Ready to find the witch

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Where after witnessing another guardian getting blessed, Geno is ready with Alter to go find the witch.

No one's POV:

Geno looked around him. It was night and the moon with the stars were shining on the sky. He was standing on sand. He heard along the small splash of the waves on the sandy beavh, creaks of wood and rope getting tight and relaxing. He looked behind him. The dark figure of a ship was brought to Geno's view and he stepped back surprised.

Then he looked around waiting for anything to happen. For a few seconds nothing. The moment he was ready turn his back on the ship, his eyesocket caught a shadow climbing it down. Geno squinted and tried to see more of the shadow that landed on the sand.

He didn't really got worried seeing them approaching, he knew he was in a dream. And if not counting the first dream with Echo, no one could see him. The figure approached and Geno saw more clearly that it was a human. He couldn't tell with the dark of the night if they were man or woman.

But if there was something clear as day about them, that was their long red hair, like a waterfall of fire falling on their back. (c'mooon, guys. it's easy to guess who's getting blessed). Geno fought to remember who were they. He was so caught up thinking, he almost didn't realise the human had walk past him and kept walking.

He hurried to follow them and see where they were going. For a minute the 2 walked along the coast and nothing happened. But suddenly the human stopped. Geno stopped 5 steps away from them and waited. That was weird, if it was another dream with another soon-to-be-siren-blessed guardian, his mom would be around.

But she wasn't. Where was she? The human placed hands on their hips and suddenly spoke, betraying to the small skeleton it was a woman.

"Alright. I'm here as you asked me to. Come out now." Her calm but strict voice broke the silence. Geno looked around and suddenly saw movement in the water. He focused and soon saw something with long tail crawling out of the sea. The woman stepped back and her eyes glowed cyan with yellow.

"No need to feel threatened Lady. I don't bite." Geno recognised his mother's voice, she was the one that had crawl out of the sea, not whole though. Her tail was still touching the water. The woman snorted and still didn't seem ready to let her guard down.

"And why should I trust these words?"

"And why should I do anything to you after you so mercifully spared my life and let me leave?" CQ responded.

"If it wasn't for the strange offer you wanted to give me and I wasn't curious about it, I wouldn't come. Your kind isn't so much different than the typical pirates. Frauds. Sly. Will use lies for their benefit. Their mercy is an irony. I am not trying to be like them. But I certainly have the same trust they do: not trusting even their own shadows."

"And yet you're here. Just like I asked."

"Still cautious. This better not be some prank. Make it quick siren. Or whatever you are. Why did you want to talk to me in the middle of the night?" The woman asked raising her chin. CQ seemed to find it funny and laughed quietly.

"Arrogant and full of pride, just like a lady raised in gold and velvet. You keep that attitude even after how your luck turned."

"You know nothing about me."

"I don't?" CQ asked laughing again. But she suddenly got serious. "The only daughter of the richest and most powerful human family of Portugal. You were accused as part of a rebellion in which it was clear as day you had nothing to do with it. And yet ridiculously, most humans believed that. You were going to get displaced and the only thing that could save you, was marry with someone who could 'help make everyone forget that you had any mix into that rebellion'. The King could forget you 'had turned against him'. But instead, you chose to save your pride and get displaced, than marrying a man you didn't even want so you would be saved from accusations that weren't even true, separating you also from the one you truly love. Seperating you from your friends..." She started crawling towards the woman, who started stepping back. Geno could see the shock on her face as CQ kept talking. "The ship that was going to displace you and others that were accused for nothing, got attacked by pirates. And you were all going to be sold, if you didn't know how to fight your way out of it."

"Enough!" The woman yelled and in her hands appeared 2 magic yellow guns. However they weren't just like regular guns the soul trait of justice has. They were already charged with something like little cyan harpoons.

"Yo. Interesting combination." Geno thought. But then he remembered the guns were pointed at his mom and watched worried. However CQ laughed quietly.

"Ah, that's right. There are a few stories and songs that you took out these pirates that wanted to sell you after they killed the crew of the ship that would displace you, with the power of your soul traits. All slaves and convicts were women, just like you. But they fought because most were no ordinary women. They were monsters and they weren't going down without a last fight. Together with them though, you shone in that fight. After all, luckily, your father wanted to make his only daughter strong and powerful as possible to defend herself. Eventually you won and killed all pirates. And then, all convicts, monsters and the few human women that were going to get displaced with you, when they got uncertain and desperate and didn't know what their fate would be, you took the decision for them..." With these words, slowly the woman seemed to relax a tiny bit. But she still didn't make her guns disappear. "... You spoke and said that since someone did you all wrong, since you were accused for something you didn't do, the best you could all do first was to survive. You wouldn't stay down and you would fight the government of Portugal for what they did to you. And so, you announced that you would become pirates, the only path of choice you all had at the moment. You inspired all of them so much, any fears, any worries and uncertainties they had, vanished. And they immediately announced you as their Captain. After that, it didn't take long for your crew to grow and blossom. All women you had, you put them train constantly to fight and be better, especially the ones who didn't know. You managed to become strong and won the respect and fear of other pirates. But certainly the people you freed are truly grateful to you. You do not sell slaves, you let them go to make their lifes again somewhere. Certainly, they even drink water to your name for your mercy. Any women that wanted to change their fate, they would search for you, to join your crew." CQ paused and looked down for a moment.

"And... where did you hear all these details about me? There's no way some of these things you said before, to be known to anyone." The woman asked suspicious but with a calm voice.

"A siren doesn't need to hear gossips from landlubbers. I have animals and the wind for that." CQ said. The woman suddenly facepalmed and her one weapon dissapeared.

"Oh Oceans! Of course, I forgot I'm talking with a siren." She said making both Geno and CQ laugh.

"You have quite strong powers young lady. You're confident, brave. Your arrogance might be big, but you defend the weak and know how to help them stand up with your words. Even the most convincing orators would be jealous of that fluency."

"My father, God bless his soul, taught me not to just fight, but also speak. Thanks to him I'm like this." The woman said slowly with raised chin, but she was a lot calmer and didn't sound like someone who talks towards a peasant.

"After all, you seem cut to be..." CQ said quietly but paused.

"What was that? Cut for what?" The woman asked raising eyebrow. CQ didn't speak for a while. Only when she raised head again to look at the human.

"You might be a successful, powerful pirate woman, respected and feared. However it's not your goal do that forever. There's something else you want..." CQ crawled again closer but the woman took only 1 step back. She didn't seem so worried.

"What do you know about my true desires?"

"You seek revenge against the ones who framed you and your friends and many others who did nothing wrong. You want justice to be served, the truth to shine. Something really horrible happened 2 years ago in Portugal. You know for what I'm talking about."

"Damnit. When am I gonna learn more about that incident?" Geno thought.

"Don't remind me again..." The woman snarled and looked away clenching her fists.

"I can help you with that. I can give you more power to fulfill your goals and desires. But I can't guarantee anything from what you wish will be accomplished soon." CQ said and the human seemed to look at her more surprised and interested.

"Powers? You... grant powers? What kind?" She asked. CQ looked at her all of a sudden with a sad expression.

"Before I tell you anything about that, I want you to please listen to a story of mine. I know yours but you have to know mine too, to understand later why I decide to help you. You will not get my help for free..." She said. The woman looked at the siren confused. Eventually she sighed rather annoyed and rolled her eyes.

"Narrate me only the most important parts. I don't want details, nor much drama."

"Oh. Even like that, I believe you will understand and be able relate to my story in some things human..." CQ said, causing the other to raise eyebrows. Slowly she started narrating. Who she really was, how she lived in the Siren Kingdom peacefully, what caused her to leave, how she met a mortal and fell in love with him.

How they got 3 sons, how she lost her love, how she had to leave behind her children because they wouldn't be safe with her. And later how her 2 younger were gone. Memories memories memories... Geno clenched his chest seeing his mom's pained expression. He approached and sat next to her.

Though she couldn't see him, he placed his hand above hers. Only the water splashing on the coast was heard for many seconds. Suddenly a sniff was heard. Geno turned his look at the same time with CQ. He was surprised to see that tough woman actually crying quietly.

"Are you alright dear?" CQ asked her.

"Damnit... I haven't cried since I can remember myself... I... I don't know what to say... I'm sorry..."

"It's alright."

"So... what happened to them? Your sons..." The woman asked wiping her last tears and trying to stay calm, but her eyes were still glowing.

"As far as I know, I watch only my eldest. I can't find my other 2 sons, no matter how hard I tried. But I deeply feel it, in my soul, they're not gone from this world. I keep my hope high that they're still alive out there..." Geno raised bonebrow. "And if that is indeed true, they must keep living. Because, unknown to you mortals, really big important events will happen in the next years, able to change and affect life as we know it. And only my sons are meant to prevent them from happening." CQ was staring at the human straight in the eyes serious. That didn't seem to affect the woman however, who seemed more confused than worried from what the siren said.

"And... what is my purpose here then?" She asked. CQ looked away for a moment before looking again at the other even more serious.

"... I want you to get tied to my sons' fate by becoming a guardian for them."

"Aaand here we go." Geno thought as the human looked at his mom as if she was some creature no one has ever seen.

"Me! Perdão Miss! A pirate can't be right for your sons, no. Isn't your kind hating on us and the other way around? I could never be trusted. And even if I was, even if it was possible for me to defend them, how am I supposed to find them in the first place, in all 7 Oceans?!" She said raising hands in the air. CQ laughed quietly.

"You don't even have to search for them." She said.

"Huh?!" The human did.

"These powers I can grant as a siren with royal blood, they aren't only to benefit their bearer. It's a call. A voice that calls a siren from the same blood of the one who gives the bless, to come unconsciously close to the one who can protect them. Like a magnet."

"So you're telling me that if I get the power you lend, your sons will come straight at me?" The woman asked.

"It can take even a very long time. But yes, it will eventually happen." Silence fell between the 2 females for a while. The human opened her mouth ready to say something. She closed it again and looked away. But soon she looked again at CQ.

"Will I... be the only guardian for your sons?"

"You're not the first I wanted to bless. You're the 5th one I encounter." CQ revealed.

"Wow. You're desperate for your sons to be safe and survive." The human commented placing hands on her hips.

"The chances to survive must stay high." CQ sighed.

"Tell me more about the power you give? What will I have? What are the consequences behind it?"

And there Geno heard what his mom said to Echo, about the siren-blessed guardians' legacy. The powers each bearer of the siren symbol might get and how they must be used to not get hurt by them, to be careful of the emotion they're vulnerable the most.

She revealed how once she was giving her the symbol, she would be tied with her sons' fate and follow them on their quests. The human was listening really carefully all that time, with hand on her chin.

"Is that all I have to know?" She asked when CQ paused. The siren nodded.

"Now that you know everything you needed to know, what do you say dear? Do you think you can help me that way? Do you wish to get tied to my sons' fate, in exchange of gaining more power to accomplish your goals and fulfill your desires?" She asked and her eyes went darker from seriousness. The human stared at her silent as she was thinking about the deal. Eventually she sighed.

"I have no icon of what your sons will be involved into. Or I have no idea how this whole thing with finding them and protect them will work. But..." She approached closer until she was standing in front of CQ. And then she kneeled. "... I believe your story. And I wouldn't say no to some help these days. Alright. I am ready. You can bless me. And when the time is right, I'll help your sons." She nodded. CQ seemed to relax.

"Thank you. Good luck with your goals out there. Use your power wisely. Promise?"

"Alright." The other said. But CQ got quickly serious again.

"There is one more thing to be done. You've trusted me so far, but you'll have to trust me one last time if you want to get blessed."

"And that is?"

"You have to fall asleep and let yourself free while I bless you. I promise you, I won't do anything to you." CQ said. The woman looked at her hesitant and uncertain. For many seconds she stayed motionless. Eventually she sighed both defeated and frustrated and came closer.

"Like I said, I accept your help and what I have to do in return. But the moment I understand you do something not funny to me I'll shoot you, I'm a light sleeper." She said calmly but with eyes like daggers making CQ chuckle.

"Ok ok. Now, place your head on my lap." She continued. Again the other hesitated but for less seconds than before and did as CQ asked. But she stared at her, still with dagger eyes. CQ sighed and approached her hand slowly towards the woman's hair, caressing them gently.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked raising eyebrow and crossing arms but not moving. CQ hummed.

"Your hair are same color as my father's. Not as long as yours or with such curls, but it reminded me of this." She said. The other guffawed calmly and finally closed eyes relaxing a little more.

"Was your mom having by any chance white hair and you were borned with pink?" She seemed to joke.

"That is actually it."

"Wait, I was right?!"

"Yes." CQ laughed. Silence fell between them for a few seconds before the human break the silence again.

"Say... will it hurt while you bless me?" She asked. CQ didn't speak immediately.

"... The process of blessing you won't hurt. But if you use your powers to kill, feeling like your bones are shredding to million pieces and stick together again only to shred again, is the least to describe the pain you'll feel as consequence. And like that, your bless will turn to a curse." CQ said calmly and Geno could hear the woman gulping.

Then the siren started humming a melody looking far away in the dark of the night while still caressing the woman's hair. Plus the calm waves that were splashing on the coast seemed to make the human relaxing completely and falling asleep. When CQ was done humming she looked down at her.

"... Absurd how it seems I see one more potential guardian to a pirate Captain like you. Or at least at first. Behind the tough, strict personality there is a still sensitive and eager person. You're not guided by greed, nor killing desires. You have other goals. You're an interesting case. I don't think I was mistaken when I thought you could be a great guardian. Since you chose get tied to my sons' fate, you'll be granded the incredible power of the wind. Connected much closer with the sea, may the winds guide your ship faster wherever you want and may the weather turn the way you want it for your own benefit, controlling at the same time in a way the waves..."

The dream started collapsing around Geno but he didn't get much worried. He kept listening to what his mom was saying while looking up.

"... But do not let the arrogance make you think you're above the world. Don't let it destroy you. The wind might turn against you."

"Aye, Siren Queen..." The woman murmured and Geno closed his eyesocket.

"Man, that was a long dream." He thought when he opened it again. He saw the ceiling and kept staring at it motionless for a few seconds. Then he finally stretched, letting out a quiet deep yawn. His head turned to the right and saw blurry Alter's figure at exactly the moment he was taking a shirt next to him to wear it.

His torso was exposed at that time. For a moment Geno was about to look again on the ceiling until he felt like finally waking up. But even with his blurred vision in the morning, he thought he saw-... His eyesocket widened up and sat up abruptly, rubbing his eyesocket and blinking a few times to make sure his vision didn't play tricks on him from what he thought he saw.

But when he looked again more clearly, Alter had already wore his shirt covering his back. He kept staring to his direction shocked. The taller stood up normally and turned his head to Geno's direction. He stayed motionless for a moment seeing him awake but he was smiling.

"Good morning son. Did you sleep well?" He asked. Geno didn't respond, he just stood up too and kept staring at him silent for many seconds. "What's wrong?"

"... Alter..." Geno started and paused for a few seconds before continuing. "... What happened to your back?" He saw clearly how the other got surprised there for a moment as his smile dropped and looked away.

"... Oh... Jesus. About that... I apologise if whatever you saw made you uncomfortable." He said quietly.

"What happened? Your back is all... scarred!" Geno said concerned. But Alter seemed to find his casual chill again.

"Oh. Nothing much. But in my older days in the monasteries we used to self-flagellate."

"Self-flagge- what?!" Geno had gotten the point, the word for him seemed difficult to spell at the moment.

"Ah yes. We purposely whip our backs for the mortification of our body."

"Why would you do that?!" The smaller asked horrified, feeling his nonexistent stomach spinning.

"It does sound horrifying to you and painful. But that is just one of the few things Jesus went through in his last days. He suffered, got humiliated, insulted, beaten before he got crucified. And yet the pain he felt, it was for the sake of the whole world that condemned him. He saved and allowed us to reach Heaven by paying the price for sin through his crucifixion. Us simple people and monsters can't be like The Lord or Jesus. But we can try at least• by training our virtues, burying our weaknesses that causes us to sin, by fasting and praying with many tears for our sins to get cleaned. And for the love of Jesus, we add to feel the pain he felt by self-flaggelate, for our bodies to ger humble and find forgiveness to our sins."

"Wow." Geno just did blinking surprised.

"Ah, but enough talking. It's a big day today, remember?" Alter asked. Geno looked at him serious and nodded.

About an hour later...

They took some breakfast and then gave a quick story to the Infernals about what they would do today, just see some more of the sights. They walked out in silence. Geno was following Alter as he was thinking about the meeting. Finally, they were about to do what they came for. They would meet the witch.

And Geno was finally going to learn what was coming next, what more Fate had in store for him.


4000 words. this will be the last chapter you'll have BEFORE my spring exams. after they're done you'll possibly wait for more than a month until you see the next chapter. even this one you just finished, i was down the last week and wrote slower.

from my 3 grandchildren (my cat's babies if you've seen from my announcement book) the biggest one, joker, sadly passed away last monday as my mom said. i was in university when he left this world. rip joker, you managed to leave barely more than 1 month 😿😿😿*siiigh* so.

added to the exams, i'll have to bare with the loss of my grandchild too and quietly mourn. but this means nothing to ya and it's fine. ya all live far away in other countries. i still wanted to share and inform, if you really care for the continuance of this storyline, to know what will stop me from writting for a while.

goodbye bambino beans. stay happy, determined adorable, safe.

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