What you seek and want to know...

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Where Geno and the Amber-eyed witch are ready to see and find out what else the future holds, what other dangers await the prince and answers to overcome them.

Geno's POV:

I look around and stare at all the rebels leaving and exiting the stadium. I'm about to stand up too. But I feel a hand on my shoulder holding me down. I turn, it's the guy sitting to my left. He shakes head left and right.

"Tch tch. Everybody leaves except you prince. Remember, Echo will speak to you now." I look at him offended but then stare at the witch's direction. To my surprise she waves at me and nods. I slowly nod too and just stay motionless, waiting for everyone to leave. 2 minutes later the seats are all empty except from mine and the monster's next to me.

In the stadium though there are still the instrument players standing motionless. Another minute passes and finally, the witch waves her hand to my direction, signing me to come down. Slowly I stand up and make an attempt to teleport. Well, since it is big space, I didn't really fail to land on ground. Except I stumbled a little.

*sigh* My magic is messed up ever since I stayed only with that small fragment I still call my soul. When it was whole, my magic was functioning just fine. But ever since I-... Nevermind. With just a fragment of soul, my magic attacks are whether weak, whether messed up. Like with teleporting.

Even if I focus to where I wanna end up, I always whether land on the wrong position (and many times where I wanna avoid land to!), or whether I can't stand on my feet well. Am I lucky I'm still alive or unfortunate for living like this after what happened 7 years ago?

"Follow me, young prince Genocide." Echo suddenly says turning her back. I snap out of my thoughts and finally start following her.

The monster sitting next to me the whole time the council lasted, is again near me but doesn't say anything. He just stares ahead. Smoking. But since we ain't motionless the smoke can't get to me this time I have no problem. Echo is walking towards the gate she came out from while the instrument players walk on 2 straight lines in which we are between.

"You can walk next to me prince." She says again. I almost stop walking hearing her, but the moment she slows down I start walking faster. I soon am next to her and stare up to her observing.

Her eyes are barely noticable behind the hair that covers them. I look at her wrists, trying to see her symbol. Difficult, I'm walking to her left and can't see her right arm. I look behind me. The tall monster is still smoking but his look is nailed at me. I hurry to look ahead holding back another hiss of annoyance.

"Thank you for waiting patiently with the guy I sended to be close to you." Echo says and now I turn to look again at her. "Hopefully he didn't cause you much trouble."

"Preferably send me next time someone who ain't having hostile mermaid or whatever nature and annoys me." I murmur. She laughs.

"I apologise for that." We don't talk for a few seconds. But then she starts talking again. "Your priest will be waiting outside the stadium. Once we're done with our conversation, just exit. On the way take off the cloak." She advices. I nod. We are now much closer to the gate. A thrill passes down my spine.

This is it. Wherever we go, whatever we do, I will finally hear my fate and destiny. And hopefully, the witch will answer some questions I had think from before. I take a deep breath and exhale quickly.

I feel ready now.

No one's POV:

"Obrigado filho." Bernard said tenderly as he turned and smiled at the monster.

"... No fue nada..." The other replied, turned his back and sat at a near chair of the office. He pressed his hand on his forehead, dizzy and a little pale. Bernard hurried to fill a glass with water and give it to him.

"I apologise for asking you to hold on a little longer."

"... No me importa."

"Ah, but it is obvious on you now, you are exhausted. I will let you rest as much as it needs for you to get well." Bernard said. His helper said nothing and just gulped down in one go the water he was given. "Your power is truly amazing and rare." He walked towards the little library of his office and stood there scanning the books. "Now which book was it again talking about it..."

"Doenças da magia e poderes antigos raros de monstros. Page 149." The monster suddenly said surprising Bernard, who however hummed cheerfully.

"Looks like someone was sneaking around the books of my office."

"Only a month ago I finished reading that one." The other replied shrugging his shoulders.

"Has anyone ever told you how intelligent you are?"

"Rarely. Most I've meet have only told me I'm annoying. And that wasn't intelligence Bern. I just happen to remember where is the name of the magic I have in which book. It's an observation."

"Right, right." Bernard said quietly smiling wider.

"I do know I am intelligent. But I use my smarts only when I think are needed."

"Of course friend." Bernard said again staring at the monster lost for a moment. But then he exhaled from his nose. "You may take your leave. I have to go now prepare to sail. You will be fine while I am absent. Just like everyone else in the house."

The monster stood up slowly and without saying anything exited Bernard's office. He went in his room and layed on his bed. He stared at the ceiling for how long, he didn't even realise. But then his right hand moved to his commode and opened the highest from the 3 drawers.

Without seeing, he grabbed the handle of a hand mirror. But that mirror now, it wasn't a common one. The handle and the structure around the glass was pure gold. Around the handle was wrapped also golden vines with water lily flowers made out of what seemed as diamond. And the glass also, it wasn't common.

It was made out of purely black obsidian, reflecting the monster's face with a clear icon. He brought the object in front of his face. He stared at his reflected expression thoughtful. He didn't even know himself why he was so caught up staring in this mirror constantly.

He had found it at the coast outside the mansion. He didn't know why, but he had truly felt he had to keep it. No one had seen the mirror, they didn't even know it was in his property. Except Lord Bernard and his advisor. He exhaled from his nose, placed his hand on his face and putted the mirror down.

He turned his back on it by laying on his side and looked outside the window of his room motionless. He closed eyes trying to clear his mind, thinking of all things that had happen to him until the point he ended up in this house. Until the time he was considered capable enough to be official part of it, by working as the advisor of the lady of this house.

Tefra Infernal. Right. She was cool and nice, though many times she was serious. But in all honesty he wasn't feeling any connection with her. He would help if she needed a word of advice. But only there. Besides she was out of the house enough times, as her job required.

The real interest and connection even he knew he had, was with the Master of this house, Bernard Aristo. He was the one who genuinely most of his days was giving even the last of his spare attention to him. How many things he had done for his sake. And how many things he was still doing to help him...

He suddenly opened his eyes and focused his look out the window. The sun had clearly moved. He got up, rubbed his eyes and yawning he looked at the clock on the wall. He had sleep for about an hour. He wasn't feeling tired. Bernard had definitively leave the house. He grabbed again the hand mirror and looked inside it.

Again for many seconds he just stared at his reflection, seeming like a statue. Unconsciously he approached his free hand and touched the obsidian surface with his fingers, he ran them on it and with now closed eyes felt the smoothness. He actually liked that sensation. It didn't feel like any other mirror's glass. Like of the big sized mirror in Bernard's office-.

He suddenly felt as if the surface disappeared and his hand dived in the mirror, even his wrist! It actually caught him off guard and let go of the mirror, which fell on the floor and rolled a little further. He stared at it with clear surprise and looked at his hand. Nothing had happen to it.

He hopped off his bed and picked up the mirror, staring at it from all directions. No, it hadn't open a whole or anything. He looked at his reflection and touched again the obsidian. Nothing happened. He looked away confused for a moment before looking again at his reflection with an idea of what to do.

"Oficina de Señor Bernardo."

The hand mirror shone in purple light and showed part of Bernard's office. The mirror in there was facing towards the door and a big part of the desk could also be seen. However it wasn't that close to it. He hesitated at first. But slowly he approached again and touched the surface of the hand mirror. His hand dived in and this time didn't retreat.

He had targeted on Bernard's desk a paper out of reach like anything else. Just that. After he thought about it for a while, that was where he used telekinesis. Now with his hand immersed in the hand mirror, he could barely see anything. But he could remember where the paper was and soon he felt it coming in his hand.

He held carefully and taking a deep breath pulled out his hand from the hand mirror. To his genuine surprise, he was holding the paper that was a while ago in the office, on the desk. It was missing from there. He smiled and chuckled impressed.

"Hah... Wow. Didn't think I could do that..." He said. Suddenly he exited out of his room. His steps guided him again in front of Bernard's office.

Without much thinking he took from around his neck a string with a key. Bernard was always keeping his office locked. But he was trusting him and had given him an extra key. Only him and the 2nd advisor of this house had one. He quickly unlocked the door and entered. Then he closed and locked the door behind him.

"I studied about your case after observing. It is extraordinary!"

"What is extraordinary 'bout it?"

"More than the powers of your magic species, you are also gifted with an abstract meaning. Espelhosmo it is in Portuguese, commonly known as Mirrorism or Catoptrism."


"A user of such magic is called a Catoptrist, but the name Reflectionist isn't less uncommon. You have the ability see through, any surface that is able to reflect, any icon you desire to see and you put in your mind, from any place or position you have had visual contact with, as long as there is in that place something else reflective. That is a restrictive rule in a Catoptrist's powers. However even the water works as mirror, as long as the surface doesn't 'break'..."

"Is that all about it?"

"No. Catoptrism can be beneficial even in combat. With enough training you could even be able create your own magic mirrors, which can transport you anywhere they are turned at."

Bernard had encourage him to train on his Catoptristic powers at any chance he could find. Honestly though, he wasn't sure how else to train, other than getting access to other rooms through other mirrors. Or have enough strength to help Bernard pass down messages to some rebels far away, he didn't really care to know.

If something was going on, it was none of his business. At least not untl a few days ago... He was either way still helping Bernard. But just today, he had found something new and interesting, a new way to see the abilities of his Catoptrism. If he could do such things even with normal mirrors, then-!

He turned and faced the mirror of the office. It was time for some more... experimenting.


After the gate, their steps leaded them through another corridor with very low light. Still, it wasn't difficult to see the walls around and a little stronger light to the other side of the tunnel. Again the 3 Aces' flowers repeating. Basil rose aster, basil rose aster.

"How was your walk to enter Lisbon?" Echo suddenly asked breaking the silence. Geno flinched.

"Uuuh... smooth. I guess." He said simply, looking away.

"Were the pirates back in the ship bothering you?" The witch asked then. Geno rubbed his nape fighting to hold back a groan.

"A lot."

"All of them though?" It caught off guard Geno. He knew he wanted to deny. But something with that woman felt that it would be useless lying. After all, she knew about him enough things!

"Do you know even my relationships with each of these predators or just that I'm in a crew of pirates?" He asked to make sure. The witch looked down still smiling.

"Things are revealed to me. But not detailed. I know what happened to your past. I can see what will come. But the future is more blurred. And most of the time, emotions and relationships are not important for me to get revealed. I only suspect. So? How are you with the pirates after all?" She asked. Geno looked up, not knowing if he had to talk or not. Or how he should say it.

"... Well... They were being mean to me, I was being mean to them. At first. And only Alter was nice to me. Later on, for some reason some pirates started treating me as if we were best pals for years. And that is confusing."

"You can't accept pirates like these you're mentioning can be friendly. You've pictured them all as merciless and hostile demons, especially with sirens. But remember this prince, humans or monsters aren't borned bad. No one. In fact we are borned as good and pure, as blessings. Life leads and the conditions drive each of us to take a path, whether it is clean, whether sinful. Some pirates might have chosen the path they are in now, but that didn't necessarily buried whatever goodness they have."

Geno looked away not knowing if he was admitting the witch's words or not. But then his eyesocket caught something ahead and when he focused, he saw it. There was a big crimson tent only steps away. There was an opening, but he couldn't see what was inside. He looked at it from top to bottom, then at Echo as if he wanted reassurement for what was going to happen next.

"Are we getting in there?"

"Exactly prince. There we can see your future and destiny, finally. If you have trust, follow inside." The woman walked inside the tent and Geno looked behind him at first. The tall monster did thumbs up and nodded. The instrument players were just standing motionless and silent.

"Jeez, how do they do that stay like statues?" He thought and finally, taking a deep breath entered the tent too. Instantly, everything disappeared from his view. There was only darkness, everywhere. Shocked he looked behind him from the opening. Everything was still normal.

"Fear not prince. Let yourself free in the space. Close the opening behind you. And take off your hood." The witch said, who was standing in the black chill and cool, smiling reassuringly. After much more hesitation, Geno let the curtain that was tied above the opening of the tent fall.

Instantly darkness swallowed the last visible part of reality left from the outside of the tent. The opening wasn't visible anymore and Geno feared he was going to have a panic attack. But he felt a touch on his hand and turned surprised. It was Echo. Without saying anything she dragged him gently and they walked ahead.

There was endless space, as if the 2 hadn't enter a tent. Further ahead there was a circle made out of dark stones, a different type of dark, much darker than the void surrounding them. Geno could have sworn that wasn't there before, but didn't say anything. He pulled back his hood.

"Sit inside the circle prince. But careful, don't accidentally move any of the obsidian stones." Echo said, who had let Geno's hand and sat down facing him. Geno hesitated again but stepped in the circle, then sat down with crossed legs. He looked up to see if there was anything. Yes, you guessed right, there was plenty of nothing. His attention turned to the witch. She was holding a black blindfold and with it she covered her eyes. Then her hands approached him slowly. "Give me your strong hand prince." She said and she had started getting much more serious. Geno slowly gave his left hand. Echo turned it so the palm was facing up. "Now I want you to search your right cloak pocket and pull out the object you have." She commanded then.

Geno looked at her confused, he hadn't put anything in his pockets. But he crammed his hand in it. He felt touching something tough and cold. When he felt grabbing it tight, he pulled out the object. Only to almost drop it from shock. He was right now holding... his golden necklace. His mouth opened lightly.

"When-? How-?" He couldn't think, he felt his skull literally going boom.

"Place the object on your palm." Echo interrupted his agitated thinking. Geno looked at her still shocked. But he obeyed. He had to focus now. He let the necklace on his palm. Echo palpated and grabbed the necklace, temporarily letting Geno's hand. "Keep your hand in the air." She said quickly and held the jewel from the edge of its chain.

She passed the chain around Geno's still streched hand and stopped on the wrist. She turned it so there was a loosen golden noose tying the skeleton's wrist. Then she moved the necklace and made another noose around the middle and index finger. The pendant of the necklace, she touched it on Geno's palm.

Then she closed his thumb, ring finger and the little one around it, clenching lightly. (in case you don't understand the moves she did and the final result, this is how it ended up, except i do it with my cross:)

"What you seek and want to know, reach and see what is for you unknown, you yourself find the question in your mind, ask out loud and the answer may shine." Echo said in a monotonous echoing voice now, raising head. All of a sudden the black void was filled with millions of colors, changing alternatively in only moments, voices and sounds suddenly were heard together, a wild mix.

Geno felt almost getting sick from all the sudden colors and looked down. The circle the obsidians were making was shining extremely bright white and he closed eyesocket from the strong light. He felt he wanted to stay like that. But then he remembered the witch's words. He thought carefully and finally raised head to look at her, ignoring the colors and the light.

"What comes next for me and how will I complete the destiny decided for me long before I was born?"

alright, here ya have it homies. now wait for some more in the next chapter where... well... you'll see when it comes out. 3400 words. goodbye smol sweet bembehs. stay determined adorable safe and cute. *pat pat pat pat pat pat pat*

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