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We can see a boy sitting in his room with a file in his hands. He was physically present there but his heart was somewhere else. He was lost in his thoughts when suddenly a woman enters in his room.

W- Shivaay!

Shivaay suddenly comes out from his thoughts and looks at the woman who was looking at him with a confused face.

S- Huh, mom? What happened?

P- Shivaay, where were you lost?

She sits down beside him and Shivaay keeps his head in her lap and Pinky caresses his head.

P- Shivaay, you have changed after you came from that trip from Paris? What has happened to you? You always seem so lost in your thoughts, you don't like to stay at home anymore, you always try to make yourself busy in some work or the other. Is anything bothering you?

S- No mom. Nothing is bothering me. Its just that I have so much work load that I don't get enough time.

P- I think you should take a break from your work and get married.

Shivaay looks at her shockingly.

S- WHAT? No.. I don't want to get married.

P- But why? Its been 2 years, I am pestering you to get married but you are not agreeing. I also want to see the face of my blue-eyed grandchildren. Tell me why can't you marry?

S- Because I love someone.

Pinky looks at him shocked.


S- Yes mom I love someone.

P- Oh God! I am so happy. Who is she? Where is she? I want to meet my to-be daughter-in-law.

S- Her name is Anika and I don't know where is she?

Pinky gets confused and signs him to elaborate. Shivaay sighs and tells her everything.

S- We met in Paris. She was also a tourist. We had to share same room in the hotel due to some circumstances. Firstly, we used to fight a lot and hate each other but slowly and gradually that hatred turned into friendship and we grew comfortable with each other. Then destiny played a game and she left me alone forever leaving behind just a sorry note. That was when I realised that I love her and I won't be able to meet her again.

Shivaay wipes his tears from the corner of his eye and looks at Pinky who was looking at him with teary eyes.

S- I love her mom. She owns my heart and I can't give that place to anyone. I am sorry.

Pinky cups his face.

P- Don't waste your time here by telling me your tragic love story and go & bring my daughter-in-law. Already you have wasted two years.

S-Mom, I already said that I won't marry, then also you..

He was interrupted by Pinky.

P- Idiot! I said go and bring Anika with you.

S- But I don't know anything about her. How will I find her?

P- Then go there where you left your story incomplete. If your love is true, then I am sure that God will help you to find your true soulmate.

S-Thank you, Mom. You are the best.

Shivaay smiles to his fullest and kisses Pinky's cheek and rushes outside the room. Pinky also smiles at him.

P(excitedly) - I am so excited that now I will have a daughter-in-law. Yayy.

We can see a girl who is sitting on a window niche in her room, looking sad and gloomy. Suddenly, another girl enters her room furiously.

G- Anika, you again lost the case. What is wrong with you? You know that you barely won any case in these two years. Why are you doing this to yourself? Why are you spoiling your career? Where is your passion? You are losing everything one by one.

Anika looks at Gauri with teary eyes.

A- I have already lost him. Now I don't care if I lose anything.

Gauri goes near her and gently holds her hand.

G- Anika, please don't spoil your life for a person whom you don't even know.

A- I love him, Gauri and I don't care if I know about him or not.

G- You know what, you need a break. Go to a peaceful place and calm yourself. Maybe after that you will be able to cope up with everything.

A- But...

G- No ifs and buts. You are going and that's final.

Anika nods her head and Gauri pats her cheeks.

G- Good girl.

After sometime, Anika was booking her flight tickets and without thinking much, she books the ticket to Paris.

A(thinks)- I want to relive all the memories with you, Shivaay. Maybe it can help me to move on.

[A/n- The scenes which are taking place are running simultaneously]

Shivaay and Anika finally landed in Paris. Shivaay stepped in Paris with a determination to find his love while Anika stepped in Paris with a satisfaction to relive the memories of her love.

Shivaay hired a taxi and asked the driver to drive him to the same hotel, which was the first step of their love story.

Anika also hired a taxi and she also asked the driver to drive her to the same hotel.

Shivaay was the first one to reach the hotel. He moves towards the reception and booked the same room in which they stayed for the last time.

S(to receptionist)- Hi! Actually can you book room no.402 for me?

R- Sure sir, let me check.

The receptionist smiles and forwards him the keys of the room.

R- Here you go, sir. Enjoy your stay.

S- Thank you.

At the same time, Anika enters the hotel and was moving towards the reception but she bumps with someone. The person without looking at her, mutters a sorry and moves ahead.

Shivaay take his keys from the receptionist and was about to move towards his room but he bumps with a lady, who is  none other than Anika. He mutters a sorry without looking at her and moves ahead to his room.

Suddenly both Shivaay and Anika stops in their place and feels the presence of each other. Both whispers each other's name as a prayer.

S- Anika.

A- Shivaay.

Shivaay turns around to look for Anika but he finds noone as he was facing Anika's back. He ignores the feeling and moves towards his room.

Anika also turns around to look for Shivaay but she finds none.

She shrugs her thoughts and moves towards reception.

R(to Anika)- Hello Ma'am. How can I help you?

A- Hi. Can you book room no. 402 for me?

R- I am really sorry ma'am but that room is allotted to someone few minutes ago.

A- Please can you do something? I want that room only. Please try to understand that room is kind of special for me. Last time, I stayed there only.

R- I am so sorry ma'am, I can't do anything once the room is allotted. But we can allot you another room.

Anika sighs in disappointment.

A- Ok, can you provide me any room near that room?

R- Sure ma'am.

The receptionist forwards the keys of room no. 403 to Anika.

R- Here you go, ma'am. Please enjoy your stay.

Anika nods her head and moves towards her room.

Here in Shivaay's room, Shivaay was observing each and everything in the room. His eyes were teary and his heart was heavy.

S- I miss you Anika. I don't know that why you left me that day but it was the worst day of my life. We spend only few days with each other but those days were a bliss for me. Now I am again In Paris with a determination to find you and take you with me. I just pray to God to fulfill my wish because it is getting difficult for me to live without you. You did not went alone, you took my heart also, Anika. Please come back Anika. I can't live without you. Please come back.

At the same time, Anika was going to her room but she suddenly stops in front of room no. 402. She feels that someone was calling her, like somebody needs her.

She gently caresses the door of the room and a lone tear escapes her eye.

A(whispers)- Shivaay.

She composes herself and wipes the tear and enters in her room.

At the same time, Shivaay opens the door of his room and looks here and there to find Anika but he finds noone in the corridor.

He sighs in disappointment and closes the door.

After freshening up, Shivaay locks his room and moves towards reception.

R- Hello Sir. How may I help you?

S- Hi. Can I meet your manager? It's urgent.

R- Ya sure sir, but you have to wait for sometime.

S- Its Ok. I can wait but I want to meet him as soon as possible .

Receptionist nods and calls the manager to inform about Shivaay.

After few minutes,Manager comes and greets Shivaay.

M- Hello Sir.

S- Hi. Actually I want some information from you.

Manager nods.

S- Did you remember that I and one girl booked same room by mistake, two years ago, in Christmas season. We fought for the room and you said that we had to share a room due to some circumstances and we also participated in the Christmas contest also.

M-Yes sir, I remember. How can I forget your fight?

The manager laughs and Shivaay also smiles.

S- Can you tell me something about that girl? I mean her full name or any details about her. Actually she is very special to me but I lost all contacts with her. Please help me.

M- Sure sir, Wait let me check the records.

Shivaay nods and the manager was checking the records.

M- Yes sir, I got it. Her name is Anika Trivedi and she belongs to Delhi.

S- Thank you.

Shivaay was about to leave when the manager calls from behind.

M- Sir, wait a minute, there is one more thing.

Shivaay turns and looks at the manager with hopeful eyes.

M- Sir, according to our receptionist, a girl named Anika Trivedi has checked in today and she was insisting to get room no. 402 but it was already allotted to you so she booked room no.403.

Shivaay beams with happiness.

S- Really?

M- Yes sir.

Shivaay immediately hugs the manager.

S- Thank you.Thank you so much.

Shivaay immediately breaks the hug and runs towards room in which Anika was staying.

S(thinks)- Our wait is over Anika. Finally we will meet after two years.

Shivaay knocks the door but nobody answers the door, he frowns. He tries to open the door but it was locked from outside.

He bangs his fist on the door.

S- Sh*t! Where are you Anika? Please don't make me wait anymore. I am dying by each passing second without you. I have to find you, wherever you are, I can't sit idle and wait. I have to find you.

He immediately runs outside the hotel to find Anika.

S- But where will I find her? Ya I think I should check all the places where we spent time last time.

Shivaay first visits River Seine. He looks around to find Anika but he doesn't find her. While searching for her, he collides with an old man. Shivaay mutters sorry to him.

O- Hey young man, is anything bothering you? You look tensed.

S- I am sorry sir. Actually I am looking for someone desperately and I am not able to find her. If I will lose her today then I may lose her forever.

O- Don't worry, young man. You will definitely find her. Go and look at that place which has your most beautiful memory.

S(thinks)- The place with our most beautiful memory, wait... most beautiful memory... our kiss under the mistletoes... Yes... I should find her there.

He comes out of his thoughts and was about to thank that man but he doesn't find him there. He looks around to find him but nobody was there. He shrugs his thoughts and immediately leave towards the place.


It was Christmas eve, Anika was standing under the mistletoe, she was remembering their moments. She was crying her heart out.

A- I feel so lonely today. Two years before, everything was so beautiful with you Shivaay. I started to live my life in those few days. Those days with you were the most blissful days of my whole life. I always used to feel attracted towards you. I tried to suppress my feelings towards you because I felt that it was just an attraction and I didn't wanted to hurt you. That day when we kissed, everything felt so good , so perfect but again my guilt took over me and I thought that I may hurt you by not reciprocating your feelings and I left you forever. But I had not thought that it was the biggest mistake of my life. I lost you forever Shivaay.

Anika started crying hysterically.

A- Today is Christmas eve and it is said that if you wish something with true heart, then your wish is fulfilled. If it is true then I wish to have a second chance. I want my Shivaay back. Please come back to me, Shivaay. I can't live without you. Please come back to me. I need you, Shivaay.

There was one person who has heard everything. He was crying after looking at his love so broken. He was none other than Shivaay. After hearing her confession, Shivaay was not able to control his tears.

S(thinks)- Don't worry Anika. Your wish will be fulfilled but with a twist. I know that it was the worst phase of our life to stay away from each other but when we will meet, it will be forever.

After sometime,Shivaay comes dressed in a santa claus dress and he goes towards Anika.

S-Hey, young lady. Why are you so sad that too on a christmas eve?

A- Please go away, I don't want to talk to anyone.

S- But how will I leave without giving your gift?

Anika gets confused.

A- What gift?

Shivaay gently wipes her tears and Anika closes her eyes. Suddenly Shivaay pecks her lips. Anika immediately opens her eyes and looks at him shocked.

S- So did you liked your gift?

Anika fumes in anger and glares at Shivaay.

A- How dare you to kiss me?

S- It was your gift.

A- Really?

She was about to slap him when Shivaay closes his eyes tightly and cover his face with his hands.

S- Anika please don't slap me. I am Shivaay.

Anika gets stunned and steps back.


Shivaay opens his one eye and looks at her , then slowly he removes his hands from his face and looks at her.

He removes the cap, moustache and beard and looks at her. Anika was looking at him and tears were continuously flowing from her eyes.

A- I am sorry Shivaay .It was all my fault. I left you that day.

She starts to cry badly.

Shivaay holds her in his arms and calms her down.

S- Anika, please don't cry. I can't see you crying. It was not your fault. It was destiny and now it is destiny which made us meet each other. Now, I will not let you go anywhere without me.

Anika smiles and nods at him.

Both hug each other. After sometime, Shivaay goes down on his knee.

S- Anika, I can't live without you anymore. I want to start my day with your smile and end my day in your arms. I LOVE YOU, Anika. Will you marry me?

Anika was looking at him with tears in her eyes.

A- I LOVE YOU TOO, Shivaay and yes, i will marry you.

Shivaay immediately takes out a ring from his pocket and makes her wear it and kisses her hand.

Shivaay then stands up and hugs Anika. Anika also hugs him back.

Shivaay breaks the hug and looks at Anika.

S- Anika, don't you think that we should complete the work which we left two years ago?

Anika looks at him confused.

A- What work?

S- You know its the perfect time, its going to be 12 in 4 minutes and Christmas will start. Its the perfect place, we are standing under the mistletoe. You know what I mean.

Anika understands his intentions and blushes furiously. Shivaay takes it as a yes and leans little forward. Anika looks at him and she also moves her face a little forward. Their breath gets mingled with each other and Shivaay captures her lips in his. Anika also starts reciprocating to the kiss. They were totally lost in their bliss moment.

After sometime, they broke the kiss and looks at each other with a smile and joins their forehead. Firecrackers burst in the sky when the clock strikes 12.

A-Merry Christmas.

S- Merry Christmas to you too.

Anika looks at him.

A- But Shivaay, how will we celebrate Christmas? We don't have anything with us, no christmas tree, no lights, no gifts , nothing.

S- But I have everything with me to celebrate christmas.

Anika looks at him confusingly.

S- For me, you are my everything and ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU.

Anika smiles and hugs him tightly.

A- I LOVE YOU SHIVAAY. This is the best Christmas of my life.

Shivaay also hugs her back and kisses her forehead.

S- I LOVE YOU TOO. This is the best Christmas of my life too because in this Christmas, I got my soulmate or better say my CHRISTMAS MATE.

Both smiles and sit there in each other's embrace to celebrate Christmas in their own unique way which is the way of LOVE.


Me and my best friend,@Meikshya1031 at wattpad, took part in a competition where the theme was Christmas. We ended up writing this and luckily we were the winner of Audience's favorite. 😍😍

So we thought to share it with you all. 😄😄

How was it? 🤔🤔

This was a collaboration work with Meikshya1031. 😊😊

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