last time with Echo. She's near some small houses. For what felt like 10 minutes she's talking with someone I can't see. She's kneeled and to whoever she's talking to, they're hiding behind the house mom is nearer. I try to walk ahead. But I can't.

"You're so small and young still."

"Yesyour majesty. I want… I accept be part of yours and your sons' fate." Whoever she's talking to they sound tired and maybe in pain.

"The symbol will let you live once you have it but only that time. Then you'll be carrying a big responsibility. Are you sure you do not ask have the siren symbol only because you want to save your life now?"

"I… I would lie to you if I said I don't wish to keep living and your gift can give me that chance. ButI'm ready. When the time comesI'll fight!" The person mom was talking to answered determined.

Suddenly mom dissappears behind the corner. I try move again but I fail. I hear her singing. For some minutes I hear her. When the song is finished silence prevails for some seconds.

"Such honesty. Interesting. Such a small creature and yet you have a great will to fight and live. Big potential. Behold! I gift you conquer your biggest fear, have it under your commands! The pride and power, home for all marine life. May the waves of the powerful sea be by your side instead of scaring you." At exactly that moment I feel the ground shaking. Uh oh.

"But do not let the jealousy take the best of you. Not only whoever you're close with might drown, you'll drown deeper than them." The environment shatters and I see the sky coming towards me fast.

"Ah sh*t."

"Yes your majesty!" The new siren blessed guardian says.


I wake up surprised and look around me. I immediately see Red and Edge's faces staring at me intensively. Wait, where's Alter?

"Edge, son, you scared him. Don't wake him up like that." I hear his calm voice somewhere above me. I slowly get up and only then I realise I had fallen asleep with my head on his lap.

"Hellooo? Earth calls Geno?" Red asks and snaps his fingers in front of me.

"I'm awake I'm awake!" I stop him and rub my eyesocket. Doomfanger suddenly sits on my lap, stands on his back feet and helicks my cheek! "Ha ha ha, stop, it tickles!" I try to stop him.

"AaaAAAWWW-!" Edge does all of a sudden happy and excited. But he shakes his head left and right and tries to stay serious with his face all like a cherry. Red fights to stop laughing. "I- I MEAN! EXCELLENT YOU'RE AWAKE! BECAUSE WE'RE ALMOST THERE!" He shouts and points somewhere far away.

We all follow where he's pointing at. I see far awaywalls. But above them I can see big houses and buildings. I hear Red to my left snarling lightly with hatred. Alter to my righthe's very silent and seems thoughtful. His dark green irises are smaller. I look again ahead a little worried.

No one's POV:

The boat drove for 20 more minutes. However at some point Edge commanded the dolphins change direction a little to the right, away from the walls and where it seemed there was port.

"Huh? Where are you driving the boat now?" Geno asked confused.

"To sneak in, we need to change direction a little so we can find the secret passage. We have allies outside the walls to help with that." Red told him quickly. Geno sat back down and looked at the water. It was foaming from the speed the boat was moving. He stretched his arm and dived his hand in. After some seconds he took it out.

Light red membranes were between his fingers now. He clenched his fist, sat normally and looked down. Thousands of thoughts passed through his mind. He had started worrying again. He couldn't help it, except feel something would go terribly wrong.

Even if Alter would be with him and he was supposed to feel certain and safe with his appearance. Finally the dolphins braked and stopped near a beach as much close as possible. Edge jumped and managed to land on the sand without the water touching him.

"Why aren't you teleporting?" Geno asked and together with Red teleported far away enough from the water.

"DOOMFANGER GETS DIZZY IF WE TELEPORT TOGETHER!" Edge replied. Indeed Doomfanger was standing on his shoulder. When did he prevent! Edge then turned to look at Alter. "COME ON ALTER!" He called. Alter looked down for a moment, then ahead and jumped, also successfully without touching the water.

"Now why he didn't teleport?" Geno thought. Red approached Alter and pat his back.

"Not bad for someone who can't teleport."

He can't...

"What?" Geno thought surprised looking at Alter. "No wonder I've always seen him walking or running when he has to do a task in the ship. Buthow? I thought all skeletons could."

"NO MORE TIME TO WASTE! COME ON, MOVE YOUR LAZY BONE BUTTS!" Edge said impatiently. Then turning to the dolphins and commanding them to wait until they return he started walking ahead with Red behind him, Geno behind Red and Alter the last one. The 4 walked for about 5 minutes in silence.

Geno had started getting again worried. Was Edge leading the right way? Again wondering how they would enter Capital. But suddenly he bumped on Red, who had stop walking. Alter prevented to stop on time to not bump onto Geno.

"Do you see this?!" Edge spoke calmly pointing somewhere ahead. Geno saw just a little monastery 10 steps away from them. The entrance was open, but someone was standing there. It was another skeleton maybe as tall as Alter. They were wearing a long black cassock and a hood was covering their head. But Geno could see their face.

Irises pale almost grey, flickering like crazy inside their eyesockets and they didn't seem to look at a specific direction. They seemed cross-eyed. His forehead was scarred. Geno had started hesitating again.

"Lil bro, don't worry about that guy. He might look crazy and unstable- welp he is a little, but he will help you and Al. Me and Edge know him."

"Who is he?"

"Ya haven't met him. Your late old man hasn't told you about having a younger by 2 years adopted brother or ya don't remember in any way. This is from your father's side your uncle, Asy. From his narrations and your dad's, from when he was infant, he ended up on the doorstep of your dad's house. Despite they weren't blood related, Asy and your old man had created a big brother bond, they loved each other. Even when problems started appearing on Asy. He had to be taken away from your dad when he was 12 and Stephan 14, barely teenager because of mental issues. Diagnosed to have hallucinations and suicidal tendencies. And they took him here, to Lisbon, to 'heal' his craziness. Buuut, they never made it, in fact they probably traumatised him more and made him aggressive. Asy managed to escape the place they had him in and by big luck even get out of the town. Outside the walls, the only safe place he found after running for long was this monastery. I don't usually believe in miracles, but the ascetic life and the monks actually healed him better and faster than with medicines the 'professionals' had."


"Yeah. But he never managed come in contact with his bro ever again. He stayed in the monastery. He's somewhere 40 years in here!" Red completed. Geno looked at Asy still hesitant but less.

"*sigh* We don't have the soul tell him that uncle Stephan is gone. We've only told him about you. Even if he have never ever met ya, he got very happy when he heard he has a nephew. That his brother had kid. Imagine how thrilled he'll be to see you from closer. Talk to him calmly and everything will be ok." Red advised him more. Edge walked ahead and approached the monk, who raised his head to look at him due to being shorter.

Still his irises didn't seem to focus on him. They talked for about a minute. Asy's head turned slowly to look at Geno smiling widely but he seemed even more crazy. He suddenly teleported and the very next moment he was in front of Geno who stumbled and almost fell. But Asy was fast.

He held him from his wrist and helped him keep his balance. Though he didn't let him immediately. He kneeled and looked with interest at his bandaged wrist. Geno had started feeling scared. But he tried having patience and let him stare at his wrist as if it was the most interesting thing on earth.

Asy finally raised his head and let go of Geno's hand. And for the first time from the moment Geno met him, he saw his irises actually concentrating and staying motionless as he was staring at him. He opened his mouth, he wanted to say something. But for some seconds he didn't actually say anything. But then he did.

"I feel it! I feel-! I feel the familiar and tender magic of Stephan's soul in your soul! I still remember it! Are you really my nephew? I… I feel it! The bond! Are you truly… Stephan's? My big brother…" He said slowly and he seemed ready to cry.

"Y-Yes, I'm… Stephan's eldest son…" Geno said waveringly and nodded. "… And you're my… uncle. G-Greetings." Immediately Asy's irises dilated.

"P-Please, can you say again my brother's name? A-And call me u-uncle?" He asked excited.

"Stephan… and you're my uncle." Geno said a little bit less scared. Immediately Asy started making excited noises and clapped his hands like a little kid.

"OoOh Lord! Who could have guessed I would finally meet my nephew! Can… can I give you a hug?!" He asked excited. Geno who wasn't yet sure about Asy but at the same time finding it difficult say no to his enthusiasm nodded again very waveringly. But Asy seemed to understand.

"I might look crazy and I might still be in a few things. But I would never ever harm family. Not you little Geno. It's ok if you're afraid of me, we just met. But I'm very happy to finally meet my nephew." He said. Geno felt regrets for being scared of him. And more because Asy had understood his thoughts.

When Asy closed the gap and gave a big warm hug to him, Geno managed to relax. He felt like he was hugging his parents. He could feel a familiar aura surrounding him. He hugged back and after some seconds they broke free. Asy looked at him some more.

"Oh you're such a handsome young man. But you're so… pale! And small, like a little ball!" He said. Red fought to stop laughing. Asy suddenly turned his head sharply and looked at Red with the look of the crazy murderer. Red immediately stopped and looked away even more pale.

"I would have sworn, but it's a sin, I heard someone laughing at my nephew." Asy said calmly and turned again to look at Geno smiling as if nothing happened. "Well. I heard you're in a mission as Edge said shortly. But to not waste more time you'll explain on the way, alright? Follow me now with your tall green-irised guy! And please tell me how's Stephan!!!" He continued excited.

Asy walked in the monastery and signed Geno to follow. The small skeleton looked at Alter hesitant. But with the priest nodding they finally walked ahead and entered. The inside was nice. There were many icons of saints on the walls. A few human and monster monks were walking around and giving only quick looks at Geno and Alter.

"Should we worry about human monks?" Geno asked quietly. Asy chuckled.

"Nnnot at all little white pumpkin. Every brother here is kind hearted. After all…" He said and suddenly teleported next to a human with a long black and grey beard. He hugged him tightly and the other laughed. "… brother Abraham is the one who helped me mostly with my mental issues!"

"Hello little Asy." Abraham said cheerfully. Asy let go of him.

"We have my nephew Geno here with a friend of his. As my other nephews said, Geno needs help sneak in the Capital for a very important mission. Do you think we can help?" He asked. Abraham stared at Geno first for some seconds, then at Alter, he seemed to keep his stare at him for longer.

"But of course. Just go…" There he started whispering in Asy's ear hole instructions. After a minute Asy thanked him and returned to Geno and Alter. This time he was holding keys on his hands.

"Follow. Edge, Red come in too!" He called thrilled. The 2 mermaid brothers entered with sour expressions and looking around suspicious. The monks didn't seem very happy to see them but just ignored. "I lead the way!" Asy said and started walking, with the 4 other skeletons following him.

Asy entered a door that was saying cellar. On the way for it he had grab a candle because the cellar was dark. He looked around fast and let the candle on a near table. The other 4 just stared at him waiting. Asy approached a wall andknocked. Nothing happened.

"Ugh Jesus! Wrong brick again!" He complained and knocked the brick next to the one he knocked first. In front of Geno's shocked eyesocket he saw the wall going up, revealing a dark passage. Asy grabbed the candle and walked in. There were a few stairs that were leading in an empty as it seemed room.

"How many more mysteries am I gonna witness!" Geno thought. Asy walked near a wall again and he seemed to pull something like a pipe that wasn't noticeable in the shadows. He brought it close to his mouth.

"Brother Jooohb." He said in a supposedly creepy voice. For some seconds nothing happened.

"Brother Asy stop pretending to be a ghost and get to the point!" A voice replied. Asy chuckled and turned again to the pipe.

"There are friends we need to help sneak in the Capital. Please open us that magic little shortcut."

"For what reason?"

"Ah yeah!" Asy said turning to look at the 4 skeletons. "… What's your mission again?"

"We need to interact with the Amber-eyed witch's daughter, Echo." Alter said. Asy gave through the pipe the answer. No response came for a while from the other side.

"I want to hear one of these friends of yours." Brother Johb finally said. Edge and Red looked at the same time at Alter. They nodded at him. Geno looked at the priest confused as he walked towards Asy and held the pipe close to his mouth.

"Excuse me for the sudden appearance. Do I need to give the secret slogan?" He only said. Silence fell for 5 seconds or so before another wall suddenly started opening and revealing another corridor. Geno's eyesocket widened up again.

"Thanks." Alter said calmly through the pipe and looked at Geno smiling gently. Then he looked at Asy. "You know the way brother Asy."

The corridor was long and dark. Only Asy's candle was breaking the shadows. As long as they were walking he had insisted having Geno on his shoulders. He said he would get tired, it was a long way.

"Won't you get tired if you're carrying me?" Geno had ask him.

"I've carried way heavier things through that corridor, from the monastery to the Capital. And back. I might be only bones but not even chains can hold me. Come here my little nephew!" He said cheerful and let Geno climb on his shoulders. "I want you to tell me everything! If of course is not difficult! I want to hear news from my nephew. We have time."

Geno narrated everything from when he could remember himself until now. His life with parents and brothers, the separation. Even with difficulty, he managed talk about Stephan. Someone had to tell Asy eventually. Then he talked about how he stayed alone with his brothers and how he lost them too.

And about the pirates and the adventure he was in. About the prophecy. Everything. Surprisingly Asy hadn't betray not even for a moment surprise. He was only listening while walking. Even to parts of the narration that made Red and Edge express surprise or shock, Asy had said nothing.

Especially it was surprising how he didn't express anything when he heard about Stephan. He wascalm? Only when Geno paused and silence prevailed for more than 10 seconds he talked.

"Ah. May your father and brothers' souls rest in peace." He said shaking his head left and right. "It's… sad. I haven't meet my other 2 nephews. H-Hearing my dear brother is-… And I haven't ever meet your mother. Just like you, I know her only from Red and Edge. And you, you've been through a lot. But I'm glad you've bare with it. You're still alive. For someone small and still so young like you, you're much stronger than what you look to fight against the world."

"I don't know if I can keep baring u-uncle. Especially in the mess I'm in."

"Keep your faith high Geno. I'll pray for you to succeed, survive Capital and success to your whole purpose and… keep living. Your father and brothers aren't next to you anymore. But time heals the pain. Wouldn't they want for you to keep living? Be happy? Your mother cares and worries for you. I share the same feelings, even more that I heard from you all your experiences. We count on you pumpkin. If what ya have to do is important, I wish ya all luck and Lord to protect you."

"Thank you u-uncle Asy." Geno was still hesitant about calling Asy uncle. Somehow though the more he was calling him that, the more he liked it.

"Ya welcome bucko. And I thank more God for making our paths cross. Ya should be more grateful for crossing paths with your step brothers. And for crossing paths with a friend like Alter even if you found him in the strangest time and place…" Asy said looking for a moment behind him smiling wide. "We're almost there!"

The corridor had at the end a few stairs. Asy stopped walking and put Geno down. He kneeled and placed his hands on his shoulders.

"Climb with your friend these stairs. They're the end of the secret passage from the monastery outside the walls, inside Capital. They will take you up to a church. It's in the humans' side of town, but worry not. The head of the church is with our side and will keep his mouth closed. Gather information about where the witch might be. Good luck Geno." Asy said smiling wider.

"Alright. Thanks for the help uncle Asy." Geno said and nodded. He then turned to look at Red and Edge. "Thanks for your help too."

"No problem lil white plankton." Red said.

"WE'LL RETURN TO OUR WORK! BUT I'LL BE SENDING A FEW HAWKS TO INFORM US IF YOU'RE FINE!" Edge said. He turned at Alter and they shake hands. Then with Red. Edge approached Geno and leaned.


"Mmmrew! Good luck Geno." Doomfanger wished too. Geno chuckled. After some seconds he finally turned his back and approached the stairs. Alter was already waiting. He stretched his arm.

"Well? Shall we?" He asked. Geno grabbed his hand and looked for one last time at Red, Edge, Doomfanger and Uncle Asy. Then he finally looked up and started walking up the stairs with Alter.

2 hours later

Asy returned to the monastery with Red and Edge. He let them return to the boat and after they walked away enough he turned his back. His steps lead him to his cell. He closed the door behind him, walked some steps forward and pressed his back against a near wall.

He slowly fell down and sat hugging his knees. He stayed motionless like that for some seconds before revealing from underneath his cassock 2 little necklaces. The one was a little cross. The other was

"I can't follow where you're going my little brother. But I want you to have courage and stay strong. And I hope that no matter the distance, this little gift makes you feel I'm close to you."

The day of the separation Stephan had given him a little goodbye gift. It was a little silver star he had found in the sea once. He had never appreciated gift as much as this one from Stephan and it was the only one he could ever keep from him. Anything else he had was left home. But there was no more home. And Stephan wasgone.

Bitter tears escaped Asy's eyesockets and hid his head between his knees, shaking and sobbing quietly. All years in the monastery had taught him controlling his emotions and hide his sadness in front of others. But the news he heard, how his brother's life evolved and how it endedthat one he couldn't take it.

However he slowly smiled. The sobs turned to small chuckles. He clenched the star gently and held his fist close to his chest. He leaned back and pressed the back of his head against the wall. When he calmed down a little he sniffed one last time and wiped his tears.

"My brother… You had a beautiful life. You fell in love, you made family you created bonds… Even if it ended fast for you, your love won everything…" He shook his head left and right. "… You have an incredible son Stephan. It's sad your other 2 aren't here, you're not here… But if you could see Geno… Oh you would be so proud Stephan… he's sad too but strong. Too bad dead monsters can't see the present and future. But I know you would be proud. I'm already proud for him."

"Brother Asy? Is everything alright?" He heard a voice outside his cell. Asy hurried to get up and wipe the last tears he had.

"Everything alright brother Mathew!" He replied managing to keep his voice stable that was still a little soar from crying. He crossed himself, inhaled and exhaled quietly and calmed down completely.

"Good luck white pumpkin. The Capital is tough. I know I shouldn't even think this, but kick their ass for me if they dare harm you. And Alter" Asy kept thinking and his expression suddenly got more serious.

"… I know it was never meant to your plans, intensions and goals, but you seem willing take care of Geno. You genuinely care. Please protect him at any costWe're all really glad to see you again safe and sound. Take care too" He completed his thoughts as he was stepping out of his cell.

this suddenly takes a much more mysterious turn. and darker. what do you think is going on? how things will turn with geno and alter? the answers are waiting,

but i won't update chapters if more people doesn't comment names for the parents. 6 that commented i thank 'em, but if i don't see at least 10 pairs of names in the comment section i won't keep going.

ya haven't heard a thing from me for so long. welp ya see, it's my first week in university. it's great but also already a little tiring and tough (i miss my babies, tomorrow i can return to see them😢:)

i won't have much free time always to write. 5460 words. see ya another time, stay determined, take care *pat pat pat pat pat*.

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