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The snow is falling tirelessly and nobody should be driving in it, but that doesn't stop him. He still has to give her her present. She wanted to leave early due to a sudden sickness, but he knew better. It may be sickness but it isn't physical.

       The drive is only ten minutes but it feels like an eternity. So when he pulls into her apartment complex, his nerves skyrocket. Glancing at her gift in the front seat, he decides to just do it. He grabs it and opens his car and trudges toward her apartment. He reaches D78 after climbing ruthless steps and trying effortlessly to get the snow off his boots.

       Three knocks. He always does exactly three knocks. He can only hope she knows it's him.

       Finally she answers. Her hair is matted, her face pale and puffy. She looks as though she's been crying. His face falls and he invites himself in.

       "What's with the box?" she asks, faking a laugh.

       "It's your present. Are you okay?"

       Addison wipes her eyes. "Yes. I took a small snooze and had a nightmare. I'm good now. Why are you here? It's almost 11."

       "I had to give you your one last gift." He reaches toward the box and clicks something open. Out scampers a golden retriever puppy; curious, scared, and excited. Addison gasps, looks at Logan, and then the pup.

       "Oh my god! Logan, why the hell did you get me a dog?" Her words are harsh but her tone is joyful. She crouches down and the small pup jumps up on her and licks her neck. Addison giggles.

       "I remember you telling me you wanted one. December second. We were building a snowman."

       "You remember that?"

       "Of course." Addison gleams and lifts up the small puppy. It wiggles in her grip and tries to lick her.

       "You said you always wanted one and that you still did. I just got her today. Two hours ago, to be precise." Addison shakes her head in disbelief and slowly pets the animal. She cradles it like it's a tiny human and hums happily.

       "Thank you so much. Oh my god, a puppy! What can we name her?" Logan shrugs and reaches out to pet her. He smiles and then stares at Addison.

       "Are you okay?"

       "I told you, a nightmare." Logan shakes his head.

       "At Mom's, after you got that text you haven't been the same. You're jumpy. Pale. Sad. Talk to me, Addie." Her eyes fall to the floor.

       He moves in closer to her and hugs her. "You can trust me."

        "I know," she quickly replies, putting the small dog down. "I know, I know. I just don't really want to talk about it."

       "You shouldn't bottle it up." Addison shakes her head and steps back, watching the puppy.

       "It's about my mom." Logan sucks in a deep breath and waits for her to continue. "She uh, she called me and said she wanted to come stay with me for a little bit."

       "Is that good? Bad?" This is the first time Addison has ever spoke about her family and Logan is all ears.

       "I dunno. Both, I guess." Logan furrows his eyebrows. He thinks it's a good thing that her mom is reaching out to her.

       "She's been with my sister in England. Before she left... we got in a huge fight. Haven't spoken for years. And now she wants to jump right back in. You'd think, maybe, just maybe, she'd apologize first. But that's Jessica for you. She can never be the one to apologize. I don't want to talk about it, please. Not today, Logan." Addison sighs. Logan can hear her voice wavering and cracking. She is going to cry.

       "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to talk about it. I'm sorry for pushing." He engulfs her in a hug and Addison buries her head in his shoulder.

       He gently rubs her back. "Are you gonna be okay?" Addison doesn't answer. "Do you want me to stay?" She nods into him and he murmurs a response.

       "Thanks for the puppy." She giggles, and Logan shakes his head.

       "Think of a name yet?" he asks. She pulls away and gazes at the pup.

       "Yeah." He glances between the two, and she takes a deep breath.

       "I want to name her Lilly."

       Logan's face falls and his eyes water. He's one hundred percent sure now. Every doubt in his mind is wiped away. He grabs her and hugs her again, refusing to let go.

       "Merry Christmas, Addison," he whispers, his voice thick.

       "Merry Christmas, Logan."
edited by the great @solitarypathways! myself and my readers can never thank you enough.

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