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Two girls walked by, carrying rattan trays filled with boiled cactus fruits. They bowed respectfully to Al' Kaar before stealing a secretive view of his naked chest and giggling.

Al' Kaar felt embarrassed. He involuntarily scratched his neck, which wasn't itchy, as he stepped into the building across from him. Perhaps I should have gone home first and gotten my robe.

The grand hall welcomed him. Several male Argons sat on wooden chairs, deeply engaged in a serious discussion. One of the blue-skinned men with a considerable build turned his gaze toward Al' Kaar and appeared surprised. "Where is your robe?"

"Greetings, Ikh Da'af." Al' Kaar bowed slightly, placing his right hand over his left chest. "A wild Argon needs it."

"So, did you manage to capture them?" Another Argon's question made Al' Kaar, who had just straightened up, turn toward him.

"Only one," Al' Kaar sighed. He walked toward an empty chair and sat down. "The rest managed to escape..."

The wrinkles on Ikh Da'af's aged face seemed to multiply as he felt dissatisfied. "Sye't Jibra received reports that an eyewitness saw a group of wild Argons attacking the Nortley border again. They faced a griffin troop while trying to steal livestock."

Al' Kaar's golden yellow eyes instantly sparkled with worry. He straightened his back as he asked, "Are they safe?"

"I hope so..." Ikh Da'af shook his head slowly. "Sye't Jibra and his group are trying to eradicate the Death Worm's nest. We think if the reported missing Argons from the city have likely become the monster's prey."

Ikh Da'af looked at Al' Kaar with a pleading look. "...too many Argons have died in vain. We must gather the survivors and unite. It is the only way for our race to survive."

Al' Kaar nodded understandingly. He stood before gently inclined and rested his right arm on his left shoulder. "Don't worry, I will go search for them."

Ikh Da'af's seemed a relief. He lifted his head and smiled contentedly. "Return with good news."

"I will." Al' Kaar straightened himself. The long earrings hanging from his ears swayed.

Ikh Da'af's eyes sparkled playfully. The leader of Mar'tack City tilted his head to the right and said, "I would be very pleased if you came back without wearing that earring again. Our race needs many offspring..."

Al' Kaar grinned, showing off his row of white teeth. He responded with modest laughter. "If I have to tie myself down with marriage, then I'll find that girl within this city, not in the wild."

Ikh Da'af and the other Argons who heard those words burst into laughter. That old Argon seemed much more relaxed now. He leaned back and waved his right hand.

"Go before the sandstorm comes..."

Al' Kaar bowed and turned around. He walked toward the east side of the building to enter his room and get ready.


Despite being spacious enough, Al' Kaar's bedroom was plain. There was only a thin kapok mattress stuffed into the fabric and a wooden chest—loot from one of the villages when he was still a wild Argon.

He squatted in front of the chest and started unpacking to sort out what he needed. Al' Kaar currently had five pieces of clothing. Some female Argons had managed to find a way to make fabric using cotton.

Al' Kaar took two pieces of clothing, grabbed a pair of fire stones, and a leather bag containing supplies such as cactus fruit and salted desert wolf meat. He wrapped everything in fabric before taking a water bag made from camel skin and slung it across his body.

"I believe I have everything ready," he said, standing up while closing the chest. Al' Kaar extinguished the candle that lit the room before stepping out and locking the wooden door from the outside.


Al' Kaar walked toward the city border, passing by the Argons. They were busy with various activities. He smiled as he saw two kids fighting. The two eight-year-old Argons were about to change shape due to the increase in adrenaline before coughing as the necklace tied to their necks stopped the transformation from happening.

A female Argon, most likely their mother, arrived with an annoyed expression and scolded the two kids. Al' Kaar chuckled softly. He continued walking, gazing at the clear sky.

Two stalls stood by the main road, fashioned from basic wooden tables and cloth. Several trained Argons were selling various goods through the barter system. Items from neighboring countries filled the stalls.

Al' Kaar greeted the female Argon guarding one of the stalls. "Good afternoon, Kat'harin. I need a camel for a long journey. Do you have one?"

The female Argon draped her headscarf and smiled warmly. "Go to the oasis. My son is bringing some camels for slaughter. You can take one of them if they are still alive."

"I'll bring you a desert wolf as a substitute," Al' Kaar replied politely.

However, Kat'harin shook her head. "We don't need anything from you. Go now before there are no camels left."

"Alright." Al' Kaar smiled and walked away.


"Crazy camel! Stop resisting!" An eighteen-year-old male Argon was yelling at a camel as the animal refused to cooperate.

The Argon quickly leaped to the right as the camel he was about to slaughter charged him. He rolled on the sand and got up with a face full of dirt.

"You damn camel! I'll kill you!"

The teenager tugged on the black choker around his neck while uttering curses. "If I could get rid of this damn necklace, I'd burn you alive!"

"Tamil, how are you?"

Al' Kaar's greeting made the young man look up and promptly rise from his embarrassing position. Tamil brushed off the brown sand that dirtied his white robe. His yellow eyes glanced envyingly at the bracelet on Al' Kaar's left wrist. "Why am I not allowed to hold my key bracelet?"

"Maybe because you'd burn the city down over a camel," Al' Kaar replied, grinning.

"It is the worst camel I've ever encountered!" Tamil exclaimed, only to be kicked in the face by the camel's hoof. "Stop that!"

Al' Kaar examined the one-humped creature and asked, "Is this the only camel left?"

Tamil pointed to the freshly slaughtered camel. Puddles of blood and a stained butcher's knife were still wet near the oasis. "Do you need camel skin? I've only butchered two. You can get them tomorrow."

The camel suddenly spat at Tamil, covering his face with thick, fishy-smelling saliva.

"I'll kill you right now!" Tamil yelled, running toward his sword to slash the creature's throat.

However, Al' Kaar quickly pulled the camel's reins and said, "Tamil, I've got permission from your mother to take the remaining camel alive."

Tamil halted his action. He stared at Al' Kaar and then at the camel while breathing heavily. "Are you sure? That camel will bring bad luck to you..."

The one-humped creature shook its head and appeared ready to attack Tamil again. However, Al' Kaar held onto the reins. He patted gently the camel's hump and smiled. "I think we're going to have a good friendship."

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Copyright Luna S.Winterheart

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