The First Royal Ocean Prophecy

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And it was first the water and there was no land
everywhere the blue prevailed if you could see in the past
Then, as the earth was slowly forming and transforming
land and life rose up and it all started forming
But deep down the greatest transformation was brighter and shining
creatures more beautiful than flowers were living there and hiding
The races of sirens and mermaids lived and cooexisted
long before the time even gave to landlubbers existence
Hiding from simple eyes and from the stars and moon
great history and civilization would form and grow soon
Peace and joy and happiness was between their coexistence
until all that would dissappear from greed and from persistence
Mermaids would declare to sirens war, for themselves all things they wanted
Fortune, power, domination, at the end they would have stole it
Too quick, too reckless, the mermaids asked for bloodshed
though it all seemed at first that the victory they holded
But the war became two and these then would turn to three
underestimated were the sirens, from what the mermaids believed
They weren't ready to give up what they had try to make
they wouldn't let the traitors to win and take the reign
The noble giants of the sea went with the justice's side
in all three wars the sirens served and the mermaids left to hide
More power with each war the sirens would gain
while the mermaids were loosing more, becoming so frail
Banished by force they were sended away
no mores games, the sirens with them wouldn't play
Brothers sisters and old friends, so many the wars slaughtered
enough, the races should separate and avoid more bloodsheds
Heavy curses the mermaids spreaded for all the wars they lost
to the sirens they blamed it all, as if it was not their fault
Someday they threatened they would return for their revenge
claim what they could have together with the sirens, if they had never left
if they had not turn their backs to them
and if they had not cause so many tears to shed

Golden eras for the sirens who build their kingdom followed
power and riches all theirs, a paradise which would only grow
Loyal Sirens, the rulers, of almost all the Oceans
known, respected and feared by other far away areas
Forgiveness they did not give to their traitors
nor to mermaids nor to any of their race favors
Any who hesitated to face the mermaids and fled
considered as cowards or mermaid friends they were
Three more siren races were formed far away from the lands of Loyals
nothing was connecting them anymore with these superior Royals
The Damned who live in the deepest and darkest depths
The Bold, the wildest, almost once with the mermaids friends
The Loners, who always wander and barely in one place rest
Years decades and centuries, away they went like water
but as things were, didn't stay, for any if they wonder
Mermaids had swore as they were exiled, revenge they would be having
return victorious and as conquers or until they weren't ready
The beast they brought along with them to doom the Siren Kingdom
with dark damned spells they had control and trapped its mind and freedom
The mermaids at last victorious, conquers of the Siren Kingdom
and the last of Loyals no choice they had, surrender to what they were into
Their rulers, dead the hope got lost, it all drowned in the fear
the enemies now had got it all, their stigma very clear
New era for the once Siren Kingdom was about to begin
a tyranny so vicious the Ocean had never seen
With rulers like the mermaids, who knew what would come next
what pain and torture the last of Loyals would they have to expect
So many perished, so many died, by the giant beast's tentacles
but more than that was yet to come with signs so much more ominous

The spell the mermaids had cast to tie the giant beast's mind
terrible consequences worse than death it would bring to their kind
A curse bound in it like the abyss, so dark and terrifying
signed by the Soulless Hybrid, it would corrupt the mind
Any who cast any of its spells should know the consequences
only desperate or the fools shall be ready for such experiences
The mermaids could not have not know that, the warning was so clear
but alas the greed was much stronger than hesitation and fear
The curse now free, like a disease, in Loyal's kingdom spreaded
it all died perished rotted banished as it seemed life had shredded
It fell upon the stones and treasures, on all alive the Kingdom had
and only corruption flourished like a flower, a negative and deadly one
Mermaids and Sirens in the Kingdom, slaves became of the curse
themselves almost forgotten and who they once were
But more schemes and more evil awaited to rise
beyond the surface and not in the Ocean floor to just lie
More power day by day, year after year the mermaids gained
damned greed much more gigantic than ever, their corruption gave
For the land of the mortals above they had their eyes on
dominate and rule, become tyrants of the whole world
For a sign they asked to hear, when the time would be right
to attack the landlubbers and to claim even the day's light
And more than just a sign had come answers to give them
the Soulless Hubrid by itself came but big condemn it had hidden
Its mind was not corrupted and still so clear and truthfull
it could see further and what was coming, whether bad whether good
And it told all the mermaids, their reign could rise and grow
even out of the world could break, on a specific day though
The Purple Moon's night was the one they had to wait for
The one and only time the mermaids would be unbeatable
A ritual had to be done to that still far away day
and all the monsters from the depths could then all be awake
The mortals then would be too weak defend their homes and lands
and all the world from depths to skies would belong to mermaids at last

"But one thing there was, enough to ruin their plans. There was something they had not taken care of and should have done long ago..." Echo suddenly said and her voice, which was changed as long as she was talking, was back to normal.

Despite her eyes were still covered with the blindfold, when she raised her head Geno could feel her look penetrating his face. As long as the smaller was listening, most of the things he heard from Echo, more or less he knew them. The dreams and his mother had told him.

But now that Purple Moon ceremony, he couldn't recall ever hearing about it. From the few things he heard though, he concluded that the threat was much bigger than he thought. Monsters from the depths? Conquer of the whole world by the mermaids? He shivered thinking about these.

But he looked again at Echo. Now his curiosity was even bigger than before. He needed to know. He had to keep listening. As if Echo had read his thoughts, she clenched his hand a little tighter with her left hand, while with the right she pointed at him.

"... That is where the Soulless Hubrid predicts your coming and your family's legacy truly begins. And that is where the First Royal Ocean Prophecy is told, to answer what was meant for you and your future, continue the story of what the mermaids heard."

The princess of the Loyals, away she managed to swim
escape the mermaids and the curse, only her is free
Even if the right successor of the Kingdom left
alive she is still and for the mermaids a threat
She is not the one who will ban the threat and save this world
but who come after her will do so and two times more
A mortal and her will meet and together unite
and 3 new generations will come like the dawn's light
Safe from all the world's harm
living many peaceful days seeing the sun
But the symbol of the real successor
annoys the usurpers and gives pressure
A force stronger than their will,
will force them search to kill
With the same rage mermaids had,
desiring the sirens' reign and they got
For the siren princess they will search
everywhere, even to the world's end
But Fate awaits for the first son 7 to turn
the one that first prophecy says
From him the mermaids' reign will end
and the freedom on the seas will come again
But when the day Fate waits for,
reaches it's destiny once and for all
princess life on the land then will end
persuading then won't go only for her
but for her sons too, so you beware
and prepare to soon wander again
Your symbol the mermaids will always call
no matter where you go and stop
A choice heavy for her heart and soul
the mother has to do, tears will flow
Abandon her sons in village unknown
«Lithe», that makes the memories go,
with her hand she will give
to all her 3 sons to eat
forget the pain in their heart and soul
the pain the hurtful memories grow
forget family, generation and origins,
what they are will hide, everything
Only the brotherly bonds will stay
and inseparable they won't be afraid
The princess then away will swim
with mermaids still hunting her quick
The Bold sirens she will find
prepare slowly again for war, for fight
Together they will gather more allies
and be ready after 14 years flies
Enough for her first son to prepare,
find again the will for revenge

The firstborn illegitimate son of the seas
a white frail shadow that seem weak and diseased
But all, ideas, emotions and sensations are revealed to him
everytime he closes eyes and gets carried by Morpheus' wings
Nothing is able then to hide from him anything he hears and sees
far to the past he can see and memories not just his
Your sleep must secure and keep your mind always strong
for once he sees your dreams and memories, hidden they will stay no more
If thoughts and questions comes, when he can see nothing but shadows
in the dark the answers can come more clear than what the light shows
A Loyal's child shall never be underestimated
even with half mortal landlubbers' nature related

To the test you'll be forced to be put once again
after what Fate caused you to live, even if you forget
Separated from the last of family you had and love
7 years after your parents so unfairly were gone
A dark legend who roams the sea
brings fright to the sailors you see
So much, a song they sing hoping that devil will not eye them
when they are to the open, as a cajole they do, with fright in them
For that pirate ship that treads the seas as if they are valleys
and like no obstacles in front of her the waves seem
Any who believed this is nothing but a myth and a lie
changed their mind only after their friends die
The cursed mercy the Captain gives to only one sailor per ship
the stolen souls composing her crew and she never let them free
Terror it brings to the survivor's eyes, so much to make them insane
lost the men then sing the song, of the one who all, except one, soul takes
That demon for you will come then prince, on the land will step to raid
the Captain comes to take a soul, more special than other any
Her whom tears souls from their bodies and keeps them for her crew
she comes to tear what you have called as last of family and knew
You are not meant to die yet, that day is not for you the one
but full of loneliness life will be, by yourself this path you will run
Stigmatised on your chest, your soul and what your eyes show
no one to care for anymore, someone for long to have known

But with the hope your destiny comes, to fullfil what you are meant for
after a third circle of seven years is completed a new will open then door
What you have seen in your sleep and no meaning had then for you
it showed your time closer was coming but not much of what you will go through
The Tearful Cave, the only one above the water can be seen
the only entrance for the Kingdom the mermaids roam and live
There you must travel, closer to fulfil your destiny
but many things has to be done to proceed then only
One by one on your path the Fate will bring them to you
and it all may be a knowledge to help, for you to use

Four ancient treasures of the Siren history are the purest and most sacred
and the mermaids' curse never managed to fill them with evil and with hatred
The purest of them all, the Trident of the Ruler
which can be touched only by hands not cruel
The one who once let the Loyals' hands, blesses powerful to give
give gifts a mortal's eyes, if not lucky, could have never seen
But the mermaid leader still a hold she has on it
even if its powers cannot by her be exploited
Still a treasure so strong in its glory and pureness
can cause so much harm in hands so cursed
Only one with Loyal's blood can regain the Trident from the usurper's hands
one who has known and met the purest of feelings in their soul and heart
One who all hatred and grim has banished from inside them
and accepted all they denied to see and recognise what they felt

The Pendant of Real, a treasure of gems and pure gold
and with ages of history is what you must hold
Stolen by your mother and the Bold sirens, upon you it will be sended
must have it close to you at all costs and keep it always defended

"Wow, I had failed miserably to that part..." Geno thought with spite.

Once received, the journey for the Tearful Cave may begin
but alone to face the next obstacles you will not be
Once again the siren princess has think of the dangers and your safety
and two guardians on your path she sends, with her bless on their wrist
A quiet priest with a pure and good soul of gold
but melancholy inside and anger eruptive once it shows
Your first real company and friend, the first steps he will take on your protection
willing follower for you he will be no matter the place and situation
With him on your side your second guardian may you find next
a woman with determined soul, can see through visions what lies ahead
Your future will reveal, what has been told long ago for you
all answers necessary, alive to reach the Kingdom down below
She lives on the land of Olissipo, with a great story of the past
and an even greater mystery not so many years afar
The land titled as the centre of a vast empire, with riches and with glory
and in the shadows the monsters live who have known slavery only
But it is not written for you, not your mission, firstborn siren prince
to interfere and change things as they are, time flies and you must flee
A greater threat awaits to rise from the Oceans' mysterious depths
prepare yourself and go ahead with your two guardians and friends
Once the pendant is on your hands and the guardians by your side
more obstacles you will have to overcome, they await and ahead they lie

The mermaids desecrated and broke the Pendant of Real
right after the Kingdom they took over and you mother had fled
It is missing something and you must again complete it
for all its power to unlock and for you to see it

Echo paused and lowered her head. Her free hand pointed at the pendant on Geno's palm and the skeleton focused to look at it. Now if the reader is in position to pause from reading the continuance of the prophecy, they may be interested to read what this necklace looks like.

As we heard of it first, round and in majority golden, even the chain. The pendant had carved mosaics and smooth patterns. At points these were interrupted by small purple, white and red gems, scattered. What was catching the attention more were 2 sirens turned at each other, equally distant from the centre.

The siren on the left side of the pendant was all golden too. Her hands seemed to be in position as if she was holding something. However, whatever she was meant to hold and now Geno realised it too, there was a hole. Indeed there was something missing.

And perhaps something a little bigger than any other small gem on the pendant. As for the siren to the left, by first glance she seemed to be all golden too. However whether Geno's eyesight was playing tricks on him, whether it was the atmosphere around, she was changing colors everytime he was looking at her from different perspectives.

At times except from gold, she was turning pure white, other times grey and suddenly she could also turn black, darker that the darkest. So much that you couldn't distinguish features of her form and then, she was becoming an indescribable shadow.

"Woah. Am I seeing well, or my eyesight decided to abandon me too?" The skeleton thought.

There are many and different that represent meanings gems
but one special there is that the truth it represents
The one that misses from the pendant and it is incomplete
you'll have to find and at last, its real power you will see
The mermaids kept and stole all gems
to the Kingdom only for themselves
So there would not be any hope for the treasures they can't truly have
to shine and let their powers show ever again
One place there is left, where gems of truth you can still find
but alas prince beware, the destination is risky and more danger lies

The place where sirens and mermaids still call from the ancient times
far underneath the Pillars of Hercules what you must seek it hides
In the darkest of depths what the Loyals are calling, the Sea Demons
One of the four Siren generations, who live where many can see not
Search for them and find them, convince them you're the one
who Fate says the mermaids will fall and cease by his hand
Then you'll be granted what you need, the Pendant to restore
and a step closer you will be for your journey to be done
On that specific place, the day you arrive, a great gathering will occur
five generations will at once meet and a sixth which the skies mainly rules

The time left so little it is for you to reach your final destination
more has to be done and you'll have to bare heavy decisions
The moment you tie yourself with the Pendant's complete power
like embrace will surround you and see what eyes are blind to and can't
Vision can always fool someone not careful
and often stays only on what seems beautiful
But the outside is not what identifies someone's heart and soul
only them show the truth and are the ones to follow
Mercy you do not have to show whoever on the outside seems and just acts evil
but spare them even a glance of sympathy, pain in their life they might have meet
Wronged their whole life, suffering and following paths they didn't want
great losses they might have had to face and carry in their souls and hearts
But careful of the ones who on the outside will try kind to act
their venom is more poisonous their lies more sly, from them run
Their souls are having the greatest darkness surrounding them
which only more evil grows in there, as if in a wild animals den
The mermaids of the Kingdom of Sirens you met are like that too
banished forever all feelings they had, hatred and greed replaced them for good
To them do not bother search for any kindness if there is still left
their souls were long sold to the greed and swallowed by darkness
Suffering they have to their every day and unsatisfied needs
death only can erase it all for them and find, who knows, some peace

But for you prince to reach the Kingdom and your journey to end at last
one last obstacle is on your way on the surface to face and pass
The Tearful Cave on the way is guarded with ancient powerful spell
the more a violator stays in its field the quicker they will face death
Ιmpregnable, impossible it seems but it is not
for you there is a way the spell to overcome
A song more ancient than the depths,
filled with love to beat all threats
It can open the roads ahead for you
and together with the Pendant you will pass through
But simply sing the song young prince, it will not be enough
singing does not come from the mind but from the soul and heart
One who has known and met the purest of feelings and kept them in there
one who all hatred and grim has banished from inside them
accepted all they denied to see and recognise what they felt
only them shall never feel fear of the hatred ever again
The moment you come to face the spell to prevent you from approaching
the right song already known in your soul's paths will be there roaming
With all your might you shall sing, fear do not show in front of the spell
the storms and waves will back up if your soul and voice's pureness they felt
Once you pass the spell enter the Tearful Cave
The Pendant place on its own altar, Αλήθεια it says
The path then will open for you to dive and find the Siren Kingdom
and at last the greatest battle will begin to determine the future
The mermaid Queen at last will be looking for a battle with you
kill you by herself since you overcome all her obstacles through

Geno gulped silently.

A battle to death will follow between you and her
mercy it is not an option or you will end up faster dead
For her tricks and lies do not fall, many times she will try these
keep your soul and mind clear or closer you will come to cease
One thing there is to give hope and help you the battle to win,
weaken the usurper, victorious to become and the Kingdom to free
The Trident of the Ruler if you manage to hold on your hands
its power will overwhelm you, recognising you as one with Loyal's blood
The burden of taking the mermaid Queen's life will fall upon you
must be done or else more evil shall fall on everyone you love and know
Do not miss the chance kill her illegitimate prince of seas
or else the consequences will have a price way too big
Once it all is over, the Purple Moon's ceremony will fail to be complete
exile the mermaids and set the whole Kingdom from the curse free
With the bless of your royalty and the Trident's power on hold
may you banish forever the curse and let it be no more
The Oceans shall be free from the mermaids' domination forever then
and sirens and landlubbers will live another day to see the sun rise again

But where it all seems to have reached an end do not stay all so sure though
the sun that falls will come again like the ending of a beginning dawn

Echo paused talking and slowly lowered head as if life had drained from inside her.

*grabs small rexo_trew and yeets them back to their house* alright. account available, click on it now, find their story and read. 4100 words. see you next chapter small bambini *pat pet pot pit put*

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