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A man is shown working in his cabin and doing work. Suddenly someone came inside and said,

Person : Hey Shivaay.

Shivaay : Hey Om.

Om is Shivaay's best friend. Shivaay always shares everything of his life with him.
He shares a hug with him and gets busy in work.

Om. Bro you know we cracked the Malhotra's deal.
Shivaay hummed in response and gets busy in work. Seeing this Om again added,"Shivaay what's going on bro"?

Shivaay. Nothing.

Om. Don't tell lies Shivaay I know something is there that's why you can't give time to your life.

Shivaay. No...there is nothing like this. I think you have some misunderstanding.

Om. Shivaay I know your stop lying.

Shivaay. Alright....but I will tell you there is nothing to say. I am very much busy in these business stuffs due to which I am not able to give time to myself.

Om. Then you should go for some holiday. You know just a vacation.

Shivaay. No no not at all I can't leave for vacation. My back to back meetings are there and even I have to meet many of my clients.

Om. Shivaay...please try to had made yourself a robot...please don't do this anymore and live your life.

Shivaay. Okay.

Om. Shivaay as you know Christmas is coming near so why don't you visit Paris. Its the best time in Paris like city.

Shivaay. But.....

Om. No ifs no buts you have to go and I will book your tickets now. Now get yourself ready coz you are going paris. (Excitingly)

Shivaay who was not at all excited nodded his head just to see a smile on his friend's face.

Om. Shivaay.

Om. Are you thinking that this trip is going to be irritating....
(Shivaay looked at him with shocked expression). Man if you are thinking this then let me tell you it will be too much fun and who knows you will get your dream Princess there. (And he chuckled slightly and received a smack on his head by Shivaay)

Shivaay. Shut up. I don't want any Princess.

Om. Alright. So your flight for Paris is tomorrow.

Shivaay. (unwillingly) Okay.

Om hugged Shivaay in response and he reciprocates it. Thinking what has Paris kept for him.

In Delhi:

A girl was typing something on her laptop when suddenly someone screamed


The girl flinched in fear and her laptop falls down. Suddenly someone huggs her tightly and she says..
"Gauri leave me you mad women."

Gauri. Uff Aniee you also na always in frustrated mood.

Annika. Gauri what is your problem I don't understand.

Gauri. Annie I want to tell you something.

Annika. What??

Gauri. That is....I won the case.

Annika. won....congratulations darling.

Gauri. Thank you Aniee.

Annika. So the great Criminal lawyer Ms. Gauri kumari Sharma has finally won the toughest case of her life.

Gauri. Yes of course. I won and I am very happy. I am going to celebrate unlike you .

Annika. What you mean by me??

Gauri. I mean you are always busy with your clients and cases. You never made celebration neither you become happy whenever you win any case.

Annika. Ri. know that my schedule is very hectic...and I am a divorce lawyer I can't celebrate for broken marriages.

Gauri. It doesn't mean that you will not enjoy your life dear.

Annika. Gauri but...

Gauri. Stop your lame excuses and listen to me carefully.

Annika. Okay say.

Gauri. I want to you to spend some alone time with your ownself.

Annika. But how is that possible??

Gauri. Look I have already booked flight tickets for Paris....think as I am giving you treat for my success.

Annika. But Ri how...

Gauri. Stop have to go...just think yaar Paris is a beautiful place. And your bookings are during Christmas.
Isn't that exciting.

Annika. But Ri I can't.

Gauri. You have to just forget about all your cases and just concentrate on your trip. Got it.

Annika. (Unwillingly) Alright I will go.....waise bhi I want some relaxation from my cases.

Gauri. Yes...and who knows you will get your Prince Charming there.

Annika. Shut your mouth.

Gauri. I think you should start your packings because your flight is tomorrow.

Saying Aniri hugs each other and Annika is just lost thinking about her trip.


Next day Shivaay and Annika gets ready and leaves for of love.

They reached there and head towards their hotel. On reaching there they were going to enter inside but unfortunately or can say fortunately they dashed with each other and falls down.

(Annika- A, Shivaay-S)

A- Oow....uff..(cried in pain)

S - Ouch....fhat the wuck!!!

A - What the hell!!! Can't you see and walk.

S - Oo hello I can see but I think you can't.

A - Oo hello Mr. Don't you dare....I can see. First you dashed with me and now instead of saying sorry you are showing tadi.

S - Just shut up okay I didn't but you.....wait what....what is tadi??

A - Tadi means Attitude.

S - Ohh but I didn't showed you attitude.

A - Leave....I don't want to talk to you.

S - As if I am interested.

Both moved inside ignoring each others faces. They reached at booking area and asked for their rooms. Receptionist smiled at them and thought as if they are couples. She gave them 1 key. Annika stood their confused and asked for her room's key, the lady replied that both has same room number. Shivika's jaw dropped. They called the manager and inquired about their rooms but manager just apologised for the inconvinience and asked them to adjust with each other for some days and then he will allot them another room. Annika was not convinced with this option so she started to argue with the manager. Manager was having very tough time to control her but she was not listening to him at all.

Before she could speak anything she was dragged from that place by Shivaay who was holding her waist and dragging her towards lift. When they entered the lift Annika pushed him hard and yelled-

A- What the hell was that??

S - Hello don't you have any other work other than fighting.

A - Look I don't know what's your problem but don't you dare to mess with me (pointing finger at him).

S - I don't want to mess with you but right now I want to go to my room as I am hell tired. So just keep quiet and come with me.

A - I don't want to stay with you.

S - Look Miss even I don't want to stay with you but rather than argueing its better if we adjust with each other for some days....if you are not okay with this then you are most welcome to go and find another hotel.

Annika thought for sometime and unwillingly agreed with him because of tiredness. They both reached their room. Shivaay unlocks the door and allowed Annika to enter first. Annika was smiling by seeing his gentleman nature but her anger overpowered and she was again back to the angry mode. Shivaay then moved to washroom to freshen up and Annika was sitting on bed. She drifted to deep slumber because of tiredness. Shivaay came out of the washroom and looked at her sleeping figure. He smiled inwardly and slept beside her.

Morning came and two souls who were sleeping in each others arms moved a bit and snuggled more in each other. Annika was first who opened her eyes. Shock would be an understatement for her when she saw sleeping figure of Shivaay beside her. Her head was resting on his chest and his hand was around her waist. She screamed on top of her voice that Shivaay fell down from the bed and rubbed his back wincing in pain.

S - Fhat the wuck!!. Why you screamed so loudly??

A - Why you were sleeping beside me??

S - So where should I sleep?

A - On couch.

S - Hello!! Why I will sleep on couch?? You can also sleep.

A - Why I will sleep?

S - Then Why I should sleep?

Annika groaned in frustration and said, "I don't want to argue with you."

S - As if I am dying to do it

A - Just shut up okay.

Saying this she went inside washroom. Shivaay sat on the bed silently waiting for her to come out. When Annika came out Shivaay moved to washroom to freshen up. When he came out he didn't find Annika anywhere so he thought she must have gone somewhere.

Annika was enjoying the beautiful view of Seine River. She enjoyed her morning walk very much....and then she thought to go back to the hotel. But meeting that bagadh billa again. ......This thought itself gives her michmichi. She returned to hotel and head towards her room. She entered inside and saw Shivaay was sitting on bed talking to someone. She made weird faces and moved towards washroom.

At afternoon, someone knocked their room door and Shivaay opened it. One of the hotel staff said that they are going to organise a party so they can join in christmas celebration. Hearing word party Annika jumped and came to the door. She instantly nodded her head in agreement and Shivaay was least interested in it. Shivaay moved to bed and sat their just than Annika came with face hanging down.

S - What happen to you now?

A - Nothing.

S - You can say.

A - The party is for couples and I don't have partner.

S - Ohh.
Then something striked her mind and she said fiddling with her fingers....

A - Can you please become my partner?

S - But I even don't know your name How can I?

A - Ohh this is your problem then let me tell you I am Annika. And you?

S - Myself Shivaay.

A - So friends?
Shivaay finds her this gesture very cute and instantly shaked his hands with her and agreed to become her partner.

Later in evening both gets ready for the party. Shivaay was just mesmerized by her looks and her beauty. Annika was literally drooling on him. They reached party hall and saw many couples were dancing. Shivaay bowed in front of her. She smiled a little and gave her hand for dance. They both moved to dance floor and started to dance. Both were lost in each others eyes. Annika saw how his eyes changes colours. Shivaay saw a certain kind of sadness in her eyes.

The dance came to an end but two souls were just lost in each others eyes. Whole crowd went awe looking at Shivika and they started to cheer for them. Shivika's trance broke and Annika was blushing heavily. Shivaay was smiling looking at her. Then the host announced that there will be one competetion to be held for couples on the eve of Christmas. Shivaay and Annika were excited to take part. They both gave their names and were smiling inwardly as they will be couple.

At night both were sleeping beside each other on bed and thinking about their competition and also about each other. They drifted to sleep.
Next morning both waked up and again found each other in each other's arms. And same they both started fighting for coming closer with blushing inwardly.

They reached competition area and first round was to decorate Christmas tree. The pair that will beautifully decorate the Christmas Tree will be the winner.
Shivika started to gather things of decoration. Shivaay was putting some lights over tree but it mistakenly falls on Annika.

S - (laughing) You are looking like a fire-fly. Haha haha.

A - (angry) Shut your damn mouth and do your work.

Annika was standing on a ladder and was trying to put some tinsels over tree but her devil mind clicked something and she throwed it on Shivaay.
She laughed holding her stomach and said," Now you are looking like great actress Helen". Shivaay fumed in anger and pulled her down from the ladder. She losts her balance and falls on Shivaay. They both shared a cute eyelock and every participant went awe looking at them. There trance broke and without any further discussion they started to decorate the tree.

Results time came and Shivika were declared as winner. They both jumped in happiness and hugged each other. Then they realised what they had done. They part from the hug and started blushing heavily. Then they reached their room and did not spoke anything. They slept thinking about each other.
Next morning they both again found each other in arms....but this time they did not fought but were blushing.

Next game was "GENNA" a hockey kind game. In this game two teams will be there each team consisting of 5 couples.

A - (whispering) Best of luck.

S - (whispering back) Same to you.

The game started and one of the boy of Shivika's team passed the ball to Annika. She passed it to another guy. Shivaay felt jealous but shrugged it off. In between one girl of opposite team pushed Annika. She was about to fall but Shivaay saved her from falling. They shared an eyelock. But it broke soon when they heared refree's whistle. Shivika composed themselves and gets to know that there team lost the game. Shivaay said," Shit we lost the game. I don't like to lose". Annika says," Shivaay this is just a game. Why you are taking it seriously. Just chill".

S - But Annika...

A - Shivaay relax okay (rubbing his shoulder)
Shivaay smiled seeing her care.
They moved to their room hand in hand.
As next round was after a day so they thought to roam around the city.
Next day Shivika started their journey to see new places and also explore their felings for each other. They were developing unknown feelings. They saw many places and also visited Eiffel Tower.
At evening both moved to River Seine. It was looking beautiful under night sky. Annika was admiring its beauty and Shivaay was busy staring her. She saw him staring and blushed. Annika broke his trance and said," Shall we move to hotel?" Shivaay came out of his zone and nodded his head in aggrement.
They moved to their room changed into nightwear and slept in each others arms without any hesitation because now they are used to it.

Next day, it was competition of cooking. Every couple have to cook something sweet. After lot of thinking Shivika go for CHOCOLATE BUCHE.
Shivaay was mixing the batter and Annika was staring him lovingly. Shivaay saw her staring and smirked.

S - I know I am hot that does not mean that you will stare me.
Annika comes out of her trance and said,"I was not staring you...and who told you that you are hot".

S - Hey I am hot.

Annika laughed loudly.

S - Okay let me show you.
He took dome batter in his hand and applied it on her cheeks. Annika's jaw dropped...she took some in her hand and applied it on his cheek. He grabs her hand and stares her lovingly. He took some more batter and gently applied it on her arms. She shivered under his touch. Shivaay smiled seeing his effect on her. He cups her face and was going to kiss her lips but Annika pushed him and turns to other side thinking what she was going to do.
They prepared the dessert and won one more competition. This time they hug each other very tightly.
Next was just a small party in which couples need to dress up as Santa Claus. Annika was standing in front of mirror busy in wearing her Santa cap when Shivaay came from behind and said," Perfect Santa couple. Mr and Mrs Santa". Annika blushed heavily and Shivaay turned her around. He kisses her cheeks which turned into dark shade of red. He smiled and said,"Let's move". Annika nodded with blushing face. They moved out.

In party, every couple were busy in their own world. Just then host called them to seat around bornfire. Shivika sat beside each other hand in hand. They all were singing and dancing. Shivaay was continously admiring her smiling face. He takes her hand and kissed her knuckles. She blushed and reciprocated her sweet smile. He holds her hand and takes her away to a different and alone place. That place was filled with decorations, many christmas trees and many mistletoes hanging around.

A - Shivaay you know there is a rule in which under those mistletoes a couple had to kiss each other.

S - Really then shall we?

A - Stop it..we are not couples we are just pretending to enjoy this competition.

S - know Annika when I came here I didn't thought that this trip is going to become very special for me.

A - Really why???

S - Leave it I will tell you some other day. Now would you like to dance with me.

A - But no music.

S - Just hear your heartbeats.

Annika gave her hand and they start to dance. Without their knowledge they comes under a mistletoe. Shivaay looks up and indicates Annika to do the same. She understands his indication and slowly gap between their lips gets decrease and they kiss each other lovingly and passionately.

Soon Annika realised what blunder she had created by kissing him. She pushed him hard and ran away from there. Shivaay was standing there clueless. He was not able to understand anything. He reached their room but she was not present. He searched her everywhere but she was nowhere to be found. He sat on the bed silently with tears in his eyes. Suddenly Shivaay's eyes fall on one letter in which it was written, "I am Sorry".

He closed his eyes and a lone tear escaped his eyes.

Hey guys.

Please give your precious reviews.


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