Here we go for real

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Where except from soon finding in the skeletons' mission what they're looking for, answers about what is going on and what exactly happened years ago in Lisbon also await for Geno to hear and learn.

Geno's POV:

"I apologise for yesterday."

I look up to Alter surprised. For about 5 minutes we were walking in monster town, he hadn't say a single word. I believed he was thinking about yesterday and guess I was right, from what he just said.

"..." However I don't know what to tell him at the moment. Soon he kept talking calmly.

"I got momentarily more angry for you found the jewels in my bag. Which was foolish and extremely greedy from my side to threaten I'll cut your arms. I am sorry for scaring you." I look down progressing his words. A glimpse of his expression yesterday as he was staring at me angrily comes randomly and I shiver. But I manage to push it away and look again up to him.

"I won't comment anything about you keeping in your stuff these jewels. Despite stereotypically it seems absurd someone like you to have them. But I didn't search yesterday with intentions to steal something that belongs to you, no." Alter looks at me with a plain unreadable expression. I continue, squinting my eyesocket. "Tell me the truth Al. Where is my necklace? Do you have it somewhere in your bag where I can't see it?" I ask. He looks ahead silent for a few seconds.

"And what makes you think I'm keeping it?"

I s h e t e s t i n g m e?

I stop walking and he almost falls backwards as I hold his wrist tightly. He stares at me surprised.

"T h e t r u t h A l." I say with clenched teeth, my patience running thin. "I keep hearing it calling me to take it and it's always near your stuff. Do you have it?" But before I can finish well enough that last sentence, he suddenly twists his wrist and frees himself from my grasp. I look at him surprised. How?! I was holding him tight!

"The more strength you use to hold my wrist, the easier to free myself." Alter says fixing his sleeve. I exhale.

"Answer me honestly. Please..." I say trying to stay calm. He stares at me again silent for a few seconds.

"... I am just following commands." He only says.

"So you admit it!"

"Since you say you hear it and you insist, well... I can lie and hide no more about this. If it was up to me son, I would have given it to you. Really. I trust that you know better yourself what would you do having it back in your hands. But Captain doesn't. And he strictly forbade me from giving it to ya."

"Again him! ¡Claro que!" I say raising hands in the air.

"I hope it is all more clear. And I apologise again, for hiding this from you." Alter says chilly. I sigh.

"... It's... fine I guess." I say slowly. Soon we keep walking in silence.

"... May I ask, I had it as question from yesterday, who really taught you dancing?" Alter suddenly asks after about a minute. He looks down at me smiling. "I've meet in my life only a very few people dancing like you, having passion as big as yours in movement. Who was your teacher? I don't respond immediately and look down.

"... I recalled memories of my dad dancing... he would sing a melody and vibe to the rhythm. Sometimes he would dance even while he was playing on his guitar, heh... He was impressive. Many times he would drag mom too to dance. Me and Error would try to mimic him and get completely puzzled when he was doing fast figures we couldn't follow at all." Alter chuckles.

"Daaaw. Only from him though?"

"No. After I lost memory of him and everything I knew in the first years of my life... there was nothing I could remember about dancing... No wait, in fact in that village I lived with my brothers alone, I could still remember a few moves, I just couldn't connect them with my dad. But it wasn't enough. And for quite a while I wasn't that interested to learn more. Until Error's enthusiasm won me and excited me. He's the real teacher."

"Your brother?" Al asks raising bonebrows.

"Mhm. Among us 3, turns out he was the real dancer. One day I had caught him practicing dancing moves while murmuring melodies, vibing to the rhythm. Heh, like dad once. He was amazing! At first he was trying to deny he was even dancing or doing anything secretly once he saw me watching him. But I was so surprised and impressed seeing him enjoying something so much as dancing, I encouraged him to keep doing what he loves. And I genuinely wanted to learn from him. Eventually he showed me."

"Impressive. The eldest learns from the younger brother. But how did he learn so well to teach you? He must have certainly learn from someone else himself to be better. Didja find out?"

"About who taught and improved him dancing, he was denying to say. Back to that village we were, almost everyday he would dissapear, saying he would search for food. And indeed he was coming back with food. But he was gone for many hours. I had tried to understand where was he going with such eagerness, but no matter how many times I tried to follow him, I would always loose him."


"Another day I was sitting with Fresh and just waiting for Error to return. I was 11, Error 9 and Fresh barely 8. He was staring somewhere with a lost expression, something I was used to. But suddenly I see him turning his head slowly to look at me and then as if nothing was going on, he opens his mouth and says, He just passed from the blacksmith. He'll be back in 10 minutes. Though he confused me at first, I decided not to pay much attention. But 9 minutes later he speaks again and says, 3 apples, cheese, a loaf of black bread. Again I didn't pay much attention. Then, a minute later, Error finally came out of nowhere holding a bag and he seemed really happy. After I welcomed him back and asked what did he manage to find, he puts the bag down and opens it. And there, I freaked out."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because in the bag was exactly what Fresh said Error would bring!"

"Oh my!"

"There was no way Error would say what he would bring, besides, it wasn't always sure what any of us would find to eat! But I hid my thoughts and shock and we all just enjoyed the food, saving some for tomorrow. The next time though Error said would go find food and left, I immediately turn to Fresh and curious as I was, I wanted to see if his strange 'predicting powers' would work again the way they did last time except from predicting food. And so, I started talking calmly, cajoling him and asked where Error was right now. At first he stayed silent and looked around as if he was trying to locate something. Eventually he suddenly flinches and says slowly, He passed the bakery. I immediately pick him up and say excited, be my map baby brother!" Alter laughs again and I hear him saying 'daw'. I look down pouting. "A-Anyways. I'm out of point all the time, I'm saying everything except from how Error learned dancing better himself! I talk too much."

"I don't mind whatever you're saying and for how long you speak. Your happy and excited expression fills me with joy and interest to keep listening. Keep going." Alter encourages me. I look up trying to find where I stopped my narration.

"... Well. While holding Fresh I was asking him every few seconds what other places Error passed by. He would respond to me where to go. And 5 minutes later, 'the hunt' guided us to the most distant part of the village, where there wasn't port but sand and palm trees. Not only, but I could also hear a guitar playing! Me and Fresh managed to approach close enough and hide behind one of the trees to see better. And there, I see Error and a human dancing in sync while a 2nd one was playing guitar. I stared surprised. Error and that other human were dancing in an amazing fast sync! And they joy was clear on their faces. With the life we had, without anyone close to us, Error didn't seem happy often. But the day I started seeing him more thrilled and happy, it must have been when he started learning how to dance. When he had found these humans. I couldn't stay hidden. Once the guitarist stopped playing I reveal myself behind the palm tree and approach. Error! I call. When he sees me and Fresh, immediately he looks away and pretends we're not there from embarrassment. However the 2 humans asked us if we were Error's brothers, the ones he was talking about. And friendly as they were, introduced themselves. Then they told me they had caught Error watching them dancing, even try copy their moves. Eventually they came up to him and asked him if he likes dancing. Error didn't like socialising much, but with these humans he managed to break the ice and asked if he could learn with them. I asked Error next time to tell me where was he going, for I was getting worried easily. And then, me and him would enjoy learning dancing, befriending also the humans, who were absolutely nothing like the mess I see in this place. The days were becoming a little happier through dancing, we had something interesting to do and learn. In these days, there was no better dancer than Error, even these humans were saying that to him. But they wouldn't last for long, as 3 years later, well... pirates." Alter doesn't say anything but he's very serious as he looks ahead. I sigh. "... After the pirates were gone and I couldn't find Error and Fresh, upon searching I found at least these 2 human friends. Well, their corpses..."

"... Oh..."

"It became really miserable being all alone without my brothers or any short of friend. The only thing that kept me from loosing my mind was all the fond memories I could keep of them. And despite my loneliness, I could still find some joy when dancing and practicing everything I learned, to be as good as possible. I felt I wanted to carry Error's title that way..." I exhale. "... Or, in another form of having fun but a bad one, keep stealing food mostly to see the others' faces when I was getting away with it..." I look down. Man, this took a different turn than expected. But I sigh and smile again as if nothing happened. "Well! Upon getting sick and tired with the life I had, you all pirates -I whispered that- busted in and got me in an adventure, making also a new friend!" I say looking up to Alter.

"You mean me? Well, I'm glad I met you too." He says chuckling gracefully. But then he raises bonebrow. "But what about Adrian and Yalin? I've seen how you get along with these 2 quite fine."

Here we go again.

"I don't trust them enough..." I mutter looking away.

"Ah but you shouldn't feel suspicious. They really like you."

"Do they?" I ask both confused and ironically.

"Of course! Otherwise why wouldn't Adrian always defend you from Dave and anyone else who causes you trouble, or Yalin make such pretty clothes for ya? He has only ever fixed clothes but never make new ones for anyone except you!"

"For real?!" I ask, mechanically staring at the clothes I was wearing before I exit the ship. But then I shake head left and right. "Nah, that can't be. They can't be so eager and nice to me just like that. Most likely your Captain commanded them to act as my friends."

"I think anyone would have seen it if they were just pretending. No. They genuinely want to befriend ya."

"... Good luck with that then..." I mutter rolling my eyesocket as I keep walking with Alter. Honestly, I dunno what to say anymore. Alter didn't seem to lie. Am I just too stubborn to see it, or way too superstitious-?

"I had a thought." Alter suddenly interrupts mine. I look at him.


"Since you say you like dancing and you've showed it, I can kinda picture that you would make an amazing duet with someone."

"With who?"

"With Sir Reaper."

I start fake spitting around to exorcise the evil.

"The only thing that makes a beautiful duet and bless for the eyes is a sword nailed at his chest!" I say laughing.

"Nuh-uh! Don't laugh. Tibia honest, seeing you dancing made me think also of Sir. He's a great dancer too, with strong spirit and passion." I keep laughing hearing Alter.

"Hah! Better than me?"

"I rather think equally." He says.

"I'd like to see that!"

"So you'd wanna dance with him?" I stop abruptly laughing. F*ck, not again!

"I didn't-!"

"But you said you'd wanna see if he's as good as you, so you'd dance with him, wouldn't ya?" Alter keeps going 'innocently'. With every second I feel my skull closer to explode.

"But-! I-I-It's not like I WOULD WANNA! I-I-I would just show to his arrogant ass who's the boss at dancing! Yes!"

"Remember son, the mind denies but the soul doesn't li-!" I yank Alter from the collar of his shirt and with my other hand close his mouth.

"Stop it, will ya?!" I shout-whisper even more annoyed and embarrassed. He shrugs his shoulders while looking away as his eyesockets still betray cheerfulness from his tease. I let go of him and turn my head to the other direction, crossing my arms and pouting while we keep walking. Sorry, but, WHAT THE F*CK IS HE SAYING?!

"Alright. I stop." He eventually says but I still don't turn to look at him. We keep silence for a little while. Eventually I hear him sighing. "Should I anticipate you're way too mad, for me to ask if ya could teach one or two moves to big ol' me, perhaps when we're done with the mission?" He says then and there, he catches me off guard. I finally turn at him surprised.

"You wanna learn!"

"Welp, it awakened my interest seeing you dancing yesterday." He says smiling wider. I sigh and roll my eyesocket, finally calmer again.

"There you taught me dancing yesterday with a partner. Guess I can show you a few moves and we'll see what can you pick." I say. Alter chuckles and pats my skull.

"Thanks son." He says as he looks ahead. But suddenly he stops and turns serious. I look ahead too. It's that ruined church. We're here. The loneliness and silence that suddenly fills the air makes me shiver. I look around but then suddenly the doors of the church open -or well, are pushed aside- and another monster appears.

I recognise he's the 1 with scars on his face, but by the ragged clothes he wears. I get stuck closer to Alter. The monster approaches and finally raises head to look up. To my surprise instead of seeing a badly scarred face, I see a clear face of a wild boar. His eyes ain't even white and plain anymore but dark brown and expressing.

Without saying anything Alter dives his hand in the collar of his shirt and pulls out- that golden winged necklace I saw yesterday(!). He shows it to the boar monster, who a few seconds later looks up to Alter smiling wider and nods. Then he suddenly bows down.

"Welcome. The witch's friends and allies are ours too." He says quietly and turns his back to us. Huh. So that necklace had another use. It's something like a recognition item perhaps. Alter signs me to follow and we enter the church. The first thing I see is darkness and I hold on Alter tighter.

Irrelevant, but I remember my dad telling to me and my brothers fun facts about pirates, despite we didn't like that subject much. However he said that pirates wearing eyepatches, doesn't do it because they've lost their one eye or for aesthetic. In fact, the eyepatch could be used to prepare one eye to see in the dark.

And so, when they would go below deck they could swap it from one eye to the other and see with the eye that has already adjusted to the dark, allowing them to instantly see in it. Irrelevant, but still I recalled that.

"Where is the witch?" I ask.

"Ho ho ho. Is someone a little impatient? Don't worry young one, you'll be where she is in no time." The boar says as he holds a candle, only like that I can barely see his face. But by litting up other candles in the room he slowly gave more light. Now I am able to see more. There are frames hanging from the walls.

Most of the saints portraits I can assume they are, are ripped and destroyed. But then my eyesocket falls on the biggest frame of all, hanging from the wall opposite the door we entered. It's totally different from what it would be on a church. There are 3 figures standing close to each other.

Their faces are torned and ripped, impossible to see them. However anyone could still see their torsos and details of their clothes. In their intertwined glove wore hands, they hold one different flower each and they all wear rings. I approach closer to see the details better and start examining.

The figure in the middle is facing front completely, not even a little left, nor right and wears light blue and white clothes. I see in their hands a fresh twig of basil with small purple and silver flowers among the green leaves. On the right hand that is above the left I can see a big green round ring around the middle finger. There is something in the middle of it and soon I realise that it's a dove holding a small twig of basil too on it's beak. What a detail!

The figure to the right wears deep red, golden and white clothes. They are turned a little towards the figure in the middle. A fully bloomed rose with thin golden lines to the edges of the petals can be seen on their hands. The stalk is full of thorns. They also wear a ring on their right index finger. It's red and in the middle of it I recognise a male deer with it's antlers decorated with roses that have thorns on the stalks.

As for the 3rd figure to the left that is also turned a little towards the middle figure, they wear black, white and dark blue clothes. I can see a dark blue cape long to the ankles' height. From all 3 figures, this one has the most simple ring but I wouldn't say not impressive. It's a big white heart, I think a diamond and they wear it on their left ring finger. Whoever that dude is, they must be from the monster kind.

They hold just like the other 2 with both hands, a flower. But unlike the other 2 I don't recognise that one. It's a purple-blue flower with many petals and intensive yellow... stamen I think it's called? Anyways, it looks like a daisy, but it must not be. Daisies are mostly white and yellow. What is this flower-?


My thoughts are suddenly interrupted when the doors behind me and Alter close with a loud slam. I turn surprised and place hand on my chest. The boar had just closed them. He approaches, looks up to the 3 figures and hums as he now looks at me.

"Interesting painting, isn't it? This was one of the many to praise the 3 Aces. Back to the golden days they brought. But after their downfall, the humans tried to destroy anything related with them. Including the paintings. This one might not be in the best condition but it is still the only that didn't get burned. No one has ever think search in this ruin." He sighs and wipes a tear from his eye.

I look again up to the 3 and I don't know why, but I feel a thrill and shiver running down my spine. But then I suddenly remember my question from before and I'm about to ask the boar about the flower. But he's suddenly gone. Damn, how quietly are walking already some people I've met!

"Fresh, you light foot cat! You make no sound and I fear imma loose you from my view!"

"... But I don't fear."

"I know you don't fear anything. You haven't felt anything strong as long as I've known you little brother..." I think and sigh. I feel Alter pulling my hand gently and look up to him. He walks and we stop in front of a little frame leaning on the wall, which might be the only one not teared apart.

If I'm not wrong and recall correctly, that is a Jesus painting. Alter lowers and falls on his knees facing the frame. He signs me to do the same. Confused I kneel next to him and wait. He smiles gently.

"Close your socket and repeat after me." He says quietly. A few seconds later I decide to obey and wait to see what we're supposed to do. I hear Alter inhaling next to me and then exhaling from his nose quietly.

"... As far as I remember..." He starts.

"... As far as I remember..." I copy, still confused.

"... my brothers have been with me through all the ups and downs of life..."

"... my brothers have been with me through all the ups and downs of life..."

"... We ate and played together..."

"We ate and played together..."

"... gave advice to each other..."

"Gave advice to each other..."

"... and kept no secret from one another..."

"And kept no secret from one another..."

"... Now, seeing as they are gone..."

"... Now seeing as they are gone..." I say lowering my head but not opening my eyesocket.

"... I pray that they find everlasting life..."

"I pray that they find everlasting life..."

"... and eternal happiness in Your powerful embrace."

"And eternal happiness in Your powerful embrace."

"... I pray You watch over them..."

"I pray You watch over them..."

"... and let Your gaze shift not oh Lord..."

"... And let Your gaze shift not... oh Lord..."

"I thank You for this prayer session..."

"I thank You for this prayer session."

"... and in Jesus name, I pray."

"... And in Jesus name... I pray." Once I say that I open my eyeoscket and see Alter the moment he lowers more, presses his hands on the floor and bumps his forehead gently on it. I decide not to do that.

"Amen." He says then and crosses himself 3 times. I copy. Then he stands up and gives me his hand to stand up too, which I accept.

"Thanks son." He says. I look away and down.

"No, I should thank you for this..." I say. "Maybe we both needed it, that's why you asked me to follow." Alter says nothing, he just smiles wider and not less tenderly and turns so he faces the opening. All of a sudden I realise that the quiet and silence that was prevailing before we enter the church is replaced by... fuss outside.

I look at the opening confused and then up to Alter. His expression betrays nothing. He only gives me his hand silently. A few seconds later I accept to hold it. He guides us slowly towards the opening and... how weird. As the doors are a little opened, a strange light manages to slide in the church, not like day's light at all!

"Are you ready son?" Alter asks.

"Ready... but what's going on out there?" I ask slowly as the fuss now that we are closer to the opening makes me realise it's conversations and human or monster speech. Whatever it is, it's clear and understandable if you pay close attention. Alter finally opens the doors and we exit the church.

If for a moment I thought we were gonna exit from where we entered, oh, I was SO mistaken! What I see it's... it's...

going to be revealed in the next chapter. for a moment I was gonna reveal what geno sees but eventually i ended up with that not so intensive, yet funnily added cliffhanger.

for one more time i lied and gave ya chapter BEFORE my exams (they start on monday). it's ok. i really needed to get rid of it and update it. i think i'll need a little positive and funny feedback from ya all to feel encouraged for the exams.

votes and comments (don't hesitate expressing your thoughts, no matter how chaotic they might be, i'm chaotic myself on other people's fanfictions most of times) yeah, the more classic stuff.

and if the first week goes well, on next saturday you MIGHT have 1 new chapter since you seem to like the book so much.

4340 words. hopefully you all had a wonderful day, or will have a wonderful night in case you go to sleep. and if you're reading in the middle of the night, GO BACK TO SLEEP RIGHT THIS INSTANT ALREADY AND IN THE MORNING GO TOUCH SOME GRASS! 🔫

goodbye fasolakia, stay determined, happy, adorable and safe. 😄😄😄

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