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    The TV blares. Landon and his new girlfriend are cuddling on the couch, Tammy and Jackson are engaged in a serious conversation, Addison is playing with Lilly and Logan is admiring her every move. Since Christmas night, it's been like this. Addison unknowingly being watched by Logan, minus the creepiness.

       He genuinely enjoyed just watching her, he learned a lot more about her. Like the fact that she never eats the yellow gummies in a fruit snack and always has to eat two pieces of gum at the same time; she is completely infatuated with her dog, and she always has the slightest hint smile on her face. And now, with only ten minutes before the New Year, she chooses to play with the dog instead of socializing. Another thing about her he loves.

       Landon's new girlfriend is a redheaded girl with dark green eyes. Her name is Jasey, and she quickly befriended Addison. Landon is completely infatuated with Jasey, and the feeling is definitely returned. They look at each other like they're soul mates, and who knows, maybe they are.

       Landon says he's been waiting to ask her out for two years, and Jasey says it's long overdue. Tammy tames an instant liking toward her, along with Jackson. Just like Addison, they welcomed her with open arms and immediately tried to make her feel like a part of the family. Addison will forever love that about this family.

       When Tammy found out what Addison named the puppy Lilly, she cried for hours. Partly because of her deceased loved one, and partly because it warmed her heart that Addison cared that much about the youngster she never met. Addison cried, too. Jackson teared up but refused to admit it.

       "Wine, anyone?" Tammy asks, getting out six wine glasses. Everyone migrates toward the kitchen eagerly. Tammy laughs and begins to pour. One by one, they all grab their glass.

       "Here's to the New Year!" Landon shouts, holding his glass up. The others follow.

       "To the New Year!" Everyone repeats and takes a sip. They eagerly wait for the countdown to begin. Only two minutes to go.

       "I'm so excited for this year. I have a really good feeling about it." Jasey comments, grabbing Landon's hand. Quietly, she adds, "about us." Logan smiles and playfully rolls his eyes.

       "It's been six days," Logan remarks, jokingly toward Landon. "That's a record for you." Jasey smiles and Landon frowns.

      "It was a joke."

      Fifty seconds.

      "I have a good feeling, too, Jasey. I'm sure good things will come to you and Landon, and we will be there every step of the way." Tammy smiles and leans in to hug Jasey. Addison grins. Logan grins at her, too. Her eyes are bright and joyful. She's flushed, but it can be the wine. She's only gotten drunk in front of him once, and every other time she dodges alcohol like the plague.

       Ten seconds.

       Landon silently starts counting aloud, and Jasey looks happily at him. Logan's palms sweat and his stomach flips, but he doesn't care. When his family reaches five, he turns and leans into Addison.



       He crashed his lips into hers, and everything stops. Her mind is racing but somehow, she catches on and smiles. Her stomach is doing somersaults and her heart is racing so loud; she fears everyone can hear it. He reaches up and holds her face, trying to stop this smile from coming into his face.

       "Happy New Year!" His parents exclaim, awing and laughing in the distance. It all seems so distant. Eventually, they pull away from each other, breathless and blushing. Addison is the first to smile, a smile too big for her face. Logan soon mimics it.

       "Well, Happy New Year to you, too," she says, her eyes shining. Logan laughs loudly.

       "Happy New Year, Addie." His parents cheer and hug them. Landon winks and Jasey is thrilled. The night grows on, and before they know it, Logan is driving Addison home. When he pulls into her parking lot, he parks but keeps the doors locked.

       "Hey, so, I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me. I know of this amazing lounge with the comfiest booths and the best club sandwiches and grapes in all of Boyter. My friend Jess is a waitress there and she can hook us up."

       Addison hums with joy. She loves this witty side of Logan.

       "I'd love to."
edited by the great @solitarypathways! myself and my readers can never thank you enough.

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