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Five creatures with blue scales, enormous bat-like wings, and eagle-like feet soared above the sky, circling a gigantic oasis surrounded by houses made of earth and cactus roots. The creatures, each approximately 250 centimeters in size, emitted angry shrieks at ten white-robed men who looked up to meet their gaze.

One of the white-robed men stepped forward. He was the bulkiest, his massive frame casting a shadow. His long earrings reflected the sunlight. His golden-yellow eyes gleamed as he observed one of the creatures. He took a deep breath and yelled, "Argon, surrender and join us!"

However, one of the giant creatures dove sharply and roared before spewing out balls of fire. Al' Kaar dodged, but the splashes of orange heat succeeded in burning the edge of his robe.

"Damn you, this is new!" Al' Kaar exclaimed, opening his robe to reveal that he was now wearing only white shorts. The desert sunlight illuminated his bare blue skin.

Two of the argon creatures shot toward him, but Al' Kaar quickly raised his left hand adorned with a chain bracelet and shouted a command. "Hold them back!"

Nine blue men sprang into action. Some of them pulled iron chains hanging from their belts and hurled them directly at the legs of the attacking creatures.

One of the argon creatures shrieked as its body slammed into the brown sandy ground covering the plain. It tried to rise, but an iron net with weighted ends had already trapped it.

"We got one!" exclaimed one of the blue-skinned men with a grin.

The other four argon creatures screeched and flew away. Al' Kaar crouched down, propping both elbows on his thighs, and leaned his back forward, bringing their faces closer together as three of his companions removed the nets and restrained the captured creature's arms, then fastened a collar with a lock around its neck.

"We mean no harm," Al' Kaar said, taking a deep breath. His three companions stood up after securing collars similar to their own around their captive's neck. "I invited you to talk reasonably. Yet, you chose to provoke us."

The wild argon creature choked and shifted its form, creating more space around its neck. Now, its appearance resembled the other men who surrounded it, though it remained naked. He grumbled and tried to pull the cord binding his neck with both hands. "I won't be a part of your weird society! Remove these restraints!"

Laughter rang out from one of the standing men. "It's called a collar."

The captive argon creature glanced at the man who spoke, then hissed, "Remove these damn things... now!"

"Sorry, we can't," answered Al' Kaar, rising to his feet. "These collars prevent us from transforming into monsters. We have no intention of accidentally setting cities on fire, you understand?"

"What do you want from me?" the wild argon rose on his feet while his hands tried to remove the uncomfortable leather collar from his neck.

"You need this key to unlock it." Al' Kaar smiled slightly, revealing the chain bracelet with a key attached to his left wrist.

"Give it to me!" The wild argon quickly reached out his right hand, attempting to grab the chain bracelet belonging to his captor. However, Al' Kaar chuckled, and his two companions immediately pulled their prisoner's arms, keeping him at a distance.

"Not yet," Al' Kaar said, tilting his head to the left. "Join us for a year, and after that... You'll have a choice: return to your old life or stay in this city."

The wild argon assumed a combative stance, bared his teeth, and muttered angrily, 'Once I break free of these shackles, I'll kill all of you.'

Laughter erupted from the ten men. One of them slapped the captive's left shoulder hard. "Young one, I like your spirit!"

Al' Kaar walked ahead, saying, "Come on, let's introduce our new friend to his new home..."


Two guards and Al' Kaar accompanied the wild argon into Mar'tack City. The procession traveled along the main sandy road, allowing their guest to observe their surroundings freely.

The wild argon's eyes widened as he saw rows of buildings made from earth and blue-skinned people, both adults and children, bustling about with cheerful faces.

"Do females exist in this place?" the wild argon asked, watching a group of women chatting casually. They all wore simple dresses, leather necklaces with small locks, and chain bracelets on their left wrists. However, only a few wore an earring on the left side, while others did not.

"Maybe you'll get your chance," one man teased.

"Why do they cover their bodies?" The wild argon looked disappointed. "The females shouldn't hide their bodies' beauty..."

Al' Kaar couldn't contain his laughter. He burst into laughter until the group of women turned to look at them.

"It's time you put on some clothes," one man suggested.

"Why? Argon doesn't need anything!" The wild argon puffed out his chest as if proud of his nakedness.

Laughter from the women resonated. The wild argon turned to the females, who were giggling and whispering to each other while looking at his lower body.

Al' Kaar smiled slightly at the scene, then removed his robe and draped it over his shoulders. "Put this on."

The wild argon no longer resisted; he hurriedly put on the robe Al' Kaar had given him, covering his body tightly.

Al' Kaar turned to his two companions, winking. "Looks like I can leave you guys now. Sye't Jibra needs me."

"Hand him over to us." One man grinned widely, slinging an arm around the wild argon's shoulder. "Come on, let me introduce you... But remember, don't bother the females with an earring. They already have a male."

"We can have a female?" The wild argon's voice sounded amazed. "They're willing to have just one male?"

Al' Kaar smiled as he listened to their conversation. He let the three men approach the women before he went toward the central building in the city.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

Copyright Luna S.Winterheart

Author's Note

Dear readers, I want to let you know that this story will be available for purchase as a complete book, and I'll be providing the first half of the chapters as a sample here. Your support helps me continue writing, and I appreciate your understanding and consideration as I share this story with you. If you enjoy the sample, you can find the full book for purchase https://www.lunawinterheart.my.id/home/english/chronicles-of-zigrora-wings-of-the-desert

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